Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 8

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rv" PACE » : a ye, we -- wi * E -- ss "THEE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 a. ---- me eS SOCIAL and PERSONAL mer fuvites the ~0-0pers- tog he readers in contribuun items to n, Send us colum postcard or none 8, --Mr. Frank Mason was in To- vronto on Tuesday. ~-Mr, 1, Clancy spent Wednesda® in Toronto, He was Invited down for the opén:, to match and carried a bouquet of ing of the new Mount Royal Hotel |sweetheart roses, The ceremony From Montreal he goes to Ottawa | was performed in the presence of for thé balance of the week, only thé immediate friends and re- --M7s., Halloran, 144 Tylor Street, |latives of the contracting parties, has received word of the death of | Immediate after the ceremony the her mother, Mrs, Margaret MeAdam, | young couple left for a brief trip to 37 Random Road, Alexandria, Scot-|peints west, Mr, and Mrs. Mills land, on December 6, will reside in Elkhorn, West Vir- -- Miss Dorothy Ross, of Sault |ginla, Ste Marie, who is attending the Tra- falgar Institute; Montreal, is spend: | ing (the Christman Holidays with her friend Miss Margaret Kinneap, Westmount, --M¢, H, 8 Langford, retiring manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, left today to as Mr, and Mrs, Geo, White, Mr. I. | sume his new position in Montreal. M. Law and friend motored to Peter- --Those from out of town who boro recently and visited the former's | attended the funeral of Glen Lynch i a---- daughter, Mrs. Chariton McBride, were--Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Dell, IRWIN=-LUKE --Mrs. M, BE. Toms of Newcastle | Detroit, Mich.; 'rv. and Mrs. Jack A pretty but quiet wedding was was a recent visitor at the home ol | O'Dell, Uxbridg = Ont; Mr, and Mrs. solemnized In 8t, George's Church her daughter, Mrs, A, Moffat, | J. Boddy, Balt.uore Ont; Mr. and | yesterday morning at 10.30 o'clock --Mrs, B. E. Middleton of New-| aps. Bert O'Dell, Whitby; Mrs, Will [ the Rev, C, R, dePencier officiating, castle is visiting with her daughter, Olson, Markham; Mr. J. J. O'Dell, | when Hilda Louise, only daug { RANFORD---=TOWN At 8t, George's rectory Monday af- ternoon by Rev, C. R, dePencier, the marringe was solemnized of Miss Kthel May Town to Mr, Cecil Wil- llam Rafiford, both of Oshawa, The coremony took place very quietly, The young couple will reside in Oshawa, | { Mrs, Frank Franton, jr, ' Mr. and Mrs, L. R, Luke, Park ~The Missés Brimacombe, Bow- North, was united in marriage t manville, were recent visitors in Schofield Vérnon Irwin, of Oshawa, town, --Mrs, O. Schierholtz, Colborne Street, is spending Christmas week with relatives in Kitchener, --Mr, and Mrs, A, Turner of Bow- manville were recent visitors with Toronto, MILLS=--RBODDY St. George's Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding yesterday morning at 9.30 o'clock when Gleg- | thelr na Marie, second daughter of Mr. [and Mrs. James Boddy, 131 Colina | ends in town. | Strpet, became the bri e 0 ney | oc ITH---In al i Don Smith of Brighton! Ca swell Mills, af Elkhorn, West n Oshawa renewing | Virginia, son of Mrs. K. V. Mills, 314 f aan Mnodat 5 Simcoe Street South. The wedding ? --Mrs, Shillinglaw of Peter- | music was played by Miss Frankish yyy) ann m0 "Sand Mrs, ©, WL borough was in town - Monday to|and the young couple were unatten- Millard, 115 Alice St., Dec. 20th visit her brother Mr. Gill Nolan, |ded. The bride was charmingly at- 3. son, Tat Mr. L. O, Clifford, M.P. for South tired in grey canton crepe with hat They were unatten- Mr, and Mrs, Irwin will make home on Quebec Street, Saskatchewan, BORN the Oshawa Hospital, Dec. 12th, te Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Smith, a daughter Deaths GLEN LYNCHE GIVE "BRUTON" FOOTWEAR A Message To Men! Here's A Gift that "She" can never have dup- licated tog/ | bsieyy Lem ) You Men may buy them, without embarrassment, at our Hosiery Dept. The size doesn't matter, because we cheerfully exchange them after the Holidays. All you have to do is ask for one, two, three , six or a dozen pairs at $1.00, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 to $4.75 pr. LE ad The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon, Dec, 19th, of Glen Lynche, twelve year old son only child_of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynehe, Albert St. - Glen was a bright, likeable hoy just entering his teens-a lad filled 'with vitality and life and a leader among his fellows. gf Just one year ago he underwent quite an extend- ed illness, but apparently recover ed his usual strength. Later this fall he was again taken ill-- his heart was still in a very weak con- dition, and in spite of all medical aid and lgving