Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Nov 1922, p. 10

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| Oshawa and District In money matters the Duke of Cambridge cousin of Queen Victoria, and Commander-in-chief in Britain 'is said to have been extremely close. One wet day he hailed a cab in. Pall ter spaniel pup. name i . Lander, Royal Bank, : wh ---- Cobourg Gets Coal. The eight hundred tons of coal which Port Hope lost through the low water in the harbor has gone to, Cobourg, Mr. Stanley Pratt being the recently: brought in a barge load of 1,400 tons; Just. as the barge was to leave Oswego, |" Mr. Pratt received word that the or- der was cancelled. The barge Dunn, however, took on a cargo of olgnt purchaser. Mr. Pratt and had sent a yepeat order. , hundred tons' for My. Pratt. Vital Statistics, Dan Cupid is still setting a dizzy pdeé in"Oshawa. During the month of of October 18 blushing maidens were the altar, Br'er Stork ia also. pr fairly well as no less than 36 new residents were ushered into town during the past month, The hand of the grim reaper was also in evidence in the homes of 15 famiies. During September 27 deaths were recorged at the Town Clerk's office, 40 births reported; and 21 marriag- es consummated. I ------ Recovered From Fall, Clarence Mills, S8imcoe and Maple Streets, an employee of W. D. Muck- ler's plumbing establishment, sun- tained severe bruises and a bad shak- ing up Saturday morning, He wis at work in a new house on Agnes Street, and 'not being acquainted with the premises did not know that the cellar stairs had not been installed. On opening the cellar door from the kitchen he fell to the floor heneath, While his. injuries were not serious he was confined to the house for a few days but was able to return to work this morning. ------ Firemasi Sprains Ankle, Slipping on the stairs in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening Moses Bas- key, a member of the local fire de- t Puy out Spaniel anaries (brown) was Will answer to the Reward . H. C, --r tume, lc School Teachers' Social Club. DENIES OWNERSHIP This was the opening enter- tainment for the season of the Pub- Man Faces Several O.T. A Mall and bade the Jehu drive to Vic- toria Station. Arrived. in due course at that terminus, the Duke handed the driver a shilliig, The ecabby looked at the shilling and then look- ed down at the Duke. this?" shouted the cabby. Can't you make it another tanner?" 'Certain- ly not," replied the Duke, 'and, what /) [is more, you came the wrong way, What made you go right round Hyde '|Park Corner and Grosvenor-place?' [The cabby saw he had no chance, but 'boldly replied: "Cos 8t. James's Park is closed, sir." "Closed " quer- ARR - ASTINGY. PEER. PERBR INARI, Charges--Adjourned + To:Nov..9 Thomas Skintey, who was arrest- 'fed on Oct. 25 following a long chase '| from the C,P.R. station appeared in court this morning to answer to sev- eral charges of breaches of the O. T.A. He entered a plea of not guilty through his counsel Col. J, F. Grierson. D. A. J. Swanson is conducting the prosecution. Owing to the fact that liquor which was submitted to the prosecu- tion as evidence had mot been analyz- ed the cast was adjourned until Thursday, Nov. 9, as Skintey would not admit the liquid in the bottles was intoxicating liquor. He, in fact, denied all knowledge of "the grips which police officers swore belonged to him and which contained several bottles of rum, gin and whiskey. He was further charged with sup- plying liquor to a minor, one Lee O'Connor, of East Whitby, In ad- dition he will face charges of having liquor in his possession illegally and also with the illegal sale of liquor. The alleged offences were commit- ted fir