Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Nov 1922, p. 7

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------------------------ § .i/ntrance Simcoe St.; Help Wanted--Male DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 31 King St. West. Phone 231, DR, T, 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's stora, Phone 948. 1-yr. DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Oftice over Royal Bank. Phone 959. Residence 306: (4-1yr.) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97. DR, TREWIN, DENTIST "EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, 'BOY WANTED TO WORK AFTER school and on Saturdays. Apply D. J. Brown, 10 King St. West, Debdwa, '» (94a) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--A CAPABLE WOMAN for house-work, references required. Apply between 7 and 8, Mrs. Mec- Kibbin, 481 Simcoe 8. f4e WANTED -- A COOK, GENERAL, wages, $40. Apply E, V. Lander, 221 Simcoe St. N, 04-a vd OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1922 Houses For B® S 0 Nally, 105 King St. West, 94-9 FOR SALE--DAVENPORT. APPLY 169 Celina St, 94a FOR QUICK SALE -- A WALNUT Cabinet Victrola with 100 selections. In first class condition, almost nev. 59 King St. East. 94¢ FOR SALE -NEW WILLIAMS Piano, Solid Walnut Case, all in per- fect condition, further particulars apply Box Q., Reformer. 93¢ WANTED IMMEDIATELY BY THE Schofield Woollen Co., experienced stenographer. Must be neat and ac- cuate, Apply in"persen. * (93h) DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N, Gas for extraction, Phone 1243, ; DR, ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St. i 83-tf : 3a] Medical DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeom, Unio Simcoe St, North, Phene 57, 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. Hast, corner Victoria St., Oshawa, Phone 94, DR, L, J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR S8T., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, BAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children, Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 1155, Hours 11--1; 5--6; 5--Y; Satur- dnys 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment, 45-6mos DR. A, A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store tirst and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal Bank Building, | P Board and Rooms BOARD WANTED--BANK CLERK desires board only with private fam- ily. . Phone, 54. - 94a ROOM AND BOARD FOR 4 GENT- lemen, 169 Celina St. 94a WANTED---TWO GENTLEMEN TO board or share room in-private home with private entrance. Close to Gen- eral Motors. Apply 149 Colborne St. y 04-2 ROOM AND BOARD--100 SIMCOE St. North, 04-a TO RENT -- 2 UNFURNISHED rooms with respectable family, all conveniences, heat light and water furnished. Phone 1121j. 93-c Comfortable home. 143 Celina St. ~ Work Wanted WHAT A Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or Shing- les, "Ohimneys repaired. 8 J Gascoigne, 650 King St. E. Oshawa. Phone 1232, 89-tf, B. W. HAYNES, storm doors, storm windows, win- dow frames, and cabinets built to order Floors machine sanded, weather strip put on. vice, Reasonable prices. Phone 491 7 to 8 a.m. 93-1mos DRESSMAKING -- FANCY OR plain, also embroidering. All work done reasonable, 357 Centre St. 88-1 JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 141% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445, D. A. J, SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 619). GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- }e, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Phone 13. J. ¥, Grierson, B.A,, T. K. Creighton, B. A G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arganged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice, Phone 63, H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones--Office 210, Res. 160, IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. -Examinations free at office. Dr, 8. M, Jones, 86 Simeoe St. North. Surveyors To Rent Rowe St., just off King St, E. TO RENT---2 ROOMS SUITABLE all conveniences, use of phone, Ap- ply Box "B" Reformer, TO RENT--BEDROOM FOR BUSI- ness man, breakfast and evening din- ner if desired. No other roomers. Apply Box "D", Reformer. rent, All modern conveni , suit- FOR SALE--LEATHER COVERED Divapette, large mahogany rocker