Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Nov 1922, p. 4

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'PAGETHREE ©... OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 ------ _--_---- -- Cash Balance Sheet De- All WA TIME ABI ES The national bureau of mines urg- | newspapers and discarded boxes may ' Insurances cember, 1921. " 9 R Y T es the use of coke as a domestic fuel. | come handy during the winter.--Uti- eacC ers greements 31 Rigi Re 88 Devember ASSETS. : Sounds a little like the family that |ca Observer-Dispatch, 31, 1921, is as t-- od Available Assets, G.T.R-O.N.R.,, Oshawa Junction | jad no bread and had to live on Hudson Bay Ins. Co., expires May Cash on hand ..... W N 3 d 000 King St. school ee 72,26 | Going east: 8.23 a.m, daily; 10.24 |toast.--Cleveland Plain Dealer, -_ 23, 1923, $5, on Ring St. school. water Rates in Arrear .. 1,224.93 |a.m. daily; 1.09 p.m. daily except Distaste for suggestion is fre- You Cannot Buy ere ever xecute 9 Canadian Fire Ins. Co. expires| Water Rates-Dec. billing. 10,137.75 Sunday; 2.50 p.m. daily except Sun- quently a handicap to progression.-- URINE New Eyes May 24, 1923, $12,000 on King Street | Private Connec'n. Act's.. 406.27 |day; 6.54 p.m, daily except Sunday; Vulcan Bulletin: 2 fo . : school, . Cash Shortage (known), 316.18 (9.40 p.m. daily; 11.69 p.m. dally, A Toul Who Dlatkens. apather Sul Jou can Promoic 4 alm ov ® u 1 ors Liverpool Manitoba Ass, Co., ex- ----- |§tOp8 Only to take on passengers for Healthy Conan ; Clean, pires May 27, 1923, $5,000 on King 12,157.39 | Montreal and beyond; 12,15 a.m,| Man's character does not whiten UR Use Murine Eve Remedy his own.--The Burning Question, ILITIES daily. your Eyes Clean, Clear Continued 1 1) Liabiliti ae Ins. Co. of Paris, ex came ABILITIES Going west: 4.44 am. daily; 5.58 Some of Hose wartime formulas eres for Free Ere Care Book. ontinued from page os eneral Fire Ins, Co, , ex- ally for. making fuel out © , | WarissEyeRemety Steet, Chicags this mye made RE anassibla Town of OShAWa .... ......#134,991.04 |pires May 27, 1923, $10,000 on King Ba a [fils es SRY at days 20.36 if g to verify the correctness of all Sal-|Accounts Payable 1,461.40 8t, school. ; TN 0 daily except Sunday; 4.41 p.m. daily aries paid, oe oh and SOLON ps EL YSL AR, C3, LU, exbires 1,371,89 [7.20 p.m. daily except Sunday; 8.45 u » = =| May 31, 1923, $10,000 on King Street RRR . .m. daily. Hg ag to agers Night School Fees gut 453.00 school, gash 'Surpiny issn y ' EE C.N.R., North Oshawa Station " - RADIATOR and it is the 'duty of the hoard to PaiopuyEre, Investment. 08 423.03| Home Ins. Co., expires May 24, 12,167.39) Going west: 8.35 a.m. daily ait \ see that agreements are signed by High SCROOL or" o'egE 00 |1928, $42,000 on Simcoe St. school, -- Sunday. REPAIRING each teacher before they enter upon momo | Home Ins, Co., expires May 23,| The revenue account for the year Going east: 7.16 p.m. daily except their duties, See Sections 76 and 90. $175,806.30 1923, $54,000 on High School. / ending December 31, 1921, is as fol- Sunday. I am in a position to render Salary Cheque issued to J. Cross-| yes Deficiency of Current Guardian Ass, Co. Ltd, expires IOS COME: Canadian Pacific Railway > good service to all car owners, man 2 December, was entered on 2,156.16 | May 31, 1923, $10,000 on Mary St, Cash Received Ss 60,934.60 | Going east: 1001 daily; 2.28 p.m, All w done at moderate payian a FR, Whereas choque ---- ------~ school. Plus Unpaid Accounts, 31 ~~ |dally except Sunday; 9.49 p.m. dally VAs .83, 0 - prices rooted. December, 1921. .... 11,768.95 |except Sunday; 12.08 a.m. daily. $173,050.23 | Mercantile Fire Ins. Co., expires 4 The statement of receipts and ex-|May 24, 1923, $12,000 on Mary St. | Going west: 6.06 a.m. daily; 8.40 : : Lee Bisho 13, Superannuation Fund deduct- pendtures for the your ending De-|gchool. 72,703.55 |am. daily except Sunday; 4.53 p.m. P ed by the Government should be |cember 31, is as follows: -- Alliance Ass. Co., expires June 1,|Legs Unpaid Accounts, daily; 8.04 p.m, daily except Sunday. < 3 9 verified each year, with amounts de- Receipts 1923, $5,000 on Mary St. school. January 1, 1921 .... 