--t Mr. and Mrs, F, Dring visited re- Iatives in Toronto recently, Mr, bi Nottingham and 'Miss Xtle ottingham visited their sister, oh, Lorne Knapp, at Burketon on Buhdar. | R, Hodgson, Miss Grete Hodgson, and Miss Blanche Hodg- son, Oshawa, spent the week-end at théir home here, Mr, and Mrs, Loule Plerce, Niag- ara Falls, Ont, and son, Mr, F, Pierce, Lyndville, New York, have roturned to their homes afte: spending a few days at Mr, B Rahm's, where they attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Rahm' We are pleased . to report thal Mrs. Wm Squelch is Mpaproving after her recent illness, : Ap enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, H Platten, when they entertained a number of friends and neighbors to a dance recently. Miss Irene Vallant has returned from visiting her cousin, Miss Belin Itnhm at Enniskillen, Mrs, Wm, Essary and son, Wil- ford, of Courtice, refurned home af- ter spending the week-end at Mr, B. Rahm's, : The Ladies' Aid held their reg: ular monthly meeting in the hall last Wednesday afternoon, After the business was transacted the ladies served a het supper consisting of scalloped potatoes, head cheese and numerous other good things to eat after which the members of the Young People's Club gave a short program of readings, duets, chor- uses, ete., the best item being an address by Rev, Mr, Latimer on his trip to Italy while he served as chaplain overseas. The ladies ten- dered a vote of thanks to the Club, and a pleasant evening was brought to a close by singing 'God Save the King." Mrs. Jas. Hall and ron, Bert, Lit- tle Britton, visited at B. Rahm's and F, Vallant's recently. Mr. Gordon Hodgson, Toronto, visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Mavis Prescott, Enfield, visit- ed with the Misses Brawns recently. Mr. I*; Vallant will hold an auec- tion sale of his farm stock and im- plemeiits on Monday, December 4th Mrs. P. Moffatt, Thornton's Corn- er, visited relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brent and fa- mily, Miss Rose Bremt, Mr. Gordon Brent, Miss Pearl Brent and Mr. G. Hodgson of Toronto, visited the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Talmage Taylor, Burketon, on Sunday. We regret to announce the death of Elizabeth Sute, wife of Mr. Byron hm, which occurred rather sud denly on Wednesday, Nov. ith, after only a few weeks' illness. The de- ceased had heen a resident of this h community for the past twenty-three years. The funeral, which was held at the family residence on Friday, was largely attended by friends and neighbours. Rey. Mr. Latimier, of the Myrtle Circuit, officiated at the house and at the Union Cemetery, Oshawa, where interment took place. Besides the floral tributes from the family and relatives were two large sprays, one from the neigh bours and ohe from the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church, of which the deceased was a member. She leaves a husband and one son Louie (adopted), two sisters, Mrs. Louis Pierce of Niagara Falls, On- tario, and Mrs. Jas. Rice of Darling- ford, Manitoba, ome brother Mr. Thos. Slute also of Darlingford. Mau. The pali-bearers were nephews of the deceased, Messrs. Walter, George, Albert and William Slute, George Scorggie, and Jack Rahm. Mr. Rahm and family have the symipa- thy of the community. ree ------ Miss Eleanor Boyce, Toronto Nor- mal School was home over the week; | end. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, A, Muir on the arrival of a son. Sorry to report Mr. George Gore in Oshawa General Hospital under- going 'medical treatment, \ On Friday evening last the Epworth League held their annual concert in the church, A splend'd program was given consist of readings, vocal solos and a lantern slide lecture on (India, Pastor Boyce Acted as chair- man for the occasion. Miss Minnie Found visited in Plck- ering last week, Rabbit bunting was the order of the day while tlc snow lasted, Miss Lyla Osho: ne, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ell Osborne, : Mrs, John Found met with another unfortunate accident when she fell and broke some ribs last wek, The local W.F.0. meeting was held at Maple Grove on Monday evening last and was well attonded, Mr. H. Dustan and Son installed a new pipeless Heleca furnace at 8. 