Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 9 Nov 1922, p. 11

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om I a eis: HUTCH AND FRIENDS IN GRIP OF PAPER TRUST With no wood pulp available for Nancy Kellog, on account of the op- erations of the Paper Trust, which she and the newspaper publisher, * Harrison are fighting, Episode 6 of "Hurricane Hutch," the Patheserial starring Charles Hutchinson, finds Nancy forced to locate Bella's fa- ther, the only living person who can read the cipher woven in the lace scarf, which tells the hiding place of the geaweed formula. This chapter, entitled "At the Risk of His Neck," comes to the New Martin Theatre tonight, and shows how after Hutch and Nancy escape the rushing water from the dynamited dam, they arrive too late to buy the last timber tract, RACING PICTURE AT NEW MARTIN "Queen o' the Turf' is a romance of the race course. It is peopled by a fascinating group of charac- ters whose experiences have heen woven into a turf drama that re- calls the memorable "Checkers," that grand old story of the turf that thrilled the whole world more than a decade ago. It is the current at- traction at the New Martin Theatre, showing tonight and Saturday. The outstanding scene, among several of - undoubted dramatic value, is the race episode in which two sleek thoroughbreds outdis- tance a field of sprinters and finish in an absolute dead heat, The vaudeville offering consists of two acts and is exceptionally good. AT THE NEW MARTIN "Bringing Up Father," Taken from the Peterboro Ex- aminer, the following review of "Bringing Up Father," is especially interesting. It comes to the New Martin Theatre on Friday night. The combination of Danny Sim- ons, Peterborough's own comedian, and "Bringing Up Father," proved irresistible to Peterborough's play- goers last night. Every seat in the Grand was sold and many people were turned away from last night's performance, while Mr. Simons got sank to the bottom of the pond." a reception from the capacity house that was conclusive testimony of the »oeard in" which he is held by his ) oynsmen, iv was his first appearance in Pe- terborough in the role of the famous Jiggs Mahoney, a part he originally created and he was the comic story's hero to the very life, his make-up | Noodle answered, and actions making his imitation of | out from under water. the McManus character decidedly effective. Dinty Moore, of course is | ever!" quacked Alice, always on the job and there is a fas- | ed it to wear to Kittie Kat's party to- cinating widow, a fake detective, a | night!" comic negro butler and other char- acters designed to supply many a laugh. BIG BILL AT THE REGENT kies" across the snowy wastes, Then when supposed to be lost in the mountains, she is seen tramping for miles through the deep snow, climb- ing steep peaks, and finally slipping and falling into a crevasse of the great glacier above Lake Louise. "1 never worked so hard in my life," says Miss Rubens," but in that cold, bracing air, amid wonderful scenery, it seemed like play. When Spring came into "'The Valley of Silent Men," and we finished the picture in flowery meadows sur- rounded by snowy peaks, it was like Paradise--except for the deer flies. wo ------ ---- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922 Would Caiieel Only' 7 Orders Placed With Independent Co's. "There is a misunderstanding as to the position of the R. C. Henry Co. relative to the coal situation," sald Mr. R. C. Henry to The Re- former to-day. I was quoted last week in The Reformer as saying 1 would cancel a shipment of 5,000 tons. The situation is this. I have on order 5,000 tons of coal with the old line companies, The proportion of this 5,000 tons which I will se- cure by April 1 next, is 1,200 tons, because of the shortage. The order that 1 said 1 would cancel is for be- tween 7 and 10 carloads of coal from the independent companies, which 1 could not sell at sla, the > price fixed by the Provincial Fuel Controller." UNCLE WIGGILY AND NECKLACE, Cobyright, 1921, by McClure News- paper Syndicate, (By Howard R, Garis) One day, when Uncle Wiggily was hopping near the duck pond ocean where the water animal children had good times, the bunny rabbit heard some one crying. 