i By CS LA EE AC Ie a a a co mua pr ere Te 1 V do \ PAGE FOUR THE ONTARIO REFORMER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 19, 1922 Es i a while another arm rubs a point of ferrocerium over a rough stone and produces sparks that light the lamp. If a pan of water has been placed on the lamp before retiring, the' sleeper may have another nap after the alarm has sounded, until the water for shaving or making coffee reaches the boiling point, ry | CI1OOK LIGHTS FIRE For the benefit of persons who dislike to get up in the morning to light 'the fire, a Frenchman has in- vented a clock that lights an alcohol lamp when the alarm sounds, The mechanism, released by the alarm, moves an arm, which removes a cap: covering the burner of the lamp, declining days. He bad mo doubt that her vanity was equal to that supposition, but he had done her less than justice in supposing that she had had any directly personal ambi- tions, Her ambitions were for Irene, From her point of view it seemed to Mrs, Hardy that almost anything would be better than that Irene THE COW PUNCHER By Robt. J. C. Stead - CHAPTER XVINI----Continued "Oh, I'm sure you can," she re- turned. "It's all over Irene and that --that--I will say it--that cow pun- cher, To think it would have come to this! Mr, Conward, you are not a mother, so you can't understand, Ungrateful girl! But I blame him. And the. Doctor, I never wanted him to come West, It was that fool trip, in that fool motor: i Conward smiled to himself over her unaccustomed violence, Mrs. Hardy must be deeply moved when she forgot to be correct, He had readily surmised the occasion of her distress, It needod no words from Mrs, Hardy to tell him that Irene and Dave were epgaged, He had expect- ed it for some time, and the infor- mation wis not altogether distaste- ful to him, He had come somewhat under the spell of Irene's attractive- ness, but he had no déep attachment for her. He was not aware that he had ever had an abiding attachment for any woman, Attachments were things which he put on and off as readily as a chapge ot clothes. He planned to hit ve through Ireng but he planned that when he struck it should be a death blow, Their en gagement would lend a sharper edge to his shaft, It may as well be set down tha' for Mrs. Hardy Conward had no re gard whatever. Even while he shay ed soft words for her err he held her in contempt, To him she was mere- ly a silly old woman. From the day he had first seen Mrs. Hardy his at- titude toward her had been one of ubtle flattery; partly because it ---------- | His Favorite | ~ Smoke Why not give him a box of his favorite cigars? TUCKETTS SIMONS PATHFINDERS $1.00 to $7.50 Karn's Drug Store PHONE 378 Nearest the Post Office U : <) pleased his whim, and partly be- cause on that same day he had seen Irene, and he was shrewd enough to know that his approach to the girl's affections must be made by way of the acquaintanceship which-he would establish under the guise of friend- ship for her mother. Since his trou- ble with Dave, Conward had a double purpose in developing that acquaint- anceship, e had no compunctions to his method of attack. While Ske was manfully laying siege to the front gate, Conward proposed 0 burglarize the home through the yack door of family intimacy, And 10w that Dave seemed to have won :he prize, Conward realized that his ywn position was more secure than aver, Had he not been called in con- sultation hy the girl's mother? Were not the inner affairs of the family now laid open before him? Did not his position as her: mother's adviser permit him to assume toward Irene in attitude which, in a sense, was more intimate than even Dave's :ould he? He turned these matters wer quickly in his mind, and con: gratulated himself upon the wisdom of his tactics. "It's very dreadful," Mrs, Hardy vas saying. between dabbings of her )erfumed handkerchief on eyes that ore witness to the genuineness of er distress, "Irene is not an ordin- ry girl. She has in her qualitics that Justified me in hoping that--thgt she would do--very differently from this You have heen a good friend, Mr, Conward. Need I conceal from you, Mr. Conward, from you, of all men, what have