care could do, he passed away on Saturday * afternoon. The esteem 'in which he was held among his chums was displayed in flowers, and many came from the younger folk with whom Glen has been associated. He was a scholar at Albert St. School where he con- stantly fought for head place on the list, and it was there he stood when health permitted his attendance at school. Glen was a member of the South Oshawa Methodist Sunday School, and he could be always found in his class, and in whatever mid- weck activities the boys engaged. He will be greatly missed, not only by the boys, but by the teachers with whom he was associated. The funeral was conducted by Rev, 8S. MeMullen, while Mrs. McMullen played the: harp as an' accompani- ment to the singing.® The bearers were young men and boys from the Sunday School Glen had attended. They were, Cecil Bint, Bert Ayres, Harvard McMullen, Lou Trick, Ray- mond Yeo and Mr. Kinsman. In- ternment took place at the Union Cemetery. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of all Oshawa in their sad bereavement. We've all the best makes; Monarch, Mercury, Point- ex, also imported and Domestic Wool Heather and Silk and Wool novel- in many exclusive ties y J. designs. SHOP EARLY PLEASE MRS. ROBERT J. ANDISON Particularly sad circumstances surround the death of Alice May Hutchinson, wife of Mr. itobert An- dison, 26 Fairbanks Street, which occurred yesterday morning after a little more than a week's illness. | Besides her husband she leaves four 'little children the youngest of whick lis about two weeks old. Deceased {was borm in Markdale. Ont, and came to Oshawa twelve years ago She was 40 years of age. Mr. Andi- son bas since coming to this city {conducted a tailoring business first ion Simcoe South,and later moved {to King Street West. Mrs. Andison was a member of | Simcoe Street Methodist Church ! were she was an active worker. Her 'death came as a great shock to her {immediate friends and relatives | The surviving members of the fami- {ly are: her husband. and four child- 100 per cent. Pure Whole- Wheat Bread Ask your Doctor or Dentist which is best suited to keep you "fit," a genuine Whole- wheat Bread or any other kind of bread-- And they will tell you without hesita- tion-- by girl not quite two weeks old. One brother, Mr. John Hutchinsou and six sisters. Mrs. John Bowers, Mrs. Thomas Freeman. Mrs. H. Free- man, all of Markdale. Mrs. R. Cock- burn, Mrs. Will Shaw and Miss L. The fumeral will be held tomor- row afternoon from the family resi- dence, 26 Fairbanks Street, the ser- vice to be conducted by Rev. J. | McBain. We wish to thank all our friends for their kinduness and sympathy during our sad bereavement. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyng. ! 217 Albert St. Some Medical Authorities go so far as to say that 90' of present day sicknesses is directly . or indirectly traceable to the OVER-REFINING of so much of our foodstuffs. Get back to the Wholesome Bal- anced Foods provided by Mother Nature. Have some genuine 100% Wholewheat Bread, at least once every day. R. SNOWDEN, Esq AGENT 92 Simcoe St. North (1102) - ~ Social Evening Sunbeam Chapter, Na. 73, Order | of Eastern Star, held their regular | meeting on Monday evening in the Knights of Pythias Hall. There ! was an excellent attendance and af- | ter the business was conducted, the Jdegree leam initiated several mem- | sive manner. I After the close of the Chapter all adjourned to the banquet hail where tables were wery tastefully and ar- tistically decorated. More they par- took of a sumptuous supper. | The entertainment committee then took charge of the program. and to |the delight of all present. the re- | maining part of the . evening was spent in contests, duets, guartettes, | readings and community singing. Let us hope they finally get rid of vepavations. The warld can't settle {down until Germany settles up.--Ot- {tawa Jouraal. te | i Phone No. 181 und , ren, Evelyn, Jack. Frank and a ba-| bers in a very capable and impoes- : G00D PROGRAM "AT ATHOL STREET Mission Sunday Schoil Holds Christmas Entertainment 7 Tuesday The Athol Street Mission held their annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment Tuesday evening when a program composed of solos, reci- | tations, dinlogues and instrumentals was given by scholars of the Sunday | School, The most interesting part {of the evening's proceedings, at least as far as the children were concern- ed, was the flying visit of Santa Maus, who dropped in at a late! hour, distrjbuted his tokens and best wishes and then departed. There son of Mr, and Mrs, John Irwin, of | Were gifts for every scholar and! that if a conjuror could do halt what a number of the older members as | | well, i The program was a lengthy one | but was