Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE - SPORTING NEWS Four Series In Charch League Or Midget Series This Winter There will be four series in the inter-Churth Hockey League this winter, the executive at a meeting in the Y.M.C.A. Monday night decided to foster a midget group. The sched- ule will open the first week in Jan- vary and the date set for entries to be in has been fixed for Jan, 8rd. The executive this year will demand birth certificates from midget, juven- ile and junior players, while there is po age limit for the seniors. Jun- jors must be under 20 years of age, juveniles under 18 and midgets un- der 16, : All intermediate O.H.A, players whether playing this year or having - played previously will be barred from the league but junior O.H.A. players wil be eligibie, The fees for teams have heen arranged, the senior clubs paying #5, junior clubs $3 and juvenile clubs $2 and midget clubs $1, Each team will be allowed four substitutes including a spare goal tender, Te be eligible to play in the league all players must be in good standing by December 31, that is, they must have attended Sunday School two out of four Sundays previous to that date, They must also have ate tended Sunday School two out of four before each game. To-night the league executive will meet to draw up a constitution 'n which will be embodied the new rules adopted at last night's con- ference, Boo-Hoo, the cub bear mascot of Queen's University team, has not gone to bed yet and in facet is show- ing no signs of retiring for the win- ter at all, He has heen out on the ice at the rink having a big time sliding over the smooth surface. Billie Hughes is getting worried about the little* mascot's behavior and he has written to the Zoological Park au thorities in Toronto for information regarding the winter care of hears. From all indications at present Boo- Hoo will he out to bring good luck the hockey t he did ® players to ams as the foothall Gilt ette This Cluristmas ~~ For Bale in Oshawa by JURY & LOVELL, LIMITED THE REXALL STORE King St. E. Phone 1101 & 28 90 » every Players Turnin Out in i Will Foster New Intermediates and Juniors Hold P y Try For Positions Anyone walking into Bradley's {arena about 7 o'clock last evening would have thought at a glance that the O.H,A. season was already under 'way. About eighteen candidates for (the intermediate line-up were in-| practice while! | dulging in a stiff hockey fans num' cring more than two hundred were lined up looking | the boys over, The initial workout lon Saturday evening also attracted a large delegation which is some in- dication of the interest being taken |insthe hockey world this year, | Saturday's practice brought out a number of intermediates including { Sammy Lowe, "Kip" Rowden, Walt Fair, Russell Williams and others, | while last night there were more than enough for three teams. was 'reported that Walt Fair would ! not don the skates this winter but when he stepped out Saturday night [he showed something in the way of | speed which gave the railbirds to un- | derstand that he will be very much lin the game this sedgn. "Buck" | Oliver is apparently staging a come- hack. "Buck' played his first hockey in several years last season with the | Tocal intermediates but did not show | his true form. It was also his'first year in six man hockey, his speed and stick handling looked pretty good. Sammy Lowe is also showing form while Russell Williams looks to he about as good as when he lined | up with the Oshawa juniors. Jack | Smith was out for a few minutes | last 'evening and declares that he will be able to go the full sixty min- lutes in another week. | Following the intermediate prac- [tice the juniors were given an hour | and it is the opinion of a number of fans that the youngsters will be | just a little better than last year | Hutcheson, the lanky defence man, l who has played with Oshawa for the three seasons, is an absentee » is trying out with Bowmanville intermediates, His absence will not | be felt, however, as some new mater ial is available whieh will strengthen the entire team. The juniors should go farther than they did a year at Both teanis will be « night 1 | no question hut that they excellenf condition fo: if the hockey season Donald will soon be of elimination The number of players | | cannot eatch a plac Among 1 lare many promising boys wlio when | they get into shape may show some- | thing worth- while. ' | ihis week A number of last year's junior ! Inter-Church league hockey players | will turn out with the junior O.H.A. | squad this year. The latest to sign | certificates are Bruce and Aubrey Clapper, both of the South Oshawa team. Peterboro A.A.A. is tendéring a | complimentary bhanguet to the Can- | adian General baseball