Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 12 Dec 1922, p. 5

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* "accurate passing being Sporting a sd ces Too Good For Motormen ! Two games were played Saturday evening in the Senior City Basketball gue,. the 'Aces and Bankers win- ing from Speed Merchants and neral Motors respectively, The first game 'was an easy victory for the , the score being 44 to 16, 'while in the second contest the Bank- gre sprang a surprise when they 'came from behind and won out by 81 to 21, ; The third game between The Re- former and Pedlars was postponed on account of a number of players ion the latter team not heing able to turn out. 4 { "The Aces made an exceNent show- ng in the opening game, their fast,| the feature of the evening's entertainment, {Their opponents, the Speed Mer-| chants, lost many points through their inability to check, Aces: F, Hearst centre; chart and B. Salter, forwards; James and O, Cornish, defence; McNally; spare, » THE ONTARIO REFORMER, TUESDAY DEC. 12, 1922 «, How They Stand World be SENIOR CITY BASKRTBALL Won "y' Dormitories . Pill Mixers .,.. High Sehool , Aces Bankers Reformer ,.,., Pediars General Motors Hot Dogs , .. Business Men Speed Merchants , . Saturday's gi Aces, 44; Speed Merchants, 16, Bankers, 31; General Motors, Reformer vs, Pedlars postponed. Wednesday's Games Business Men vs, Pill MPxers. Bankers vs, Hot Dogs, INDOOR BASEBALL GMC rr rvrrrnrrrs ives 6 Pedlars Williams Business Men Dreadnoughts. , Regiment Knights of P. . t= H. Bu AY Speed Merchants: C. Elliott, cen: | yr iro. tre; W, Miller and A. Petre, for-| 'wards; E, Anderson and R, Bell, de- | fence, The second game Saw the Bankers | , stage a comeback in the sécond half. At the interval the score read | #17 to 16 against them but throughout | the second period they showed a re- versal of form and held their op-| ponents to 5 points while they added | 14 themselves. ; ." Bankers: - T. Hearst, centre; H.| Elliott and D, James, forwards; J. | ' Butler and C. Jamieson," defence, | . General Motors: O. Drew, centre; | Robertson and Pearson, forwards; | 'Shipwell and Marshall, defence; | 3 Leach, spare. : | Port Hope Guide: A Lindsay man | purchased a chicken the other day, | and when preparing it for the pan | found a gold nugget in its gizzard. ! With gold;lined chickens and the as- surance. Bankers Last nights results Fittings 11, A.Y.P.A, 10, GMC. 16, K of P. 14 Regiment 11, O.F.C, 8. Thursday's Games Williams at Dreadnought Fittings at K, of P, AY.PA at GMC, LADIES' INDOOR LEAGUE FJ Superiors St. GFRBOFRY'B. +r:+ +2143 Fittings Business Girls Pedlars Teachers G.M.C. Ward & Dewland's 2, Last night's results Fittings 18, St. Gregory's 14 Thursday's Games Superiors at G.M.C. This evening representatives o 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 Lost 0 0 0 v7 21, NUT dR WWW =D BEE OF OF TR pent '}to Oshawa territory although f the at- Jack Oulette js going |local O.H.A. group will meet in the y.5 peen/staged, News Telfers Def cat Oshawa Eleven Locals Will Remain In Second Division For Another Oshawa's T. and D, representa- tives were forced to how to defeat, at the hands of Telfers Saturday '| afternoon, at Conhoy Park, Toronto, in the play-off to decide which team should accompany G.A.U.V. into the upper circle, The game was a fine exhibition" of soecer, with neither team showing superiority over the other at any stage. The final score was 2 to 0, the winners securing one in each half, Oshawa won the toss and elected to kick down hill, The Oshawa hoys were first to adapt themselves to the new conditions and settled down to the short passing game which for a time was very effective, The Tel- fer defence was continually worried, Bobby Lindsay the winners' left half especially having his hands full: Tel. fers gradually worked themselves in- visitors repeatedly made dangerous attacks on their goal. Telfers open- ed the scoring, when Galloway, a promising youngster, got away on the right wing and centred to Glover who placed the ball in' the net, Osh- awa tried hard to equalize and for | several minutes prospects were bright for them doing so, but the Telfer defense held. ; The second half was as "keenly fought as the first, with both teams having a number of opportunities Smith, the goalie, to find the nets, the | a» A 4 ints On Playi askoth Jos This is the third article of/a series on basketball that is proving a popu- lar feature with readers of The Re- former's sport page, It gives some useful information oy' forwards, Guards Ususlly Are Waiting When a forward in basketball sees that a team-mate is about to exe- cute a pass to him, a common ten- dency is for him to dash immediate ly toward his opponents' goal. The opposing guards are usually waiting for him and for the opportunity to intercept the pass m, If the forward cuts in front ol e guard he has a hetter chance of 'catching the pass. If the forward rdas be- hind the guard he has little or no chance, When the offensive play is started either in the halt seclion toward their own goal or in the