Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 6

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PAGE SIX | News of Nearby Places SALEM Mrs, W. E, Pollard visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord in Bowmanville on Sunday Miss Helen McMurtry of Galt, vis- ited Mrs. Robt. Collacutt. Mr, and Mrs. Greig Morgan have removed and for winter will reside in the cottage owned by Mrs, Colla- cutt, . Mr, and Mrs. Ward and children have moved from Bowmanville to Mr. Henry's farm, Miss Marjorie Collacutt is home from Normal School, Peterboro, for vacation, Rev. W. 8. P. Boyce, B.A, B.D., of Ebenezer, preached splendid mis- sionary sermons on Sunday. BETHESDA Mr, Rob Roy visited infOrono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. K, Fraker attend- cd Commencement Exerciséy in Bow- manville on Friday evenidg; Mr. Kenneth Fraser assisted in boys' Chorus which were much enjoyed, Mr. Harold Hoar attended High School . Commencement, and Miss Ethel Hoar assisted in folk dancing. Miss Berta Cole visited Miss Muriel Deck and attended Com- mencement ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar and baby Charles spent. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mr. J. R. R. Cole was in Toronto on Wednesday visiting Miss Winni- fred Cole and other friends Mr. and Mrs, Eber Souch had a rather strange experience one even- ing last week. After retiring they were aroused hy some scrambling in the kitchen, on investigation found a tired looking woman searching for quarters for the night. She claims to have walked 95 miles, but did not accept the lodgings offered when detected The marriage was the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Barrie of King 8t. Bowmanville, when their only daughter Mabel was united to Mr. Ronald Scott, son of Mr. F J Scott, in the presence of the two families and several girl friends. Rev. W. A. Wickett offi- ciated. The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto, solemnized at Mrs Flett and family of Lindsay are holidaying with her mother here, Cecil Wilson has purchased and brought home a new Chevrolet car, Mrs. Manning has closed her school and gone to Cooksville to join her husband. Mrs, Bright of Myrtle Station has sold her farm there to Mr, Arthur Savage, who is well known here, It is reported that the price paid for the one hundred and forty acres was eighteen thousand dollars, The Salvation Army of Uxbridge is considering the opening of ser- vices in the hall here shortly, The entertainment given here hy the Myrtle Club was a splendid suec- cess, The hall was filled to capacity and the audience enjoyed every min- ut of the show. Mr. Wm, Maw, the genial auctioneer, sold the donated pies at a ridiculously high figure, which together with the admission fees, amounted to a goodly sum. The Club is- kept busy arranging dates for a number of places where they are invited to repeat the per- formance, Mr. G. W./Rodd has purchased the Marchington farm, east of Col- umbus. e COLUMBUS Rey. Mr. Frazer entertained his Sunday School class of boys at the | Murison home of Mr. and Mrs. A. on Friday night of last week. Miss Marjory Ashton entertained owe of her classmates, Miss Mary Marchington, and nine others of the same class, and presented Miss Marchington with a beautiful ring before her departure from our midst to reside in Toronto. Over fifty members of the Meth- odist Sunday School spent a social evening on Friday night last at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Ellins and report an excellent time. On Monday morning last the farm- ers in this community made a great rush to the C.N.R. station, Oshawa, to secure a supply of conl which was badly needed but supply was not equal to the demand. We are sorry to report the loss of one of our esteemed friends in the person of Mrs, who was called away after a short illness. The funeral took place from her daughter's, Mrs. Storie, of Osh-, awa, on Sunday. We welcome Bromell and Mr. and Mrs. family back community, after spending several years on. a farm near Brooklin They have now moved on the farm Wm. commonly known as the Rich Pow-| er Farm, one-half mile east of this village. Miss Ethel Wood visited her aunt, | NEW MARTIN The Home of Vaudeville Charles Dickens' Bask Complete Novel "Our Mutual Friend" A rollicking story of mysteries misers, hidden gold and buried wills by one of the world's greatest authors HURRICANE HUTCH EPISODE 12 VAUDEVILLE TWO SELECTED ACTS USUAL TO-NIGHT FRL, SAT. