Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 10

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THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 . PAGE TEN, [ANCIENT CHINESE DRANK A, |water, and the seven days following (this dispensation when his daughter, [a sudden dive, seizes a lui! less Tish | RN were devoted to hatching the eggs, |Aleyone, and her husband Cyex, werelin his long beak, flics back to : | Tea-drinking was a common prac- [During that period, 'the halcyon [changed into kingfishers. The king- [perch, tosses the. fish into the ai by China over four thousand |days," the ancients believed, the sea |tigher, from a perch sometimes as [eatches it again coniing Hee in down, : \ { ' < i 4 re TW 2 years ago. In the Eighth Centyry [was always calm. That is why the |high as 50 feet above the water, does [swallows it head first i 3 3 . 'of our era it was introduced into [word "haleyon' is used to describe : 3 : Japan, and soon after into Arabia. [ealm, peaceful days. The power of | Se------m _-- c -- - sersioong "Bolero, a Spanish navigator, brought [quelling storms was believed to have i 5 , a the first tea to Europe in 1590. The [been conferred upon the kingfisher ; R = Few People Nowadays Give : ll ~ 2 je 1 navigators introduced it into [by Aeolus, the wind god, who made . Them Because of ; [England early in the Seventeenth / Meat For The Holiday tay | LAVA X bb 2S b { Century. Samuel Pepys recorded in Dinner Significance AE : : [his "Diafy" Sopt. 28, 1660: "I did -- - and meat for your everyday - A i . send for a cup of tea (a China drink) \ dinners during "tite dialing Christian . names nowadays are ) i ) Taka of which 1 had never drunk before y : ho oa should be bought at Atkinson's, LAR : i Home--and there found my wife va i - the quality meat market. Wo chosen as a rule because they sound \ bil Yh! 35 ki f tea a drink which Me | ariel, ! 4 y ' (mak ng o ea a drink hich Me. J "Ji ul deal in customers' satisfaction nice, but few people know their [Pelling, the poticary, tells her is good ; f as well as meats--that's wh : u * Yor i i Vv re : 4 actual meaning, } for a cold." For a timg tea was a ani our husiness grows larger every If, for example, we name a boy bia vr] al ? hy flaxnsy St the Tien, w ho dig nat goin year, ith (leorge, we may have no intention pi eax x m.. S50 mue C e tea & 81 | of making him a farmer; yet farmer : eid heing ahle bia ki Yrosly of # hoy: W. ATKINSON is what the name means, Nor would | - ; ck we . eraggs Which ordigary, eommon fell BUTCHER you care for Priscilla to live up to :" 4 wk oreo STRUCTION could not afford, the cost of the | I 2 } Slbdiasial A AHIR 72 1% / leaves ranging from $30 to §50 a 5 12 Church St, ler name, which means, the little old- : 8! rs sleaves rv 3 fashioned woman, or for Leah to | pound. RS -- = Phone 935 suffer 'always from the weariness | A \ : J ----r that the old Hebrew word denotes! "oh " p 37.1 tire : PLANTING TREES Our Christian names come to us od ¥ 1 At wr : | Se . . . , . mainly from the Hebrew and Greek The young should plant frees in recognition of the obligations they of the Bible, from Latin, from LRA fh AS 2 # ; ; y ; 2 ' Ny : French, and from the tongues of | ) owe to those who planted trees for RADIATOR the Kast, as well-as from Scandina- ¢ Ay . i ; 5. them, while the old should plant X 3 vian and old English. Sn ME FIN ¥ Pgs = " I trees to illustrate their hope for the f : ~ REPAIRING Latin names are rather out of + ; [ £77 FS ; future, and their concern for those - , ' iy fashion nowadays for there are fw are » , after em. A : vis f adays, who are to come after them Xam inn pohion. to. vender A work done at moderate prices fashions in names just as there are ; 2 0 FTER- WAR, " -- go» E> good service to all car owners, , LEGEND OF HALCYON DAYS, | - es A : All one--is occasionally met with, but ; | Joy ever, i A Wgustus 28 Bajos : 4 3 . (as it