Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Dec 1922, p. 8

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a A ar-- tt ali nt lh, A 8A Ao pt a A 0 THE ONTARIO REFORMER, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1922 | wedaing anniversary of Mr and Mrs. News of Nearby Places | we RE i ..,AS Norman Wright, Solina. Mrs. W. Hepburn, Luella and Jean, visited at Mr. Merlin Hepburn's. Mr. and Mrd4, Will Armour, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. Walter Armour's Sunday, . NORTH OSHAWA The many friends of Richard A. Gilbert, a former Fruitvalp man, will be griéved to learn of his death which occurred on Wednesday, tho 15th inst, at his home, Vine Hill Rinch, near Martinez. His nephe:" William J. Daniels, son of J. Daniels, .of 3060 Capp street, and young business man of that district, motored out to take dinner with his uncle, as was his weekly cui- «tom, He received no response tn his frequept knockings and, upon gaining entrance to the rooms he found hjs uncle presumably asleep in his chair, and upon in- vestigation it was discovered that Mr. Gilbert had fallen into his la t sleep, quietly and alone, several hours before. An autopsy pgr- formed revealed the fact that death had resulted from heart fail- ure, He leaves to mourn his los, Mrs. Amanda T. Branch, Mrs. Edith Vincent and Mr. Henry Gfibert, of Oshawa, uncle of William Daniels and Mrs, Raymond Parker, a native of England, e was in his 50th year, Deepest sympathy is extend- ed to Mv. Henry Gilbert and Mrs. Vincent, Mr, N: Tonkin visited at his par- ents' on Sunday. Mr. Russel Lane is visiting at Mr. James Lindsay's. We are glad to -report Jack Val- lant is improving after the flu. Mrs. Kuby, of Oshawa, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs, William Glover's. Mr. Taylor spoke on Sunday eve- ning, assisted by Mr. Hunt, His subject was "What is your life?" He spoke on the Good Samaritan and also on Joseph being sold, We hope to hear him again in the near future. We welcome Mr. Jack Conlin and family who have moved into the house recently occupied by Everett Fice. We are very sorry to report the fll health of little Muriel MacNelly, and we hope for a speedy recovery. Little Bertha Trevail, Toronto, is spending a few grandmother, Mrs. D. Christie, Remember the date of our Christ- mas concert, Thursday, December 21st. COLUMBUS Mrs. Marchington and family are now. preparing for an auction sale on Tuesday next to wind up the es- tate of the late J. S. Marchington, after which' they intend moving to Toronto, where they intend to re-| side. We are sorry to lose them from our community. We are sorry to report that Mrs. ND. McCullough, who has been a resi- dent of our village, wes taken very ill while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Story, in Oshawa, and is very low at the time of writing. Mrs. Murison is acting the good Samaritan by getting in a car loaa | of coal for this community. Mrs. Thos. Stabeck's sondn-law. Mr. Richardson, has ieturned home from Alberta and intends to remain for the winter. The box social which was held here last Friday night was not so largely attended as formerly, but the re- Sold in Oshawa by Jury & Lovell, Mr. J. Scott and Bossie, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott and Ray, and Mr, Clarence Werry visited Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Scott, Bowmanville, S8un- day, and attended St. Maul's Presby- terian anniversary services, ceipts were satisfactory and a good time was enjoyed by all present. Mrs, J. McKenzie has been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Richardson, for a few days. Mrs. Murison and her som, Stew- art, motored to Torunto on Wed- nesday last, : 3 Mrs, Doun, of South Oshawa, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. | Harold Hayes recently, Mr. and Mrs, B. Foster, of Osh- awa, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. T. Pereman, ; Mrs. Dr. Rundle, of Oshawa, called Kaake, Toronto, were Sunday guests | at Mr, F. Crossman's, iof the tast are good actors and sev- eral of them first-class musicians, so tended the Commencement exercises |a rich treat is in store for all who at Oshawa High School. sition in the drafting department of the General Motors. Miss Florence Wheeler and Mr, J. