Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 12 Dec 1922, p. 7

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USE THE REFORMER TO B re rm 7 | 2 se mm ep Sn ret | Er ee re 7 fe Y AND SELL PAGE . SEVEN Lost and Found LOST -- On SATURDAY. NIGHT, ON Simcoe or King Btreet, or in Martin's Theatre, a bréwn leather purse con- taining. a pearl Nag. Finder kindly return to 14 Bond 8 Reward. 104-5 LOST -- ACH BULLDOG WITH one white foot and white markings on face, Reward, Phone 1213-W or see W. L, Edgar, 135 Huron Cres-|__ cent, 105-b LOST--PARCEL-" CONTAINING A pair 'of boy's pants and pair of py- jamas, Finder please phone 451-W, 106-0 LOST -- A STERLING SILVER BAR pin set with rhinestones, Sunday eve- ning between Fairbanks Street and Ward & Dewlands, Finder please phone 568-J OF Suite 3, Bradley Apts, Rewprd, 3 a Jotbi Work Wanted ead | B. 'W, HAYNES, WOODWORKER, | storm doors, storm windows, win-| N. ; oan 2 Veber dow frames, and cabinets built to! | order Auld v wi Floors machine sanded, Bronze DR. C, B LSON, PHYSICIAN [010 strip put on, Prompt ser- B34 Surge n, Phon® 57. 110-ayr Vice. Reasonable prices. Phone 48! |---161 King St, West. Always there DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- (7 to 8 a m. 95-1mos geon, Accoucher. Wy yo di shart il Shop; tic over n gone 8 Tallor i o King $t. West. Phone 31, TT, 8, TU "DENTIST, OF- = XR) Hogg and kytle's store, Phone 948, 1-yr, DR, 8, J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST, Office over Royal Bank, Phone hy! Residence 306, : (4-1yr.) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICB over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 07, DR, TREWIN, 4 DENTIST trance to office one" Detenbeck's Store, DR. W, J. LANGA Office over Engels 8 , N, Gas for extraction, 948, Et DR. ARMBTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St. 83-11 EN- 'door east of D, DENTIST, re, 16 Simcoe Phone Hey Reb lL ABOUT THAT ~ LEAKY | dence, King St. Kast, torner Victoria | Roof, we dosall kinds of roof work. | St., Oshawa, Phone 04, Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or Shing- | les, Chimneys repaired. 8. J. L. J. BSEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST. Rast "Toronto will be. at Guy & oii King St. E. OBUEVS | 25 ell' Store each . ' BNL Loven 11 ag 4 p.m. for consulta- [WOM WANTS WASHING TO DO tion in disease of the ove, 12-1yr | at home, Send a card to first house past the school on Park Road North. DR. D. B, NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND | (104¢) Throat. Diseases of children. Office | {ANTED POSITION AS HOUSE. over Dominjon Bank, Telephone | keeper for gentleman in town or 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6: 5--0; Batur-| country, by woman with one child "dnys 2--8; 7--9; or by aypoisiment; [sount} age. Apply Box "S", Reform- er. 106-2 DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- = m------ lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Riore first and third oe i" Friday each month from 230 to 4 gy WANTED FOR DELIVERY. for consultation in diseases of the Apply Holdsworth, 290 Albert Street, aose, throat and ear. butcher shop. 105-b DR. P. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR MEN WANTED--ABLE TO QUALI- Street West, Toronto, will be at his|fy for responsible position, Refer- office over Millér's Arcade each Sat |ences. Apply at once, 10 a.m. to } urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul-|p.m., to P. RB. Eager, Standard Bank talion and treatment of diseases of! Bldg. 106-¢ ear, nose and throat only, Help Wanted--Female Losi WANTED AT ONCE--TWO WOMEN JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-|or men' of neat appearance and good rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- character for pleasant outdoor oc- veyancer. Money to loan. Office cupation in this town. Whole 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone spare time, position permanent and {pay excellent. L. M. Washington, 55 55 Celina St., or Box Z. | WANTED--WARD MAID FOR OSH- Hospital. Apply to Superintend- : 103-t£ WOMAN Help Wanted--Male D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, | = Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and 2W2 Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of-| <bt. L \ fice, St. Chambers (Formerly! WANTED = Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- [for housework; gwa. Phones, Ottice 940; Residence| Apply between 7 and 8 Mrs. Me- Kibbon, 481 Simcoe S, 105-¢ WANTED -- COOK, GENERAL. Must have experience. Apply 74 "A CAPABLE references required. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR. | risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-! " ; i lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank, King St. W. 150-11 entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. WANTED -- ENERGETIC LADY F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, with some business experience to 'A. 'make monthly collections from our subscribers in Oshawa. Part time ionly and small property bond re- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. quired. Write C. H. Stenberg, 1042 Oifice (eniramce) 7% Simeve St. Elliott Sq., Buffalo, N.Y. 105-¢ South, Oshawa. Loans arranged ob |yWwaANTED AT ONCE 10 SALES. mortgages, conveyancing and 80" | adi eral practice. Phone 63, es. Apply Woolworth oa b H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, -- . = Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office! Accountants 11% Simcoe St. South, XP RENDERED AND GOL- Phones--Office 210, Res. 160. {ections made: books of accounts G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- | FOR { No, | Corners. or" Personal YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO meet young lady, Christian, age 20 to #2. Old Country girl preferred, fond of country life, View, friendship | and matrimony if suitable, Audies English, Reformer, (106-¢) T_ Wamed |: WANTED -- A SECOND HAND| rug or carpet, size 9 x 16, couch. | table, 2 rockers, few pictures. Apbly 35 Cones Apply 128 Tylor Cresent: | 106-h HOME TI Bod SERSURY | nas BOARD, IF POSSIBLE, | heen worn, sizo 36, $10 each, Also | wanted by middle-aged man. Cen- Baby Carriage $5, 177 Monk Street. | tral location preferred, Apply Box! Evenings, ' (104c) | 2, Oshawa, (106- e) | FOR SALE -- 3 MIL.CH ~06Ws, | Apply W, C, Martin, 55 Burk Street, Iv 105-0 The Ontario | FOR SALB--1 PAIR OF LADY'S hockey boots and skates, size 3, | : 57 ug a yates 220 Mury | IN THE MATTER of tho Petition Street, or phone 435-W, 1oe-h | Of William on ing Others, a TING i 5 ive der section 21 of The Consolidat- HORSE ron SALE + MR, Lt NDY, ed Municipal Act, 1922", for annex- 217 Burk Street, 106-21 2tion to the Town of Oshawa of ajl FOR SALE -A WICKER that part of thi Broken F: cont Co go-cart in good Apply cession of ¢ Townst Rast | 105 Alice Street, 106-2 | Whithy, in the County Si, Province FOR SALE-<A FIBRE PROOF CAR- of Ontario, described as follows: riage (reversible) in good condition COMMENCING at.the intersection! Apply 156 Simcoe St. N 106-n 'of Park Read with the Base Line FOR SALE--MAJESTIC ELECTRIC Road, thence Southerly along the heater, nearly new. 172 Pearl St. centre line of allowance for road be- | 106-0 tween Lots 12 and 13, to the South | "Gow. limit of the lands of the Grand GR Trunk R3nway Companys ju Bee tod 4 : ,, easterly along the south limit o 1 Nok Gear ule ir SOW ke lands of the Grand Trunk Railway hor ods ols Pel nantie to. the 'centre line of "Lot No. 11; horn cocker 5, Ferris 265-300 e823 1honoe south along the centre line of strain. Also fresh eggs. Lo Huber, x, to the south Jimit of Lot RR No, 4, Thornton's Corners No. 4 n No. 180: thence east- Tus itherly limit of said Lot No. 4, to and along the centre line of the road (known as Sandy Small Koad, running from the Non- guon Road, or Simcoe Street to .the ailowaned for road between Lots 10 and 11), to the wosterly limit of the lands of the Robson Leather Com- pany; thepee southerly and casterly along the westerly and southerly lim- it of the lands of the Robson Lea- ther Company to the westerly limit ofl.ot No. 9; thence southerly a- long the westerly limit of Lot. No. 9, to the water's edge of Lake