was called by the Alois, i i od EA p L Bi h Sarda 4 ' a J a RE beautiful legends are clustered. An | aa i ee 18ho Tandy comion use. Rome is a avis HE) : ba 'old belief was that the seven day . f : > : P er one, She has borrowed Stella Try 4 i by er or tie Chiistuas rook rere sed $200,%1200 " a Over Oshawa Sales & Service (star), Duleie (sweet), Vera (truth- ex ! y : float v od Lc 09 Simcoe St, § Pl , 0 ' {4 ; v " aR y ated 1 oD one 1162 ful), as well as the names of months Pied | EPAIL ". which, it was thought, floated on the | such April and May, of goddesses "; like Diana and Juno, and a 'whole garden fall of flowers such as Rose, in clothes. Rufus--the ruddy-faced oR y 4 bry + CONFUSIO CEE TE The Man in the lon Mask || We Sell Automobile Skates and thy, the god fearing, and Andrew, Ig McPherson Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots. Marguerite, and Marjorie --all three hag once again unearthed the oldtime ailing after Mass vesterday, died words ale really the same---mean- gory of "The Man_jin tie Iron Mask." absent "10 o'clock' at night, without ing pearl; Dorothy, the feminine yng tells all that is known, together havinw® suffered from any serious ill- Let us outfit you properly Skates. put on free . for for > re; Katharine ty i i ; ; . form for Theodore; Katharine or with various suppositions regarding | ness And this unknown prisoner, {i 0 > re; Ag ws vhicl . ae i A . Rathje n, i i € 2 Aen : Whi ! the mysterious prisoner. in the fol- {who had been so long in custody, was . . as e same meaning: anc rene, Jowing cc 'nie Rp ot toyy Tussday 9 d spilt g condensed narrative interred on Tuesday, the 20th No- ~ ain ou 0 n 4 y 4 'mee acy as rath- " . to ¢ sigmiving hence, Jucynth has Yath In the year 16958 M. de Saint Mars, | vember, in the burial ground of the e uz ns 0 r r ers, op a curious story, Ps Ligh : "7 who had charge of the prison strong- | Church of St. Paul in this parish. In > y °9 [ J OSHA WA tes i recious s , > © g 4 } : . ne a Pree loys Sol oT ve =o or, of the Isles, Bt. Marguerite on [the register of deaths an unknown an mn 1 y proper form, Hyacinth, it coast of Provence, was appointed [name was also inscribed." used ax a man's name, Governor of theBustille and proceed Death Record in Register. Have Pleasant Me; us {d forwith to take up the duties of Most of the Hebrew men's names new post In the course of hig : : . / discovered in the parish register have pleasant meanings John, for Journey he halted for a few days at St. Paul's Church: instance, stands for the Lord's his chateau at Palteawi, not far from" "0 p \ y : " On the 19th, Marchioly, aged gridce, whilst David is the beloved. Villeneuvele-Roi. ! tiv ; SAT Gi + hlroug | : " forty-five or thereabouts, died in the Jacob. however, from which c¢dmes He brought with him a mysterious Bi i i . Bastile, and his body was interred ip our James, means the -supplanter, prisoner who had long been in his p . als : n 4 ' i vi the burial ground of the Church of and it is curious that in history. a keeping at Pignerol and 'in the '" " @ a [J 2 Rs ; ai $ Paul, his parish, on the.20th, in would-be supplanter should have Ste. Marguerite Fhe peasants went ' ' of M. Bo m v of a iin on 4 p N N * presence ol Suge, ajo ) borne it in the person of the old forth to greet their lord, and great pre i RE J ® ® ® ik a 2 . Bain X » Bastile and M." Reythe, surgeon- Pretender who made a bid for the was their amazement when there de ir of the: Bastil vio 04 " : Pa ) M uy 0 Lg as 2, Whose signa Throne in 1715 swded from the litter a tall, white. |[™ u . : hd { . ai : ture follows Many of the women's names indi- haired man whose features were i " . ) These three entries constitute th cate that their 'lot was no easy one coaied behind a black mash Now the following entry has been of . only historical documents concern those early days when they were Saint r= gave orders that ' ats ing this dark