Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 3

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ry THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 AT a Cg oy Ap gp pn OR Oshawa and District Seventy-Nine Join Church At the Communion Services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday 13 joined the Church, During the year 79 were 'added to the membership. Will Serenade. . The Salvation Army Band will .follow their usual custom of seren- ading the Town during the Christ- mas season, playing Christmas music Members of the Corps believe that thé citizens of Oshawa appreciate the service of the Band d that they will show their appreciation in a practical way. Penny Bank Record Cedar Dale public school stands fourteenth in the province in the penny banks savings for the months of September and October with an average monthly deposit per pupil of fi cents. Guelph is high with ninety-four. Other nearby schools are: Part Hope 35, Belleville 42, Bowmanville 48. The average for all Canada was 43, Red Oross Active v Oshawa Red Cross Society is list. ed among those which have forward- ed contributions to provincial head- quarters for the making up of Christmas parcels to be sent to the families of ahout 175 returned 'Salvation Army officers, soldiers settled on farms through- out Ontario, from whose homes Santa Claus had threatened to stay away, owing to crop failures, illness and. other reverses. -- Distribute To Needy Through kindness of friends Brig. L Prescott and @apt. 1. Froud, loca! are able this year to give Christmas cheer to the most needy families in Oshawa. Special attention is being given to the children and the Officers believe that no child who 1s in need will be overlooked. Brig. Prescott stated this morning that there was very little poverty in - Oshawa owing to briskness of industrial cowditions. Held Entertainment, A delightful Christmas entertain- ment wa sgiven in the Presbyterian Church last evening by the Sunday School which was followed by a Christmas tree. The program con- sisted of exercises and drills which were particularly well presented. The teachers of the school had charge of the program and are de- serving of much credit for the suc- cess of their efforts. Every child received a bag of candy and-a gift from the Heavily laden tree. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the large gathering. CHRISTMAS AT KENO "Speakin' 'of Christmas trees," said Cyclone Murphy as he snuffec a candle on the topmost twig of th Keno Gulch Sunday School tree wit his trusty six shooter and then nip ped remonstrance in the hud hy get ting the drop on the Sunday Schoo superintendent, "reminds me of ¢ galoot named Hard Luck Hankins who lived upon Tenderfoot pidge and who was the biggest kicker tha ever kicked. This yere Hard Luc! Hankins lived in a cabin on top o the ridge and p'tended ez how he was a miner, but he didn't never seem to mine anything Bnd was ginerally regarded ez a Teller with out visible means of support. Some folks sajd he was a road agent®an others opined ez how hoss stealin might be the mine he was workin. "The only thing Keno Gulch ever really knowed him to he doin' was puttin' up a powerful kick abou! me thing er another. He allers had ome hard luck story to tell, and hat was why folks called him Hard suck Hmnkins. "There wasn't a decent lookin' ree on top of the hull ridge except me, and that tree was a mighty 'andsome pine that stood right in front of Hard Luck Hankins"shanty. | 'She's my old Christmas tree," Han- kins would growl every time Christ- mas come around, 'hut, dern here ole hide, Santy Claws don't never hang nothin' on her fer me.' "That was jes' Hard Luck's pesky and onery way--allers kickin' about somethin'--and that handsome tree 1ever havin' anything hangin' on t fer him seemed to rile him 'spec- ally every year, 'What's the use havin' a blame Christmas tree that never don't have nothin' hangin' on t?"' he'd growl. 'Have a derm good notion to, cut her down!' Dresses, etc., and all at 9 KING ST. EAST Christmas, It will pay you to come in and investigate, MAX SWARTZ MAX SWARTZ wishes to extend to his customers and friends the Compliments of the Season and a Merry Christmas We have a splendid stock of Ready-to-Wear Coats, special reduced rates for it {| Murphy as he snuffed another cand- ] The Royal Bank of Canada ||} and thie 1 livin' il] out, i|| Luck's quarrel ||| sence Hard Luck had been livin' || Keno there {lon his Christmas tree, ' : "Just What KODAK That's the mice thing about giving a Kodak=-you know it's what they want. All the Kodaks are simple to work-- as we can show you, and they make good pictures=--as too, Kodaks from $9.00 up Brownies from $2.00 up The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell, F. W. Thompson. I Wa wiikey we can show you, \ { GENERAL STATEMENT 30th November, 1922 LIABILITIES T0 THE PUBLIC: Deposits not bearing interest .