team, Inter- | mediate champions of Ontario, and | the Maple Leafs, Midget champions | of Ontario, on Thursday evening at ithe Empress Hotel. Invitations {have been sent to the President and Secretary of the O.B.A.A. to attend the function. \ Leaside of the Toronto and York Industrial Hockey League will: play an exhibition game with Port Hope | Intermediates in the latter town 02 | Friday night. Brinse Lowe, secretary {of the Leaside A.C., claims to bave |a smooth aggregation together an | promises to offer considerable fesist- (ance to the Port Hopers. MORE OR LESS TRUE As the South Pole to the North, As the third speed to the fourth, As the moonlight to the sun, As the butter to the bun, As the trimming to the frock As the séltzer to the Hock, As the needle to the pole, As the football to the game, As the paper to the news, As the cushions to the pews, As the feather to the hat, As the Welcome to the mat, As the label to the cam, $0 is woman to the man. C. W. in Life. 1 | composed of President Best and the Last night | Ladies' Hockey Sporting Paragraphs checking deliberate, tripping, five-minute penalties for using or abusive or foul language or kicking League Formed More Than Forty Teams Enter New Provincial Organization Over forty teams have entered the Ladies Ontario Hockey Association, the entries being from as far east as | Ottawa and as far west as St. Thom- as. yd a meeting held in the Tem- ple Building, Toronto, Saturday af- ternoon officers were elected and it was decided to affiliate with the On- tario Brauch of the AAU, of C. The officers are as follows: Honorary President, John DeGru- (chy, Toronto; President, Frank Best, Welland; First Vice-President, Miss Mae Maxwell, St. Thomas; Se- cond Vice-President, Miss W. Simp- son, Thornhill; Third Vice-Presi- dent, Frank Smith, Toronto; Secre- tary, C. W. McQueen, Mail and Em- | pire, Toronto; Treasurer, Miss J. Al- len, Toronto; Executive, Miss Kath- | leen Milne, London; Miss E. Harri- son, Dunnville; Alan Campbell, | Bowmanville, and W. M. Davis, Ches- ley. The sub-committee will he ists? ter, { Second and Third Vice-Presidents The main changes from the O.H.A. rules were: (1) Number of substi: | tntes available for each game past, | BAmMes |anle for membership; (3) teams re- | include ; | presenting commercial teams are eli-| kicking the puck deliberately; two | | minute fhe sub-committoe ill make tha trip; three minute penalty for crgss-! uary 1st in order to he "amateurs." | givle, Peterboro ice makers are having a tough session and they are ex- horting the weather man to put on a burst of speed to provide ice for Christmas. What has become of the old-fash- ioned family doctor * asks an editor For that matter, what has hecome of the old-fashioned family.--\Washing- ton Post. Where are Oshawa's fair hockey- at the L.O.H.A. meeting Saturday. A good group could be formed with! Bowmanville, Cobourg and Oshawa. | | he indoor baseball league games | scheduled for have been nesday owing to some of the teams being unable to turn out on the regu-| i diction: lar date. ! Cobourg will probably use "Punech' Derry, of baseball fame on their in- termediate O.H.A. The Lake Shore town hurler is said to be a pretty fair hockey | player. [ The O.H.A. this season, as in the | is issuing instructions for in- | referees, and as a guide to the of- creased to four; (2) clubs playiug |ficials in charge of O.H.A. games | on open-air rinks are ava"l- | has made several suggestions. These at opponent with his skate; ten- minute penalty for deliberately | maiming of an opponent, assault at officials or jabbing at opponents | with butt-end of stick. | ra | Johnny Evans who did the pe-| ceiving for. Oshawa last summer, | will manage the senior O.H.A. team | of Queen's. University this winter, | The Port Hope Guide as usual waits to know how Evans can play hockey in Kingston and conform with tae | { residence rule of January 1 in the | Central Ontario Baseball League. | The Guide should he in a position | to tell the fans how it is done and! not ask so many questions The Port Hope Guide has Osh- | awa's line-up in the Central League | for next year all arranged with the | exception of the batting order, if the following announcement is any They were not represented Thursday evening | moved forward to Wed- | Oshawa must take it for granted , [that the residence rule of Jauuary i 1st is to be adopted by the Central League According to reports hase- ball players are arriving in Oshawa daily. Tyson, last year with the Cobourg team has taken a position in the automobile town. A couple {of players frogn Flint and also a couple from Hamilton are recent arrivals there. And 'Oshawa still has confidence in last year's battery, team this win- plainly for easy choosing. small