11,189.02 Sh : Ovep, Oeluwa Slee Su Bervice guested hom Tenchers 1 Salakies. ....High School-- North Western Nat, Ins. Co., ex- CY Rid oa Policemen should be fraternal : 99 Simcoe 81, 8, ons Amounts shown on Payrolls sa '%1Town of Oshawa Grant ...$ 18,900,00 pires June 1, 1923, $5,000 on Mary St. 61,614.53 chaps because they are clubmen. i be. deducted from 1 September, 1920 |county of Ontario, Main- school EXPENDITURE to 30 June, 1921, exceeded the id t Construction .. ... . 6,017.40 amount deducted from Public School Wiis Pe nl Grant. 1,388,90 Dean aria 10a TT 000 on Som. Conneotions "Private" ., 12,268.49 Grants from the Government bY |province of Ontario Grant 981.84 zp el oY y Wels Wl "|op. Ex., Pump. Station. . 13,607.11 Ls County of Durham Grant. 731.00)" : Op. Ex., General .... . 10,769.03 14, Government Grant for Cadet |Province of Ontario Strath- Union Ass. Society, Ltd., expires Instructors' Services for the years| cona Fund 43.50 | May 14, 1923, $3,000 on Mary Street 42,652.03 1918 and 1919 was received by the |Departmental school. Plus Unpaid Creditors' Ac- Treasurer on 10 March, 1921, and| trance Fees - 326.40| Norwich Union, expires May 27,| counts, 31 Dec, 1921 . 1,305.79 Government Cheque was endorsed |Tuition Fees 65.00 1923, $10,000 on Albery St. school. aor over to R. F, Bennett, This trans- (Sundry Sales 36.00| London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. 43,957.82 action was not recorded in the Superannuation Fund 466.75 expires May 27, 1923, $12,000 on Al-|Less Unpaid Creditors' Ac- School Books, Public Schools-- bert St. school. counts, 1 Jan., 1921 . 1,538.94 15. Fire Insurance Policies in force | Town of Oshawa Grant $ 66,100.00 oo gootia Fire In: Co., expires were examined and the attached list | Province of Ontario Grant 122.06 May 27, 1923, $12,000 on Albert St. as per schedule E shows that the to- |Province of Ontario Art school Excess of Revenue over tal amounts to $244,000.00 covering| Grant ... 20.00 * ciia iasapamatsrieagitissnsras i May 31 Expenditure .... ... 19,095.65 Buildings and Contents, This would | Province of Ontario Indus- Wiggs Tig, Co. S20 og ay ' rent | appear to be sufficient protection. trial Grant ... " 1431.08 on 5a on he nity c aires 514.5: Pp, Fees: ... ...".. or .80 ritish Americ, , Aw es hho iy? ini Bg Rent ... ... .... 15.00 (May 31, 1923, $9,000 on Centre St The summary of receipts and ex- Bond was not produced for examina- Sundry Sales .... .... ..... i 107.70 |school. penditures for the year ending Dec., tion although asked for. This Bond |Superannuation Fund ...... 1,118.63] Liverpool-Manitoba Ass. Co. ex-|31, 1921, is as follows: -- should be cancelled or transferred |Fees, Industrial Classes .... 494.00 | pires May 27, 1923, $10,000 on Centre _ RECEIPTS a to coyer 1922 Treasurer, It will|Bank Interest 3.55 |8t, school. Water Rates collected .. 55,506.75 appear therefore that the present|Proceeds of Debentures : oo | Connections, etc. . .. .. 5,427.85 . | Sun Ins, Co., expires Dec. 1, 1922, ' du vide Treasurer is not bonded as required. 1 Sod 1527. Ba Baie wy 9,878.08 [4 000 on caretaker's house, 60,934.60 17. Now General Lodger has been| in Lo Dank PAINS 076.83] Home Ins. Co. expires Oct. 12; 10 10st monk bal, .. | 39.97] Opened as ai 1 January, 1922, in ac..." '1e91, Banik Balance, jr924, 42.000 on. High School portable. EXPENDITURES ~~ cordance with Balance Sheet, and|"*p 5 op 5 2 FT 185.45 Home Ins. Co. expires Oct. 12,| construction .. .... .. 6,017.40 under my Jyssruetions entries Yor Jan. 1, 1921, Bank Balance, | 1924, $3,000 on Hillcroft and Mary|Connections (Private) .. 12,268.49 Jauuery and February were aga Standard'. Laie 88.35 | St. portable schools. Op. Ex., Pump. Station . 13,607.11 | ue ork Jag done 32 a g¥ile tn ~-----------| Home Ins. Co. expires Oct. 12,|]0p. Ex., General .... .. 10,759.03 your 'Treasurer, Total Coreen $106,751.60 | 1924, $3,000 on Albert St. portable. gs mere Betote Slosilg fhe Eooks gt the Expenditures Boiler Inspection & Ins. Co, ex-| 8 Goan ts 42,652.03 | year encing. 31 December, 1892, it] gy, gnogl. pires Mar. 18, 1923, $5,000 on all| Town Treasurer-payments Will be Recessary for the Treasurer .,.,.nc .. Salaries ... .....$ 19,363.86 | schools on account of Surplus to obtain amounts of Public and Other Salaries 1.554.158 | : Earnings. .. .. 