Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 16 Dec 1922, p. 3

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* THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY, DEC. 16, 1922, 'beautiful chairs. Mr. and Mrs. Rebekah Euchre Party Sunshine Rebekah Lodge held the Bromell and family are leaving the of a series of three progressive vicinity and will move shortly to Col- J i | | Oshawa and District [|i hi, bids mb "heii wi : | of members and thei ; $ id Mr. and Mrs, Bromell and family: It is with deep regret that we hear Boys Run Rink Her Gift, the most points in the three parties.'©f Your departure from our midst To the Wolf Patrol of Boy Scouts| Why not give her a box of he B21, y You have lived among us so long and joes the Seg Lor the operation of [favorite French face powdér, or The Savoy our 3ssceiutione Buve heen oq Fas: the first rink in town this season. |battle of toilet water, at J<arn"s dru 3 N ' . are loa o part with you, This enterprisin ro ! : : Special for Xmas. Deliciois As-'Ag neighbors we have always found Oshawa kh ve bo a South tore, og -- di Sortment hard ag Soft esuite choe- you a with a helping hand; un- . rink for a couple of seasons now and | Bazaar In Progress Slates, 33 perp. 108-b ugually honest, straightforward and had a good crowd out for the first St. Gregory's Bazaar which closes | oC true. We are glad to know you are skating last evening. today after a week of unprecedéd P r Pays Vis not moving so far away but we will Public .School Inspector R. H. be able to see you occasionally. While - snceess, has outrivalled in size, at- The Savoy tendance' and proceeds, any earlier! Hutchinson has been engaged this you will be greatly missed from tne The most beautiful display of fan-| apdeavor of the organization. Full] week in making his regular inspec- neighborhood we would like to make cy boxes and baskets of Delicious | details as to proceeds will not be tions of the schools of the town. special mention of the loss that will Chocolates we have ever shown. | gvailable until early next week, i -- be felt by the Sunday School by the Prices 'to suit all. 25c¢ to $9.00, -- i Life at its best 1s a fight. At its removal of your family. Yet do we Be sure to see these before buving.| ast Minute Gifts, noblest, it is a struggle; not at its forget what will be our loss will he One may drift, '8ain to others. To show in a small No trouble to show goods, (108M) For last minute gifts drop in an. [poorest and meanest. . : : -- ' R ce the display at Karn's drug store, [or idle, or sing one's eare-free way measure our love and esteem a few i Unwelcome Visitor <ing Bast, nearest the post office. along any of the innumerable ave- ©f Your friemds-have met tonight to : OMM FIN( INC i An uninvited guest entered the . 108-a [nues that lead to failure and the ui- (Wish you Godspeed and ask you to if home of F. Lark, 273 Simcoe Street SRE timate disappointment, But if we @ccept these chairs trusting you may ni Tieaiey hg ": the Teacher Resigns, are going anywhere this is worth the [long be spared to enjoy their: coms # absence ) er, 0 J i { i I if : 4 : Miss Margaret Dolerty has i | going, we have need to take a new |fort. } family and carried off $20 in cash, | $A PEAT Dolierty has 7 pi 2 : open ------------------------ Cc nes ay eC & / Y . od \J The hotse Was ransacked from top signed from her position on the pub- [grip on ourselves day by day, to hold! £ ansg Mr, and Mrs, James Barker and i t lic school teaching staff and has ac- | ourselves steadily in the patience of RAGLAN Kingman, i ig + hi ' Il Z : rene, of igh Point, visited ar Mr. N, Ld Jos," Ralph®s on Sunday. | Li IS Sto fe Wil ! oe " ah friends. No prizes were awarde these going to the persons'securing \ to bottom, a iel ge g_en- A : : . ; tom, th thief gaining cepted a position in Bridgeburg at a [effort and self-restraint. -- Henry {A | i | Peace does nor mean the absence | trance by taking the &ey from salary of $1.700 pe 7 p sala ) 21, A" Yel where it had been left hidden near| bid. Ald I r year, the door, t v WA | Big Chocolate spedial. A big chocolate 1 gain, the 39¢ |p gisturbance. Peace is a posit Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evang and] home hox is on sale Saturday, De [quality; it is the highest condition [J«loyd spent Sunday with relatives at | comber 16th, until Christmas ~day fy which correlated faculties can Manchester Little M Lorna re | | | The Savoy Give the kiddies a treat. Real good chocolate and cream mixture for Xmas, only 29¢ 1b. (108h) Open Evenings } jat Karn's drug store, nearest the |,yjer Henry Ward Beecher, turned home with them after spend post office. 