center of the playing court, forwards can greatly assist in advancing the ball by moving toward the passer, In 80 doing, the passing distance is shortened and the chance for inter- |ception is also lessened. Church Ledgue Will Operate Banner Season Expected----Many Teams Entered In All Groups All churches were represented at a meeting of the Inter-Church Hoc key League held in the Y.M,C.A. last evening. It Is estimated that 18 teams. will be in ine in all three series when - the Hockey Season opens, Practically every church will have a juvenile, junior and senior teams on the ice, A hapner year ia anticipated and some fast hockey is promised the supporters or the' various teams, At last night's meeting, B, L. Petley was re-elected president of the league and he was also appointed to meet the Oshawa Amateur Ath- letic Association In regard to rink actomodation. The complete list of officers is as follows: Honorary presidents--Rev, BE. T. Cotten, Rey, dePencier, Rev, A. M. Irwin and Father Bench. - President--E, L. Petley. 1st vice-president----A. Larmer, 2nd vice-president--s, Flintoff, Becretary--Art Petre, Treasurer--~E. Anderson, ; An executive committee will be ap- pointed to be composed of one rep- resentative from each church. The new officers will hold their frst When possession of.the ball is |lost, forwards should immediately play their defensive positions as re- quired by the defensive system used, | If the ball is lost directly under {the opponents' goal many forwards |are prone to bheligye that they have accomplished thelr end by advanc- ing the ball that far, and they are apt to stand or idly walk and watch the offensive. work of their oppon- ents in the hope that their guards {will break up the play. The next article of the series deals th the important position of was called upon to save some difficult | Busrding, shots and it was only with lots of good luck that he Bot away with a clear sheet. Telfers added their second goal towards the close of the game, Galloway kicking the ball be- tween the posts. Telfers by virtue of the victory will keep company with the first division clubs next season, while Oshawa will remain in the second section. Had Oshawa won their protest against Cowans they would have captured the championship but now the to. pite?"for Lindsay next summer, Commercial Hotel for the purpose | 116 local team will press the matter 'our Northern friends should have no lof drawing up junior ¢nd intermed- any farther. 4 nore worries, iate schedules. While the result of Saturday's game gives Oshawa throughout the season the local Intercollegiate | League is Ready Second Annual Was | Held on Saturday In Port Hope | ---- | At the second appual meeting of playoff! the Central Ontario Inter-Collegiate' it is not likely that | Hockey League in' Port Hope Satur-| | day afternoon representatives were {present from Port Perry, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, anee, Belleville and Picton. meeting next Mbnday evening to draft new rules and to make other preparations for the league open- ing. At a meeting of the representatives 'on Friday evening the seasons' out- look was discussed, St. Gregory's Officers To Be Elected Tonight By O. A AA Much interest is being centered in the election of officers for the Osh- awa Amateur Athletic Association which takes place in the Town Hall to-night, The two candidates for the office of president are, W, BE, Clarke and C. B. McTavish, Geo. W, McLaughlin was elected by ac- clamation to the office of lst vice- president, while there are four'can- didates dor the second vice residency, They are, DP, A, J. wanson, F, J. Bailes, E, Bradley and D, F, Johnston, The other posi- tions, secretary, assistant secretary and treasurer have been filled by Geo. Hezzlewood, L. Ardiel and H. C. Lander, respectively by acclama- tion. ! The executive committee will be composed of members who will be selected by the officers, Each club will also be entitled to one repre- sentative in the Association. At the nomination held on Tuesday evening of last week a large number were | larger number will attend this even- make some gpnouncement regarding | future plans, Mr. H, E. Tylor will | be in charge of the meeting. | last year's junior champions returned the A. O, Felt cup aud South Osh- awa senior champions, Lovell Trophy. Both of these he competed for again this year. The representative to the Athletic Association has not heen appointed | but this will he attended to at a | later meeting. ? witl present but it is expected an even | | | ing, The new officers, it is expect & ed, will give addresses and possibly || | 8 a | i the Jury and | # 2 JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. § PAGE FIVE PROPERLY Phone 28 Phone 1101 it TE | | | | | | J Peterboro, | third ' place, | Lindsay, Port Hope, Trenton, Nap- | They | | eleven has compared favorably with | the new ehampions and the first divi- were J. H. Philip, Picton; A. W. Fer. guson, Oshawa; J. H. Sieuty, Belle. 10 for 15 cen That means STROLLERS -- The Cigarette with the original flavor {sion teams. In their home game ville; C. B. Smith, Napanee; J. G.