PAGE SIX OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1922 | Gov't Estimates (Continued from page 1) that Alex Bell be also appointed. {Both these suggestions were em- bodied in the motion, which car- ried, This committee will also act as a delegation to go to Ottawa, Mr. Conant thought that the delegation should interview the government of: fici#ls before the next session of parliament, Power was given the a visitor committee to appoint additional {members if it sees fit. [SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites tne ~Q-opera- tion of lis readers in coptributing Atems to this column, Send us 8 postcard or 'phone 35, Jr) --Rev. J, L. Harton was to Port Colborne yesterday. --Mr. E. Christian, of Lindsay,| pr, Kaiser again addressed the spent Sunday in town. |gathering saying that Oshawa busi- --Mr, Howard W. Brown, of KIng- pegs men should talk to the govern- ston, spent the week-end VISiting nent the same as officials of other friends in town. {municipalities do, He instanced the he ] Howard Kellett of Minden, | 556 of Port Hope which sent but 0 recently returned from theisos 000 a year to O'tawa in customs West, is in Oshawa. {returns and which recent]: received --Mrs, F. Smith of Toronto, was in', grant of $50,00/ for harbor im- Oshawa over thé week-end to attend |, vements. : the funeral of the late Mr. W. Give More--Receive Less Fudge. "We give more," sald the doc- --Mr. George Fudge and Miss IVW li. = «4g tne government 'than Adams of Toronto, were in Oshawa any other town of its size in aver the week-end to attend thefn.b qn ang recelva less in' return. funeral of the former's brother, the = "0 0 oni ™ Citigens of Oshawa late Mr, W. Fudge. are not rising to their duties when ~--Mr. Thomas Johnston, 267 Jar-jep oo hormit this state of affairs to vig St, has tecovered from a recent exist. I'm looking to the time when illness And 18 now returning to busi- Canada will have a. population of ness, 2 30 millions or more, 'If the St, Law- --Migs Lulu Johnston of Toronto, rence Deep Waterways scheme ma- has been visiting at her home here,|y. jo i500 and Oshawa's harbor Is and is now visiting friends further created then Oshawa may become a east, ; world port. I don't eare what gov- and' Mrs, Walter T, Willlam- oo ent or member gets, credit for to annex the area. A petitfon would also have to be signed by a majority of the electorate of the area to be annexed,. Mr, Conant also contended that the Town and Village officials were just as able to take care of any contingencies that might arise as would be the Municipal Board. Deputy Reeve Mason got into the discussion and stated that he would like to see an expression of opinion of the board on the principle of an- nexation, the details to be submit- ted later. Councillor Trick dissent- ed. A motion was then put and car- ried which expressed the 'Board's approval of the principle of annexa- tion on terms that are fair and equit- able, Dr. Kaiser then moved that "the terms of annexation he left to the Municipal Board, 'The only body to do such work as this is an expert tribunal," he said. Mr. Conant con- tended that if this motion were car- ried that an annexation would be de- feated. G. W, McLaughlin also ex- pressed the opinion that Dr. Kaiser's motion was not in order. 'We are not discussing details," he said, "but merely affirming the principle, The Board would in all probability re- quest the parties interested to come to some agreement themselves," he contended, Mr. Conant stated that he had not attended the meeting to discuss de- tails. The council has the power to reject the whole thing if it wishes, he averred. 4 Dr, Kaiser's motion was then put wrong in having a government aud- it; but right in having an audit. We have got to accept it unless it is not correct and in accord with facts. We did well to receive it and not to adopt it, It has done a real good, how- ever. We should wait until we get more informdtion on the report be- fore taking it too seriously. Coun- cil has rendered a great service but we should urge them to go forward to find a satisfactory solution. We must have improvements. But my view is, that at present, we should not take the matter too seriously." "The attitude of the board of trade should be broadcasted now," said Mr. Conant. Councillor Burns arose and stated that as yet the council had not had time to fully consider the matter. "We don't have to adopt it. The matter is a little premature," he said. '"We shouldn't go on record approving the action of the council when we don't know what action it will take to carry out the recommenr- dations, Councillor Trick remarked that many of the councillors were rather slow in digesting the report, 'They didn't get it through council. We will adopt what we think right and best for the Town," he said. The motion to the effect that the Oshawa Board of Trade approve of the request of the council for an|in the early days. Leading up to When three years of age in When she reached the Joseph was persuaded to