much appreciated, The var- | | lous numbers showed that careful | preparation had heen made, The | numbers were: recitations by Myr- (110a) | tle Brawn, Kathleen Canton, Gordon | after truth. | Hudson, Miss Armstrong, Charles! Ferguson, Edna Stoven, Phyllis Dick, | Art Richards, Daisy Harvey, Fred Audley, Mr. Beck, Robert Glide, Ce- lia Thompson, Harold Cooper and Vera Parks; choruses by the school; opening address by Orlie Smith; tab- {lean by five girls; mouth organ se- | lection by Mr, Beck; dialogues en-| titled, "Candle Drill," "A Christmas ! Lesson," "Squire Holly," Christmas 1 Gifs," "Pit a Pat," "Coming of San- ta Claus," "Waiting for Santa 'Claus," A solo was given by Orlie Smith, During the intermission a coNecs tion was taken by the children amounting to $20, | MOST SUCCESSFUL CHRISTMAS EVENT Salvation Army Entertain- ment Pleases Many Children The: most successful Christmas en tertainment ever held by the Salvation Army Corps took last evening an interesting program was given after which gifts were taken from a prettily decorated tree and distributed among the children. The auditorium of the citadel was packed, there being about one hundred and fifty child ren present The Boys' Brass Band contributed three selections and occupied the platform. They are showing great improvement and attracted much attention in the neat uniforms. Dur (ing the evening a -special collection was taken amounting to $25 which will be used for purchasing a new drum for the boys. The Corps will present them: with music books which will be used for the first time 'a week from Sunday when a special | young people's demonstration will be given in the afternoon. The Boys' Band will be joined by the Scouts and the Girls' Singing Company. A parade will be held in connection with the demonstration with the introduction of new lead- org. This Sunday special Christmas! services will be held, Bishop Bethune Girls Stage Tableau local place when I | | A delightful entertainment was | given in St. George's Parish Hall, Centre Street. Tuesday evening by the students of Bishop Bethune | College when they presented a Beth- lehem tableau and Christmas carols. | The program was perfectly rendered {and the large audience thoroughly {enjoyed the entire entertainment. {During the intermission a collec {tion was taken up which was donat- od to the Building Fund of the new St. George's Church. Last evening the students repeated the tableau in| St. Thomas Parish Hall, Toronto, | Where they were givem a warm re-,| (ception and received mucli favorable | comment. | | Hutchinson of Toronte also survive. H. A very enjoyable 'evening was] (spent on Wednesday Ly members of ithe "Count On Me" class of King | Street Methodist Church when they, {accompanied by the class teacher, | Mrs. Clatworthy, visited the child- iren at The Shelter. The following program was given: reading, Marjarie Fisher solo, Miss M. Glover; duet, Misses Irene and | Marjoric Fisher; piano solo, Irene | Flinder; Christmas Story, Rev. Mrs. { Irwin. | Following the program Christmas {stockings were distributed games {weve played. Miss Henders on be- | half of the children, exp her {appreciation for 'the evening's enter- | tainment and assured the visiting {class of a welcome at any time. ds ivandies Tiana a insistent | Zaid a FY Fashion in her ever {starch for novelty, again has invaded § {the barnyard. Rooster feathers have | come hack. They are the latest thing 4 on smart Paris hats and even on | evening gowns. and when the rooster can't supply, the shade the dyer does. However, |g 'the natural white and black ave the | 'most popular colors. f | pa ---- { | Dr. Haanel says thore is enough! jcoal in Canada to last fifty thous- and years. Thare is, if we keep on [not using it.--Tovonte Star. | ed author published some time back i | |& All colors ave used | & are by substituting specially prepared * p slates for those examined by the t audience. Messages are written in acids which do not show when the slate is cleaned off with a wet sponge, but hecomes visible when the slate dries. Mediums help each oth er to an astonishing degree by veish ing on information concerning thu people interested in spiritualism, human beings conceive them those imitations that in a photo- graph they might well pass as like- ness to living creatures, The direct outcome of Loyle's fulry photos graphs was a test in which it was demonstrated to Sir Conan Doyle that a clever conjuror conld substi- tute fuke photographic plates for genuine ones before his very eyes without detection. § Tricks of the Teade Mediums who allow themselves to be roped to chairs in dark cabinets whence presently proceeded guitar fusic and other indications that they have the full freedom of the hands, are merely experts in untying