Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Nov 1922, p. 15

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SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer {fVites the ~0-opera- tion of lis in contributing ftems to this column, Send us a postcard or "phone 35. ~My, Samuel Bone, Church Street, left this morning for Winnipeg and Vancouver en Tofite to California where he will .Spend the winter months, He will' return to Oshawa mext April, ~=-Mr. Os¢ar, Gummow, of the C. N. Telégraphs; Toronto, is spending his vacati with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. mmow, Athol St., Bast. oi ig kik --The Mfssés Drummond of New- castle, are visiting friends in town, --Mr, and "R. H. Hamley of Bowmaaville ahniounce the engage- ment 'of "their" daughter, Lena Blanche, and Mr. H. Thomas Hir- cock of Bowmaiiville, the marriage to tke plage in. November. --/Mr, hur "Gray spent last week-end. at his: home in Newcastle. --Miss Frances Gibson was a vis- itor at the home pf her parents in Newcastle last week-end. ~-Miss Dora Mountjoy was a re- cent visitor with friends in Haydon. Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Wilkins and son Thedoré were visitors at the home of Mrs, B.- Wi Foley, Base Line, Bowmanville, recently. --Miss Shirley. Bronson, of Ham- flton, returned homie yesterday after being a guest of Mrs. F. I. Arm- strong, Mary Street, for the past week. 3 --Mrs. F. I. Armstrong, Mary Street, is leaving, this week to spend a few days with relatives in Hamil- on. : RANDALI-WAGNER 3 i 5 md The home of Mr. and Mrs. Emiel Wagner,..142 Division Street, was the scéne of a very pretty autumn wedding - at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon when their second daughter Viola Katie, became 'the bride of William. Henry Randall, Oshawa; son of Mr, and Mrs. Ran- dall, of Newtonville. The ceremony was performed' by Rev. A. M. Irwin, : The bride whe entered the draw- ing room leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohen- grin's wedding march played by Mrs. Trew, Jlobked charming in white satin with -bridal veil trim- med with orange blossoms and ferns and carrying a shower bou- quet of pink .roses and yellow crysanthemums. , The bridesmaid was Miss Alma Armstrong, who wore pale pink silk and carried a bouquet™ of 'roses, and crysanthe- mums The groomsman was Mr. John Elmer. ; : Following the ceremony a dainty wedding dejeuner was - served to about sixty guests after which the young couple left by motor for Tor- onto and other western points. On their return they will reside in Oshawa. Among the out of town guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner, 'Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. J. Double, Toronto; Mr. John Eleanor, Brighton; Mr. O'Connor, Mr. John Elmer, Miss Laura Ran- dall, Miss Laura Bryson, Mr. Har- old Bryson, and Mrs, H. Randall, of Newtonville; Mrs. Burns, Miss May and Mrs. J. McIntyre, Toronto. Among the many costly and beautiful gifts received by the pop- ular young couple was a handsome clock, from the office staft and bonded waréhouse of the: General Motors, with whicl. firm the groom Is connected. ie SALTER--PALMER At the King Street Methodist par- sonage yesterday afternoon at 2 o'- lock, by the Rev. A. M. Irwin, the marriage was solemnized of Edith May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Palmer, 186 Arthur Street, to Roy Everett Salter, son of Mr .and Mrs. G. Salter, Bond Street East. The oung couple were attended by Miss Flora Purdie and Mr. Russell Pal- mer, They will reside in Oshawa. BORN FOLLEST--On Saturday, Oct, 28th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Follest, 31 John Street, a daughter. 80-0 The length of a journey is never measured in miles. - Interest is the yardstick that makes it long or short.--The Pridemark, Get out of the Fright habit and get into the Fight habit. There's nothing in life to be afraid of but Fear.