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Armour at- Mr. Albert Luke has recured a po- Farmers are beginning to feel anx- sister, of Toronto, visited with Mr, F, Briggs on Sunday atfernoon, Mr. Ross has moved his new build- ing onto the 'lot recently purchased from Mr. Carmichael, but it is some- what of a mystery as to what it is for. Some say it is for a bank, oth- ers that it is for a store. Evidently it will be necessary to wait till the sign is put'over the door before one can be sure. 2 The Myrtle Dramatic Club is pre- paring an excellent entertainment which will be given in the hall in the near future, All the members are privileged to hear them, ENFIELD days with her | on Mrs, R,'B. Smith last week. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. George Annis, Misd Mabel Walters and Mr, Blake Cour- tice, attended the Winter Fair in Toronto last week. They report a fine Fair is going on at the Exhibi- tion Grounds, An accident happened a mile west of here, when Mr, Gordon Brock's car overturned owing to a radius rod breaking. Slight injuries were re-| paired. There were half-a-dozen in| the car at the time, fous as wells and cisterns are get- ting low. The recent high winds have done some damage to barn roofs in this vieinity. TAUNTON Mrs, Elizabeth Bowins and Victor are visiting her sister In Chicago, U.B.A: Miss Elsie Tennant, of Oshawa, visited at Mr. William Fice's on Sunday. Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. mbrose Henry, of Oshawa, Mrs. . enry was a resident of Taunton .On Friday afternoon the Ladies' for many years, and very much re- Class meet .in the Church, Mrs. | gpected by all who knew her, Blake Courtice will take the topic. We are also sorry to hear of the W. R. Courtice attended council death of Mr. James Jehsen, of Hamp- meeting at Hampton on Saturday | ton, who lived north of Taunton for last. a number of years, The Sunday School was in charge| Mrs. Gordon Short called on Mrs. of Cedric Parsons last Sunday as Mr. | l.eslie Hancock, who has been quite Oshorne was away. | Messrs, Carl Short and Rae Brooks | were visitors at Oshawa on Saturday | Fonto recently. afternoon. Mrs. Gordon Short, Mrs, Jesse Farmers are taking advantage of |Arnott, Bernice and John, visited the snow to draw their supplies of | Mrs, Sydney Trevail, of Oshawa, on wood for the winter. They are lucky | Tuesday to have fuel, as coal is so dear. | Mr, and Mrs, Alan Lavis and Don- | Mr. 8id Nicholls and Mr. Kenneth | 81d spent Sunday with her parents, | Courtices hauled some heavy muni- Mr. abd Mrs. John H. Trull, Bowman- [cipal planks for use at our bridge! Y! lon Saturday last, Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton, Mr, Brooks' pond is froegn over. Mrs. John Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. [There has been some skating already, | Gordon Short and Mrs. J. Braund, of and all are preparing for hockey | Oshawa, visited at Mr. Myron Rob- and skating for the winter months. (Ins on Subday, Mr. Mrs. vapid Mr. C. Penfound was an absentee | Alan Fisher and on Sunday, {tamily visited her parents, Mr; and Mr. and Mrs. Frapk Rundle and M'®. Leask, of Ashburn. Mrs. A. F. Rundle visited friends in _ Mr. Walter Vivian has hired with Lindsay over the week-end. | Mi. Garfield Trevall, Many attended the funeral of Mrs. | Chicken thieves have been in this Will Moore at Tyrone on Sunday Pelghborhood again, and have stolen from here, {2 large number of hens and chickens. Mr. Alfred Huggins visited W. R.| Mr. Jack Martin, of Hampton, is Mr. Luther Cortflsh_ was in To- Courtice's last week for a few days. |SP¢Pding a few days at home. {of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Dudley. | Mr. Arthur and Russel Gay are | busy building a new echool in Osh-| lawa. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet {on Friday evening in the school- cured Mr. Bagwell's truck to remove | |room. Outside talent is expected from dfferent places in Ontario. The baseball game between tne to reside for the winter months. Mr. two junior teams on Saturday was Mahood has secured a good posi- postponed on account of weather tion in the Goodyear. | |conditions. Mr. Herry Gay wishes Mr. Rob. Roy visited in Orono on| all players to be on hand next Satur-{ Sunday. day. | Misses Hanna and Johnson, Health | Mr. Harry Osborne was a visitor in | Burse, visited our No. 10 school this! | Bowmanville last Wednesday. week. ' Carl Short, Glen Courtice, and R.