On- td thence easterly along the wa- ter edge of Lake Ontario to the easterly limit of the lands of the Do- | minion Government; thence north- westerly along the easterly limit of the lands of the Dominion Govern- ment to the centre line of the al-| Jowance for road between Lots 5 ~ Automobiles For Sale !and 6; thence northerly to the centre FOR SALE--MAXWELL ONE AND line of the new road laid out on the one half ton Truck in first class north side of the Harbour known as condition, extra large body, enclosed Harbour Road"; thence westerly a- | cab. Two extra tires with rims, |long Harbour Road to the easterly searchlight, etc. Would make fine limit of Lot No. 7; thence northerly truck for cartage or furniture mov- #4long the easterly limit of Lot No.' ing. L. W. Goodall, Oshawa, RR. it. 7 tw the Base Line; thence wesi- No. or phone 908- 24. (1044r.) erly along the centre line of the Be x = Base Line Road to the PLACE OF + BEGINNING. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING. | The Ontario Railway and Muuici- | pal Board hereby appoints Wednes- day, the Thirteenth Day of Decem- ber, A.D. en O'Clock in the Foremoon, at the 'Council Chamber, in the Town Hall, in the Town of Oshawa, for the Hearing herein. Dated at Toronto this Sixth day | of December, A.D., 1922. "H. C. SMALL". Secretary. Articles For Sale SWEET CIDER -- MADE FROM good sound apples, Any quantity. Phone 008 p 24, (66-t.1,) BE CLEA 1 0 J up the home with a change in fur- niture, We buy, sell and exchange used iture, Highest cash price paid for good second hand furni- ture. 'ND. Dime, 56 King Street West. Phone 271, 765- mos FOR SALE pacity, 9 gallons, Street, FOR BALE--I Cook Stove; Man's Tweed Sult, never ONTARIO Railway pal Board, and Munici- WHITE condition of SALE----HOU NOS $10; $25 Apply W. Secattergood, 11 un Pla ie Es a rly along the sot FORTSALE NEW PERFECTION coal oil heater, almost new. Apply 68 First Avenue. 106-1 FOR SALE--THIRTY OR FORTY! Hens, Hay, 2 Wagons and a Demo- crat, 1-two Furrow Riding Plow, one | Walking Plow, Drag Harrow, Cut- ting Box, and other Farm Articles, at the farm of the late Jos Thompson, mile west of Ross's (105¢) FOR SALE -- A CHILD'S NEW Morris rocking chair. Apply Bagot St. (1 OAK PHONOGRAPH COMPL with records. $32.00. Phone 12 257 Albert St, (106-¢) FOR SALE--THREE COWS. DUE latter "part of this month. Apply J. B, Wilson, 21 King East. (106- a) Ya )6=C ) io; 2 HALL TO RENT --- HARDWOOD floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al}- terations to suit tenant. Apply to H. Engel. 47-10. OFFICE TO RENT -- A BRIGHT, clean, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in the Royal Bank Chambers, immed- iately adjoining R. Moffat's law of fice. Hardwood floor, hot water heating. Will rent at reasonable figure to suitable tenant. Apply to Jobn Bailes & Sons, Jikrdware. 86-11 TO RENT--A NICE KITCHEN WITil water in, and a mice front bed room. | Apply 62 Base Line East, South Gsi-' awa. 104-c 105-1) posted and financal statements pre- |pared; income tax reports prepared, adjusted; gemeral and cost account- IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- ing systems installed; audits and practic Spinal Adjustments and get investigations made; authorized well. Examinations free at office. trustee in bankruptcy. Hugh K. Mid- Dr. S. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. dleton, Accountant, Auditor, ete. BEDROOM TO RENT. APPLY 181 Simcoe St. 8. (104¢) TO RENT-THREE WARM ROOMS, furnished, suitable for light house: keeping. good locality. Apply 157 Ritson Road South. 103-9 Plumbing, Heating and Repairs Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty {32% Simcoe St. North. te Surveyors . M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO-'~---- Notes minion Land iggy and Civic En- NOTICE --THE FOLLOWING ANI- gineers, W Phone 231. Swuc- mal, one red heifer, two years old cessor to late VaR. Yarnold, of Port | {is impounded at lot No. 6 in the 7th . Perry. 