and mysterious afia : vad ! ded as vastly inferior to men. ditional bed was to be put up in I H aver. Father G and Major p : : Mary or Muriel (they arp the same room. which w to. be occupied hid hor al og / re ali y " Hao Ss X 1 ara mn name) signifies biftegnesds, and De- the prisoner, with whom he took a A BD Ha o ah is the bee pr fhe worker. In < v om BE oo By barah J Bl bee Al . w kel an ili Whole viol of carried out, fifty years after the pi OTe he te OTE to To LIonTh Ep I rr somer's death, an exhaustive inquiry S one enthusiastic skater said: "Skating on jute the ase, from which 45 pes C. C. M. Automobile Skates is just like flying, at on the same day as the Man in You glide along with hardly an effort." II these works mean grace Adan | Ma never left hig prisoner for a brew words. They his mask giued to his face wheneve " . . . . 2 ) his. Luce Whenever oo Toad linen. clothes. mattres Much of this exhilarating difference is the result and breath. Isabel he passed aero the cowrtyard bleclotl bed word and ®he same as ol confidential servant waited on th ablecloths, bed, cha oki » of the steel used. committed to the flame hey went ) Ti 'e come to the ng t table ud one of the retain of i H ole Mo tran, Iavine Yoatured ty Dons 30 TAF ax tu scrape and white Wash C. C. M. Automobile Skates are made of Special tons ; the walls of the room in which he Chrome Nickel Steel as used in the costliest motor henpecked, Cr 1am vegns lan i nt through the window of the R A ruler of the om 15 what is he (dining-roons. observed that hiz mus- ad been confined and even removed cars and the finest edge tools. to do if his wife is called Harilett or [ter had a brace of pistols lying on the tiles of the Noor aud laid down i HE H i fresh ones in their plac This steel takes a hard, keen, knife-like edge that Henrietta, both of wh=h have th e table beside S$ NT . iy Sttve. Senitornoct Tau: A I : sigh bis plate, Who was the unfortunate man? grips the ice so you get full power out of every Tren a de Basile, Voltaire states with the most abso stroke. And it glides along the ice with marvelous ) ae | 5 ind Eve are 3abyloni not ' moineni, and the latter always had . the Mask died everything that | he 3 slong hy lion Richard On the 18th of December, in the lute assurance that the prisoner wa and swif 8 Wi no : . es ame year, this strange cortege arviv- the son of Mazarin and Anne of Au ease an Swi tness. . We By bl Ralph. originally Radulf or Il ¢ d an Par and Etienne Dujunca, tria and consequently a half-brotis While hard as glass on the outside C. C, M. Skates are not dolf-is the red wolf. William the King's lieutenant at the Bastille, of Louis XIV. According to th brittle. The ingenious CAM. heat-treatment leaves an the helmet of Resolve Edward intépjor "core" of tough steel, that makes C. C. M. Skates practically unbreakable. * noble guardian, Frederick is ¢ : ie . waceful ruler, dation of the countless works that Xi) You've maybe skated on your old skates a long time now. Ethel should be poble. F have since been published eonecern- Other theories have attributed ti Why not put on a pair of C. C. M. Skates and enjoy the thrill peaceful, and Leon lion-hear identity of the Man in the pasked prisoner to the Duke o of skating on Special Chrome Nickel Steel? Hilda is the warrior-maiden. a { : as : . Monmouth, the bastard on « sizes i ; irls S you add Mat to her name you : os Thu sday. the. 18th Septem- ¢harles 1 of England; to the gran Models and sizes to fit ladies, wien, girls and boy . her strength, for Matilda her, 1645 three o'clock in the son of Henry IV. of France: to As tah 4 in hortened to Mand. m afternoon : de Saint Mars. ths dick. Armenian patriarch of Constan Canada Lycle andi Motor Company, Limited maiden strong in battle Seappointed ™ Governor" 61° (he (inople and Jerusalem: to Fougue::¥ Montreal, Toronto, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vangouver