been my hopes for Irene?" Conward's hear{ leapt at the con- fession. He had secretly entertained some bt as to Mrs, Hardy's pur- pose in'opening her home to him as she had done; absurd as the hy- pothesis seemed, still there was the hypothesis that Mrs, Hardy saw in Conward a possible comfort to her should marry a man who had sprung form the low estate which Elden not only confessed, but boasted: She had hoped that by bringing Conward into the house, hy bringing Irene under the influence of a close family ac- quaintanceship with him, that that young lady might be lcd to see the folly of the road she was choosing. But now her clever purpose had come to nought, and in ber vexation she did not hesitate to humble her- gelf before Conward by confessing, | in words that he could not misunder-| stand, that she had hoped that he would he the successful suitor for Irene. And Conward's heart leapt at the confession, He was sufficient-! ly schooled in the affairs of life to appreciate the advantage of open al-| lance with Mrs, Hardy in thé short,' sharp battle that lay before him, "And I suppose I need not conceal | from you," he answered, "what my hopes have heen, . Those hopes have grown a8 my acquaintance with you has grown. It is reasonably safe to judge a daughter by her mother, and by that standard Irene is one of the most' adorable of young women," "I have heen called attractive in' my day," confessed Mrs. Hardy, warming at once to his flattery, | "Have been?" sald Conward, 'Say rather you are. If I had not been rendered, perhaps, a little partial by ] my admiration of Irene, I--well, one can scarcely give his heart in two places, you know. And my deep re- gard for you, Mrs, Hardy--my desire that you shall be spared this--ah--- threatened humiliation, will justify me in using heroic measures to bring this unfortunate affair to a close. You may trust me, Mrs. Hardy. "I was sure of that," she returned, already much comforted. *'I was sure of your sympathy, and that you would find a way." "I shall need your co-operation," he warned her. "Irene is--you will forgive me, Mrs. Hardy, but Irene is, if I may say it, somewhat head- strong, She is----"" "She is her father over again," Mrs. Hardy interrupted, "I told him he should not attempt that crazy trip of his without me along, but he would go. And this is what he has brought upon me, and he not here to share it." Mrs, Hardy's tone con- veyed very plainly her grievance 'NOTICE | We have purchased the Shoe Repair Shop formerly owned by Mr. Dalby. It will be known as the VICTORY SHOE REPAIR SHOP All work guaranteed. We use the best material and best workmanship, See us and save money. Prices as follows:--Men's half soles, $1.35; ladies', 86c; children, according to size. Open to 8.30 every evening. VICTORY SHOE REPAIR SHOP 12 Athol St. West over the Doctor's behavior in evad- 'ng the consequences of the situation which his headstrong folly had cre- ated, "She is set in her owa mind," Con- ward continued. "We must not open- ly oppose her. You must appear to be resigned, even to the extent of treating Elden with such considers- tion as you can. To argue wit Irene, to attempt to persuade her, or to order Elden off the place, would only deepen their attachment. Lovers are that way, Mrs. Hardy. We must adopt other tactics." "You are very clever," said Mrs Hardy. "You have been a student of human nature." tle as he valued Mrs. Ilardy's opin- ion, her words of praise fell very gratefully upon him, [Flatterers are seldom proof against their own pois- on. "Yes, I have studied human na- ture," be admitted. '"The most in teresting--and the mest profitable-- THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS Specialists breeds, but the mey develop and improve various standard Pro of a country's cattle de- of all studies. And 1 know tha young couples in love are not gov- erned by the ordinary laws of rea- son, gue with Irene--sensible girl though she is--on a subject like this. must reach her some other way. "The way that occurs is to create distrust. absurdly trustful or picious. no balanced judgment. is in extremes. sm ---- Conward smiled pleasurably, Lit-| That is why it is useless to ar- We to me Love is either absurdly sus- There is no middle course, Everything Everything is seen Pearl 5 * Necklets-- Arthur See our stock of Guaranteed Pear! Bead $5.00 to $50.00 The $15.00 Necklet is a Beauty Jeweler "THE GIFT SHOP" Pearls O. Felt Special for Round Steak ................ 