East Whithy on Aug. 25. He will answer to all of these charges on Nov. 9, Charged with a Harold Edwards, peared and was Thursday. Thomas Campbell, of East Whit- bY PIcaden guilty to assaulting his He was remanded until tomor- row for sentence. serious offence of Oshawa, ap- remanded until ied the Duke. St. James Park clos- ed? Why how's that?" "Oh," bawl- ed the cabby sarcastically, "they say 'as 'ow the Dook of Cambridge lost a threepenpy-bit a-comin' across the park last night, and the park's clos- ed by 'is order till they find it!" The average woman has a vocabu- lary of only 800 words, we are in. formed, This may be quite true, but there are times when she seems to know all the others as well.--Lon- Tents | | | Places MYRTLE from the west on Tuesday in the village on Sunday and reports that there is Plenty "of work In the|' City for all w 0 really want to exers cise themselves, The cider season is on. Every day one can see several loads of apples going to the mill, returning later with" their barrels filled with the luscious juice. As near as one can judge, every man in the place wil) have about two barrels of it for his own winter consumption, Mr, and Mrb, Robert Frink of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting in the neighborhood. They came particu: larly to see Mr, 'Henry (Derby, a brother of Mrs, .Frink, but have sev: eral other relatives here. Mr. Frink has not been in Myitle since he left here forty-five years ago, and he finds that of all the people he knéw then, there are but three men left Sardines on toast .......... ' Canned salmon sliced lemon | " Canned JoDREY ........cz0vii0iviivcinrrsinsensss Sm ..B8¢. ENTREES Fried chicken ala marland ....... Ressmarirrrasisisssisssperarsnvesed 40c. Boiled chicken cream sauce Chicken stew, home style ... don Punch. (Continued on 'pageld) Cw seme Bill o' Fare FRIDAY, NOV, 3RD © SPECIAL DINNER, FROM SPECIAL SUPPER FROM 11.30 AM. TO 2 P.M, 5 Pr, M. TO 8 P.M. - Soup OYSTER SOUP FISH Fried trout tartar sauce ....... rr FE resend BE Mr. Victor _Hudg n returned home vening, after being absent ahout two 'months, Hla many friends gre glad to see "Bre, wat's | him, : 4 y Bene Mr. Melvin Wélls of Toronto was . OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 gger and Bl than BR i $200.00 IN PRIZES ; : PAGE THREE : "Sale hey stand. 'Open to all the Public of Oshawa and sanounding districts,--except public in- Al stitutions and our employees. The Ten Customers spending the most money during the eighteen days of our Amniversary Sale, will each receive a Prize, according to where in the first ten SECOND PRIZE Reading Lamp Valued at $30.00 One of the newest shapes, stands 21 inches high with a 156 inch shade in amber, two light socket, bronze pedestal. An ornament to any home. THIRD PRIZE Mahogany 'Mantle Clock . Valued at $24.50 The "Dantorth'" hogany fin- ished Mantle Clock; has 8- day sessions movement. Strikes hours on gong and half hours on bell. ' FOURTH PRIZE Valued at $22.50 "THE GRAND PRIZE "Eureka" Electric Vacuum Cleaner Valued at $75.00 customer Awarded to the nding the most money in store during the Anniver. sary Sala. awarded the Highest Possible Award Ribbon at the Interna- Ji josition San Franciso, | at more could be | tional E 1015, ssid in its Yavor? Down-filled Comforter The Eureka was | SIXTH PRIZE Pure Wool Blankets Valued at $11.00 Pair The famous Scotch Lammer- moor blankets; white with blue border. Each blanket whipped singly; double bed size 64"x84" SEVENTH PRIZE Gentlemen's Umbrella Valued at $7.50 Pure silk and wool covering, strong frame. A real frien" in time of need. EIGHTH PRIZE Ladies' Umbrella Valued at $7.50 Pure silk and wool covering, neat handle, strong frame, suitable for sun or rain. Chicken ala Nelson Stuffed pork tenderloin ................... eiiiaiiiiire FA partment, fell and sustained a badly sprained ankle. He had been attend- Pure down filled, with a covering of down proof my ed | JURY & FW ing the masquerade dance in the hall TOO LATE TO- CLASSIFY Veal stew, hotel style .................. . 