jo an de la Bastille, arrived 10 and to General Vivien: Labbe Bu inscribed in his diary the following memoirs of the Duc de Richelieu, th entry which is the source and foun- man was a twin brother of Loui up his dati He had come joude. whom Louveis imprisoned : Make a a SAFETY FIRST ! (from the les Ste Marguerite, where Pignerol If your ankles trouble you, use C.CM. he had held the office of Governor, Amazing Theory. § Improved Steel Ankle Supports (Washington. Post and brought with him in his litter M. Loguin. a former president o the Academie de Bordeaux, upholds In smitinz a man hip wu vigh 4 man who had been a prisoner un days take care st {Ade i harge d | I 9 i 10 { Pi This 44, brokor % mao mazing theory of add LE] woke sl f a i avs kept hb ? ; ) i his opinion, the Man in the Mask i ( by a mask and his 2 is nove: : none other than Moliere, whose dis mentioned AS SOON us had des ; \ tppearance the Jesuits are supposed Py Pe cended from the litter, he was har 4 pe oy AE Ry . Coid in the H, ried away init the Bertaudiore tow. 0 0axe urged the King to compass. i an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh after the great triumph of "Tartuff» head" aii find thai dhe use of HALLS | An another register, in hich Du- gid on the Toh Folie d mab. CATARRH MEDICINE will build up th junca eatered the particulars of the Ai2e he holy BoA Taary. sti System, cleanse the Blood and render! |gischarge or death of the wisoners the captivity of the Man in the Mask » od oss Ya R ae Fon De a [we read as follow 1 PUISOREYS. jasted thirty-one years. from Feb- | ks of Acute Catarr ay - ded ° ad as 1 s a: 9 Fey ? 2 Chronit Catarrir. "On the 19th day of November rary 16 : Ao Xove mber, 1703. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE if | 1702 the unknown arisoper. wl . The siguificant silence that pre taken internally and acts through the SitsdiiulaniB nds ' full 1 yailed once Moliere was regarded as Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys. #45 always worn a mask of black goq04 and ied : : he p' = i al tem. thus reducing the inflammation and [voiver. and v vas brought by M dead aud buried; the foul slandens restoring mormal conditions. » that were spread abroad shortly All Druggists. Circulars free. : fterward and finally the des p- F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, Chie. the les § Marguerite. where he |. diy Ln 4 Se he destruc : ; tion of all Meliere's posthumous works and the strange disappearance | of every single line of his writing ~ A point to a sinister object { The thoory. however. that enjoys fthe most gemeral acceptance in our' | | day is that of M. Topin and M Fanck Brentano, who hold that tle | S----------" : Man in the Mask was without amy |g doubt an Italiam comspirator named ' Matthioli. 2 Minister of the Duke of ile Skates and Skating Boots, Hockey Sticks : Mantua, who was mixed up in solne We handle Automobile id y f obscure negotiations having for their z ae A . the Governor, (rom - object the secret purchase of Casal, | and equipment of all a, stronghold in the north of italy. | ) Special line in IT COSTS MAGH ; A " [] (London Free Press) } * A It has been estimated that ower 2 mn man ASO Hockey Pucks Hockey Sticks I billion dollars have eb peas ghd ! . golf courses im the USA. Well, if | : ¥ hone 30 Gauntlets, Gloves, Leg Guards, Shin Pads, Knee principal invested. earns an adequate | 8 Church St. 930W interest in health and happiness of Pads, Elbow Pads. p golf devotees. it is money well in- | _. y = RRR =z = = vested. HOW ABOUT IT? (Carleton Place Central Canadian) | FOR . 3 § Renfrew Board of Trade decided > at its annual meeting the other night | SALE § te hold a monthly meeting in future. |e , 1 w BY Phone 7. Oshawa King W. 4 enti Most Boards of Trade make this | resolution and then hold the mont ly | meeting annually as usual.

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