108-a ing a week with her grandparents, | ere M-- a. A pent - (Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee Held Whist Drive | A good-sized crowd attended the | = whist drive held by the Sons of England in the clubrooms last X | . § | evening. The dfives held by this ews O ear y aces | Miss A, Zoid fpen! the week-end | with relatives in Teronto, A ' | Mr. Roy Moon, Seagrave, visited friends here on Sunday | organization have been receiving splendid patronage of late, part- Mrs Wm. Luke has returned home icularly from the Old Country resi- from spending a few days with her dents of the town, : mnt BROOKLIN Rev. J. I. Bverson, of Prince Al-|®0M, Noah, in the city Dainty Gifts For Baby are to Ix The annual bazaar held under: the i bert, occupied the pulpit of the meth- Miss Eliza Hezzlewood spent a few Found at Lamble's, auspices of the Women's Guild of St Fluffy warm Llama Coats and Bon- [homas' Chureh was in every wi nets to match, hand knitted Wool yory suceessful, The different booth | y odist Church on Sunday evening last. | days with Mrs. Barker at High | *® Miss K. Story and Mr. R. Story, of | Point . ' and Mt. Carmel on Wednesday. eve- Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Gordon Vallant has returned | ning next. A good time in store Jackets, Carriage Covers in Padded [which were very prettily decorated their cousin, Mrs. ( has. Elilott Lito Lindsay after spending a week ator all wi Sitk and Llama Cloth, Hot Water [for the occasion were well patron Mr. and Mrs Harold Mowuray, i his home here. | Miss M. Vallant spent a day Bottles, Bootees, Mitts, In fact ev-|jz Nearly every article was sold the West, visited the former mot! Mr. J. II. Platten visited friends at | friends in Whithy this we Rr. wlan | dis dis | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson anc Mrs vbr erything for the baby. 8-i Ine redit is give ho Xi 8 for (EF Mrs Mowbray Nerve raa . A i g ) ch credit fs given to th ladies f There will be no Mission Band Seugog recently ; oh fae E . the splendid supper hich was serves . : 2 1 ¥ { family have moved into Mr, James turing the early part of the ning meeting held in Methodist Churen Mr George Stacey and daughter, |) Kor' wolise In the village . . ( 8 e Fly part the evening 1 how New Youy ne ave Tr ne . vigiting r¢ | Burk i 4 le Vile Special for Xmas, Pipes, The good program. which wi pro until the. beginning of the New Year|! 1, k@gve returned from vigiting rel {Cont Ci d Tob tet ' Wa oh ny Jove a ¢ th iMr. and Mrs Arthur Cook visited atives in Mount Dennis, é ars an accos vided was much enjoyed hy 4 Toron oak BB. Re W nw ra cou- | " . ) . 2 Ho waited. . The proceeds amounted (11 Toronto this wee Mr. B. Rahm was in Whithy a cou-1. cgURTESY OF THE EGYPTI Mr. and Mrs, John Vipond_ and ple of days this week on the jury It w Y ct Miss Dorothy® Vipond, of Toronto, for the fall assizes among pent (A% week-end with their par The scholars of both schools are (rich. m ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vipo-d busy. praetising for their Christmas respect t wed on page h ; 7 { £ Aol grpel 4 RILREIU EN AN. o about one hundred and sixty dol id custom of ir Ir. and Mn Wm Adar { leaving this week for Raleigh, North Carolina, Vi Marjorie Alicms, of Toront 1 Gordon nd aryle Rat he wek-end with her parents spent Sunday with their parents | Born At Laverna Hospital 1 and Mrs, Wm. wtelifte on November 10th, to Mr. and Mr Whi. Crosby, of Toronto, i: |Jas. Kerr, a son, (John Donald) 3 ier brother,. Mr Axthur | Born to Mr. ard Mr Artho In your recreation hours visit Yeionn ) ? a 2 Si itl; i oes of, soyce. Boyce, On Friday, December Sth our Billiard Parlor. New full ". Wm. Arnold, of Toronto, spent |daughter sized tables, sanitary conditions. Reon dW ith