Then later Jesus came Al- Referring to the picture, Mr. Har- ton asked, "why did the artist show three men such as St. George, St. Stephen and St. Jerome instead of the three shepherds." cause | the world as a universal Saviour, not to save the elite or humble alone. St. George was a hero, a warrior, not influenced hy things St. of the en was a mighty power in the ¢hureh It was bhe- he averred Jesus came into of the world. greatest saint century. . St, Steph- Jerome was the fourth Titian had pic- audit and that it approves of any| tured these men to show how the peo- action that will be taken in an effort, 1a 150ked | world, to have the recommendations carried! out, was'then put and carried prac-| to Jesus to save the mother of Jesus with the babe on her knee with three men, St. Stephen, St. Jerome and St. George, repre- senting all that was good and best, eagerly watching. the birth of Christ, Mr. Harton re- viewed briefly the life of Mary. She was born in Nazareth and was pro- mised by her parents as an offering to God. she was taken to the Temple where she was welcomed by the High Priest She remained there until 12 years of age, in the meantime growing holiness. age of 12, all the worthy bachelors were invited to the Temple to choose a wife, accept Mary, and was called the son of the mighty. LUXURA TEA "The Tea That Satisfies" In Sealed Packages Only Mr. Davidson, trombone soloist, The choral numbers were splen- didly executed, reflecting great credit on the conductor and organist, Mr. George Henley. Some of the items particularly well rendered were, "Daybreak" by Dr. Brooke; "Gypsy Chorus," from The Bohemian Girl by Balfe; "Babylon's Wave" by Gounod; "Pilgrims Chorus' by Tann- hauser. In the last choral number the soloists were Mrs. Bale and Mr. Mills, while a male quartette composed of Messrs. R., Henderson, H. M. Gilchrist, L. Gray and W. Paul, took a prominent part, Soloists' Work Appreciated "Life, after all is incurably re- ligious,"" Mr. McEachren said in closing. "The ultimate idea of life is a religious destiny, yet we all know this great force must not proceed unmolested, but with organized re- ligion we shall go on until we have won the victory." Anniversary Music The music rendered by the choir was one of the outstanding features of the services. The anthems and solos were rendered with pleasing effect, In the morning the anthem was "How Lovely Are Thy Dwel- lings," while Mrs, (Dr.) Tucker sang "Ninety and Nine." In the evening, the anthem was '""'Abide With Me" Special mention might be made of the efforts of Mrs. Bale, Mrs. Tuc- ker, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Mills, all of whom drew much applause following each number. These art- ists rank among the leading soloists of the town and never fail to cap- ture the hearts of their audiences. They were repeatedly called upon to respond to encores. That the entertainment was a huge success was quite evident from the large attendance. The proceeds which amounted to more than $200, were appropriated by the Ladies' Aid Society, which provided the mag- nificent supper and carried out all arrangements efficiently. tically unanimously, | -------------------------- -- | A thigd alarm oft disturbs mid-| night cdlm. | . Henpecked hubby, have your say (Continued from page 1) while your wifie is away. |ings and open the conflict hetween Fireman hrave often save the fair. you and sin." roa ble will hover o'er a careless Society Hampéred "Our democratic institutions, our | noblest guarantees of liberty are in- terwoven with evil," the speaker con- tinued, "In society there is the ser- | pent of pride, selfishness and jeal- 0 ousy running through the fabric of life opposed to common enlighten- coe $420,307.35 ment and common good." Credits --Mry, son retuned to Toronto on Sunday, materialization of this. night after a few days' visit at the". = 0" 00 have suffered. and Bowe Hh I de A- waited for 20 years, Many oppor- Mar in ehawa od who has tunities have gone. We must throw se tev, Lo i we, y eo {ourselves into this thing With deter- past ten days through illness, jsjmation. -YWe vig 90 mple than recovering nicely, His many friends | 7 i hope to see him out again soon. At the close of Dr. Kaiser' 2 ; | y ser's argin- --Rev. J. H. McBain had charge ment Mr. Conant asserted that Osh- of the anniversary services in the! , ! _'awa's development hinged on the an- Winona Methodist Church on Bun-\, 0. "of Cedar Dale to a certain day, and last evening addressed the | |extent, He believed that Oshawa CONEYeFation atm entertainment |, not receive thé full benefits 8 TO At the Westmoreland Methodist [Of @ harbor unless annexation be- Church, October 27th, the christen-|"@me a fact, "If you agree," he ing of Dougal John Nttie son of |F0id, with the principle of annexa- Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sliep, formerly {tion now is the time to express your Hattie Trini took place, Her mo. | approval. Some time ago a petition ther i Mrs A. Trimm and other [Was presented