$ 04,408,078, 82 Deposits heaving Interest, including interest acerned to Win of statement E 17 161, 750, (]] 7,870.79 11,505,855. 84 Bills Payable Aceeptaees under Letters of Credit A $4116,526,207.47 TO THE SHAREHOLDERS: Capital Stock Paid up 20,500,000. 00 Reserve Fund Balance of Profits carried forward 8 20,400,000, 00 1,007,504. 19 § 21,407,514. 09 Dividends Unclaimed .. 8044.75 Dividend No. 141 Gt 12 Lireetmber Loi LS 512,000,00 408,000.00 » Current Coin , : Dominion Notes United States Currene y and other Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves .......... Noles of other Banks Chenges on other Banks Balances due hy other Banks in Canada Balances doe by Banks and Baking where (han in Canada .. Dominion and Proinveinl Giver market value PERL Oh Municipal' seenrities and re ial Public Securties other than Canattan, Lg ign and Colon- not exceeding 74001,927.07 I A008. 58 i 15,200, 3 5,874,840, 60 --e eS 216,048,381 93 market value .. Railway and other Bonds, 'Teh ing market value | {all Loans in aCnada, on Bonds, Debentures and stocks Call and Short (not exceeding thirty Hays) Fanns elsewhere than in Canada y her Coreent Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate $150,260 687.95 91,292,050. 58 BA6,747.44 eo rebate "of tere st) r Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided for) | " Real E other than Bank Prep Bank Pi Ises, al not more than cost, less amounts weitten off Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit, us per contra Deposit with the Minister Tor the purposes of the Circulation Fund Ohr Assets not neluded in the foregoing COWS. HOLT, President EDSON L. PEASE, M anuging Direc tor E. NFILL, General Manager AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE We Report to the Shareholders of The Royal Bank of Canada hat in our opinion the 1Isactions of the Bank which have come vnder our notice have been within the powe I the Bank. That we have checked ash and verified the securities of the Bank at the Chief Oomee at 30th November, 19 S Well as at another time, as required by Section 5 of the Bank Act and that w I they agreed with the entries in the books in regard b Outstanding * Suggestions For Last Minute Christmas Shoppers Of course you will find Viundreds of other suggestions in this store and may be some of them will suit your part- icular case better than what are suggested here. Do your Christmas shopping in the mornings--if possible, you will be better pleased with the results. If too busy dd ng the day, this store will be open evenings, so you will have the extra opportunity for Christmas shopping Everything you could want, for the other membsars of the family, friends and relatives, are to be found here. Christmas Sale of Madeira Linens 207 less than regular price, New York Sample Hand Bags, 1/3 less than regular price. Loose and Boxed Handkerchiefs,--many outstanding values, Fancy Linens of all Descriptions. Ladies' Silk and Ribbed Wool Hose, $1.35 to $3.50 Pair Ladies' Gauntlets, Chamoisette and Kid Gloves, .... 85¢ to $3.50 Pair Umbrellas for Men, Women and Children .. $1.25 to $15.00 Special Display of Christmas Gift Blouses Watson's Silk Knitted Underwear for Women l.adies' Sweater Coats in all the Leading Styles. A special department of Men's Furnishings. Bath Towels, Linen Towels, in fact Towels of every description Something Different: "Baskets" made by the Blind Institute, And Hundreds of other suggestions too numerous to mention. thereto, We also during the yer checked the cash and verified the securities at the of principal branel That the above Balam Oflles and witn the verti Ad returns drawn up so as to exhibit a rae am according 10 the best of our informati of the Bank obtained all the information and explanations Wo GARTH THOMSON CA of Marwick, Mitchell and co JAMES £G, ROSS, CA, of ¥. 8. Ko sheet has Rigid compared hy ns with the hooks at the Chief on the Branches, and in our opinion is. p hy reeet view of the Crile of the Bank i dnd the explanations given 1 us a by the books Phat we have required by u 00) acnada, 19th becember, 1922, PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit and Loss Account, oth November, 1921.5 Profits r A ting charges of management full provision for sll bad d rebate of interest on unmatured 515.19 | Montreal, 905,004.98 ul bills y $058,569.21 - . $ 4.863 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS Dividends Nos , 160 and 160 at 1240 Boous of 2 per « to Shareholders Transferred (0 ON ~' Pension Fund Appropriation Tor Bank Premises Reserve for Dominion Government Taves ine Iuding 'Wir Tax 2448000 00 408,000. 