7341 | Concession of the township of East [Whitby and will there be sold by Unt & Embelmers public tender on the 16th day of! | December, 1922, at the hour of 2! LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL o'clock p. m., if not sooner claimed. directors, embalmers, private am-|Dated at East Whitby this 5th day bulance; morgue and chapel in con- of Pecember, 19227 Alex. McKenzie, nection; framing; 11 Simcoe, Poundkecper. (104-6) Resigcuch picture St. South. Phone 210. _-- THE DISNEY FUNERAL road Wood For Sele Oftice and Chapel, 31 'King St. Tig UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- East, Oshawa. Finest ljotor eguip- ed instructions from George Allan mont and service. to sell by auction, Monday, Dec. 1082, Day for Night. (89-1 mo.) | Shh, on Lot 3, Con. 3, Bast Whitby. 1 . {5 acres of standing hardwood in 4 Tire Repairing {acre lots. Terms cash or four months' | credit on approved notes, interest at ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT |6 per cout. per annum. Sale 1 pan Ideal Teo Repair E So, OF over or Oshawa South | James Bishop, Auctions er. 105-¢ | Tires for | i small house. Furnished or unfurnish- ied by end of [Owaer, TO RENT -- TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Veniences, use of phone. Apply Court Street or phone 1078-3 TO LET BOARD AND ROO with all convenience Boar duced for two. Apply 15 | Street TO RENT -- Wo Sails BN rooms, Phone § bs Wanted to Rent WANTED TO HENT--FLAT OR J. 8. DICK At Purdy Co.'s Premises 82 Simcoe St. S. ESTIMATES GIVEN Phone 942 Res. 3605 CON NOTICE | We have purchased the Shoe Repair Shop formerly owned | by Mr. Dalby. It will be | | known as the VICTORY. SHOE REPAIR SHOP December. Box Is, Oshawa, Post Office. (104¢) WANTED TO RENT -- A SMALL house or three unfurnished rooms, centrally located, with convenic aces by a respectable couple. Box "o Reformer. 106-¢ EXCHANGE TORONTO HOUSE FOit | Oshawa property. Solid brick Sempl, detached. 6 roomed, fully 2 corner lot. Immediate PosSessic on. We use | and bes: ~ All work guaranteed. the best material workmanship. Bee us ghd save money. Brices § as toll a; Men's half soles, J $1.35; ladies'. 86¢: children, MISS BULALAE BUCHANAN Medaltist, London, England i | SEE om foes and further Anformation "apply 38. ANENUE RD, TORONTO of Piano Anstouction, PEER Classes for Lumber LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed. Box a Reformer. 106-b | a coon Ing to size. Open" to 8.30 every evening. Lumber and w ! Yard, Whitby Ont. 3: AM A | "mited number of pupils for music son, 7 Bond St, Br "Phone #1. 92-41 LIN THE SURROGATE COURT OF] THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the estate of Joseph D, Thompson, Farmer, de- ceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.8.0. 1014 Cap, 121 Sec. 56 that all | » {persons having claime against the |will return this way and put in the estate of the said Joseph D, Thomp-| son, who died on or about the 6th day of December, A.D, 1022, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to W, E. N. Sinclair, Solicitor Not gor the administrator, on or before the 30th day of December, A.D, 1022, their names, addresses and descrip- tions and a full statement of par- ticulars of their claims and the na- ture of the security (if any) held hy them duly certified, and that after the said day the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which then have notice, Dated this 8th day A.D. 1922, WwW. E Solicitor 106-9-12 { i N. SINCLAIR, K.C., for the \dministrator. Oshawa, Ont. _-- Nome 0) OF DIVORCE Notice is here given that Elva Burnsides of the-Town of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and now residing in the City of Toronto, in the Coun- ty of Yo will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada, at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from 'her hushand, Richard Burnsides, of the said Town of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. Dated at the City of TOYonNYL, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, this 7th day of Decembir, 1922. HAND & O"NEILL, Solicitors for the Applicant. 106-9-12-15-18 Prd BA L~ In your recreathon hours visit our Billiard Parlor. New full sized tables, sanitary conditions, We carry a full line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Bar. ber shop in eonnection, Sachlas & Alex Props. 