carriage. All in good condition, Ap- ply 149 Colborne Bast. 94a APPLES -- GREENINGS, WIND- falls, fine cookers, 25c large bas- kets; also Lawrence pears, best eat- ing pear later, 60c basket, bring baskets. W. H. Kirby, Park Read, a APPLES FOR SALE-- SPIES, HAND picked; also winter vegetables. F. Shaw, Park Rd. S. 2-¢ BIG SALk OF FURNITURE THE Peoplé®s furniture store 17 Prince St. 15 stoves, ranges and heaters, side boards, dining tables chairs rockers, carpets, rugs. Bed springs, mattresses couches, cots--ecribs camp beds, hall racks, piles of tin ware at cost. Furni- Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. | Lo" WOODSTOCK, | | rilfle, Bronze | Prompt ser- | --161 King St. West. Always there | Pratt, 40 Hillcroft St. N. | | | | for light housekeeping, no children, | FOR | { 94¢ | Church St, ture bought and sold. 84-1mo, with leather seat, grey wicker baby | HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO LET-- Apply O. R. Hall, 213 College Ave. i 94-¢ A REAL NICE HOME, ON A NICE piece of ground, with fruit trees, and shade trees, with all conveni- ences. This can be bought right, and on very easy terms to reliable party. Phone 1248]. 93-c $1,200 WILL BUY A NICE 4 ROOM house on good lot, in nice location; $6,200 will buy a lovely 6 room brick, with all conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, in good location: $4,100 will buy a 7 room, with all conveniences, wired for electric stove, newly decorated and central- ly located, on good sized lot. Terms reasonable; $5,500 will buy a new 8 room brick, with all conveniences, hardwood floors downstairs, fire- place, in North; $3,100 will buy a 5 room cottage in ideal location, We have many more houses, also lots and farms, We write all kinds of Insurance, Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. E. Phone 793. A. C, Lycett, phone 625; J. C. Young, phone 900-7. 94-c ROOM WANTED--BY INVALIDED soldier, room with outdoor sleeping porch in vicinity of General Motors, with or without board. Box "F", 94-a ROOM FOR A YOUNG WORKING | BIG SALE OF SECOND HAND girl, to share room with another. carpets, cheap. Lots of men's clothes, ladies" clothes, selling very cheap, ' 92-¢ [Don't forget to call hefore Saturday. M. 092-f 442 Simcoe St. 8,, phone 117-J. Hannick. i OUT THAT LEAKY |FOR SALE FORD TRUCK, HALF in good running order, cheap, storm sash, posts. Phone 1249]. 92¢ FOR SALE--BICYCEE, IN GOOD running order, Apply 234 Bruce St. 5 91-a ENFIELD Apply 110 94-c FOR SALE--WASHING MACHINE and wringer, cheap. Apply Mrs. A. 92-¢ LADY'S PLUSH HAT AND COAT for sale. 198 Albert St. 94-a FOR SALE-75 BUSHELS MAN- gels. Apply O. R. Hall, 213 College Ave! 94-c FOR SALE--SABLE CAPE, EURE- very doors, cedar FOR SALE--.303 LEE sporting stock, Church St. GARAGE TO RENT--APPLY 14 ka vacuum cleaner, and cabinet gas 94h | range. Apply 128 Park Road South. SALE--STEEL RANGE. good condition. $12. Apply 117 92-¢ FOR SALE--VICTOR RANGE. Celina St. 2092 94-c [FOR SALE--A GOOD SEPARATOR TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS T0 and Daisy churn. Roy Terwillegar, 92-¢ 501 Ritson Rd. N. able for light housekeeping. furnished room suitable for gentle- man, Apply Box "Z" (94a) SMALL HOUSE TO RENT FOR A couple of persons. Electric and water. 263 John Ave. 94-c Room 7, 29% ' Simcoe St., Bradley Bros. floor--heat light. Size 27x73. terations to suit tenant. H. Engel. the Royal Banff fice. Hardwoed floor, hot water figure to suitable temgnt. Apply to John Bailes & Sons, Hardware. Rh i a, 86-t1 TO RENT -- WEBBER PIANO FOR $ a month, practically new. Apply 146 Simcoe St. N. 92-¢ M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- cessor to late W. E, Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in eon- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St, South. Phone 210, Residence 19 1 vision St. 26-1yr THE DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE Office and Chapel, 31 King St., East, Oshawa. Finest Motor equip- ment and Ambulance service, Phone 1082, Day or Night. (89-1 mo.) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, §9 Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Samieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162. 11-tf FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552j, might 552w. Rit- son Road North. 