0 100,000 . 00 400,000. 00 per annum 500,000 , (4) 1.007.505.19 --§ 4,863,515. NE LL, | General Manager on Bank Note Circulation Balance of Profit and Loss carvied forward | H. Ss. HOLT, EDSON LL. PEASE, C. E President Managing Director Montreal, 19th December, 1922 'This went on year after year, i pom the philosopher jumped out boys kep' a-wonderin and | of the bath exclaiming, 'Eureka eur-| a-wonderin' how Hard Luck got a |eka!' and without waiting to- dress One Christmas eve they found | bimse elf, ran hoe to try the experi- and it put and end to Hard | ment. with his big pine Christmas tree. : "Fer Change in auto regulations should provide that no pedestrian shall car- ry nails in his poeket. Tires cost money--Toronto Telegram, first Q(hristmas | in| hangin' | the very was somethin' | 'What was it?" repeated Cyclone |™ e, "Why it was old Hard Luck Han- | kins hisself, and he was--kickin-- | RINE 2 ez--usual, and kickin' with both feet." --Sel. | 4 ARCHIMEDES' DISCOVERY ominion Stores, Ltd. 36 KING ST. W. AND' 530 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA Canada's Largest Retail Grocers SEEDLESS "NAVEL" ORANGES ms 31c,45¢,50¢,59¢cdoz. az XMAS Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 Ibs. 35¢ Pure Cane Sugar $8.40 100 Ibs. Lemon and Orange Peel Machine Sliced Bacon Mixed Nuts 19¢ Ib. | Xmas String Beads Almonds & Walnuts (in shell) 25¢ Ib. | Molasses Assorted Candies 23c Ib. | Windermere Chocolates Easifirst Shor i a Camel Dates Fresh Bulk Dates Xmas Cake Fresh Mincemeat CAPE COD CRANBERRIES 25¢ quart FRESH CLEANED CURRANTS 25¢ per Ib, set Anived Edwardsburg Com Syrup 2 Ib. tin 19¢ 5 Ib. tin 39¢ 10 Ib. tin 77¢ A New Shipment Do you ever try to havre how much we Jove you in six months? If you do, there is no need to worry over the excess coal prices. We have at present 190 stores oper- ating throughout Ontario, which enable us to buy and sell high quality groceries cheaper "than any other concern. Are you a customer? If not, visit us once and you will be. When we say "Eureka," (I have found it) we quote the triumphant -- exclamation of Archimedes, the | Cas St h Syracusan philosopher, when he dis- | on omac covered how to test the purity of Hiero's crown. Wont Let You Sleep The story goes that Hiero de- | livered a certain weight of gold to! Gas often presses on the heart a workman, to be made into a votive (and other organs, causing a restless, | crown, but suspecting that the work- | nervous feeling which prevents man had alloyed the gold with an sleep. Simple buckthorne bark, inferior metal, asked Archimedes to |glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, test the crown. The philosopher expels gas and relieves pressure al- went to bathe, and, in stepping into [most instantly, inducing restful the bath, which was quite full ob- |sleep. Adlerika often removes sur- served that some of the water ran | prising old matter from upper and over. It immediately struck him lower bowel wliich poisoned stomach that "a body must remove its own and caused gas. Excellent to guard bulk. of water when it is immersed, inst appendicitis. Jury and Lov- and putting the idea to the test ell, Ltd., Druggists. | found his surmise to be correct. Now then, for the crown. Silver is lighter than gold; therefore a pound weight of silver will he more | iii bulky than a pound-weight of gold, ||| and being of greater bulk will re- ||| move more water. Virtuvius says: "When the idea flashed across his -- DAD: * RADIO This Christmas. Fascinating and Instruciive of the up-to-date Arts Branston Radio Sets Are The Last ast Words i in Efficiency Quality of workmanship is absolutely unsurpassed Every set and all parts are unconditionally guecssteed Demonstration and display of parts at JOHN King St. West, at any time from now tillChristmas. = Ser That Boy of Yours has His Start in It is the Most ANDSON HARDWARE. STORE = BY DON McKAY Authorized Branston Representative for this District. Free assistance given to amateurs who have any problems which they cannot solve. Drop in, see our parts and Comparison with other makes of instruments invited. Don't miss hearing and secifig this demonstration and get some Radio information which even though you already have a set » will prove highly instructive. hear the set. mn,

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