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 PRICES Special Matinee Xmas Day COMING "Where is My Wandering Boy To-night?" 7 [dent last week. . Whila cutting wood Nor thi the ! Donald McCullough, | to our | rr ------------ THE ONTARIO REFORMER,- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2i, i922 ---- a ts ie Mrs, F, Plowright, of Oshawa, last week. Mr. Will Scott has been visiting friends in the eastern provinces re- cently and had an enjoyable trip, Mr, John Beckett met with an acel- ' KEDRON , Mr. and Mrs, H. L, Pascoe visited Mr. Richard Pascoe, Solina, who Is in, Miss Florence' Conlin has accept. ed a position in the Royal Bank, Oshawa, ' Congratulations fo Mr. Harold Werry on securing third prize on his driver in a class of ten, at Port Perry fair, 0 Miss Amber Sonley spent a day under a tree, the axe caught in a limb above him and caused the axe to glance and made a bad gash in his knee. He is improving under the care of Dr. Moore, | THEATRES POWERFUL PLAY COMING TO ? REGENT Patrons of the Regent theatre will be treated to something in the way of a sensational, highly in- tense drama of our everyday. lives when the doors of this beautiful at. Mr. J. Mountjoys last week, Mr. George Scott and Mr, Harold! Mountjoy are drawing gravel pre- paratory to building barns next year, Miss Edith Peardon Port Perry, Tuesday, Mr. Will Sharpe met with a ger- fous accident last week when a gun which he was about to discharge exploded, causing severe injuries to his hand. He was taken to the hos- pital, where he is improving nicely at time of writing. Miss Fern Lidgett had the mis- fortune to fall down the basement steps at school and injured her shoulder hut is able to he at school again, ? There 8 to he a concert and Christmas tree at Pereman's School Friday night, . | Sorry to report the resignation of Miss 'Robinson, 'who has taught 8.8, No. 5 very successfully for some! time past. We understand the trus- | tees have engaged Miss Syer, of Millbrook, for the coming term, A large number from here at- tended Mrs. Marchington's sale and report attendance and sales satis-! factory. On waking between one and two Monday morning Mr, Charlie Ben- TYRONE Nurse Hanna spent Friday exam- ining pupils of the public school here. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Moore of Bow- manville visited Mr. W. H. Moore on Sunday, Rev. W. 8. R. Boyce B.A, B.D, of Courtice will preach Missionary ser- mors on this circuit next Sunday. Rev, W. T., Wickett was called to Scugog on Monday to officiate at funeral of the late William Aldred. Several from here attended the Oshawa play; "My Dream Girl" in Bowmanville on Monday evening. The young people have been en- Joying skating on the pond this week, : Mr, and Mrs. Dave Hooper have been spending a few days with Mr, | Hooper's mother in Toronto. | Miss Margaret Moore is visiting | Mr, and Mrs, Fred Moore of Bow- | manville, | Mrs. Barr and sons spent Sunday | with Mr, and Mrs, John McLaughlin of Bowmanville, Plan to attend the School concert next week, Miss Wight is untir- ling in her efforts and it will he well | worth your while, | The marriage of Mr. B. 8. Van- | stone, an old Tyrone hoy, was sol- {emnized at Howard Park Methodist | "etl Was shocked to find his driving | Church, Toronto, on Saturday last, |Shed in flames. The prompt action to Miss Myrtle Irene Corner, also of [°F neighbors and the calmness of [ Toronto. , After the ceremony the | the night enabled them to save his | bride and 'groom