8S. No, 4 on Saturday, Messrs. Gay ind Courtice have ahout finished their work on the basement, LS The many friends of Mr, John Ar- nott are sorry to hear that he is not feeling in his usual good healt Miss Irene Ol is Viaiting with her aunt, Mrs. John Wright, Port Perry. | Mr. and Mrs, Henry Smith, Shan- | nonville, are visiting with her par-| ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nichols. { Several Ebenezerites attended the anniversary services at the Bowman- ville Methodist Church on Sunday last. : Mr. Charles Nichols, Toronto, is visiting home for a few days, Topics at this week's League ser- vice are to be taken hy Mrs. H. F. Osborne and Mr. Cyril Weyrich.. The School Nurses vieited 8, 8. No. 4 school on Thursday last. Mr. Will Bickle visited sick friends at Oshawa Hospital on Sunday last. Mrs, Jesse Arnott, Taunton, visit. ed with Ebenezer relatives over the week-end, Mr. Will Tonkin, Oshawa, visited with Ebenezer friends last Sunday. WESTMOUNT i Mr. Charles Stacey is doing "his! share in building up Wéstmount, hay- ing built two houses on Burk street and a row of workingmen's houses along the north side of John street and two on the south side. Fourida- tions are also laid for two re which will make about twenty hofises he has erected. | Messrs. J. M. and O. Reid have re-, turned from a six weeks' stay on; their island in Georgian Bay. They, have purchased a builaing in Parry! Sound, where they will carry on Mr. and Mrs. W. B .Rundle a tended the Winter Fair in Toronto! last week. Mr. H. Martin has arrived at the] home of his daughter, Mrs. Wil liams, with whom he will spend the! winter months. | Mr. W. H. Kirby returned home on Friday from a week's visit in To | ronto, Lindsay and Mariposa. | Mrs. Roy Penfound, of Lindsay, | who bas been visiting relatives and looking up old acquaintances in town since last Friday, returned home on Tuesday. i | Peking is really three cities in! one. There is an inner or Manchu city, and an outer or Chinese city. The inner comprises the imperial city which in turn, contains the "Forbidden City," or the "Purple Forbidden City," inside the walls of which again is the fmperial palace. | Peking itself is one of the oldest | cities in the world, being knowa to | exist in the 12th century before! Christ, but although it is of im- mense size, being 25 miles fa cir- cumference, much of the space with- he walls is unoccupiéd. A ------------------ =o Travellers' Cheques People travelling on long or short jour- neys will find it most convenient to carry The Dominion Bank Travellers' Cheques. They are negotiable any- where in the world and can be obtained at any Branch of this Bank. wairaMinule WERE TRAVELLI NIL. L JB | [I 7 | 1: engage in his duties. manufacturing and repair business. |' i ronto, is the week-end guest of Brig- ton of the Oshawa. Christian Science | She will address special meetings in | Baptist Cemetery, seventh a a ACSA Xa a Ta HMR i n pon by i . THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY DEC, 9, 1922 SOCIAL and | PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ahora. tion of (is readers In contributing flems to this column, Send us 8 posteard or 'phone 85, NM EES --Miss Catherine McEachern spent last week-end In Newcastle, --Mr.. Russell Lane, of Utica, haa taken up his residence in town, --Miss Annie Bwain, of Blackstock, has hecome a resident of Oshawa, having accepted a position here. --Ald, F, J. Carew, of Lindsay, was a business visitor in town this week, --Mr, M, J, Dedman, of Lindsay, spent Tuesday in Oshawa, -Miss Frances Gibson was a re- cent visitor at hef home in New- castle, ~<Messrs, Clarence Rider and Har- old Walmsley have joined the staff of the Standard Bank, ~Mrs, J, O. Ciord hag returned home