91-tf Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorpeys. Send for free booklet. 20-tf Lost and Found LOST--A HOUND, BLACK AND white pup, white point eoming to top of head. Name "Prince." please return. Mr. Smith, 133 Eldon Ave, (94c) LOST--Evening of November eighth Blads white cocker spahiel answer- ing to mame of Jack. Child's pet. Reward for return to 169 Centre St. FOUND--A SMALL BUNCH OF keys. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. at 42 Bond St. W. 82-tf LOST--A" PAIR OF BLACK WIT- tens on Albert or Celina Street. Finder kindly phone 581. Reward. 94a LOST -- ON KING STREET, BE- tween Four Corners and Yonge St., gray vanity case containing $3. Find- er kindly return to 15 Yonge Street. Reward. 94-b LOST--A SQUARE GOLD LOCKET (H.S.P.) Finder please return to 66 Oshawa Boulevard. 91-¢ Lumber LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. | ; ' 69-tt 5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered, Apply A. C. Cook, Alice St. 'E. 83-1 Bo Axe hitect SHARP & HORNER, 73 King St. West Toronto, Schools, Churches, Public Buildings, etc. Economy in design, efficiency in administration. 71-£ HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M., organist and choir master of King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to "zeept a limited number of pupils in 'lanoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc., apply om Saturdays at King St. Methbdist' Church or, Phope 564J. (65-t.1.) I AM PREPARED TO TAKE A limited number of pupils for music lessons. - Apply Catharine Hutche- son, 97 Bond St. E. Phone 4j. 93-tf Vi ALEX ~WANNAN VETERINARY Surgeon. Office and Division St. Phone 151. pital in connection, For Sale By Auction THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- ed instruction from F. W. Goulding, 141 Church St., to sell by public auc- tion all of his household furniture, on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, at 1.30 p. m. Terms tush: "Fas. Bishop, au- ctioneer. - (94c) ockey TED other sports rapidly with the arrival of colder weather. Peterboro has an- nounced that they wiki have two teams in the game. Port Hope is making dire preparations and Co- bourg has already organizéd. Osh- awa will soon place two teams in the field. Lindsay has yet to make a move. : For fees and further information apply 58 AVENUE RD. TORONTO Also SWEET CIDER lights | iately adjoining R. Moffat's law of.| ture | heating. Will rent at a reasonable | | Finder | MADE FROM good sound apples. Any quantity. Phone 908 r 24. (66-t.1,) FOR SALE -- RHODE ISLAND Red pullets, bred to lay strain (thor- oughbred); also 1 heavy single wag- 25 APARTMENT. TO LET. APPLY |on (Craig make), suitable for coal South, | dealer, and some window sash suit- radley 0S. (93c) | able for cellars. HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD er. Base Line, 1% Al-| Brook House. Apply to; WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER 47-tf. up the home with a change in .fur- OFFICE TO RENT -- A BRIGHT, Diture. clean, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in| used furniture. ; Chambers, immed. | Paid for good second hand furni- Apply Jas. A. Rud- milgs east of (93a) We buy, sell and exchange Highest cash price 1. Dime, 56 King Street West, Phone 271. 75-2mos General Wants WANTED LOAN $3,000 AT 87, good Securities, first mortgage. For particulars, apply Box 98, Port Hope. 93h) g BUSINESS FOR SALE GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE. Owner giving up on aceount of Health. Apply Box "0" Reformer. (93h) Real Estate For Sale LOTS FOR SALE ON PAVED street, with nice shade trees, one a corner lot. Phone 1249]. 93-c Accountants ACCOUNTS RENDERED AND COL- ections made; books of accounts posted and financal statements pre- pated; income tax reports prepared, adjusted; general and cost account- ing systems installed; audits and investigations made; authorized trustee in bankruptcy. Hugh K. Mid- dleton, Accountant, Auditor, ete. 52% Simcoe St. North. © « tr Situations Vacant SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY (TO earn good Christmas money. Ap- ply at once, Reformer. : A93t.1.) MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing., We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. 