--Northern Furniture. HAMPTON Among recent visitors are: Mr. and Mrs, A, Parker, Toronto, Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mr, J. H. Burrows'; Mr. Jos. Veale and. Mr. Harley Hayes, Windsor, visiting at Mr, C. W. Souch's; Mr. Cyril Jeb- son, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur, Misses Minnie and Norah Horn, Mr. Hilton Peters, Miss Erma Salter, Mrs. J. W. Virtue and children, Miss Melinda Potter visited friends at Liskard on Sunday and attended the anniversary services. Misses Frances and Beatrice Jones sang at the Hallowe'en social at So- lina on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper and son, Roches- ter, N.Y., visited at Mr. Wm. Smale's and Mr. Clarence Smale, Niagara, was at home. We welcome to the community Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns who have recently moved un- to the farm vacated by Mr, Bruce Ferguson who has moved to the OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 PORTABLE SCHOOL BUILDING OPENED Public Schools and Collegiate Each Occupy One Classroom With the completion of the new portable at the High School this week, part-time classes in Oshawa Public Schools have been entirely dispensed with, Yesterday morning Supervising Principal A, E. Garbutt transferred a junior fourth class from the Mary Street School to the new building allowing the other clags which was also on part time, full possession of the room in the Mary Street Building. The class which has been transferred from Mary Street will be in charge of Miss Storrar, of Owen Sound, who will commence her duties hore next week, Miss Pfohl, who was to have taken over the class, has, owing to ill health, resigned. Only one room of the new portable will be used for public school pur- poses, the other room being used by Mr. J. G. Althouse for one of his classes from the High School. The third form Commercial will be trans- ferred from the main building. While this will not entirely relieve the congestion which is being ex- perienced, this accomodation is ap- preciated by Mr, Althouse and his stafl, farm vacated by Mr. Ward. Mr, and Mrs. E. Deguerre, Wood- bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Gee and son Frank, Toromfto, recently visited at Mr. Thos. Elliott's, League meeting last week was in charge of the Fourth = Department and opened with Mr. Harold Salter in the chair. Romans 12 was read by Miss Ida Jones and the topic was ably -dealt with by Mrs. C. Fred Corden. Miss Ruth Johns sang a solo after which all the members en- gaged in a spelling match which was greatly enjoyed. After all were spelled down the meeting closed with the benediction. Next meeting in charge of the 1st Department. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs, N. E, Wright mot- ored to Toronto on Saturday and Mrs. Julla Van Nest accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs, D, Yellowlees and daughter Jean visited Mr, Neil Yel- lowlees, Bowmanville. Mrs. H. Haray and Mrs. T. Baker visited at Mr. J. Reeson's, Colum- bus. J Mr. and Mrs, Jim Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs, Dufferin Nelles, ater- ford, and Mrs. Leslie C. Snowden, Maple Grove, visited at Reeve Bak- er's, , Misses Jennie and Lizzie Spry, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Richards, Bow- manville, were guests at Mr, W. N, Pascoe's. Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie Penfound and little Hazel, Oshawa, visited at Mr. W. T. Baker's. Pleased to learn that Mrs. Dobson will spend the winter at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. Harvey Hardy's. | Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Taylor visited Liskard friends. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Larmer, of Blackstock, visited at Mr. Albert Balson's. Quarterly meeting at Eldad Sun- -- - -- MISS EULALIE BUCHANAN Medallist, London, England will aceept a limited number of pupils In Oshawa, Prepardlory Classes for Children, For. fees and further. information apply Matthay Method of Piano Instruction, ||| 58 AVENUE RD, TORONTO Try it A PA TAS vii | v TEA 0 CHASE 8 SANBORKS 8 san @e pLALCK (HOICE 1 EA In Ys and 11b, cartons. For the sake of those who drink with you. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal. fo ---- Bea---- A. El ---- -- J -- ---- J m---- J Cx "f | 5X Thanksgivin Specials This is the time of year the body requires healthful as well as delicious foods. Cold weather is coming on now, and you will appreciate real tasty meals. We have just received a variety of fall appetizing foods, and are busily engaged putting them on the counters and shelves so you can see them. Here are a few of them: NEW GOODS IN STORE Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2s. 25¢ tin Carll's Golden Sweet Corn . Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn. . 20c¢ tin Hygean Midget Refugee Beans 35c. tin Hygean Golden Wax Beans . .25¢. tin Alexandra Peas (No. 4) ..... 15¢ tin Dove Swt. Wrinkle Peas(No. 2) 25¢ tin Alymer Extra Sftd. Peas (No. 1) 35¢ tin Libby Sliced Pineapple, 2!