| with G.A.U.V. the champions were | Althouse, Oshawa; H. W. Pointin, | defeated 2 to 0 and the locals looked | Bowmanville; W. Clark, Oshawa; J. to be a better team. Had it not been | Carnegie, Port Perry; A. 8S. Browne! for one or two bad games early inland E. L, Egon, Peterboro; E. Ral-| the season with tail end clubs, the |ston, Whitby and R. F. Snyder, Post championship would have come to|Hope. Mr. Althouse, principal of the! Oshawa without a play off being Oshawa High School, and president | necessary. | of the league was in the chair' Next -season the Oshawa Club| Five groups were arranged. The | hopes to walk away with" the title northern one includes Barrie, Brace- and are well satisfied with the past | bridge and Orillia. The eastern {season's results. © They made a|Broup is Trenton, Picton, Napanee | strong bid for the leadership and 2nd Belleville, with Mr. Leuty ot | 'are deserving of mach credit for | Belleville as convener. The dake | keeping right in the running until | shore group is Colborne and Port | the finish. Hope; Mr. Carrol, Port Hope, con- | Leer a Ee { Janet The copra group embraces Tom Shields, a graduaté of 0.A. | Peterboro' ate lpstitute, le. who has had Ade degl of ex- | Peterboro' High School and Lindsay, perience coaching hockey teams at| Mr. Browne, Peterboro' convener. |Guelph, has been secured as coach |The Western group comprises Port for Peterboro ladies' hockey' teams. | Perry, Whitby, Oshawa and Bow- {At a meeting Thursday evening, the | Manville, Mr.. Scott of Bowmanville | P.A.A.A,, decided to put at least | COnYener. | two ladies teams on the ice this win- The following officers were elect- | ter and get in touch with other |©d: President, C. 8. Browne, Peter- | boro'; Vice-President, Mr. Morrison, | 25 for 35 cents Viens ofa Movie Star in every package, FOR Jury & Lovell, Sold in Oshawa by f . 3 M. Karn; T. -- =~ RELIEF ' iad: F. W. Thompson; W. B. Mitchell. rt | fons of the district with a' organizing a league. a | | W. A. Hewitt, in The Toronto Star, says: 4; | Amateur athletics aro gertainly {booming along proper lines in Onta- irio. Last night Oshawa and' Inger- |eoll organized amateur athletic a8s0- | ¢lations under. the direction' of big, {substantial business men and; civic {authorities, to control all {sport in their respective towns. Big | men of the communities are at last | recognizing the true value' of clean | port, and are taking hold and making athletics a valuable attrac- ition to their communities. Up in | London, where ice accommodation {for hockey fams has. long been | problem, the London A.A A., took | {hold and arranged to support a la-' | dies' team in the mew hockey league. The London association is starting a view to | amateur | Bowmanville; Secretary-Treasurer, A. W. Ferguson, Oshawa. Last year Bowmanville won the championship and the Cup dopated by she Osbawa Rotary Club but in-| dications are that the Hosiery Town | students will have a difficult task | esteems defending it. The , Oshawa High | School will again be represented by! a strong team. A number of players | of the old team are still at school and much 'promising material will turn out to practice at 'the first op- portunity. At Saturday's meeting a grateful tribute was extended to Mr. Althouse by the new president, Mr. C. 8.| Browne, of Peterboro. He expressed | the league's appreciation of his un-| tiring enthusiasm and able leader- ship. He voiced regret that Mr. Alt- house is leaving shortly to accept his new position as Headmaster of | the University of Toronto Schools! . All of these | campaign for 5,000 members, and wished him every success. Mr.' Althouse was the one instrumental in| | ate Hockey League. ! rn { organizing the Centrai Inter-Collegi-| a | ! Leaside Athletic Association re- cently applied to the Toronto Ama- teur Baseball Association for a con- tinuance of the privilege whereby they were allowed £0 use players who were employed in Leaside. Ow- ing to the likelihood of the Ontario League residence rule they January 1, they were to deal with the matter, the T.AB.A. were powerless to act. All players wishing to. turn ont with the junior and inter OHA. teams are asked to attend 2 | meeting in Welsh's Parlors tonight | admires beauty efficiency appreciates usefulness-- and loves service. 75% more of it than was offered by the old-type Gillette-- real every-day uscfulness-- lifetime service-- better service--longer service from his blades. GIVE HIM Gillette things you can Pe him in the New Improved Gillette-- beauty and value to convey your sentiment-- 'shaving efficiency hitherto unkoown-- for the purpose of signing centifi- | cates. Manager Ed Donald is now | devoting his time to looking up mat- I erial and he expects to have a credi- | ahle list of boys signed mp in the course of a few days. He is anxiol that as many players as possible i - JURY St. King St. E. N For Sale in Oshawa by Phones 28 and 1404 : hand at the meeting tonight. RR

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