PAGE TWO : OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922 - - - _ . oe - cic ws © _ 6 min viuie se N44 Rings than you dare to dream of atelahich by its own heat creates al|cant lots cavefully; weighed their looming up right ahead." breeze that in turn gives birth to al advantages and disadvantages; the i 5 Then Dave had a qualm. "If that|gale that whips it forth in uneon-| prospect of the city growing this BH 4 be t section of the land is worth close|trollable fury. Houses went up;|way or that, But scarcely had they » ) r to a million dollars," he said, "is. hlocks of them, streets of them, miles | henght: when they sold again at a 4 Y v ? 3 it quite fair to take advantage of | of them, hut they could not keep | profit, and were seized with a quick the owner's absence and ignorance |pace with the demand, for every t that they had not hought B TS RAR . & F hp 2 to buy it for a few thousand?" J huilder of a house must have a roof , or carlier, ¢ 9 2% - ------ Soon' the caution "Dave," said Conward, with an to sleep under, Aud there were |of the early transactions was forgot- : arm on his shoulder, *'the respecta-'ctreets to hulld; streets to grade and {ten i the rush for more lots which, { y " - bility of the firm is safe in your |fill and pave; ditches to dig and [almost immediately could he resold || an - : . hands, ' But--please let me weigh | sidewadks to lay and wives to string. | ot a profil. Judgment and discretion | | J oe By R Wd om Stead ho coal," And more houses: had to be built for | heeame handicaps in the race; the " - i y Robt. J CHAPTER « XT: the. men. who paved: steeots and dug | successful man was ho who throw all We are wling our. cleo! Footwear in ; mor SL \ SET [ditches © and aid sidewalks and [such qualities to the winds, For- order to make room for a more complete - 0 avid don smoked his after-|girung wires, And more stores and | tunes wre made; intrinsic values li i Drv. Googl d Men's We: Pp : ental In his bachelor quar-lingre hotels and morq ehurches and | were lost sight of in the glare of ne 0 ry: \aa0ds, and ens Wear, and. CHATTER X--Continued sixty thousand for 'grease' and there ii yoars had been 200d 10lyore schools and more places of | great and sndden profits. Prices until cleared'out. we will offer very i lis still nine hundced thousand, and |the firm of Conward & Elden --#00d | ymugement were neoded. And the | mounted up and up, and. when ealm- : . Thig morning Edith had not been | 500 Ch ning vesale commis. | fF heyond the wildness of their first! fre fod on its own fury and spreadt| or consels hold thal thoy had reach tal' Dis : : 3 in her plice and the service was | co TLC So od for a cool mil- dreams. The transaction of the {iy lengths undreamed by those who|ed (heir limits all such counsels ecCla Prices mn . 1S ie flat. In the afternoon sho Was NOL) j., " Ang (hat is just the heginn- section hought from the Kuglish ab-| frst set the mateh to the dry grass. | were ahashod hy prices sonfing high- hgh ' : at her home. Mrs, Duncan explained | [BR FRC BF a nding that | 'entee had been but tho beginning of | Pho process of speculation was as for sill, ' Men's High and:.Low Cut Work Boots that Edith had gone to'visit a girl | Con ow Viking possible." bigger and more daring adventures. | gasily defined. The first hayers were ' friend in thé country; would be} Dav Hh ine in pid ink That section was now considered | cautious They Tonked avor: tie: va- (Continued on Page 8) 3 Men's Dress Shoes and:Rubbers @ was f © ra * | lose . " ' . nn ' : : yO I a i ing. Suddenly he faced Conward RT Myf wae] RR aah - EC Men's Heavy Work: Rubbers, with or 0 ' l : an "wy a. 4 : i have loft town: She might at least |and thei oyes mot. "Conward," hej," 1g hyndred dollars each had without: leather. top : have called him up, Why should [said, "why do you put this up to ' sinea changed hands at ore than al Men's One a wo Buckle e she call him up? Of course 'not. me? hougand. The street railway ran | ¥ od T Overshoes Still, the town was very empty. He|' 'What do you mean?" 