parcels with you. T MILLER SONS; Stretch That Christmas Dollar The immense business we are doing proves that our assortments are satisfactory to you--it also proves that Toronto Prices are much higher than ours-- If every line of business in Town would strive to make their momey in large turn over at small profits, there would be no cry of "buy at home." Open till 10 o'clock tonight and tomorrow night Practical Gifts prominently displayed and priced Shop all you can in the morning and please take THOS. MILLER & SONS Gallagher and Evans and both wili wear Oshawa uniforms next summer. one minute penalty for | If the amendment to the residence. rule carries, all players must he an accidental | honafide residents on or hefore Jan- penalty for "REFORMER WANT ADS BRING RESULTS | necessary changes in the rules and | censtiturion of the O.H.A., and wil | forward twuz various clubs the am-| | eadments. In order to get the] various groups organized, schedules | drawn up and the playing season started early next month, it was de- cidéd that no entries will be receiv- ed after next Saturday, December 23. The sub-committee will meet imme- For Sale by a. O King Street East : Phone 990 FELT diately after Christmas, group the' clubs and appoint the conveners. The clubs represented were: Bowmanville, Kitchener, Welland, Huntsville, Owen Sound, Chesley, Beaches A A.A, Toronto Hockey Lea- Aura Let Bamae Toronto, Toronto "A, North Toron- "RB", Wychwood, Royal Bank, St. Thomas, Dunnville, Londen, Pres- Thornhill and Lake l.oed. cfubs who have made applis are Ottawa Alerts, Camp- Hamilton, Cobourg, Gue Mimico, Bolton, Canning- ay, Willowd and Peter- | gue, North ro ton, Other cation helltord oh, | . 4 : Hints On Playing baskethal Hold Unless : uard is team on offense ie his position and wait for the 1 jhe PPo~it helping wuld bold hail w ir is Should on, oul lis the be advanced by 14} 910) the man-to-man type of being played the guard should manu- oeuvre constantly so as to keep io front of the incoming forward, auu at the same time gradnally shorten the distance between himself and his forward as he nears the shooting rapge. As the guard advances to- ward his opponent to prevent a shot! or a pass he should not charge, he- cause this affords a splendid chance for the forward to dodge or side-' step. 'Nor should a guard remain flatfooted and await the decisiop or movement on the part of the forwara before acting. The guard should be alert, on his toes, moving cautjbusly | hut swiftly, ready for any trickery | or effort that the forward might make in trying to pass or shoot for tho basket. Stay With His Man Should the style of play vary and be that of the position type. wher: every man jis responsible for a cer- tain section of the playing court, as required in the triangular or five- men defence. the guard should hold to his position and take the first ma that penetrates to the forward line of defence and stay with him. A ! guard will find that he will be in a more advantageous position for in- tercepting passes and checking ih¢ movement of his man if he will re- main an arm's length to the rear of him and a little to the inside. Here the ball and the man can be watch- jed simultateously. The next article will deal with passing. Combination, when played right, is the success of any athletic team. Cut these articles out and. save for future reference. defence HACOON4 Ls Buckingham Tea Set HOLMES C EDWARDS DES ION I (IS A (ift of Unusual dppeal TODAY a new art embellishes the tables of those cul- ! tured Canadian women who love life and its graceful luxuries, Years and years of experiment, countless trials and elimination of errors, 'and now the perfection of the difficult art of plating make it possible for you to obtain a gift that is a veritable masterpiece of silverplated ware, Holmes & Edwards comes in two qualities. SILVER IN- LAID wards off wear with solid blocks of sterling silver, fused in at the rest points before plating, and SUPER- PLATE, with extra sterling silver at the exposed parts. In either form Holmes & Edwards Silver Plate is a welcome guest at any board. See the dignified Jamestown pattern, reminiscent of that creative period from which it derived its name. Or the charming and distinctive pattern ~The Hostess. Ask your jeweller to show you, also, his display of flower baskets, cake comports, baking dishes, casseroles--designed and burnished to a per- fection that has made Holmes & Edwards deservedly famed. Manufactured exclusively in Canada by THE STANDARD SILVER COMPANY, of Toronto, "+ 2 Limited HorMES : EDWARDS "Protected Where the Wear Comes" STANDARD SILVER PLATE > - For Sale by JOS. HORWICH, Jeweller 23; Simcoe Street South Phone 389

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