38c, anbvie rich, rome pate, with panels of NINTH PRIZE and was proceeding home when the NN I Breaded pork chops LOMBLO BREE. es oe.s. ovssriarisrig .4Bc. £ Brush and Comb Set accident occurred. He was taken olice = (i -PeAUCU POI CROPS (OMALO SAUCE ...ivieiserisreens Fa . ibe Eoheral hospiint whete the in-| I hereby sive hotice thas I will not ROASTS Valued at $5.00 ured member was dressed, accept respons ty for any debts 3 i : Grained ivory effect in a leatherette covered, satin- S_----i : Sontrasiod by my wife, Mrs, Willis Roas Sulicd ¥ting Shicksn + 4 : vy FIFTH PRIZE ette lined, wooden cabinet. Dressing comb 7" long, -------- Young People Hold Social, n. (90a) Roiat boot brows Trav 35c. hair brush 8%" x2"; 9 rows of bristles. oR crap. WILLIS RICHARDSON. soensnrens arene . i h scar veal, MoBday eveuing the Anges -- Extra cut beef, French fried onions ..........ccco0nnnnenn tonne BEC, Electric Heatray Heater TENTH PRIZE ple have : gg Halloween nie hich SPECIAL Valued at $12.50 "Big Ben" Alarm Clock Sea e form of a masquerade. A- 4 il Yor one hundred members were pre- Sirloin steak Ala. ROBB .....oeririssriviiiinnssisiisiiiimmsinesssonsd 60c. A voriable electric Beater: which. th heat Valued at $4.50 Mefout sent. Some very pretty costumes Small steak, mixed salad .... ..4Bc. P a Pa i ohls "Big Ben"--The National Alarm--height 7% in., om hens- Were i Svigshee and fhe vent yas Grilled veal chops on toast ...................... ..45¢. irs oy Shy Jes red angle. Finished with 18 easy winding time and alarm handles, steady or ited, 'aug of the evening was devoted vigil Broilled lamb chops, Boston sauce .............ccccornvernsinns 45c¢. Dep Thigh, Se ABC copperes. YeliaRing, Sutevuieicnt alata as desired, clear bold face, good while S855 was indulged in from C (4) L D M E A T S : SH ' Te 9 01) oelopk. Cold chicken Potato SAUCE ....pi..........mmsisrssasssssssrmssrsns .80c. M---- Half Holiday for Dentists Cold beef or veal mixed salad ...................oonverrierennnenns 40c. A number of Oshawa dentists HOW TO DO IT have come to an agrenment for Sai- Chiksralad SALAD on] BE SURE AND SAVE ALL YOUR CASH COUPONS urday afternoon closing, Up to the CKEn BRIAR i... iipueiinriinsnes sienssanrisiiarined % present time all dental parlors have Lobster salad ............ .....80¢. At the end of the Sale, November 18th, place all cash receipts in an envelope, with your remained open all day oh Saturdays EEE Or SANRON BBIBA ............ocoicsicrsimicirisiorsiinsrsssnte AOc. name and address plainly written. Mark your envelope "Prize Contest" and either bring it but commencing November 4, local Lr a RAR he d it by mail. But it must be here by 6 o'clock T November dentists will enjoy a weekly half- DESSERT tof the store or.9end it by ma by$o Uesday night, holiday. This Saturday the offices : . 21st. -- wil be open a usual The dentists Boston vice pUBBInE .......o0ciesrcisesrisisirississisrsisomms . wm. who have signed the agreement are: Drs. W, J, Langmaid, G. M. Trewin, Apple, Raisin, C oo PIES EXTRA 10e. Arrangements are being made with anoutside and disinterested party to check up on. - B Me Axpuiront, a aha, F, * g . and award prizes. See Windows for prize exhibit also for the unusual bargains. can Tucker, S. J, Phillips, BR. B. Adams. SUPE RIOR LU NCH NO GOODS WILL BE EXCHANGED, NO REFUNDS GIVEN UNLESS CASH RECEIPT IS SHOWN ---------------- Social at