334.1. WANTED Junior Clerk for local Bauk: age 16 10 18; must have good education aud appearance, Excellent oppor- tunity for rapid advancement. Apply in own writing, giving full particu- Jars and references, 10 Box "L" Re- former. (94R) Zl TED) WANTED--HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for business women. Box "Y", Re- former, 94-a WANTED--TO RENT MONTHLY, A suite, or one large front room, cen- trally located, containing twin beds, for executives large concern, who will spend about two weeks month- ly, Oshawa Box "R"", Reformer. 94-c Public Support Must Be Given Interested Citizen Gives Good Pointers on Handling Sport In Oshawa Nov. 10th, 1822. The Editor Ontario Reformer, Oshawa, Ont, Dear Sir: I have noted with pleasure your editorial appearing in yesterday's issue concerning the re-organization of the Amateur Athletic Association of the Town of Oshawa and being an interested citizen I have made enquiries and find that the Associa- tion exists and Officers are holding the necessary appointments. May I venture the opinion these Officers have not had the pub- lic support necessary, consequently the organization is not as strong and popular as it might be, through, not the fault of any individual but the lack of public support and that which is most essential, enthusiasm. You are evidently out to obtain the necessary support and 'emthu- siasm. With all my heart I wish you suecess and pledge my humble support and offer a few suggestions which. may help. This is a mixed community, Cana- dian, English, Scotch, Irish, each one being sufficiently strong to need special consideration as to his taste in games. Baseball is not an English game any more than soccer is a Canadian game, and each have their own fol- lowers. Yet handled as Oshawa Teams and under an: Athletic As- sociation 'with if possible a non in- terfering time schedule I feel sure that the motto, All for one and one for all, would soon predominate here. Let the Association supervise all games and sport and endeavor to have members of the Association support them, as supporting repre- sentation of Oshawa. This Town lacks games and sports to the detriment of health physique and spirit of the children and youth of the community. There is some- thing about a good sportsman or sportswoman that we all like. They know how to win and how to lose with the same ness. I feel that each school should pro- duce every year a school champion runner, jumper. etc., of each sex and senior and junior and Civic holiday I consider should be the great sport's day in Oshawa. Inter schools, races, ete. Inter factory, races, ete., and the Champion for the year presénted with their Trophies, School Cham- pions, Factory Champions and final- ly Oshawa Champions prepared to meet other Towns and Provinces with the ultimate goal the Olympic Championship 'which would keep Oshawa more deeply embedded in the Map of the World. 8 Pardon me, Mr. Editor, if IT am monopolizing your space senselessly, but we all have dreams and hope for the fulfillment of some of them. I .cannot take part in the games or sports myself, I have had my days. but I want to help and I want to cheer for the Oshawa Colours as they are carried past the winning post. I want to yell when Oshawa scores a winning hit, and when' they score a winning goal and should they lose I want to smile and shout and say well done Oshawa you did your best and played a good clean game. Yours truly, I : thet Interested Citizen. Oshawa To Be In On This? An Ontario Ladies' Hockey Asso- ciation to be conducted along simi- lar limes to the O.H.A., may be or- ganized in the near future. Toronto Hockey League, known as "Canada's Greatest Outdoor Organization," is taking the ipitiative. Toronto ladies are showing a good deal of enthu- giasm in the movement and several good teams are prepared to enter. It is now some years since Oshawa had a real fast ladies hockey team and it would be an excellent oppor- tunity for girls of the town to break into hockey fame, admirable cheerful- | by Secretary F. D. Smith of the Tor- onto Association, to towns and cities throughout Ontario including Osh- awa, says in part: "You may think that even if you should desire to enter a team, that you would not have the necessary hockey material ig 'your [city or town to do so, but it should be borne in mind that ladies hockey clubs, have only become active in the last year or so, and that none of the teams are as yet very strong