bei oy 1 aug y. We ea a fall line of Cigars \ Jean Renfr of 0} anag 1 Cigarettes and Tobacco. Bare " ton. British Columbia. is Visi pas ; y ber shop in connection, r zunt, Mrs. Helon. Burn } 1 entertainments I'he village school [To remind ) will give theirs Thursday afternoon no cast J 3 The late Mrs Vim. Prouse, 853 to Canada when just & May, who is staying with " lchild: She lived in Darlington Tow: Sachlas & Alex ir hin ay 31 A v1naL With a IY 'ship, near Zion, until her wm: Tops. painful accident or ly evening, after which she lived in Whith 38 King St. West Oshawa ol fell on the ice, break Pickeri Te and later s led late M Prouse was a 1 hom to kn Em ------ was to love When in the prime tc A At ME a fli WY | Jife she always responded to the « E = |of duty, and was a devoted wife ¢ r ' She was a Methodist in re SELECT YOUR EVERSHARP PENCIL | |lision. She leaves to mourn her bo her sorrowing husband and three FROM OUR COMPLETE CHRISTMAS |sons, Arthur, of Pickering Tp., Wm., lof Alix, Alta., and Amos, of Brooklin STOCK 1? he pall-bearers were two sons, who } = fwere present, and four brothers | John Wakely, of Hampton: Fred W Nh i . : A =| Allin, of Bowganville; Wesley and If you have $1.00 to $50.00 to spend for ez 1is Allin, 'of Hampton; the latter . SRE » oo gifts, EVERSHARP will solve your =| hree being half-brothers. problem. Everyone who writes wants an He Yzoskiln Permer's Cidb, at r annual meet elected an en "VF = > : | their 1 EV ERS} IARF . ' jtirely new execut i M1 Henry : | Burton president and Mr. Wm FOUNTAIN PENS -- "Waterman" and J Croxall, as seerefary voluntarily. re- | " Ban. Pe) c ly Ar : 3 |signed, and Mr. Joseph Garbutt was Swan, each one of guaranteed efhiciency . appointed president and Mr. Wm. | and durability regardless of cost--$2.50 [Cooper secretary upwards. ' : S| : Local Hydro users who are now hdl paying exorbitant rates are becom- ng anxious that the Provi Gov = = lernment's bonus may soon > effect B £2 | o lower rates. The Hydro Electric = 2! Commission seems to be slow = ; "~ : move Jeweler, ] The. many friends and neighbors : ; EAS Ie (sdb nd St BS SA Be TE TR 3 SR of Mr. d Mrs Y gathered "THE GIFT SHOP" slat the and Mrs. Hun- . " er on Satur / g and present- ° ° a eT AS MN RE ed Mr rs: Brome! wih tv a R { ng i [<4 vy OO F COURSE, mother thinks it's just a childish prank-- SNO : ? The Royal El : but watch her smile when the real reason for all the Clan) ot clestrie significant glances and mysterious whisperings of the following the past few days stands revealed! WILL BE OPEN * | superior Features: i : > 2, It is the easiost to Weeks before the big day arrived a host of things large and small were operate. discussed and eliminated one by one. For, this year, it had to be a really 2. It cleans thoroughly worth-while gift--something that mother would be proud to show her any floor - surface-- friends. n TT " . " 1 from thick rugs to ' nin | [1S mas Jare Lardwood or A Royal Electric Cleaner was dad's happy solution of the problem. . : crete! Did mother really want her Royal? Well, rather! Secretly she had studied <> 3 . - Tels te vost Sam. the superior features of the Royal--it was just the cleaner she had always . n - | 4. It has the simplest, hoped to find--but she had hardly dared expect that one would be really F ine line of c hristmas Turke =) most easily connect- hers 50 sopn. Yet there it was, thanks to dad's and the children's thought- i y i ed attachments. fulness.,~--ready at her bidding to make housecleaning easier for her through 5. It deans by air qlone po ave > --n a all the days to come. Geese, Ducks, and Crate brushes, belts or Perhaps a Royal would also be a happy solution to your Christm: gears to t out of og . . ea order or diminish the problem. Complete information and a demonstration of the Royals s F atte ned C hickens efficiency. cleaning ability will be gladly given without obligation. t gives the most ser-' vice per dollar of cost. < THE ELECTRIC SHOP A "Royal" Gift : Wide Cases 52 Simcoe St. Nerth FRET ov CATE RR RRR Pak ORDERS TAKEN FOR SCALD CREAM Snowden's Groce ; oncisr 07 | TROYAL Electric Cleaner Lleans By Air Alone? TF i »

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