20c Rolled Pot Roast ........ 18¢ Choise Rib Boll 10c-12¢ oke akfast Bacon, fmcked Be 35¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon, SHER ...osirrniiniini .. 38¢ Pickled Breakfast Bacon 2 Family Sausage 12}, Head Cheese .. we 12¢ Chopped Suet .............. 20c the Holiday Trade, Phone 195 Wednesday and Thursday Lynn Com, small ........ 10¢ Prospector Tomatoes.... 10¢ Salad Brand Salmon, ll, aie wiririns 188 Sunflower Brand Salmon, V4 1b, wiasnare 100 Pumpkin ........... 2 for 28¢ Corn Flakes 3 for 35¢ Shredded Wheat, 3 for 35c Lard by crock .............. 24¢ See our Xmas display of meat Wednesday. Open evenings this week. We expect to have a choice stock of Poultry for. E. F. Cawker 46 Simcoe N. BRING RESULTS "A MAN'S STORE FOR WR A MAN'S GIFT" REFORMER WANT ADS / There's no uncertainty That selection may hold né uncertainties, we have carefully excluded the garish and commonplace, presenting only those styles which are assured the approval of well-dressed men--exclusive without being expensive. about giving shirts --like these. From the staple and sturdy English Prints at $2.00 to the handsome Silks, Wool Taffetas, Poplins and Russian Cords, from $5.00 to $8.50 You can select colors and patterns that he is sure to like. Each Shirt in a Gift Box. through a magnifying lens, or miss- ed altogether. In tho trustfulness of love. little virtues are magnified to angelic qualities, and vices are quite unseen. But change that trust to suspicion, and a hidden, sinister meaning is found behind the sim- plest word or act." Conward bad risen and was walk- ing about the room, He was con- scious of being regarded as a man or very deep insight, and the conscious- ness pleased him. "We must cause Irene to distrust Elden--to see him in bis true light," he continued. "That may be possi- ble. But if it should fail we must take another course, which I hesitate to mention to you. bat which may be necessary if we are to save her from this fatal infatuation. If our efforts to cause Irene to see Elden in hie true light were to fail, and she were to discover those efforts, she would be more set in his favor than ever. So we must plan two campaigns; one, which I have already suggested, and one, if that should fail, to cause Elden to distrust Irene. No, no," he said. raising his hand toward Mrs. Hardy, who had started from her --""there must be no wv of reason, except that the end justifies the means. It is a case of saving Irene, even if we must paii her-- and you--in the saving." : "it's very dreadful," Mrs. Hardy repeated. "But you are very thor- ough: you leave nothing to chance. I suppose that. is the way with all Mig business men." "You can trust' me," Conward sumed hor. "There is no time ye . must plan campal at once." " my oi (To be continued) Give him the material for a Suit, and have it made after the holidays or when required. ASHBY THE TAILOR "The Man That Suits You" pends on the efforts of the farmer in this direction. ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHARE? We are glad to assist any responsible farmer who requires fir ancing. ss THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. PAID-UP CAPITAL 15,000,000 OSHAWA BRANCH, H. E. Tylor, Manager. o e right kind "The Ties a Woman Selects" if you 'round makes There will be no Fon. m remarks abou make selections from our holiday displays. Pleasing men the year us sure of our Christmas showing. Prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 , A Other Holiday Gifts for a MAN Initial Belts Umbrellas : Silk Suspenders Sweater Coats Pullover Sweaters Suspender Sets A Dozen Collars Dressing Gowns Wool Mufflers Silk Mufflers Silk Hosiery Wool Hosiery Wool Gloves = Garter and Armband Sets Tan Cape Gloves Grey Suede Gloves Peccary Hog Gloves Wool Lined Gloves Fur Lined Gloves Silk Lined Gloves Silk Gloves Silk Handkerchiefs OJ HFA WA Bank " < ry » A > Simcoe South, Next to Royal