left for Philadelphia | MOUSE, Which is very close. The {and Atlantic City; the bride wear-|*hed With all the contents, including ing a Mary blue velvet gown; with car and cutters, was totally destroy a French hat of gold cloth and a ed. Charlie has the sympathy of Persian lamb coat with squirrel trim- | the community in his loss. Imings, the gift of the groom, | THORNTON'S CORNERS Master Stewart Wallis is improy- (ing slowly and his many friends hope to see him out soon Little Bernice Luke who has been seriously ill is somewhat better. Mrs. Adams. is visiting with friends in Toronto. La Grippe is {around here and quite ill recently, NORTH OSHAWA Mr. Army North visited at! ZION Miss Doris Chant and friend spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vivian. Mrs. Delbert lare doing nicely. attending her. Mrs. John Balson and baby are doing fine in Bowmanville Hospital, Mr. Mumford has been on a busi- | iness trip to Montreal recently. Mrs. Mumford has been visiting | friends in Toronto. The Ladies'. Aid met at the home {of Mrs. Jas. Cameron this month and quilted a quilt. - League meeting this week was in | charge of the Missionary vice-pesi- | |dent. Readings by Mrs.. R. L. Stain- ton, Miss Middleton, and Garnet See them again soon. | | Beckell. Instrumental by Doris Miss Dorothy Jee of Oshawa Stainton and a short talk by Mr.|®pPent Sunday at Mrs. Moffatts. [Jones. Mr. Jones closed the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Thos Lane of Utica | with prayer. {visited with Mr. and Mrs. George | Rev. Mr. Boyce, of Eebenezer,| lane on Sunday. : preached here last Sunday. Our | Miss Annie Mills spént the week pastor was at Ebenezer in his ab- [0d with Mrs. Bert Taylor. | sence. We are very sorry to report the Mr. F. B. Glaspell and sons were |2ccident that happened to Mr. Bill | very successful at Guelph Winter | Sharpe on Saturday, we all hope for Mr. Alf. Ayre did exceedingly [* Speedy recovery. |. well also. ! Jeepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Howard Faylor is doing nicely. | MT; Charlie Bennett, on Sunday The "Gleaners" class of our Sun- DEht or early Monday morning his | day School called on Mr. Jesse Ar. Barage caught fire by some unknown uott, Monday night and he has prom- ase, his car was burned and other ised to take the class. things. Flintoff and baby Mrs. R. Johis™ts vary "ry many prevalent have heen Salvation the on Crawford of the opened the services at Oshawa Sunday School Sunday ewxening, asSisted by Mr. Myers. Mr. Cordy and Mr. Alex andra sang a duet, which delighted the hearers very much, We hope to rE We are glad to report Mrs. Henry Dearborn is much improved. Mrs. O. Vallant wishes to thank Mr. Harold Muir, Mrs. Minto and her neighbors, Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs. Thos. Scott, for their kindness dur- Mrs. James Brown visited in Oshawa | on Tuesday. ing Jack's recent illness. | We were glad to see Mr. Hall able Mr; and Mrs. M.S. Soules visited 10 be at Church Sunday evening. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. S. | Brooks, over the week end | Mr. Charles Osborne visited Bowmanville on Tuesday. Mr. Johm Nicholls visited, ROYAL BANK REPORT Al! The annual statement of the Royal Bank, which appears in full, in this here | : issue of the paper reveals an excep Starts To-day Extra Added Tonight Only! GENERAL MOTORS MALE CHORUS 60 TRAINED VOICES Devil Leah Baird | Monday. | Mr. Wm and Mrs. { night. percenta : ras bi iii ge of actual cash on hand 1 Ss yg 1 # Mr. Sid. Found visited heve oni, 45 bank to Habilitics tb he pub- " i a {lic being 28.207. Of total assets of ! Mrs. Minto is spending a few - ER The - i weeks. at Be an Mr ok Mrs, | $479.362, 6, liquid assets are | Archie Muir's. ctrl | $216.048,331, being 49.377 of lia- |" Rabbit hunting is all the rage | bilities to the public. Of this amount {here mow. Mr. A Allin reports a | cash on hand and Dominion notes | good catch. e | total $63,935,929. | Glad to hear Mrs. John Found is The