/s . . 50c tin Libby Sliced Pineapple, 2s . ... 40c tin Phones 757, 758 ts - 8.30--10.30--2.30--4.30 New Brazil Nuts . ... .. 3 Ibs. for 50c New Hellawee Dates . . .2 lbs. for 35¢ New Turkish Figs .......... Country Sausage ..... Finnan i FR EP a i erry 45¢c . 28¢ 8c Mcintosh Red Apples 50c and 75¢ New California Walnuts day at 10.30 a.m, Temperance Ral- ly was fittingly observed Sunday when little folks sang two choruses and pastor W. W, Jones gave a good temperance address, Masquerade concert was a decided ors, impersonating all manner of peo- ple-and characters. Miss Vera Bak- er won 1st prize and Mr. Fred Crome 2nd. Rev. W. W. Jones and Misses Reynolds and Annis were the judges. The Misses Jones, Hampton, sang nicely and with music, readings, etc., concluded a good program. Pump- kin pie refreshments were served. Messrs, Isaac and Harvey Hardy have secured a carload of cattle to fatten. success with costumes galore, all col- |. Miss Mary Reynolds, Toronto, is home and Miss Bessie Reynolds has returned to the city. Mr. John Baker sold a 'consign- ment of lambs to Mr. John Miller, Myrtle, Deaths EDWIN DOWN Very suddenly early yesterday morning, the death occurred of Ed- win Down, Base Lino West, a well known and prominent farmer of this district. Deceased, who was born in Cartwright Township, came to East Whitby fifty years ago and resided on the same farm up to the time of his death, Taking ill last Thursday evening, he contracted inflammation of the lungs, which devéloped into pneumonia. Deceased was a member of Simcoe Street Methodist Church, Besides his widow he leaves four sons, Heber, Pickering; Norman, East Whithy; Wilbur and Russell at home; four daughters, Mrs. Har- old Hayes, Columbus; Mrs. Ken- neth Clarke, Oshawa; Olive and Beatrice, at home. One brother Wellesley, resides in Bowmanville. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, Rev. J. H, McBain con- | ducting the service. Interment will be made in Union Cemetery, ON SALE Friday - Saturday November 3 & 4 NO. 1 $450.00 Four Pieces Chester- field, two Easy Chairs, Library Table, Four Bolsters, Friday and Saturday Half Price . $225.00 : NO. 2 Fumed Oak Settee and Rocker to match, real leather, regular $96.00. On Sale, two pieces ., $50.00 NO. 3 Six only large . easy™' Tapestry Chairs, regu- lar values $50.00 to $60.00 cash. On sale Friday and Saturday . $32.50 each NO. 4 Chesterfield Bed and two . easy . Chairs . to match, tapestry cover- ing fitted with good felt mattress, regular $167.60. on sale $125.00 NO. 5 Particularly we would advise you to read the side items of this ad this week, as they will not be repeated at the great savings here shown. We lose a large amount of money on these seven items, but the fact is they are too good to be fast and ready sellers, so some of our patrons benefit by our loss. Oshawa. 63 -King East, Beautiful Crown Walnut Dining Room Suite as cut above, nine pieces, full slip seat chairs, the workman- ship and style are the very best. week-end price . ON SALE Three Piece Ivory Suite, Upholstered Spring Seats, two large easy chairs and a Chaise Lounge, Reg. $150, Sale Price Friday & Saturday three pieces. $112.00 ON SALE Saturday night at Seven O'Clock, 12 Odd Chairs, Reg. prices $8.75 to $10.75, at seven o'clock only $5.95 Eight Large Willow and Cone Easy Chairs, Fumed Finish, strongly made, Reg. Prices were $14.75 i» $18.50, on sale week- e $1095 ON SALE Walnut Finished Dining Suite, very substantially made, good size, slip «2at diners. .A .wonderfully good value. Special Price, Friday and Saturday. $148.75 "DINING SUITE Large Size Combination, Extension Table, Suite of Full Slip Seat Diners, Reg. Value $124.00 on sale Saturday. for the Eight Pieces $90.00 ODD DRESSERS In Ivory Finish, large plate mirrors, four drawer cases. Were much more expensive, Reg. $75.00 one for $48.00 Reg. $50.00 for $37.00 Ivory Chiffonier, Reg. $50.00 each, Sale Price $35.00 Brass Bed, Spring, Felt Mattress Brass Bed, Spring, Felt Mattress, Full Size, Spring Guaranteed for twenty years, Mattress all layer felt, a splendid Bargain. Three Pieces on Sale nh m--------------------] $29 00 prices EE .. Large Stocks of Every Good Quality of Furniture will be found on our floors, compare prices with any other concern in Canada, consistent with quality you will find our Price right every time. LUKE BROS. 63 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA

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