Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Dec 1922, p. 9

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THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 : =, PAGE NINE tain was ready to cancel any obliga-| with small shipments to the United | - RLD EVENTS: Fi to her by the two allies men-| States last year. These were ae ttloned. They were disillusioned. | cessful hence the attention now glv- 4 y The British Premier told them that fen to the Canadian market. The | YT EIR SIGNIFICANCE. * he was sure his country was willing | movement has a significance 'for to run the risk of not receiving as| those who are watching the trend ¢ » na ks. {much from her share of the German | of events in these days. It speaks | lliam QNRS. [reparations, and from the money | eloquently not only of the deter-| f she had loaned to her allies, as| mination of the Hungarian people | : , y he would have to pay to the United | to get back to the business of living | 3 tos ( y yor of the limited moratorium to h Cling Changing 3 Javor of without the seizure of ad-| States, providing that some scheme |and away from thoughts of war and | Sclentists who at times pooh-pooh aia) terriloTy (48. 'guarantee, of finality could be decided upon. | destruction, but it is an evidence | the idea of others that there is a Paris intimates that there will be | But he was not prepared to under- [also of a return to the days of keen- | process of world = wide changes in}, action by France until after the take that Britain would cancel the ler competition in trade. The warld climatic conaitions now progressing | resumed conference in the New |debts to her of France and Italy, and [nations if they had half a chance, | will have to advance some reason-| Year. Observers in the old world [@t the same time have to pay in full | would soon he back to the industrial | able explanations for what the or: [believe that in the interim she will Naat sh ) pied 1 the United States. | liveliness of former days. The ma- dinary man is noticing in various [ complete all her preparations tor| That would be like paying an in- | chinations of a comparatively few areas, © In British Columbia the re- | such action. There are underlying |demnity for having taken part inj of the "bad boys" in the class may, cords are showing the coldest wea- [currents and conditions that make | the war. Most fair minded people | continue to retard the return to the i 4 | ree ) J ow aw. |e PRO "AOR p 9 ' ther known there since records have | tife situation one of ankiety for all | wl Agee with the British Premic I. [course of peace and that tranquility been kept. At that the thermome- | concerned. Clemenceau, who has | Brita n went to war to save Belgium | which is the aim of Premier Bonar ter had not dipped to zero when this | left the United States after his brief | nd F pea: whe Touran ou her} Law of Britain. was Written. But a few degrees a- | lecturing tour, found = sentiment agure OF Shoes pouly igh Nol New Trade Treaty. bove Zero is. cold for the Pacific | there pretty solidly against any tur- | ig ves ° Ss Di raves '| The new trade treaty between Ca- const folks. ther military aggression, It is ith the assistance of the overseas { i france has y agreed to, Christmastide finds the relations [ doubtful if his visit has done any- Dominions ang the dependoneiey she ig FE ly i ships between Britain and France [thing to help France. Some of his| bore the bulk of the des, To} have negotiated 4t on behalf of this strained almost to the breaking | British critics warn Lloyd George | 45k of her now that the money su | "0 The Dominion Is reported point, The conference of allied [that his recent venture into the field | louned from her own resources and | obtain under the arrangement Premiers--those of France, Britain [of journalism, which involves a that which she borrowed from the! me favors in respect to the expor and Italy--held in London in the | weekly cable letter---also- used in | tution of pulp, farm implements and hope of reaching a tentative agree- | some papers at home---is full of dyn- | ashestos, as well as equal treatment ment preparatory to the coming re- |amite. They do not agree with him | with the United - States. Ottawa parations conference, had to he post- | that the time has arrived tor disclos: hopes for a real increase of trade poned until January . The reason | ing more ol the secrets of the war : 'hetween the two countries as a result was the irreconcilable differences of | days, One such letter has already | $8ne action and sane thinking by all | ooo new arrangement which supe: opinion between Premier:Poincare of | resulted in heated replies and refdr- | the allies, J iy ing decldes | odes one that has been nullified to France and Premier Law of Britain | ences by Clemenceau, It's a queer | 0 80 on its own and begin new mili- | y OXte changes i , | shir 4 tary operations the resultant compli- | 50M* extent by changes _in the on the question of force to compel | world. . "rence arin Canade weds 8 pe | cations will' be disustrons French tariff mada