'av beyond it. Water mains, sewers, | ru ph ' Shoepacks and Moccasins rove with Mrs, Duncan in the after- "You don't need my little hun-| joeteie lights, graded streets and! . y° ASE TAN BORN 1 . v . » + dred' te put this over. Why do you ik | y be i 18 An exceptional good line of Ladies noon; and at night teok a long walk 9 conerete sidewalks had sprawled for hy the river. He had a vague but|let me in- oi it? wiles aeross the prairie, Conward, oh 1 Boots and Rubbers oppressive sense of loneliness, He! Conward smiled und? breathed | iw thik first wild propheey of his, had | ' £ IL 0 i I fll fo ff 4 W yw I Boys' School and Work Boots (will stand had not realized what part of his|eagily. There had heen a~moment of | poken of a city of a.quarter a mil-| u ii Hi ! i ! [Tor 8 h h boy' life these Sunday afternoons With | tension. tion people; already more lots had | : i bth ma 11 lini x e roug y's wear) Edith had come to be. He had no| «op that's simple," he answered. | een #0ld than could he occupied by | ae WL, ls ip - h Girls' Boots and Rubbers man friends; his nature held him .; gore this business is going to he| four times that population, | ' - fa apart from his own sex, And Yet ,, hig for me, and you are the| It had been a very marvelous de-| i y he had a strange capacity for mek-| 00 [ peed, 1 figure we'll travel | elopment--an cuthusiasm which | Buy Your Christmas Toys Early ing friends quickly, if he tried. But| oo) 5, qouple harness. I'm a good | ad srown deoper and wilder until] Oo . ; ur Stock is: Complete LODE he didn't try. He didn't feel the| , 0. 1 yiow people--and I've got|!t swept along as an insane aban- E : need. But he felt loat without Kain | ideas. And you're sound and hon-|d0n. bearing in its cucrent the wid Jy YOU'LL ENJOY A few.days later Conward strolled ,,,,,116 and people trust you." vestiges of conservatism and caution. | in, with the inevitable cigarette, He "im, said Dave, dr Por nt Jast the old<timers, long al-| "14 , smoked in silence until. Dave com-; Lg ANE ded to as (he "dead ones," had | J. and 1 pound cartons | T. . LAWLOR pleted a story. " ' | ed. "We'll be a combination hard | come in. hil years they had held] an h ' "Good stuff you're giving us," he at. Y ow ev aboui "ck, seoffing, predicting disaster, | | : commented, when the article wag 1 08% You Kuow Bie story About| md while they held hack Venture: | . . | 446 Simcoe St. South finished, 'Mighty good stuff." "No." | ome youths had beeome million-| "Your tip put me on to a good lead "Jim and Fred were coal' dealers, | aires. One can 'sand' that only soi all right," Dave acknowledged. "And | cp 0 revival broke out in their|lODg. and at last the old-timers were! now 'The Times" is chasing me hard. | Ww. nq Jim got religion. Then |'Mying and selling and debauehing They had a story this morning that}, tried to convert Fred: tried aw-| 'Vith the others in the lust of easy the ---- raflway is buying a right-of-| r,) yard to get Fred to at least gol nOneY. - a= ; way up the river." {to the meetings, But Fred wouldn't! Dave had often asked himself z : ---- ; ) "It's all Ri ht" "Remember what 1 told you the|,ug4ge gajd ic wasn't practicable. | Where it all would end, He traced it a ae agi, 7 ; ay re g other day? Stories start from no-| wv « ORXE rayed, | irom its beginning; from the day oust . / at 3 igi A hii ay where, Its just like putting a match on A. ay axed ne prays, when he wrote his first *'hoost" story: iy for : dha ' (¢(].] FO RT i Triat'swhial ous cusiumers to tinder. Now we're off." it up to Fred. from the hundred-dollar hill that' a \ y, say about Comfort Soap-- Conward smoked a few minutes 'prod' he said, 'why don't you ('onward had placed in his hands. ; ; Di Jee il . the bigger, better bar of in silence, but Dave could not fail tol, "0 = Cetings?' 