Profit and Loss Account well after her accident" mocently. Shows that profits have been wel | Mr. and Mrs¢ Blake Courtice , 0 ie year tionally strong position ~ The Bank has fully maintained its usual strong liguid position, the Penberthy visited at Mr. | Fred Nicholl's Sunday | | Sunday. theatre opens tonight at seven o'- clock. The feature attraction stars Miss Leah Baird, the charming mo- tion picture actress and is named "When the Devil Drives." It de- picts the cross section of the hearts of two women, one a sophisticated woman of the world--a woman with a past. The other a poor innocent girl, the product of an atmosphere of intellect, culture and refinement, Yet when anger, disappointment, hurt' pride and wounded love send each into the black depths of a self- made hell, the devil drives them to vengeance, Then the girl of refine- ment is no finer than the other wo- man, terminating in a very drama- tie climax, % Tonight #inly, in conjunction with the performance, an extra added at- traction will be the General Motors Male Chorus, numbering sixty voices This promises to he one of the hig- gests musical events of the season, The Xmag bill at this theatre of- fers Wallace Reid, Agnes Ayres, May McAvoy and Kathlyn Williams in the big William De Mille Produc- tion *Clarence'" this is heralded as one of the best and greatest pro- ductions of the current year, TREAT FOR KIDDIES AT REGENT On Saturday afternoon, December 23rd, something"dear to the heart of every kiddie in Oshawa is promised at the Regent theatre, A message has been received by the "manage- | ment from Santa Claus stating he | would arrive in Oshawa sometime | the latter part of the afternoon to distribute candies among the child- 38 King St. W, Open Evenings Phone 1151.) Senin aioomivniil SA tus a A La oe RN PS a hog pry Christmas Specials at the Dominion Clothing Comp'ny - AT VERY LOW PRICES 15 Doz. Only Silk Ties--Boxed--Reg. $1.00 Christmas Special at 100 Pairs Men's Black and Brown Goodyear Welt Boots, all sizes, Reg. $6.50, Christmas Special $4.95 Box of Polish given away free with every pair bought, 15 Men's O'Coats--Greys, Browns and Lovat Shades, Well Tailored. Reg. $35.00, Christmas Special $22,650 Big assortment pecial of Fine Negligee- Shirts, Christmas from 95¢ up to $4.95 15 Young Men's Suits--Pin-striped, Reg, $25.00 Christmas Special $17.95 50 Boys' Suits, Brown, Blue and Greys, Pin-stripes. eg. $12.50, Christmas Special ................ $8.49 Vien's Pure Wool Sweaters, all shades, reg. $8.50 Christmas Special $5 Also Christmas Specials in Hats, Caps, Hkfs, Sox, Mufflers and Gloves "OSHAWA'S STORE FOR MEN" 3oys' Heavy Rubbers, sizes | 1--5 Reg, $2.50 Christmas Special Dominion Clothing Coumsy 4 ren who attend Christmas tree will be on the stage. Beside the regular bill of entertain- ment which includes a kiddie comedy entitled "A Rag Doll Romance" | Sherlock Holmes, and the third in-| stalment of "The White Eagle" an | extra added attraction suitable to | thé oecasion will be beautiful May | McAWY in "The Top of New York" a . story about Santa Claus and | Loys OUR MUTUAL FRIEND "Our Mutual Friend" is the story of the missing heir to a great for- tune left by an eccentric father. This Harmon fortune temporarily diverts to' Mr. and Mrs. Boffin, who give shelter to Bella Wilfer, the girl who was to bave married the heir. After many tense moments and exciting episodes the story unravels in a highly amusing manner. Those who see "Our Mutual Friend" now showing at the New Martin Theatre will have a warmer feeling toward | the "movies." It will make you like the theatre better. After you see it you will take your friends with you while you see it again. | Two selected acts of weudeville complete the bill | TERRIFI * RAILROAD SMASH | Some people say that the movies are purely mechanical and that they get few thrills out of big seenes shown in pictures. Those folks have something coming when they see the terrific head-on smash between two giant locomotives that takes