38 King St. West 4 Oshawa they shall | i December, APPLICATION "YOR 4 the purpose, of | Examine: It you don't believa| The quesal has been called the [thls one, 'send a radio to Battling |most beautiful bird in the world. It | Sik. Since our old friend 'Mickey' | inhabits Guatemala and Southern Murray did not appear on the Aura Mexico, and it is the national em- Lee line-up the other night, it iv | blem of Guatemala, REFORMER has a circulation that exceeds 2800 copies is. sued every other day, Its pages are crammed winter with one of the City Hoe: key League teams, iets -- COURT OF REVISION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tffmt the COURT OF REVISION will meet | in the Town Hall, on Wednesday, | December 27th, $922, at 7.30 P, M.| to hear complaints against the As-| sessment Roll made for the year full of all the latest lo- 11023, F. E. HARE, | cal news, Its --| WANT ADS are read by all and are sure to bring. results. They cost little but ac- complish much. Don't besitate. It will PAY you as it has hundreds of others to give The .Reformer Want Ads a trial, [ 106d" . pa-- PAVEMENTS A Court of Revision on Pavements | constructed on the streets mention- ed below, will be held on the 28th nd of December, 1922, at 7.30 P. {M, in the Town Hal, Oshawa, for hearing complaints | against the proposed assessments. | PAVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED 1921 Avenue Street Albert Street Aberdeen Street { Brock Street | Court Street Centre Street Connaught Street Emma Street King Street West Masson Street Ritson Road Dated December The Ontario Reformer Phone 35 12 Fy. 1922. E. HARE, Clerk. 06a SIDEWALKS A Court of Revision on Sidewalks constructed on the streets men- ed below, will be held on the 28th Day of December, 1922 at 7.30 { P. in the Town Hall, Oshawa, for the purpose of hearing com- i plaints against the proposed assessinents. SIDEWALKS CONSTRUCTED 1921 Arlington Avenue South from Simcoe to W Limit Lot 74, Arthur Street South from Ritson Rd. to Yonge | Agnes Street North from Division to 'W Limit Lot 22 | Alma Street South from Grooms Ave to 24' 6" East | Burk Street West trom John to Gibbs Street Buckingham Ave. North from Simcoe to W Limit Lot 211 Centre Street East from Royal Street to Fairbanks Court Street West from Wilkinson Ave. to 164' South Dearborn Avenue West from Elgin ta N Limit Lot 11 | Grooms Avenue East from Alma to S Limit Lot 23 Johns Avenue East from Alice to N Limit Lot 8 Masson Street West from Connaught to 8 Limit Lot 62 Nassau Street West from 146° North of Gibbs to South End of Nassau East from King to § Limit of Lot 41 South from Nassau to 87° East North from Centre to 290° West Kast from Richmond to N Limit Lot 43 S. East from Jackson to N Limit Lot 1 8S. East from Athol to 103' North Dated December 12th, 1922 F. E. HARE, Clerk. Nassau Street King Street W, | Lloyd Street | Oshawa Blvd. | Simcoe Street | Simcoe Street 106a 1922, at the hour of Eley- * | ROMAN MEAL With ing matter than even ideal growth food for mother. IT IS DELICIOUS HE only cereal which is a com- bination of whole grains. compensates thedcficienciesof flour, refined cereals meats and sweets. Because it contains more bone mak- child, or the nursing and expectant Because it is balanced it nourishes better than meat, -aids digestion, positively relieves comstifietion. Be- ing alkaline it clears the rough or muddy skin. Add ROMAN MEAL A - war conditions past 1 Bay Rowan Meal at | s and try this | © Delgiafet Revise to-day GEMS 1 cup Reman 1 cup flour, 1 level 2 coup salt, = rounded tea- It Because ofits Flaxin, Roman Meal con- * tainsmorebonemak: ing salts and protein than even milk, thus itis the best possible food for your child, and for the hursing end expectant mother. milk it is the your growing Meal, pimply to Your Daily Diet. ROMAN MEAL is the only in some way every, day, with plenty of milk and some leafy vegetables uncooked ide your {preferably od el) you to

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