THE ONTARIO REFORMER, SATURDAY DEC. 9. 1922 TE Oshawa and District Delegate Repo rts The Staltor "¥Y" met Thursday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs, R. 8. Virtue, Oshawa Boulevard. Vice- President Mrs, A. Weir presided, Mrs, Stalter, one of the local dele- gates to the Dominion Convention of the W.C.T\U, held in Toronto, and who also attended the World's Conventig® of the W.C.T.U, in Phil- adelphip five a very interesting ag- count of er experiences at hoth conventions, Miss Glover in a de- lightful manner rendered a solo whieh was appreciated, The next gi of the Stalter "Y" will he Ly the second Tuesday in Jan- vary sy Gi ih home of Mrs. A. Welr, Athol reet ast, Commencing Monday, December 11th, Lamble's Store will remain open evenings until Christmas, (106 Hospital Rithmage § Sale Owing to a meeting of the Ont. Railway Commssion having been re- cently arranged to be held in the Town Hall on Wed., Dec, 13th, the Hospital "Rummage Bale will "have to be postponed until the early part of January, (1052) Market Was Small A smaller attendance than usual was quite noticeable at the market this morning both buyers and ven- dors heing few in number. Fowl was the most prominent, Chicken sold for 30 cents a pound which re- mained at 40 cents. Only a few dozen eggs were offered for sale the price being 70 cents a dozen. Butter sold for 40-cents & pound. Cut flowers Including crysanthemums, carnations and ferns, The large ehrysanthemums sold for 75 cents each while the carnations were $1 a dozen, An Ideal Gift for Mother Pure Linen Table Cloth 8x10 with twelve napkins to match all nicely boxed at Lamble's, $16.75 and $17.50. (105a) H, 8, Principal Spoke, At the regular meeting of the Conduct Special Servi Special services are ud conduct- ed in the Salvation Army Citadel to- morrow, the speaker at the services heing Mrs, Brigadier Green of Te- ronto, In the afterndon a demon- stration will be given by the Cadet Corps while the Boys' Brass Band {You Can Do It Evenings, will take a prominent part, There will also be special singing. Borvico and Value, Do your shopping early, and do it at Horwich's jewelry store, You will get good service and good value for your money, (101-e) BERVICES, SUNDAY, News of the Churches! ORRISTIAN WORKERS" CHURCH Athol 8t, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 10. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.--8unday School, 7 p.m.--Public Worship, Mr. Mullen, who has been in Yonge 8t, Mission," Toronto, for the past seventeen years, will have charge of both services, BAPTIST CHURCH Emmanuel Baptist Chnrch--King RF, Rey, J. I, Harton, B,Th,, Pastor, nee, 18 Aberdeen Street, 11 a.m. --Public Worship, 7 p.m,--Public Worship, Brigadier (Miss) SERVICES, SUNDAY, Classes, DEC, "10, Parks Commission Meet ' Very little business was brought to the attention of the Parks Com- mission at the regular meeting held Thursday night, Passi accounts was he chief item which included some expenditures for improving the athletic field at Alexandra Park. The athletic field was completed some time ago and inspected by members of the Parks Board. The Commis- sioners were well satisfied' with thea work and believe that. the field can|g be numbered among the best in the province for sporting activities. SERVICES, SUNDAY, ogy Presbyterian Church REV, GEO, YULE (nt hoth services) DEC, 10. 11 a.m.--S8ubject: "THE BURNING BUSH" 7 p.m, --SBubject: "LEAD KINDLY LIGHT" Second in series on "Great Hymns nd their writers", p. m.--BROTHERHOOD MEETING Topic: "The Book of Exodus', A Hearty Welcome to all Services, For your conveniences our store 'will be open every evening, from December 1st, until Christmas, Joseph Horwich, 231% 'Simcoe 8. Nov, 30-Dec, 2-7-9-14 (1 Slippery Streets, The old saying that "the wicked walk in slippery places" was well exemplified on Friday. The sleet made a glassy surface all over the sidewalks much to the delight of SIMCOE 8ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev, J. H, McBain, B.A,, Minister, SERVICES, SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 1 a "Seeing the nvisible:" 7p. m Madame Lugrin Fahey: of Toronto, m.--Subject; will sing. at both services, 3 p.m,~--Sunday School, Men's Club Welcome the school kiddies and young folk, who slid all the yoy to and from school or work, as the case might be. The older and more sedate took the middle of the road, Some a- musing incidents took place when hoys on bicycles or careless pedes- trians lost their under pinnings and measured their lengths on the SERVICES, CHRISTIAN BCIENCE 18 Simcoe St. N, SUNDAY, DEC, 10.| 11 a. m. Subject: "God the Pres server of Man.' Wednesday, 8 p.m.--- Testimony | meeting. To these services a cordial | Robertson. invitation is extended to all, streets, For the young people this meant laughter, but it is somewhat of a serious thing when older peo- | ple fall. ! Lions' Club yesterday an interesting address was given by Mr. J. G. Alt- on dary education and | the great need of it in Oslimwa, A little discussion took place regard- ing the coal situation. It Pays. You will benefit if you come in and look over our beautiful stock of | Xmas jewelry. J. Horwith, 23% Simcoe South, (101-e) A .. WANTED RELIABLE SALESAGENT Order that suit or overcoat now and be sure to have it ASHBY the TAILOR The man that Shits you. 46 King St. E. Odbawse i know that you have made a wise sel- Test Eyes " When We ; ae . | PROPERLY Il! expressed his thanks for the privi- gRR% 3 i! A Corre , Through a misunderstanding an incorrect statement appeared in the EVERYONE 18 free lecture hy Dr. John M. Tutt, C.S.R., in the interests of the Christian Science Society, Oshawa, at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon in the Regent Theatre. ~--8pecial Musical Skrvice., INVITED TO A) THR SALVATION ARMY i L, Prescott Coté and | Capt, (Miss) I, Froud, Come | DEC, 10. 