needs these new avenues of trade, for in keeping the Germans to live up to their " : | Visiting StateSmen Disappointed agreements. , Poincare insistently | R ; Py 4 . Lary Radio Station with the pest of the civilised world demanded approval of the French | [It appears that Premier Poincare Erection of the largest wireless | She has suffered from the reactions Inge" occupation of the Ruhr area | of Frapee and Mussolini - of Italy station in the world has been com-| of the war, though happily not to the | e United States to aid her allies, | should all be forgotten, and that in addition her debt to the great re public should remain an obligation, Is to go too far, This is a time for wh " Eos we i 4 y . . + ference ye 4 . " iy N in eveat of further German | went fo the Lohdou Contepa)ee held menced in Capetown, South Africds | eXtent of many European countries a) 8, Mr, Law undoubtedly stat- | recently, ful of con ence 1 po pro. | The hope is that it will be completed | Here we shall hail the Christmas £4 the truth when 'he answered that [ were to hear Ham Lhe gh , Bal. | Within © eighteen months, and by | tide with more of real hope and Bria public opihion was opposed ior Law a hig i on ed Bri agreement with the government | confidence than will be the case oy 0 military action, Britain is in | four note and a declara u every bit. of material requir-! er there, , ed will be purchased in the Britain Builds Warships. "ouptry hi avaiizble thets, Sout Britain will build two new capi Africa 10pes or much rom al warships This is or ibl | . srinking tii Ee . i irs ps S IS permissible Als undertaking Which = will keep | ypger the Washington armament a ¥ H11y: ever) i J lare hegun before the end of this [in the world day and night. Wire sini It is said that some 500 | less Is coming Inf¥ its own- very ra-| firms will be concerned in the carry { pidly in these days. No man would |). building of th ship venture to contend that it will. not It is to be not hat i eventually supplant the telegraph Italy have not yet and the cable - wires But it is al. .ton Arrange ne curious fact that the business car mutter of fact Britain ried on by the latter mediums seems gro (he only powers tl to be steadily © increasing, and a shown practical decisions number of new cables have heen Juid Apart from this interest i of late. It would be an unwise per- 0 he announced decision turns son indeed who would be dogma the question of * battleship vers tic as to the future of wireless or its u 1 T | submarine and airplan Tnere foraruiiners in tarrying words to the strong school in favor of abaadon end ot the earth : fe are living in ing the battleship as being obsol mn ag Hl] demands an ever I-ipp, yjew of the Admiralty ang i ing pace, and the experts are advisors, however. is that | is 2 3 | ed U4 hard at work to keep up with the |, . ' ath d {3 i 1 indard and still the y SERRE et wi Fite 4 3 3 demand for quicker service A HOV \ : pertant factor. in naval New Zealand Elections Frutce is turning her att ° . . The. New Zealand government <'tmarines and will build 4 ' ris mas pecia S headed by Premier Massey has been | 9! them As much as anyvti J , returned to power as a result of the | the attitude of the United State 3 AT THE recent © elections. But the Labor '0Wards this and other question { 09 0a pay ZR EIEN IZIENE x 14 H SRE ES ' purty has made large gains and with | Which are vital fo the great powor Olympia Candy Works a other groups will be a formidable Assorted Chocolates 49c lb 2 Ib for 95¢ has been responsible for delays in rn pect to disarmament To Earop the hiatus between the many fi things preached by the United Su tes and its dilatorine in the » opposition Only one minister was | defeated, so that the government jt- sell is practically intact. Ther ire some observers of opinion that It frequently happens that a govern ment which has not a real majority Cream Candies 25c ib 2 Ib for 45¢ Jelly Beans 20c Ib Pure Cream Caramels 40c lb 2 Ib for 75¢ (all flavours) Peanut Taffy, Cocoanut Taffy & Peanut Crisp 25¢c 1b 2 Ib for 45¢ Mixed Fudges 25¢c lb 2 Ib for 45¢ Among all our special Candies we have to offer some of the latest assortment of oxes; Olympia's, Neilson's and Wil- lards ranging from 35c¢ a box up to $5.00 and $6.00; and as high as $10.00. Special prices to Sunday Schools or others requiring a quantity. [vd thing about the New Zealand elec tions was that the figures on the li- is able to attract to its support mem Litt Cattle. Embargo 1) Iw of other factions, or the entire The bill removing the embargo or | ' ¥ , [Sac © " ' i ¢ a uh arg ; , : following of ch One noticeable | odin cattle w given its third | I er, | V0? V aric reading in the British House of Com { - mons and it is expected that it wil Delicious Chocolates 37c lb 2 Ib for 70c fia | Le government cannok long survive! Ur WI performances ls Lr And] - y and that its defeat in the House at Stendable "ut there is 1ope in the | " 1 Creams and Chocloates 30c J 2 Ib for 50c $R (he next session of Parliament is a Enelish speaking world at any rate [Jl fo . Xmas Mixture 19¢ lb 2 1b for 25¢ certainty. Political crisis do not al. | has pe Jereur republic is $ ol toif : J | » vs © » advance otices idertake © H $s size Share of | Xmas Cut Rock 19¢c 1b 2 Ib for 25¢ Jays dive vb. to. advanced hol the tasks that it should be tygkling en £ referenda shoye a very : jeensin ferendum oy d a ver soon become law Britain ha fs considerable strengtheni of opini y 3 | 4 Napa rn way of acting witl romptness ry +] on a nst prohibition The antis ordes to ip " SH igs ini | 5 7 according to latest accounts, rolled sedi 4 A A £ up nearly five times the majority against prohibition as that which de Extraordinary Finds | featod "dry' proposals in 1919 An eytraorginary find is reported | Can be S en in the BTR Hungarian Turkeys on Sale from Luxor, Egypt. where the Eorl | hide siti Hungarian turkeys are being of. Of Carnarvon aud Howard Carver | fered for the Christmas trade in Ca- Noted explorer. have been. worki nada. This is the first season for [Or several years on the ruins of t | such decording to commission men in | Ontario, and the: new urrivals are | said to be coming in owin activity of Canadian export agents in { London The turkeys are of fin quality and are quoted at about thir near by ancient town of Theb Their discoveries of ancient statu | The Me in precious metals, as well as i marble, have been capped by ths | extreme acti finding of the tophb of an Egyptian seen elsewh Don't forget the Candy Canes for the Kiddies and the Xmas Tree king who reigned some thirteen hu ty-eight cents a pound. The move- dred years before Christ In a SSDS SIND SBS DBPBE | nou ovaries hls continent started cavern ke chamber bear (he ul . ' there was revealed treasures buried | ® i with the King which are said to lw | Our Vic of ve ma : Returns" worth at least forty million dollar . x . x BARD " These include a gem studded throne ! \ ou Wi nd the ever-present \ S | zive problem solved i + and other articles encrusted with | for vou. tastefully and economicall cur large and varied Xmas , precious stones It is probable that 1 . : rT i = 3 3 in some of the ancient lands of he stock' No where will your dollars o: thet I ¥ieid more pieasurc world there are enough treasures in or satisfaction than if spent with us. ' '] one form or another to pay off most of their obligations and give PETRET NEP AGF NET REPRE GT RGF : SREmmasT them a good start if the proceeds nS ma >, from them were wisely and care- fully handled for the state. ; Ladies' Pr rsents i ADM Pe) Merchant Prince Dead : > : ? { 4 4 Our plans and preparations have « nded throughout the ve ar, € REVVER f industry, 'integrity and honesty ere he i A 'haracter | - ( Fo % §. 11 wi the prime characteriztics of looking for Novelties and Oats sunita > f¢ AINA, Ww hich enanies us John Wanamaker. head of the fam . . to offer the best values obtainable at : 4 // ' ous stores which bear his name, and who died recently in Philadelphia at 3 py. TNE Di / 4 the age of 84. He was noted also 2 SNe NR for his wide philanthropies It is said that as a boy he bought a tie * i Pn ™ oN > fu a Store. He desired io cleanse It will not be any trouble to Select a Present for a this for one of another color Ibe Gent leman fore leaving the counter bur this ° ji 5 privelege was refused him. Then We extend to you a hearty invitation to visit our Jewelry Store. The Old Reliable was WorR the idea of the great stor You will be delighted with our magnificient display of Gift Jewelry one of the foundation stones of the Is you can purchsae Canadian Pacific success of which has been put into and you will be surprised to find » the saying "the customer is always cal for a little money. Will get you right." Copyrighted British & Colonial Press | Back Home for Christmas, Limited Wherever it is, and ar eo : eit Bros. "Gifis are Gifts that Last" ever long since You : LT ; How or 2 ad Lauer Watts as 2 Luni By paying a small de posit we will set asiae any arti le you may el APS 0 x . 4 ~ 1 "1 " Left. says, "The child taught to believe r select till nristmas Fast trains, Day and Night, to any occurrence m good or evil omen or any day of the. week lucky, hath : L . Homes Everywhere. Tell 'em a wide inroad made upon the sound Store Open Evenings Until After Xmas ness of his understanding." Along You're coming, do your Christmas such an opening Hesitancy creeps iy. ns a | t ke an earl and, Fear and Weakness and Dx Shopping y, y pendence. Superstition--any super . ~~ a and stition--1lays the mind bare and open & 1 rain to dodge the Crowds, d to a host of enemies: Manly courage ; ~ ® = ' \ is more difficult for it. and any just 3 > TLE Trav el \ judgment. The one folly makes it ' * easier to commit other mental foll- THE LEADING JEWELLER ies. The "wide inroad™ upon the un- derstanding made by a single super-| YY Ie PS " - 7 + stition remains long alone. bat - : ? brings in a hest of comrades The | 12 Simcoe St. South Oshawa , only way to maintain the integrity > of your understanding is to bar the | eee ere u 4 | road to it against any such nonsense.

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