Collegiate, Ci Superbly 11 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Rub- Teachers of Oshawa High School <Z) in gold or plati- ental ig 2 suber of their Irieous Beld num. Correct + a Hallowe'en social in the schoo and beaptiful -be- : ¢ ; . : Mond: ing. M f th LT ne. Jun Ge ond compan Read Our Advertise, pleasant evening was spent, at the ments close of which light refreshments i were served, - Dai his, | | ---------------------------------- School Teachers Entertained. dun - Mary Street School teachers en- D. J. BROWN N Carrying a tertained thé teachers of 'the other Jeweller & Opto ow L.arying public schools on Monday evening 10 King St. W. Oshawa Representative Stock in the King Street School. The Plione 189 ven orm of a masquerade, : the "teachers being present In "cos- es BRANSTON RADIO PARTS - Any parts not in Stock | | | owieariooei fil In Coats, Dresses ha Repair work done and | ? y acd ' y . - » SPEC AL LADI ES -- Dress Your Feet service given on sets. | Sl ® i R Bl t or |F rid a. & Bn d for Thanksgiving Day DON McKAY | : pf ouses at ) ay ; atur day With 2 pair of our '"Georgina'® Oxtord er Strap Shoes, East g Coals from : oh »* "yo ~ cid which have just arrived, and your feet will' look stylish 58 King ; - y and feel comfortable. Have you noticed our new spats? : $25.00 to $42 00 J If not, you should see them. We have them in medium height up to the very High, with laced tops. : A saving on each of $5.00 tp $15.00. The prices of ery Se aloo Raxanboniat Snes?" Hother- Mapular. line. ia these magnificent coats are varied enough to suit every | viv of Pat. Straps with grey Women's Scotch Grain Calf pa 2 i eirersssesre trimmings at Welt Oxford at P A Crepe and Tricotine : $4.65 and $65.00 $4.50 C » rices range from Loin Roast Bsammmrssssssnns 306. MEN OU g $17.50 to $32.50 Pickled Picnic Ham wndle Have Sou sous our Narioaid Hpmsl Shoo? THOY are sors For a big cough or a little Exquisite styles, exceptional values. F LAMB "os ickled Shoulder ........ 2le. tainly winuers, and we have Jhguy different lasts to Zak soley; for 3 how ash 5 2 ; Skirts--All Kinds : ' ront Lamb ..iiniineenns Mince Meat ....2 lbs. for 45c. the rent tastes, and you find by actual wear i pir py Priced from 1 'than the ordi better appearing and or a "grown-ups" cough, there : Loin Lamb, flank on -..28¢. Home Made Head Ake Shatin Joan Jue Sriimry fhoe, bo 2% as | 5 Sotiing better than . $3.99 to $5.50 : : Welts in brown and black in t styl ; : peices Aiea meb3e hoose from at Bh anh Bors REXALL An opportune time to buy a new skirt at 8 ork Sausage .. cians 2D 5 CHERRY BARK i price. Victory Pogk & Beans It has afi frimediate effect in and Smocks ossisdine ...r.13¢., 18¢c., 23c. In round and recede toes," Boys' Brows EI Biucher, soothing the irritated air pas- Voiles, ovens: Cloth pnd Tricolette A at ' and has a wonderful -- RR EAE Ro irreneecmestescessssntl) STEW aslo AYTIIMPR NS AVIIL sansnsnsresnunn the "Williams" solid special $3.40 § iw. 1h specally stopping all $3.00 to $6.00 leather shoes -- the best ll coughing. Pleasant, safe, effi- . astaesimhies ras isn value on the market af Other lines of Boys' Bals. HW cient. Would be cheap at double the price. Sa Bluchers at LARGE BOTTLES A favorable buying plan, coupled with 2 low overhead . i $3.75 and $3.95 G $2.75 | : expense, enables us to place ofir goods on sale at remark- ' serremessssssgsssnsssc¥ Ib, 20e. Fray Bentos.....1 Ib. tin 35¢. ¥ 35c., 60c., or $1.00 ably reduced prices. You are welcome o inspect our atock. : mm t ' F.CA KER DAVIDSON GS SAMELLS | DRUG STORES | Schwartz Bargain Store E. C Ww 29 Simcoe St. N. s lor. Simcoe and Bond Sts.) { DR i | { '136/138 Simicoe St. South

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