10 a.m, ~ Children's Directory 11 a.m.~Holiness Meeting, : 3 p.m, --Praise Service, 7 p.m.--Salvation Mesting. All dre welcome, Juday | fichool and Bible Class Ld p.m Monday night Salvation meeting at 8 o'clock, Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Life Saving Guards, 7.80 p.m, -- Also cottage prayer meeting at 8 p.m. Saturday -- Praise meeting at 8 p.m, Chicken Supper At Simcoe St. 4} Well Attended ER The thicken ple supper held in the Simcoe Street Methodist Church Thursday evening was an unquali- fied success, Rev, Mr. MaBain stated this morning that as yet the returns were not complete hut added that a goodly sum had been réalized, Evidently attracted by the envi- {able reputation that the ladies of this church enjoy for putting on chicken pie suppers a huge crowd took ad- vantage ef the opportunity. So Following the delicious repast a delightful musical program was ren- | dered in the church. To single out | any one artist on 'which to bestow credit from such a band of willing! workers would he an Injustice so| suffice to state that the program was | bar excellence, Those who contri- buted to it were: Symphony quart- | ette, composed of Mr. and Mrs. T./ E."Enst, Miss J. Keddie and Mr. Selection Albert Walker, | recitation; Mr. W. A. Dewland, solo; Miss Helen Johnson, solo; Miss Jean Keddie, solo; Mrs. Leo Gray and Mr. George Henley, duet; Miss Loraine Tod, solo; Miss Bernice Buckler, recitation; Mr. George Henley, solo; Mrs. East, Miss Garrow, Miss J Keddle, trio selection, -- | report of election of officers of the Children's Aid Society in Thursday's ,issue of The Reformer. It was sta- | ited that the Soeiety up to the pre-| sent time had not had a Secretary | {and that Mrs. F. L. Fowke was the | {first member to fill that position. | The fact is that the position of sec- retary was left vacant when the death occurred of Mr. W. E. Dyer last June. The position was not filled until the first meeting of the year on Tocwasy Venn. evening. Retiring Cler Clerk (Continued from page 1) hohored by being. elected to the le- gislature. You have a wonderful opportunity as members of the coun- ty council to educate and tain your- self for the higher positions that are in the power of the electorate to bestow. "It has been my privilege to visit many county councils when in ses- sion but never have I come in contact with a council that transacts its bu- siness in the eflicient manner as does this council. Nothing is ever pas- sed here without due consideration and deliberation. "I have always received the courteous consideration from the present council and the many others that have gome before. I thank Fresh Jt Is! Iisa Pleasure 0 go fo our Providence that I have been spared to live in this favored county." (cheers) Then, referring to his new post as special advisor Colonel Farewell ex- pressed his willingness at all times to assist in any matters pertaining to county business. He spoke in glowing terms of Ar- thur Edward Christian, who has been appointed to succeed him at the first of the mew year. "Mr. Chris- tian is a well educated man of abili- ty and unquestioned character. I ction," Col. Faréwell said. | In conelusion Col. Farewell again lege of addressing the council. PRAISE FOB THE GEAND TRUNK ERRNELE tf TH i T0 RENT--7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE to Rent, 4 Bedrooms, 3 Piece Bath, | Furnace. possession. Ap-| Immediate % | ply 413%~Simeoe St. North. : RG SER Re FR SI RR POR SALE--NEW PERFECTION |. Coal Oil Heater. Almost new. Apply | new. Apply 68 Hirst Ave. (1905a) In the Grand Trunk Railway Sys-{. ll tem, employers and employees work "BROWN IE An easily worked camera, 'Eastmax- made, that will for any one. Just the thing for the children's Christmas. : Brownie prices start af $2.00 / THE REXALL STORES \ Gifts of Linens Are Always Popular Especially when selected from such stock as these Linens, are always greatly appreciated because no woman ever had too many of Just Two Weeks To : Christmas them. Madeira Tea Napkins, an attractive Luncheon Set, handsomely embroidered, or a particularly fine Damask Cloth--these are distinctive gifts. Then, too, there are the hand-made Clunys, with their very distinctive patterns: also very popular this season. is one of the big leaders for this year. Japanese Drawn Linens are Venetian Point Lace The highest art is represented in the clever designs. Prices are within anyone's reach. An abundance of Plain and Hemstitched Linens to select from, every shape and size imaginable. Take it all round, this is the greatest Fancy Linen ( year that has keen seen for a long time, and prices are so moderate in all these lines that gift indeed. Wail da Minule WeRE TRAVELLING Too FAST SEE=--) ISLS ji Stop In To-night for a box of our Candy, always fresh and a large assortment. The Olympia 10 King St. E. Phone 406 PLAYER'S NAVY CUT' CIGARETTES