place in the jail delivery scene in "Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight" which comes to the New Martin theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. | The scene calls for a huge locomo- 'tive running wild and on which a prison warden is fighting with sev- eral escaped comvicts. The director, knowing that such a scene would not make anything extraordinary, re- solved to stage a real smash-up. the matinee, A |". Oshawa Cash Grocery 41 SIMCOE ST. N. so. PHONE 1199 TET CCRE If you have not made that Xmas Cake or Plum Pudding yet, try one of Bodley's --we have a good assortment. Prices Reasonable Good Mixed Nuts Fine Chocolates Mixed Candy ..............ois 25¢ to 40c Ib Table Figs ..... 25¢ to 45c lb Cluster Table Raisins ... 40¢c--50c--60c--7 5¢ Doz CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL RECS W. J. HARLOW WE MAKE PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF TOWN -- | { | { visited Oshawa friends on Tuesday. after deducting charges for manage- 4 | ment, accrued interest on deposits, | provision for all bad | and doubtful debts, having amouat- | od to $3.958.469., which eguals 19.407 on the capital. This apiount, | added to the halance of Profit and Loss carried from the previbus year, made the total amount available for | | - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Short visited JMr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice om | Monday night. We are all anticipating the con- cent at 8.8. No. 8 Friday. It is gen-| «rally excellent and should be pat-| ronized by paremts as well as pupils. Mr. Jas. Underhill, Claremont, | making full called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cour- tice on Tuesday. He made a busi- ness trip eastward as far as Orono Mr.. Glem Courtice wisited Mrs. Jas. Courtice, Bowmanville, on Wed- sday. Miss Eleanor Boyce is home from Normal school, Torentd. Mr. Harry Balson was an absentee on Sunday from our midst. 4 | A good crowd was owt te "Live Wires" on Sunday. Mr. Gay taught a good lesson. Rex. Mr. Wickett, Tyrone, preach- od at Maplegrove. on Sunday as our pastor was out nonth. Mr. Jas. Nichols is working at to and fro in the truck now wheeling is rather hard. Mr. Sid and Miss A. Nichois wisit- od in Bowmanville on Tuesday. Miss Mabel Huggins and Miss Julia Welsh visited at Bowmanville on Tuesday. | Farmers around will soon be busy | hauling and cutting ice. Mr. Brook's {pond generally supplies their needs. Glad to see Mr. Geo. Gere amongst us again. Mr. C. Penfound visited friends {here recently. ters, the agent for McKay Feed Co. left ms. season. Glad to hear that Mr. Frank Wal- in Toronto, is a singer fin one of the city's best choirs. We miss his | on §5.000.000 fine tenor voice very much since he | Binghamton Sun. distribution §4.863 514. Y That the Royal Bank of Canada | has come through the period of busi- | ness depression in such splendid | | shape is an evidence of the stability {of our Canadian banks and of the | business sagacity of those in charge of them. The people who saw "'Shenlock | Holmes™ last night at the Grand en- | joyed a peal treat. It is a neally splendid production full of intrigue | and unexpected turns. In fact it is a masterpiece of detective picturiza- tion. Be sure and see jt. The wine output of the world is approximately 4.000.900.9000 gallons | a pear, and of this quantity Europe responsible for 3.000,000.000 gal- | ly heads the list with 1.- gallons. Frande comes 1,120,000.000. Australia Africa ave at the bottom with about 6.000.000 gal- TH i i HY 2 4 standing jokes of many ing Kingston, is the by- | qui that 2A 1k: be | of snow and ice.--King- | is HH 5 2 i | Adding wp veponts of expenses out | we find our government is running less than mothing-- Mr. Brooks is busy killing hogs, Candied Brazil Nuts. Special for for the farmers over the Christmas | Xmas Shop. at Queen Mary 'What to Give ? Solved With Ease SURE TO PLEASE |

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