1 "My! That sounds to me like trouble!" said Uncle Wiggily, hop- ping along as fast as he could on his red, white and blue striped rhenma- tism crutch, "I hope no bad water rat has tried to Lulu, Alice or Jim- mie Wibblewobble, the ducks." And when Mr. Longears reached the pond he saw that something was the matter with Lulu, one of the duck 'girls. She was crying, and her sister Alice, her brother Jimmie and Bully and Bawly No-Tail the frog boys, were gathered about her. "What's the matter, Lulu?" ask- ed Uncle Wiggily, as he stood on the edge of the pond. "Did a bad wat- er rat bite you?" "Oh, no," quacked Lulu in ans- wer, "but I was playing tag with Toodle Flat Tail, the - beaver hoy, LULU'S | | lin the water. and my lovely necklace of blue glass heads slipped off over my head and "And we can't find it, either," croaked Bully the frog. "Did the beaver boys look?" ask- ed Uncle Wiggily, for Toodle and Noodle could swim under water, al- most like fishes. "Yes, we tried to find Lulu's bead necklace, but blue we couldn't," poking his head "Oh dear! 1 guess it's gone for- | "And I want- Uncle Wiggily did not tell Lulu that she was rather foolish to wear | her nice necklace when playing tag Instead the bunny un- | cle said: 'Never mind, Lulu, I'll hop to the tertainment seen in Oshawa for some another necklace." time is being presented at the pop- | Which Unele Wiggily did, buying No doubt the biggest bill of en-|five and ten cent store and get you | { ular Regent Theatre tonight, Friday | red glass beads this time. and Saturday. The feature attraction, Harry Car- | they fall off Lulu's neck," thought | ry in "THE KICK BACK," is one of | the bunny. the few attractions that can boast of being the record hreaker of the |animal children were Big Capitol Theatre, where it recently had its premier pre- sentation. excitement and dash and will thrill beyond satisfaction. A real story of the great out-doors, great in every |the girl duck, and detail. The extra added attraction Mgr. Pomeroy last half of this week is the famous that has booked for the | [EEE five Musical Magpies, one of the big- | gest acts on the road and Oshawa is surely fortunate in securing this splendid attraction. The Magpies are colored artists who play all sorts of musical instruments and | who harmonize in voice in a most | captivating way. This renowned act just closed a week's engagement at the Palace Theatre, New York, and other Keith Theatres. The prices will be as usual for this big bill which includes the usual comedy and Regent Orchestra. ALMA RUBENS RISKS JAFE IN CANADIAN WILDS Featured Player in "The Valley of Silent Men" Has Many Thrilling : Experiences While Alma Rubens has never posed as an athlete, in "The Valley of Silent Men," a new Cosmopolitan creation based on James Oliver Cur- wood's novel of the same name, which comes to the Regent theatre next Monday, she performs some feats of endurance which prove her an out-door woman. Cosmopolitan sent a company under the direction of Frank Borzage up into the Cana- dian Rockies to film the story amid the scenes where the author con- ceived it. For twelve weeks Miss Rubens and Mrs. Borzage were the only women with the company, shar- ing all the inconveniences and dan- gers of camping in the northern wilds. Miss Rubens learned to drive a dog-sledge, and her first appearance in the picture is when she is seen J yACATION "Perhaps red beads will float when He took the red beads to the duck pond ocean where the still playing | New Yerk, | water tag. | "Here is another necklace for you. ||| The story is one full of | Lulu!" called Uncle the shore. He tossed the red beads out to she raised her Wiggily from | Martin One Night, Friday, Nov. 10 Sth Edition Ever Welcome Visit of our Old Friends JIGGS and MAGGIE In their absolute new Musical Comedy Geo. McManus Famous Cartoon BRINGING UP FATHER ON HIS It's a SCREAM All our own Masie, 25 num- bers. And the Flapper Beauty Chorus. MISS DON'T zs Not A Motion Picture 30 PEOPLE 30 25 MUSICAL NUMBERS 25 Prices--50c-75¢-$1.00 Plus Tax afar off piloting her team of "hus- wing to catch them. But, oh dear! How sad it makes me to tell it! Lu- lu's wing slipped, she missed