ale smn THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 PAGE SEVEN ANT ADS. REACH 3000 HOMES | We Will Pay Your Railway Fare| to Toronto, | MEN WANTED | $6.00 to $12.00 Per Day | Men wanted at once, hoth city and| prairies; the present demand in antomohile mechanics and driving, tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy-acetylene welding, storage bat- tery and electrical work; we teach these trades, practical training, only a few weeks required, day and night | classes; write for free catalog; big | wages, steady employment. Hemp-| lin by William Maw, Auctioneer, | pif Auto Gas Tractor Schools, 163 the following property. | King West, Toronto. Visitors wel ALL AND SINGULAR those cer! come. tain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and heing in the TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY in the RMER Avticles For Sale To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--GOOD USED HALL TO RENT --- HARDWOOD plano. May be seen at 13 Elgin St. |floor--heat light. = Size 27x73. Al- E., or phone 274-7. 08+ | erations to suit tenant, Apply to PURNITURE, CLOTHING, BOOTS H. Engel. i 47-1. and shoes wanted, in good condition. opRPICE TO RENT -- A BRIGHT, Phone 1006w. B, Warner, 329 "clean, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in Bh i 107mos [the Royal Bank Chambers, immed- FOR BALE--~XMAS TREES, O DER |iately adjoining R, Moffat's law of- your Xmas tree from ioe, any quan- fice, Hardwood floor, hot water tity and any quality, prompt deliv- heating, Will rent at a reasonable levy. Also cedar posts, any size. H. figure to suitable tenant. Apply to ¥. Robinson, 41 Queen St, Phone John Bailes & Sons, Iardware. 027w. (100-c) 86-t! FOR SALE--CANADIAN WESTING- TO RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS house electric heater, new, will sell for light housekeeping, central. Ap- cheap. 13 Simcoe North upstairs. ply Box "W", Reformer. ~109-¢ . . (1108) 70 RENT -- COMFORTABLE FUR- SWEET CIDER -- WE CAN SUP- nished bedroom, suitable for two ply you throughout the winter. Any- gentlemen. Apply Box "J", Reform- quantity---made Prea) from good er. 100-¢ sound apples. L. W. Goodall, Har-| FRONT ROOM TO RENT TO ONE mony, Phone 908-24, (110t) op two gentlemen, 134 Division St, | and the BAST HALF of the NORTH FOR SALE -- CUTTER IN FIRST _ (110-a) | HALF of Lot Number : THIRTY class condition. Apply A, W. Brown | = 3 FHREL all in the SEVEN I'H CON College Hill. «(110b) | CEESSION of the said Township of -- { Whithy and all that portion of the FOR SALE ----- 34 8. (C. WHITE G-ROOMIM LY HOY | original allowance for road lying he Leghorns (10 yearlings and 24 pul- and barn, 1» 20 froit tween. Lots Nunihers 32 38 in lets) Ferris strain, Also well trees, on Kingston Rd. hevween Whit- 1 the suid 7th me ) ' i o built 2 compartment poultry house by and Oshawa. W \. Garrard, { Township of Wh 16 feet long, 8 feet deepy hinged Whithy ' 107-¢ | Thomas Hortop at perches and drop boards. Mash ==° . th and being the 1 ] hoppers. Fountains included. said road allowance House built of 1 inch tongue and said lots. grooved lumber. To anyone con-| ' templating starting poultry keeping this is a good opportunity to get some good birds and good house. Make offer. 123 Celina St. (110Dh) $300.00 DIAMOND RING, $150.00 for quick sale. Apply Box "L" Re- former. (110a) CANARIES--YOUNG SINGERS and hens. An Ideal Christmas gift. Large assortment and guaranteed to! sing. Call and hear them, 119 Rit-| {80 Rd. South. (110-a) GOOD COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH | =------- with Cabinet and Record. $29. 257 Albert St. Phone 1273j (1108) | | Se a Notice Mortgage Sale of Farm Lands in the Township of Whithy, In the County of Ontario, Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in two certain Mort- gages which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offer- ad for sale hy Public Auction on Wednesday the Third day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1923 at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Se- bert House in the Village of Brook- PRT. 0. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 10 King St, West. Phone 231, PR, T, 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's stora, Phone 948, syn, DR. ©. J, PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST, Office over Royal Bank, Phone 950, Residence 806, (4-1yr,). DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 07, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, IDR. W, J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, } tice over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe } Wy Gas for extraction, Phone f 1248, DR, ARMBTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his pesidence, 201 Simove 2 -t 5 We Wish to Extend to Our Customers and Friends The Heartiest of ps Christmas Greeting and wish them a > --- PEs ber Err Ath LE Turkey's attitude would Indicate County and Province of Ontario more at sue Jaq licked Bie sand Jn particularly described as the NORTH Tiercl NY gp HALF of Lot Number THIRTY-TWO i LEY 2) AL CLC ELT All the pedestrians, it is predicted, will > motorist sooner or later srhaps, if the) ton't first 83) Houses For Sale FOR SALE Fd 4 ®. EA iP AR Medical )R, C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN ad Surgeon, Union Bapk Building, necoe Bt, North, Phone 57, 110-1yr .McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- m, Accoucher, Office and resi- nce, King St, East, corner Victoria , Oshawa. Phone 94, ° , } L, J, SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, » J Toronto, will be at Jury & ".AVell's Drug Store each Saturday J from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the cye, 12-1yr DR. D, B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat, Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 1165. Hours 11--1; 5--86; 5--0; Satur- days 2--0; 7--9; or by appointment, 45-6mos DR, A, A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tL DR. F. 'P, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR f Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- F. rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| LOST -- On SATURDAY NIGHT, ON | veyancer. Money to loan. Office Simcoe or King Street, or in Martin's | 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone Theatre, a brown leather purse con- 445. | taining a pearl ring. Finder kindly | ; ireturn to 14 Bond St. W, R ad. | D. A. J. SWANSON--_BARRISTER, | \ am. Soli), Notary Foil, Convery |LOST--A PURSE BETWEEN SA-! Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of- voy and Division Street, along south fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly side King Street. Fiuder Jdeave at Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh-| Reformer Office. Na oios. Phones, Office 940; Residence | oT BETWEEN 127 BARRIE ST. | 6195. {and the 15 cent store, a black purse GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- containing about $1.50 in small |e m-- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- | change and some snapshots. Finder lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank, | Please return to 127 Barrie St. and | entrance Simeoe St.; Phone 13. J.|receive reward. 110a | col ~ LA S10 9 Happy and Prosperous New Year Chay TR ZERIT - Fors i len ul y Wanted to Rent the between | WANTED --- TO RENT SIX. | the roomed house with modern convenni ences, centrally located Box Oshawa 1h 2 - Sh On the said lands are said to be 57 {o frame Dwelling House; hip roof ©) , barn ith stone stabling Fhe farm | is said to be well watered" hy a tream flowing through part it id hy a spring We are offering splendid values in all lines for Christmas Shopping and think it would pay you to come and examine our stock. H. ENGEL Oshawa Asthma Sufferers Hilton W. Parks, Waterdown, ont, writes: "I can safe] S day yo ft a boule Hemed I had the Mr sid have | of BBB Boarders Wanted WANTED TWO BOARDERS of sitting room with stove a tric light Washi " done. $8. 359 St. Julien Si WANTED ONE OR TWO Gilt. room or board if desired 225 Kendal Ave or Phot 5 Ie with mu t dose w= nuoul TERMS AND CONDITIONR 04 will 2 IR Fo the further nndersigned tioneer. partic (LR FT Solicitor APE apply u which i$ DOW nearly finish 1 hue or Aud FOUL s s spread around this ' voeral want 1 : 1 over i] )» tell ot 3 Moncey back BR AMA REMEDY' sale at Jury and ' 3 v A William Maw, Auctioneer . " Whitby, Ontario o Notice 2 A. E. Christian ELA = Branton & Kemp, Oshawa Mark Whithy, Ontario. i 1 utomobiles . {et are preparing to handle the choi Mertgagees, Osliawy, or by mal trem Ho ; A For: Sale cest Christmas beef in town at : a FOR SALE--MAXWELL ONE AND | reasonable price, also : one half ton Truck in first class | lamb and poultry. We condition, extra large body, enclosed | inspection. Give us a call cab. Two extra tires with rims, liver to all parts of the searchlight, etc. Would make fine 719w Quick Service truck for cartage or furniture mov- | ing. L. W. Goodall, Oshawa, R. R.! No. 2 or phone 908-24. (104¢f.) | 16--18 Simcoe St. N. REIONLRLRINECILNS BRIGGS #% AB BIBI BIE SBP BIRD wiser, MACDONALD'S Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- fence. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room P87 till midnight. @ Single room, with bath, $2.50: Ml: double room, with bath, $4.00, Breakfast, B0c. to 75¢. Luncheon, 66c. Dinner, $1.00. Free taxi service from trains and bosts. Take PY and White Taxis only. Write for booklet 1S STREET TORONTO, ONT. -» - Solicitor for the 9 8 pork, want We de few drinks of the old nowadays and a man' tell bhootlegger's Bufialo Commercial. town l his (110-1 240 JA . » CHEWING Delicious Hand Rolled Chocolates ' packed in 1-2-3-4-5. Ib. Boxes at . ET [Queen Mary Chocolate Shop. 110a LOST--BROWN BAG WITH CEL-| F, Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, | B. A. - G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR-| rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. 'luloid top containing keys and sum |= - Reward, 20 Colborne E. 110a of money. or Dr. Phillips' Office: Office (entrance) 7% Simebe St., LOST FOUNTAIN PEN ON South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on Tuesday between Oshawa High mortgages, conveyancing and gen-| School and Lander's Dairy on Wil-' eral practice. Phone 63, | liam St., finder please Lander's Dairy, Reward. aE MORPHY. BA BARRISTER: | FOUND -- A BICYCLE OWNER | A Oshawa. Sic. Bi. Both. | may have same by paying for this ad | : " Phones--Otfice 210, Ron. 160. \and_ proving property. Geo. Rey-| PILLS _ ob | holds, Courtice, 109-c | i hh' Chiropractic | FOUND--A HAND BAG--OWNER hy. a | may have same\by proving property | IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- | and paying for this adv. Apply 138 Nuss Sviunt Adissucuis sug Lo iuce 80 ERC) - «| STRAYED-2 YE OLD HEIFER. | Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. | wun. Brant, Lot Ho 9, E. Whit- | {by. Owner may have same by prov- | Surveyors {ing property and paying for this ad. | 109-¢ M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO-| STRAYED FROM 25 RITSON ROAD | minion Land Surveyors and Civic En-' XN Collie n ROAD | mem ginecers, Whitby. Phone 231. Pup. Finder kindly re- a WEY of Suc-| turn same to owner and receive re- | Perry. 341 1 Pont | ward. (110-b) | Undertaker & Essbalmers Work Wanted (B. W. HAYNES, WOODWORKER, LUKE BURIAL ©O. -- FUNERAL storm doors, storm windows, win private am-| dow frames, and cabinets built to in com- order ; Floors machine sanded, Brouze! Residence | weather strip put on. Prompt ser- 26-1yr vice. Reasonable prices. Phone 481 |--=161 King St. West. Always there {T to 8 a. m. $5-1mos | : = WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. » Over Wa | Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or Shing- des. Chimneys rvepaired. S. J. Gascoigne, 50 King St. E. Oshawa. Phone 1222. 891. | A NG AN desires job driving truck or any | other kind of work. Apply Box H Reformer (118-a) Help Wonted--Fomdle oo _ & oof __| WANTED WARD MAID FOR OSH- | : li : | wing Hospital. Apply to Superintend- SRO Si | ont. DODDS mit KIDNEY ~ Have Your Goods Shipped By ALLAGHER RANSPORT FROM TORONTO to OSHAWA 5 Trucks Daily Give The Kiddies A Happy Christmas Donation PB FUROR PO BRO SOS BB BB w Tid d *», Caudics, Clothing asks are d for by the Mou Ne, Wo Nn, hel Commitee, f the C1 PROT \ 3 Fo Christmas Tree, at the Shelter. These may be sent direct 19 The Shelter, ip care of Miss A. Henderson, Matron, at 215 King St. West, or to Mrs. H E. Morphy" (Convenor) King St. West, Oshawa, Ont. The Children's Aid Society of the County of Onto < ' We take this opportunity of wishing our a very Merry many customers and fri Christmas L ng Wn 150-1 | WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO | do housework for 3 or 4 weeks. Ap- ply J. L. Whattam, office Hogg & | Lotle. : _(109H) gher Transport Service Toronto, 200 Riverdale Ave., Phone Gerr. 2144 Oshawa, Telephone 475 Residence 1260 oe | LUMBER WE HAVE ROUGH AND! dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- croft, Whithy Lamber and Wood- | Yard, Whitby. Ont. PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Led § Phone 28 Phone 1101 8 ta DL DO BR BOR BAAR ARS RES : |