go that if any new club when form- ing a team were to gather a bunch of girls together of good skating ability, they could soon be taught the finer points of the game, and be able to compete successfully with the other teams entered. "I would like to point out that while the Toronto Hockey League have undertaken the task of form- ing this Association, that it is plan- ned when the organization work has been completed, to carry on 'the work of this Ontario Ladies' Hockey Association, as a separate body al- together, and to call a general meet- ing of all clubs interested, in Toronte early in December, to elect officers for the coming year, from the many clubs that are expected to attend this meeting." A letter which has been sent out Investment He Ever Made "The best investment I ever made was when I bought Tanlac. I'm able to eat meat and other things I didn't dare touch before and I'm feeling like a new man," said Joseph Deschenes, tailor, whe works for his father at 2335 Notre Dame St., West, Montreal, "It certainly was a big surprise to me how quickly this medicine took hold, gave me an appetite and toned up my stomach so everything agreed with me, When I began taking it I had been suffering for two years from stomach trouble in a bad form and almost lost hope of ever finding relief as none of the medicines I tried reached my case. "Tanlac is certainly different from all the rest. I used to be so nervous I would get up out of bed way in the night and walk the floor for hours. Now I drop off to sleep almost as soon as my head touches the pillow and sleep all night long. Tanlac is a grand medicine and I know. what it did for me it will do for others, PAGE SEVEN so 1 feel it my duty to advise people who suffer like I did to take it." Tanlac is sold by 'all good drug- gists, Church League' Will Be Strong Coming Winter Although the Oshawa Inter-Church Hockey League enjoyed a most suc- cessful season a yéar ago, prospects are indeed promising for a record season this coming winter. It will be composed of three sections-- senior, junior and juvenile--similar to last year. While no steps have as yet been taken to organize, plans are being made to hold a. meeting in the near future, The following churches have again decided to enter teams ip all thae series: South Oshawa Methodist, St. Gregory's St. George's King Street Methodist, A.Y.P.A., Christian Church, Presbyterians Church and Cedar Dale, one team. The league will be composed of about twenty teams and judging by the brand of hockey furnished last year there are some fine treats in store for local hockey fans this winter. Sporting Paragraphs Among the boys who will line up with the Guelph junior hockey team for the first time this winter is Law- rence Goyer, the former Belleville junior player. Apparently a number of Belleville's stick wielders are leav- ing the Quinte City for other parts. Port Hope, it is said, will be repre- gented by players from that city. | The showing of the High School | team at Peterboro on Saturday was due largely to the inaccurate work of the backfield, Fumbling was the order of the day. The team was weakened considerably by the ab- sence of Al Williams, who in previous games has been one of the stars. His long runs and good judgment were hig factors in the games against Belleville. A good crowd should be on hand at the school campus when the Petes line up againet Fred Cars- { well's squad. | At Mast night's meeting of the T. {and D.F.A. council Oshawa laid a | complaint against Cowan's for play- ing an ineligible player in a second | division game on August 26. It is 'alleged that the player was not regi- stered. If Oshawa is awarded the two points for this game they will be | declared champions of the second | division, and a playoff with Telfers | for second place will not be' neces-| | sary. All second division teame| have played the full number of| ! scheduled games with G. A. U. V.