the red beads and into the water they fell with a loud splash! "Get 'em! Quick!" erbaked Bul ly the frog. Well, he made a jump for them, and so did Jimmie Wibhblewobble, but the frog and duck hoy bumped their heads together and neither of them got the beads, which sank to the bottom. "Oh, dear!" quacked Lulu, "Two lovely necklaces gone in one day!" "We'll dive down and see If we can't get one back for you," said Toodle Flat Tail. So the beaver boys dived under water, as did the frogs, and Lalu, Alice and Jimmie put their yellow bills down in the mud and felt around, but they could find neither the red nor the blue glass head necklaces. "I'll go get Grandfather Goosey "And I don't know what I'm go- ing to wear to Kittie Kat's party!" cried the duck girl. "I'll get you another necklace," promised Uncle Wiggily. "And this time, Lulu, you must come out on shore to take it." Off through the woods hopped the bunny gentleman, and on the way he met Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuz- zy. "Where are the bunny's keeper. "To get Lulu another glass head necklace," answered the bunny, "I think I'll get white heads this time. Perhaps they will not sink." "No matter what color you get," advised Nurse Jane, 'have the heads wood instead of glass, Then if Lu- lu loses them off her neck the beads will float, being wood, and will not sink.' "That's a good idea!" said Uncle Wiggily. "I never thought of that!" So this time he bought Lulu a string of red, white and blue wooden beads for her necklace, Taking them back to the duck pond ocean Uncle Wiggily stood on the shore, and got ready to toss the necklace over to Lulu, who was still playing tag in the water, "Oh, don't! They'll sink and be lost like the others!" cried Lulu. But, with a laugh, Uncle Wiggily tossed out the red, white and blue heads. On purpose he threw them to one side of the duck girl and they fell into the water. But, instead of sinking, they floated like a little hoat, being of wood, you see. "Oh, what wonderful beads!" quacked Lulu, as she swam to them and slipped them over her neck. "I'm always going to wear a wooden necklace after this, Thank you, Uncle Wiggily!" And at Kittie Kat's party every- one said Lulu"s wooden necklace was just too lovely for anything! And if Pussy Cat Clare doesn't hop on a chair, and tangle her claws in the wax doll's best hair, I'll tell you next about Uncle Wiggily and the clothes basket, you going?' asked muskrat lady house- Rev. D, Walter Collins is the first rector to be inducted as rector of Gander," offered Uncle Wiggily. But when the old gentleman duck came, and put his head under water, he, too, could not find Lulu's necklaces. St. George's Church, Sarnia, in a | period of 40 years. His predecessor, Rev. Canon T. R. Davis, held the | pastorate during that period. ENNISKILLEN Visitors: .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoskin, Toronto, at his mother's; Mrs. Hoskin at Mrs. Nelson Smith's; Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Virtue and fam- ily, Miss Doris Ford, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Virtue's; Miss Maud Curtis and Mr. Johnson, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. McGill's; Miss Winnie Ash- ton, Toronto, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's; Miss Gertrude Oke and Miss Laverne Griffin, Bowmanville, at their homes here; Miss Irene 'Werry, Oshawa, with her cousin, Miss Alma Werry; Miss Ritson at Mr. Jehn Orchard's; Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Trewin and Miss Grace, Bowmanville, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Trewin and son Bill, Oshawa, at Mr. John Slemon"s; Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bradley and baby Charles, Mrs. Ed. Bradley and Miss Irene oo Harris, Whitby, at Mr. Wm. Oke's! Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson spent Thanksgiving Day at Uxbridge; Mr, and Mrs, Theo Slemon and Mastér John spent Sunday at hefifather's, Mr. John Sanders, Bowmanville; Miss Darween Webber, Greenway, Man., visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Herring; Miss Hart spent Thanks- giving at her home in Toronto. HAMPTON Our Women's Institute have this summer placed a children's slide in Elliott Memorial Park; purchased a quantity of graniteware for use in community gatherings and placed the same in Sunday School pantry; placed a bright light in front of church to be used when necessary at church or other community gather- ings; and last week a web of flannel- LT WRI TO WIE UA WWI ea ST AS ----------E--------------l---- em. I----.