18,000.00 High School Debenture Principals . A idol paid by the Town during the year Departmental and En- > > Cash on hand 31 Dec. a re: Prat | 1921 ' 72.26 The total will be charged to the ac- |, \"28¢e Zaaminations ... 381.84 Auditors Find Cash shortage (known) 31 Equipment, Furniture, etc. 215.00 | Lil count with the Town of Oshawa, The Fuel 817.28 . - December, 1921 .. .. 316.18 amount of High School Debentures; oo .~ =" si 27.00! (Continued from page 1) - paid will be credited to, High School |, o. "= "7 i 99 15| facilitate the building up of a Con-| Sub Total .... .. 61,040.47 ratepayers' investment, and thel,.., "" " 106.33 | trolling Account and balancing the |Less Bank Overdraft, 31 : amount of Public School Debentures |p iio" u1a Stationery ... 849.34 arrears quarterly. The Ledger may| December, 1921 .. .. 66.10 paid will be. credited to Publielp, "> »'" "7 Bl 60.00 | be adapted to meet the additional re- | Si School ratepayers' investment. Rent . i : 16.00! quirements of the special Act TOTAL .... .. .. 60,974.37] Recommendations { Receipt Forms, print-numbered in Repairs and Supplies ..... 1,841.91! The New Water Act of the Muni- | weir ---- - 4 Stratchcona Fund ... .... 43.50 | cipality passed during 1922 varies | You are a good judge of human | duplicate, should be obtained, and a Sundries ann ory meessasnnrainrpe 118.38) in treatment of taxation in respect| nature when yom can tell whether receipt given for all cash received. |Telephone .. ... . EAL 37.59|/to Water supply. { the stenographe® f8 sharpening a The Minutes of the Board of Edu- | water .. seenseninenns 103.34] A letter, the text of which is sub-| pencil to get it sharp or to waste cation record that Accounts are ap-| public Schools-- mitted bereunder, was addressed | time.--Washington - Post proved for payment but do not state | Teachers' Salaries ... ....$ 47,162.34! hy me to the Chairman of the Fin-| The man who buys a factory pro- the total amount of all the accounts Industrial Salaries ... .... 2,413.50| ance Committee, Oshawa, and em-| duet, buys factory management and passed. : : Other Salaries .. - 5,839.34 )odies my suggestions as to how the | factory character. On their sound-| The lists containing the items sub-|Equipment, Furniture, etc. 692.96 | principle of the Act should be given | ness depends the soundness of his mitted to the Board for approvallpyey "TU TU 5aigrr effect to: investment.--The Linotype Bulletin. | should be totalled and the total|ipsurance J 103.35) en . : o i Ha . amount for payment recorded in the Interest... os 61.16! For 'the benefit of your Commit- Eliminating duplications, the fact minutes. The Chairman of the Board Lignt : 181.09 te& I will give you my interpretation | remains that the great mass of us should sign the accounts list at the place where the total is inserted. Printi and. SLatioBery of your Special Water Act and sug-| work only twenty-four per cent. of - Ronse and Stationery .. . ,), Bestions as to how best the accounts | the time.--Roger Babson. Payrolls should be drawn up s are Bud Eh : BAe of Water-takers for the Special | Self-analysis is a wonderful thing that fo A wend ean be ay. hon Bepairs ana Spplics "505.45 Frontage Tax and for Water Usage | for an individual--or for a business. | Total Monthly Salary earned Tel h pai i 184.81) ay be handled. This must not be | Do you really know the best that is | & 219 Superannuation Fund. ap OBE ix: x e | construed, however, he referring in|jn you and in your business, and, 2 BY so wR etrsoseierm area V-17| anyway to your legal position ui Amount of Cheque. Industrial Fees refurde y y 23. p under 200.00 33.7 knowing, give the best to the Cheque Number. Portable Schools i "7070 this Act. world?--The Apcode. The first three columns should be (Contract and Extras 9,307.00| , 1. You are authorized to levy on| The councils of various Ontario added and balanced. Total Salary|Furniture, etc. .. ... ...... 1.69400 the Regular Tax Roll for the Special | municipalities are keeping warm in| should be debited to Salaries; Su- ' | Frontage Tax of 7%e, per Foot ---------- spite of the fuel shortage by debat-! perannuation Fund and Bank cred-| Sunh-total .. ..'