77 it wag a simple course to trace; so No sagging. (S lo: { & iT) the finest laundry soap. RAR r «0 see the excitement under his calm iwi the other brother answer- imple now that he was amazed that Th : Wra rs exchangea exterior. He had, as he said, de-| oq, 'it was all right ror iii got | only Conward and a few shrewd oth- Resilient and sleep ppe geable * cided to *'sit in' in the biggest game .. : Sor y respectabili crs Wed seen it at that time. It had inducing. for valuable premiums, The i ieati ¢ religion. Sort of lends respectability ; 3 ! . ever played. 0 atosieal on Po ito the firm. But, it 1 get it too, '©Zub With the prosperity of incom- sudden wealth had already fired /his| wy 0g going to weigh the coal?" ing money---the money of a little LUKE BROS. blood. | Ww on luughe a ,jeronp of speculators and adventurers 63 King East, Oshawa. He slipped a hill to Dave, "For The two men laughed over the % ' n bd Z a : / £ story, and yet it left an unpleasant and the others who hung on their N ¢ . . : p your services in that little transac-| fA CO TI nC YG over train. They had filled the few ho- a : W/ : P tion," he explained. felt sure of Conward. and now he 1¢}s and office buildings. Presently | b| i J PL _ Elden held the bill in his fingers, | so) joss sure than ever. But the just Someone hegam to huild a new ho- gingerly, as though it might carty jor easy money was beginning to stir|!¢l. - Labour was scarce and dear; ---- PETER er ana a =: 1% es mam se PEARL! i £4 D0AP. CCercereene IF er WT Taam se TINA SSA a, ture held for him might rest on his | es, lap sv fast--and | There was no place for them to sleep; added, giving great power to | money--maeaking money fast---and | TORONTO dissolve dirt. Both Comfort honour of the ranchman of the open gh ved in his head and yelled for| hops and. stores and houses had to Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven. wrappers: for premiums. and wrong; but a fine, stern honour irkeome the drudgery of his C'S #nd plumbers and plasters and] felt that to accept this money would! py) gp you," he said to Conward|!ne outside. The thing grew upon | J d= 712 Aes double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, 80 King Street Wi of 'that. Conward would laugh at! Goo" said Conward springing) Black aad White Taxis only. Write for booklet Tr, i infection, as in very truth it did.l\itnin nim. The bill in his hands|cirpenters, masons, bricklayers. - 1 Ereat 4 : ry He realized that he stood at the turn-| roy reconted more than a weeks |Tlumbers, "plasters, laborers, had : Y Pearl White Naptha Soapis the ing point--that everything the fu-| oo Conward was making 0 he brought in from the outside. ; | finestlaundrysoap, with naptha present decision. There remained in |g. oly here was an opportunity sueh|!here were insnfficent stores to sup: A 2 Aid 7 : him not a little of the fine stern! 0 0 time. A boy! PlY their wants. More hotels and ; . a. qs | and Pear] White Naptha Soa as comes once in 4 lite-time, A boy LY 0 Lat The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada improve with age. Put in 8 range; an honour curious, sometimes conv Dave swore at him impatient-| "¢ Dunit, and to build them more) Centrally sitiated, close to shops and theatres. rood stock and exchange the terrible, in its interpretation of right jy "" He had never before realized | *rpenters and masons and hricklay- I of C i Send Jor Premium book | how | 3 } lence. Finest cuisine. osy tea room open . A none the less. And he instinctively | go0iy grind had become, | painters had to he hrought in from air fl" till midnight. ¢ Single room, with bath, $2.50 : Comfort Soap Premium Store compromise him for ever more. And !a, ja5¢ "I'll pisk this hundred, and! self. It was like a fire starting] hdd . 