---------- Sa --_---------- ette was made into warm garments and with other warm articles do- nated, made a shipment of over $110 worth of warm goods to fire suffer- ers of the North. They are shipping again this week. They also donated $10 to Central Darlington Rural School Fair Association and wish to thank all who helped to make it pos- sible for them to make such liberal donations to these worthy objects. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns to our community, He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like.--Old Proverb, What the heart has once gwned and had, it shall never lose.--H. W. Beecher. A father's heart is tender, though the man's is made of stone.--Young, William Fox: presents TOM MIX SKY-HIGH * A thrilling story of the Grand Can of Arizona Dirwcted by Lynn Reynolds © Any Lady purchasing a ticket to "Sky High" will receive a' free pass to "The Girl in the Taxi" showing Mon. Tues and An All Star Sunshine Comedy the Line" All the High School and college boys should see this picture. A Splendid Programme Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 9-10-11 BEST--FIRST REGENT BIG DOUBLE TO-NIGHT FRI & SAT. MAT. SAT. 2.30 ATTRACTIONS | VAUDEVILLES | GREATEST MUSICAL ACT The Five Musical Magpies VOCALISTS COMEDIANS Oshawa DIRECT FROM THEIR are making a-- Features of This MODEL 1. Stands 34 inches high. . 22% inches wide. 3. 35 inches long. . Equipped with the fa- mous ULTONA that plays all records pro- perly. Has the clusive horn. Guaranteed motor, 7. Throat-tone 8. Automatic stop. . Genuine Brunswick ca- binet in mahogany, Adam Brown, or Wal- nut. . Fully guaranteed, in- cluding springs. Brunswick ex- all-wood oval Brunswick control. of a limited number only on special terms of only $25.00 cash and the balance spread over an entire year, and with many other privileges not usually given on the purchase of a high-grade phonograph. This not only gives you remarkable value, on easy terms, but affords protection against the future should sick- ness or unemployment make it mere difficult than you anticipat- ed to pay the instalments as they fall due, Only a Few More Our introductory announcement of this special offer has. already resulted in considerably diminishing the num- ber of these instruments that we have set aside for the purpose. Only a few left to be had on these exceptionally €gsy terms. As soon as these are sold the offer will be withdrawn, and will not, in any event, be kept open afier Monday next. JOHNS PIANO CO. Simcoe St. N The Greatest Phonograph Value In Canada This is the first time we have ever been able to offer a genuine Brunswick Console Model Phonograph for $200--$100 less than any Brunswick Con- sole Model has ever been offered for before. instrument, just fresh from the great Brunswick Cabinet-making plant we To introduce this beautiful SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Features of This Offer . Genuine Brunswick Con- sole Model for only $200. . Cash payment only $25. 3. Balance spread over an entire year. . Bix-day free trial in your home. . Three months' exchange privilege without cost. 5. Partial payments if sick or unemployed. . Delivery immediately or any time up to Christ- mas. . One year ironclad guar- antee, . Free delivery. D. A. TAIT Simcoe St. N. The great race scene! The desperate aeroplane flight! The break-neck auto dash! The clang of the gong! THEY'RE OFF! "HURRICANE HUTCH" USUAL PRICES EW MARTIN TO-NIGHT AND SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 "Queen o' The Turf" VAUDEVILLE Thursday and Saturday TODESKA & TODESKA oa ton) Singing, Piano and Accordion Duo Offering COMING - - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY HOOT GIBSON, "THE BEAR CAT" se -- TOUR OF THE B. ¥F. KEITH THEATRES MACDONALD'S EE aa OWN Ys BLACK C ¢

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