| {leading with 27 points. Oshawa and | | Telfers have 26 points. The Reformer hockey club orgai-| izes for the season. With a team en- {tered in the bowling league by "The { Scribes" and talk of other sporting | activities it would appear that Osh- awa's leading newspaper will be much in the limelight in the town's sport- | ing circles this winter. Port Hope will be represented by a team in the junior series of the O.H.A. this winter, At a meeting held Saturday evening there was a good attendance and even with the threatened coal shortage everyone was anxious for old Jack Frost to] hustle along with the ice. - The fol-| lowing officers were elected: Presi- | dent, G. V. Strong; 1st vice- presi- | dent, T. J. O'Neill; 2nd vice-presi-| dent, W. McDonald; seeretary- | treasurer, H. T. Tozer; manager, Ray Marshall; executive commit- tee, E. Fleming, J. L. Westaway. An exchange says: 'The devotee of the sport of kings used to affect a nifty little gold whip with the lash wrapped around the handle for a tie pin. Boxing bugs have been known to wear a golden glove, and dog fan- leiers a dog's head pin. But you | never see a golfer with a pair of golf links in his cuffs." Kingston Whig: "It will be amus- ing for many of the members of the Printers' team of The Kingston Wer. cantile League three years ago, should Williams participate in any] major league gamse next year, to be able to say, 'Sure, I faced that fel-| ' low and got a hit off him. | Lindsay Post: An impression seems to be creeping around the country that the Lindsay Ball Club will not be in the swim next year and | that the Central League will be with- out their energetic and dangerous presence, This is entirely erroneous and it is not understood how the | rumor began. Lindsay will have a) team in the League race of 1923 no | matter what the association turns into. The local ball moguls are al-' ready working on the next year's gang. This year they learned a jot of things and gathered a lot of experience. They saw where they were lacking and what was necessary to make the Lindsay Greybirds a real winning team. The knowledge gained will be used in the creation of the new team. The teams in the League are given fair warning that Lindsay is coming and coming strong. A winter is short and the possibility of a January 1 residence rule has started organization at a much earlier date than usual. Cobourg World: While on the in- teresting subject of Jack Williams we might say that it is almost cer- tain that the great southpaw will pitch for Belleville again next year. There is also a tht Fred Goyer will return to his old love. | With this pair alternating in the Box! Belleville should be much stronger | next year. Williams is very unmlike-| ly to jump to professional ball. He! is a level-headed chap and knows that if a player jumps and fails to mack good his lot is a hard one. He: turned down the Toronto offer so! he is mot likely to aceept the Chi-| cago one. Of course we would like to see him make good op 2 major league team, but it is hard to im- agine his curves baffling George Sis- Satisfies the sweet tooth,and --aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure an benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new NIP$--the candy-coated peppermint tid bit! Chew it after every meal. Zl ™ HS weiciEY'S (Juicy FRUIT Distriet of Belleville Mr. H. K. Middleton, Retail Business Systems, 521% Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Ont: Dear Mr. Middleton: -- systems of Income Tax Returns. systems offered; a smaller Phone 1262 . ler, Ty Cobb or Tris Speaker. "My Business isT oo Small 10 Bother With Books" PERHAPS that is why it is too small Proper financing of any business, great or small, is not possible without systematic bookkeeping. proper financing no business is likely to grow. THE RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT is an "accounting system designed especially for the smaller Retailer who would find a full set of books burdensome. Office of the INSPECTOR OF TAXATION Belleville, Ont., October 23, 1922. And without Replying to your letter of the 21st inst. I will be very glad indeed to recommend your systems, the Retailers Accountant and Farmer's Accountant, as I am sure that installation of these will be a very great assistance to the taxpayers, and simplify very 'greatly the work of the Department in disposing Yours faithfully, (SGD) W. L. Doyle, Inspector of Taxation, Belleville District. In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with the guarantee way to bigger business and success. The Retailer's Accountant Bound in heayy black leather, lettered in RETAIL BUSINESS S $10.00 YSTEMS 521; Simcoe St. N., Oshawa

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