...._ $106,301.34 Frontage on land both vacant and! jpg whether or not the price of coal | ! O( ited with their respective totals. ' 7" locecupied whereon Watermains are | snould be fixed.--Peterborough 19x- | Respectfully submitted, Dee. 31, 1921, laid. l 3 Bank Bal- aminer. : ; | HOLLAND PETTIT, ance, 'Standard ... $ 88.85] 2. You are authorized to charge | Often a little burning is an expen- Chartered Accountant ' Dec. 31, 1921, Bank Bal- occupants or owners a rate for wat- sive happening. | M EN t iy ere 1S) ou r ance The balance sheet as at December| ance, Dominion ... ..... 483.00 © actually used. ; | AM who row are not heroes. . 31, 1921, is as follows: -- : PR i If the charge for usage is less than { Assets Dee. 31, 1921, Bank Over- the Special Frontage Tax the amount | big Bank Balamees ... . ....$% 450.25] draft, Dominion 121.59 (Of the Frontage Tax is total sum | It is only because | secured a bankrupt stock of Over- High Schools .... 35,600.00 --_|collectible. If the usage is greater, | O aE t a very attractive price 40c on Public Schools ... 450.2¢|then the amount collectible is the coats and vercoatings at a y P a latter. In other words, the total] $173,650.23] Total $106,751.60 | #mount payable is the Frontage Tax, | the dollar, that | am able to make the special offer to my, iis am nt "lor the Usage charge, whichever is the greater. 5 many friends and customers in Oshawa and vicinity. In If the provisions of your Special 4 this lot are Melton, Beavers, Tweeds and Oxfords made Act ar ied i literally, : ri For a fr Sis fragrant Assessment Roll or a Special 'Tax ; f in England and Ireland consisting of Greys, Browns, cigarette -- Rol oun proviae, I Be Shirin Olives, Tans and Noveltys, goods of exclusive weave, a on watermains are laid and for the 4 1 rom. veryone of these ' U8 darian ae laid and Lor the 3 wonderful collection to select f y ilo 0900900000 900009000000000000 ' per foot. This tax must then be en- - Coats are made up in the leading styles, such as ns, iy tie Tolisciors Lou. 3nd be | Chesterfields, light Ulsters, heavy storm proof Ulsters At the same time, the regular char- 2 ni 1 1 , etc. ges for consumption would be pi 4 with leather lining, with and without belts hi . in the Water Takers' Ledger and No need for you to be without a warm Coat this win- would be collected quarterly in the usual way. At the end of the year ter, when you can get one at a very low price. adjustments would have to be made in every case save on vacant | Remember | can't keep this offer open longer than lots by return of monies. To trust solely to the Frontage | | | two days as the quantity is limited. Levy on the Collector's Roll would : : For All Fine Fabrics a delay receipt of monies needed f Eaten EL ve eae | || TWO Days Only-Friday and ed the Frontage Tax. i . a g TO he 1 wrossse\ 1 Saveialy ice and daisy 1 d N 3rd & 4th from 1923 Tax Roll save in the case | -- with the seguler i Satu r ay, ) OV. : 2. Charge up Consumption in the washing, you can easily 1 , fC an Price from $17.50 up, Remember the Address. Ledger now in your hands, and cor. | f| 0d quickly cleanse it with lect as before quarterly. Lux. The thin, white, satin- 3. At the end of 1923, enter on flakes of Lux made i the 1924 Tax Rolls the amounts by | | like of ae , / which the Frontage Tax exceeds the | [|| by our own exclusive pro- sums paid for consumption. cess, and readily dissolve This plan will (1) Ensure guar-| [ll . 2 : terly receipts of Water Rates to a | ||| ioto @ sich, bubbling lather, 9 KING ST. E. large degree at least. Il as harmless to fine fabrics || (2) Minimize the bookkeepi ! water itself | Entries. " as pure | (3) Assess the unpaid balances I the Frontage Tax against the Lux is supreme for washing fine ¢ BLUE SERGE SUIT TO ORDER $30 lands by placing on the Collector's | Rolls jl socmonts. leis 48 cull in As a special | also offer an 18 oz. All Wool guaranteed genuine Indigo | Water Takers' Register & Led- sealed packets--dust-prook ger as drafted by me will be the] | Blue Serge Suit made to order for only $30.00. Fit, style and orkmanship right books to use to carry on the guaranteed. --- Res dA col wlagdaade above scheme." ' Respectfully submitted, HOLLAND PETTIT. Chartered Accountant.

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