ropes avers Maskelyne, or else they employ confederates, Slate writing and picture drawn on slates are managed MAGICIAN LAUGHS AT SPIRIT TRICKS Offers to Reproduce and Excel Any So-called Mani- festations | Canadian members of Parliament must feel grateful that nothing more deadly than the newspaper takes a shot at them,----Peterboro Examiner, So-called spirit photographs and manifestations are frauds and the belief of famous men like Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir Conan Doyle in such matters is due to the fact that even scientists of highly trained and analytical minds who have embraced spiritualism owing to the death of some loved tne become biased in their judgment, Such is the empha- tic opinion of Nevil Maskelyne, the world-famous conjuror and majician of Egyptian Hall, London, Can Beat Medinms "Spiritualists are always asserting The heiress to the Gates' millions fs marrying a poor cartoonist, He may he a poor cartoonist, but hls achievement seems to carry the at- mosphere of a successful artist, -- Kunsas City Star, RLAY SANTA IN OUR CAR on Christmas eve, Call us up and arrange for a sedan or limousine in which to (oliver your Xmas gifts to the children and your friends. And on Christmas day engage our car for soclal calls and a ride through the country, OSHAWA AUTO LIVERY & TAXI SERVICE 161 King St. West Phone 1214 a medium does he would he abnor- mally clever, Personally I am not only able to do as much as any known medium," declares Mr. Mas- kelyne, "but IT can do considerably more, There may be some honest mediums no doubt who are seekers But the majority of mediums get an easy living out of gpiritnalism, and the more remark- able the phenomena they produce the greater their following. They must produce phenomena to please their patrons and if they cannot pro- duce it honestly they will do so dis- honestly." Fakir Fooled Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, says the narrator, some considerable time ago attended a seance given by a clever medium who wore a mask The medium gave an astonishing ex- hibition of her powers, and told the persons present so much concerning themselves that the spiritualists pre- ent were very much impressed. She described all mannar of things, told them what they had put into a box which apparently lay unopened on a table in the dim light, described what they had left in their great- coat pockets outside in the hall, and in the end caused a spirit to ma terialize, Conan Doyle referred to the seance as providing further proof that the spirits of the dead may communicate with the living through a suitable medium Yet shortly afterwards the masked medium had a suit about her con- t: to give her exhibitions in a theatre, and the trial brought out an admission that the whole spirit- walistic performance was trickery from beginning to end. Select Your Xmas Gifts At Mitchell's It took considerable care on our part to select the wonderful display of Xmas presents which we have to offer for this joyful Christmas tide. Cigars Kodaks Cameras Chocolates Stationery Razors Ivory Toilet Articles Ivory Toilet Sets Manicure Rolls Military Hair Brushes Imported Perfumes Tcilet Waters Says Ectoplasm a Fraud Maskalyne assures the public that ectoplasm, the weird, phospheres cont-looking emanation which cer tL mediums claim to produce from their mouths, and which has been photographed, and which Conan Doyle claims to have actually han dled, is a fake The conjuror says | cctoplasm, so-called, is some mat erial substance produced from the stomach of the medium. Maskelyne states that certain conjurors, though stripped to the skin, scarched and locked in empty cabinets, will be found with gold watches in their hands or other articles which they have the power to comceal in their stomachs. Those Fairy Photos He laughs at Conan Doyle's fairy photographs which the distinguish | We welcome a visit whether you make a purchase or not. T.B. MITCHELL Phone 49 The Druggist Maskelyne says he knows an exceed ingly clever maker of fairies from feathers and butterfly wings. So re- markably like the real fairies as & THE OLD GOOD WISH Merry Christmas and Happy New Y ear To All LUKE BROS. Furniture Dealers i ggg We show from fifteen to twenly-five sets on our floors all the time and, values compared, our prices are lower than elsewhere. See our assortment. OUR SPECIAL SUITE Solid oak throughout, fumed finish, 54 inch buffet with large mirror and shelf, double cupboard, long linen drawer, two small drawers. ; Round Extension Table, 6 feet length, six leg style. Diners, full slip seat in genuine leather. Strongly made. Special Value $1 19.00 complete Luke Bros. 'Hello 79 DINING ROOM FURNITURE Is Our Specialty

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