60c. to 75e. Luncheon, 6bc. Dinner, $1.00. yet--others did it. He had no doubt |, jiiije more if necessary." slowly In the "still orairvie grass, | -g oS 0 Free taxi service from trains and boats. Take such seruples. And Conward bad! 4 pis feet and taking Dave's hand in | mm -_m 240 JARVIS STREET - _- TORONTO, ONT. REFORMER WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS more friends than he had. Every-|, warm grasp. | Now we're away.! body liked Conward. It seemed to | put you better play safe. Stick to] D - Dave that he, only, distrusted him. |y,uy pay. cheque here until voi PUTS CREAM 5 ibn da apes as But that also as Dave said to himself | 1.3) the deal through. There won't | lay in the point of view. He granted jo much to do until then, anyway, | that he had no more right to im-| apg you can help more hy 'guiding | pose - his standard of morals upon ine paper along right lines." | Conward . than the preacher bad to | ot sounds. Vike 2 faity. tale' | impose an arbitrary beitef upon him. | pave demurred, as though unwilling! Better Results And as he turned the bill in his, credit the possibilities Conward! For pelahing and pRasnioD fingers he noticed that it was for|yaq outlined. "You're sure it can | bras, copper, nickel, and other one hundred dollars. He had thought | ye gone?" | metal surface it' was ten. > | "Dene? Why "I can't take that mueh, he £5 done in all the big centres in the | 1a the can with the slotted top. claimed. "It ism t fair. : | States, and at many a place that'll MADE IN CANADA "Fair enough," said Conward,| ever be a centre at all. And it] a Al nad Slates well pleased that Dave should be im-| wi); pe done here. Dave, bigger | pressed by his, generosity. "Fair | id | 4 énough," he repeated: "Its just ten per cent. of my profit." . "You mean you made a theusand dollars on that deal?" | "Exactly that. And that will look | like a peanut to what we are going | to make later on." "We?" - "Yes. You and me. We're going into parternship." : Wh Y "But I've nothing to invest. [I've B only a very little saved up." i en ou uy "Invest that hundred." { A 5 * Dave looked at Conward sharply. El 24 Was he trifling? No; his syes were n ectric ange frank and serious. R "You mean it?" 4 "Of course. Now Ill put you on, . to something, and its the biggest T ISN'T a little article thet will last only a few thing that: has boon pulled off yet. days or weeks or months. Itis a that re's a section of land lying right will roba time against the city limits that is owned dy will keep bly Safer Sil id vey. day and by a fellow over in England; remit- I y On using y year out. tance man who fell heir to an estate t must work properly always. It is an important | ® BED is Sis ee important siuce and 18. tired of the bally ¥ you buy a McClary's Electric Range with | Fy a rawnch'; besides hie is busy keeping Protected Elements, you buy life} i as \ son, it has heen Ho harmdul acids br ammonia his property in England reasonably Be oad as your dentifrice I'll bet he jumps at it. I've arranged for the necessary credits. but there will be some expenses for cables, etc., and you cam put your! hundred into that. If we pull it off and we will pull it off--we start! ? n business as Conward & Elden, | \ round. or Elden & Conward, whichever \ cornoled sounds better; Boy, there's a for- Uf ------ porcelain. enameled "What do you figure it's worth?" fireless oke "iA said Dave, trying to speak easily. £0 rip "Twenty five dellags an acre?" 1 "Twenty-five dollars an acre!" | Conward shouted. "Dave, news- paper routine has killed your im- agination, little as one would expect : | ; | iil Ry RC £. 0p in | the Red Wrapper : FOR SALE BY 7 JOHN BAILES & SONS Hardwaze : Oshawa and fifty--total nime hundred and sixty thousand dollars. -Allow, say