| Mrs. White and daughter Luella of Courtice were visitors in Newcastle Elizabethville, have heen spending {last Wednesday. A fine new com- the week with Mr. and Mrs. Everto. munity hall is being built, | White. | Our new team at S.8. No. 8 is de-| Miss Winnifred Cole of Grace {veloping rapidly. Batteries are: Sam |Hospital, Toronto, spent Thursday {Gay, Willie Penbertly and Bert Nic- afternoon at home. We congratulate | bolls, Willie Konopachi We will| Miss Winnifred Cole on being ac- | isoom be with other cities in the sport cepted after three months' probation. [line if the good work keeps up. {Jack London Story at New Martin. Mr. Elmer Walter was a 'visitor at | {his grandparents on Saturday. {the frozen wilderness in Alaska, 's Mr. John Walters and Sops, Frank the setting for Jack London's great {and John, went to Toronto Tuesday Story "The Son of the Wolf," a to see the Winter Fair at the vivid picturization of which will be | Coliseum. | shown at the New Martin Theatré on - ------p i Thursday and Saturday. Not only. is | the production founded on the fam- KEDRON lous author's novel "The Som of the | Wolf" but parts of his "The Wife of The December meeting of the Lad- |2 King" have also been merged into lies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. |the tale, the filming of which, by H. L. Pascoe. The afternoon was Norman Dawn, is being hailed the |spent in quilting. | country over as one of London's most i Rev. Mr. Everson, of Printe Albert Sripping narratives. | occupied She pulpit Busan in the © of our pastor, who was tak- ing special services at Prospect. | MYRTLE - | Miss Olive Brock has returned af-| {ter spending a fow weeks with her parents at Maple Grove Mrs. T. Scott, Mrs. H. L. Pascoe and Mr. Harvey Pascoe, spent a day in the city last week. Miss Amber Sonley, Zion, and Miss Hazel Van Dyke, Toronte, were ai 'Mr. A. D. van Dyke's. A 2 Miss Ruby' Armour t the| Mr. Sleep had a large shipment of week-end in Oshawa. " hogs at the G.T.R. station -on Fri- Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr. and | day. Mrs. Pherril and daughter, oc Oshawa, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Bateman, last week, prior to her ly departure for Montreal, where Mr. Pherril has se- cured a position. Mr and Mrs. Harper, of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mrs. Todd. BETHESDA | ley visited friends in Bowmanville | {on Sunday and enjoyed a musical A Leagie concert ie to be given id {and intellectual treat at the Preshy- Mahood se-|torian Church. to Bowmanville, where they expect | whithy on Sunday and visited Mr. An Indian village in'the heart ofim yi: Horh Burgess spont Sunday at Mrs. H. L. Pascoe' and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. Doubt, of Oshawa. i4d., F. W. Thompson, W. H. Karn. |R. J. Luke attended the fifteenth and Mr. M. Wells, Mrs. Robins and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ashton and little Wilma, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. F. T. Ashton's, Mrs, Russell Ormiston recently visited at Enniskillen. Mr, Russell Ormiston-had a new piano placed in his home recently, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Pascoe re- cently visited at Solina. BETHESDA Mrs. Bilas Hoar, Mr. and Mrs, Ev. erett Hoar, motored to Oshawa on Tuesday and visited Mr, and Mrs, Milton Werry. Bethesda young people are contem- plating a drama again this year, Mr. Rob Roy assisted" in his ais- ter's recital at Orono, Mrs. Colville. Miss Marjorie Annis, of Solina, Mr. Gordon Leask, of Taunton, and Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Collacutt, of Balem, visited Mr, and Mrs. Ever: ett Hoar on Sun Mr. Harold Wyatt, of Tyrone, vis- ited at Mr. Locke's. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Smith, of Ennis. killen, visited their daughter, Mrs. Everett Hoar, Music lovers from this district en- Joyed a rare treat on Friday evening | when Axel Skorgaard und Alice Me- Clung Bkorgaard rendered a high class musical concert in the opera house, Bowmanville, The Misses Cole and J. R. R. Cole were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod on Sunday and attended anni-| | versary services in the Presbyterian Church, Rev, R. Bruce Taylor, D.D., | LL.D., principal of Queen's Univer- |sity, delivered two forceful ad- dresses, full of inspiring messages. | The music was excellent, The or- {ganiat and choir are deserving of | great praise, | Mr. and Mrs. Bradd, Masters Ger-| ald and Dudley, were Sunday guests | Mrs. Dudley and Mr, Floyd Dud- | Mr. Thos. Dudley motored from and Mrs. W. J. Dudley. | Miss Ferguson is practicing the scholars for Christmas concert and Christmas tree at 8.8. No. 10, TYRONE Mr. John Mutton made a business trip to Toronto this week. Idi: We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hills to | our village. They have bought Mr, | Samuel Hooper's property. Lt. Col. McLaughlin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin in Bowmanville and at- tended the Presbyterian anniversary services. | | his home here. : Mr. Wotten of the Anglo American Trust Co., Toronto, made several business calls in this vicinity. Did you notice the announcement of Mr. Ronald Scott's wedding? His many friends in the village congratu- late him. ' Several from here attended Mr. Dick Ashton's fuperal at Hayden. Mr. Ashton was an old and respect- ed citizen, and much sympathy is feit for the mourners. The Woman's Missionary Society meeting on "Thursday was uplifting and inspiring. Mrs. Hudson read. K. Gibbs and F. 0 odman favored us with a duet, THORNTON'S CORNERS The Christmas tree and concert will be held Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. Mrs. Wm. Hoag and Master Frank Mashed recently with friends in To- roato. ---- a all BRITISH CONSOLS day. The evening was passed pleas- antly in games, ete., and ended with a 'nice lunch served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Bayes, of Toronto, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. James Luke. ; sitar Pascos, of Almonds | Visitea over Sunday at Mr. E, Pas-| Mr. G. Sollett has erected a fine new barn just recently om his farm || near the corner. - pre Rh A] fil 1 1H 4 SPECIALS Friday - AND Saturday Here's an opportunity for you to purchase that Xmas Gift at less than you would expect to pay. Much less than any one else sells for £ 4 7 Ready to wear Garments 14 Sample Dresses for Women, no two alike. Tricotine and Poire Twill all Pure Fine Wool--Handsomely trimmed, all new styles, perfect fitting. The Reg. prices are $25.00 and $29.00 2 Friday and Saturday $18.90 12 only Sample Dresses: for Girls, 8--10 and 12 years. Entirely new-- Made of fine Pure Wool Serge and daintily trimmed, also 4 pretty flannel ones. The Reg. price of these range as high as $8.50 Friday and Saturday Choice $4.48 8 Little Tots flannel and Serge Dresses, age 2 to 6 years. Reg. price 1.50 : Friday and Saturday $2.90 6 only All Wool Velour Coats for Women, full linings with good Fur Collars. Reg. price $25.00 and $35.00 Friday and Saturday $15.00 12 only Ladies' extra quality Iderdown Kimonas or Bath Robes. Neatly trimmed, all sizes and several colors. Reg. price $7.50 Friday and Saturday $5.90, \ 6 only Fancy Brocaded Corded Velvet Kimonas, full length, handsome designs, very new. Reg. $15.00 Fridey and Saturdey $11.00 Ast Silk Sweaters in the larger sizes, 40 to 48, in Black or Black and White or White. Reg. price $12.75 and $13.50 Fridey and Saturdey $10.00 6 only Art Silk Pullover Sweaters. Reg. price $10.00 Fridey and Seturday $5.00 20d Floor Fancy Colored Heavy Bath Towels ) Fancy Ider Bed Throws--Blue or Pink. ..Reg. $14.50 for ........ or Large Size Fancy Comforters. Reg. $5.98 for ........................ an 50 Dozen good V ests and Drawers, all styles, Reg. $1.00 for 40 inch Canton Crepe Silk, Blk and 10 Colors, Reg. $4.50 for $348 yd. Yd. Wide Guaranteed Black Duchess Reg. $3.90 for Men's Umbrellas, Silk Covers. Reg. $6.00 for All these prices are extra special for Fridey and Saturdsy Selling only. : SEE THE WINDOWS TONIGHT . ' » ; Sons Fale » b J

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