after visiting her sister, Mra E. Taplin, in Novar, Muskoka. * =Mr, G, D, Conant was in Toronto this week in connection with the Cedar Dale Annexation project ~Mr, Reginald I. Whintield of To- ronto was in town to attend the so cial given by the Rebekah Lodge No 3 on Wednesday last --Mrs., R. 8. MeLaughiin, who un derwent an operation nt tlie Oshawq Hospital this week, is improving nicely. Mr. Olivers Hezzlewood, To ronto, will address.the King Sfrect Methodist Epworth League Monday ---- evening. --Mr. G. E. Licaco, of Rooney & Co., Torcnto, Is in town in connec- tion with the monthly audit of Bish- op Bethune College, --Madame Lugrin Fahey who is singing at Simcoe Street Methodist Church to-morrow, is the week-end guest of Mrs, Leo Gray, Colborne Btreet, --Mr, J. C. Young has been con- fined to the house for the past few | The ° Bonnet 3 Mirror, IS SK SSSR SRANNRN SASS SSTCISIURERRRRRSS SSS AO. FELT RR ERERENERHSS w SS SSA of IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORD---In loving memory of Sergt. L. M. Crawford, died Dec 11th, 1918, In our home your memory lingers, ' Sweetly tender, fond and true; | There is not a day dear. Leonard, That we do not think of you Mr. and Mrs. A. White and family 105-a days through illness but is im-| proving. | ~--Mr. P. Eager, local manager of the L. R. Steel Service Corporation. |ty years a resident of this district ol was in Hamilton yesterday, attending ' passed away on Wednesday after. || the opening of the new L. R. Steel | noon at his home in East Whithy store in that eity. { Deceased was a veteran of the Am- --Mrs, N. Allison has returned to|erican Civil War, but bad spent the her home in Picton following a | greater part of his lite in this vic. a week's visit at tj homes of Mr. |inity, living for the past elesen years JAMES THOMPSON James Thompson, Teg nearly cigh and Mrs. Grover AIMn and Mr. and (on his farm on the third conces- Mrs. E. W. Marshall. | sion. | He was unmarried and is surviv- of A suerte, man ttends, of hI |og'Ly Vho Stars Mes. Wiliams o to learn that he has almost recover- | Maeeuny snd Migs Thoipuon, w 0 od from bis recent {liness. - Today he The funeral services were held this was able to be at the Town Hall and afternoon from the parlors of Disney | Funeral Service, the services being Mrs. (Brigadier) G'een, of To-!conducted by Mrs. E. L. McNaugh-' Burial was made in thel adier Prescott and Captain Froud. ! Society. conces- 'slon, Whitby Township. "ARCADE | { Is the Best i ¢ | Store to TT TT ' ad Shy / The Morning Is the Best Time to Shop THE Shop In A Plain Price Tickets Everything Displayed Big Varieties and Money Saving Values Ba gma% Thos. Miller the citadel tomorrow, The Best of Clothes Get out of shape with continlial wear, but when they've been cleaned and pressed the modern way they always look like new. We pay special attention to dyeing and, repair werk of all kinds and our charges are reasonable, C. E. ALD>WORTH Quality Cleaner and Dyer Corner Athol and Celina Streets PHONE 849 OSHAWA Christmas Se Suggestions For EARLY SHOPPERS FOR HER FOR HIM ~ Ivory, Perfume, Toilet Waterman Pens, Razors, Sets, Toilet Water, Shaving Sets, Military Chocolates, V.anity Brushes, Thermos Kits, Cases, Fountain Pens, Cigars, Shaving Soaps, Eversharp Pencils, etc., Safety Razors, After etc. Shave, etc., etc. We welcome you to look over our displays. Karn's Drug Store ~~ This Store Is Full Of Real Christmas Gift Suggestions HER Dimond Ring Signet Ring Onyx Ring Pendant Pearls Ivory NM TEASPOONS $4.00 por V4» doz. Other patterns $2.50 per hal EXTRA SPECIAL Good Quality Wrist Watch with extension or Ribbon Bracelets only a limited number $850 ¢ Silver stand, spoon plated with Gifts that will be remembed HIM Diamond Ring Signet Ring Stone Ring Emblem Ripg- Tie Pin Cuff Links Fob 4 Brus} Ww rch Sitver \Rlated top and bottom, yo glass in- ~ side. Price $4.50 » Jeweller on iin An ideal 00 up Silver Plated Cake Prices $4.00, ea $4.50, $5.00 ) Basket J05. HORWIG Phone 389 23 Simacoe St. S. °