to the township coun- friends from Oshawa attended the ¢il by Cedar Dale residents for a ceremony. |small sewage system. On examining Rev. N: 'R. D. Sinclair. MA [the plans I found to my astonish- BD pastor of Tiverton Presbyter. | ment, that it was opposed to the 5 td aad bho of Mr W {Town system, which meant that fu-| an el, M.P.P. is in town to. Lure extensions would increase the) day, and this afternoon attended the A8cmaly, op o 35k the nowd Wow funeral of his aunt, Miss Agnes Sin- I ¥ ns clair, of Whitby Township, near asset, It would have meant another Corbétt's Point ' sewerage system. I told the town- 'oF 8 , ship that I didn't agree." BIT age In conclusion the spedker stated A Wp iin TY took that he had no desire to start a con- placé in St. George's: rectory Satur- | troversy on the question of annexa- day afternoon when the marriage {1°00 i aeked the bosrd to Xpress ; - _|its view not on detail but on the was solemnized of Florence, daugn \general desirability of annexation, if ter of the late Albert Trott and Mrs. Trott, 58 Centre Street, to Maxwell 10. edsitable agreement could be ar- Covert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Covert, of Wellington. The eere-| mony was performed by Rev. C. R, dePencier. The bride wore navy canton crepe, trimmed with lace, and hat to match and carried a' bouquet of roses and crysanthemums. The bridesmaid, Miss Mabel Trott, sister of, the 'bride, wore black canton crepe and carried a bouquet of roses. | The groomsman was Mr. Elwood to a vote. He alone supported it. (Auditor's Report) At the close of the discussion on the harbor situation, Dr. Kaiser brought up the question of the auditor's re- port. He stated that the councillors who were responsible for the audit had rendered the Town a real serv- ice, Continuing the speaker said a okt that Business men should immediate- . y take hold of the Town affairs. A H C felons situation confronts the conn- ousing om. cil and some of them should hecome! ' better acquainted with municipal! (Continued from page '2) affairs, "I have no doubt," said Dr,/Office Furniture Kaiser, "that the clerk knew he was| handling the affairs of the Town in! Total a wrong manner. We want a res-| ponsible man at the head of this Povince of Ontario .. municipality who will rectify this | Deposits advanced ... deplorable condition. It is up to the |and Sales ... .. . Board of Trade to see that the rec- Rents Received ommendations in the auditor's re-| port are carried out. The govern-' i ment could compel the Town to car-, The following is a sammary of re- ry out these recommendations by caipts and expenditures from May 1, shutting off grants. We have been 1919, to December 31, 1921: -- advertised in a lamentable way." = | i Receipts Individual Not Blamed !Povince of Ontario Mr. Conant thought some action|pown of Oshawa ... should be taken. 'No blame," he|gales of Land X sald, "could be attached to any one|sgreement re Payments person. We haven't had the equip- Sundries x : ment to handle the affairs of the ¥ Sil Town in the way that they should! be handled. Our municipal organ- | ization has not kept pace with the growth of the Town. It is ridicu- ous to ask one man to attend all municipal meetings, issue licenses ofjLls sdvahiced il a nds and attend to his other| duties in addition. We should pans |F Ovineial Treasurer a resolution to the effect that we | oi op. iture will heartily support council in its of ig are nid pure le fort to place the Town on its feet. [gaia Hg or SRE Fundamentally the finances of thee opr on al Cd Town are sound and we are able Lol pank Bal 3 take care of our future develop- |o% T ances N ments. We should make it known | © 0 Ioan rers Ascolint all over the province that the Board {panic Yo Payment Acct, of Trade intends to rectify the! Ousing- Expense Aeel. ..... situation." Finances Sound George McLaughlin expressed re- gret that the matter had been given | s0 much unfavorable publicity. The auditor's report showed poor judg- ment. Their is nothing vitally wrong | with the Town finances, It is not the fault of the servants, and I don't while Mrs. Russell Bale sang 'The Prodigal Son." Entertainment Held To further observe the passing of another milestone in the history of the church, a supper was served in the Sunday school auditorium by the Ladies' Aid Society last evening, which was followed by a concert under the auspices of the choir. The entertainment was largely attended, the' church being well filled with an appreciative audience when-the programme commenced. The solo- ists of the evening were: Mrs. Rus- sell Bale, Mrs. (Dr.) Tucker, Mr, W. Mills, Mr, Robert Henderson and World War God's 195.1 $416,283.35 | 200.001 - 3,340.00 | £# SEE OUR STOCK OF Christmas Cards & Booklets Order Early Your PRIVATE GREETING CARDS Total ... ....$420,307.35 ... $454,938.50 3,280.00 3,315.00 70,173.30 10,680.72 Total .... .... nis rernnr $582,387.61) | Expenditure: {Advanced for Building .....$350,927.16 {Advanced for Building ...... i Opposed to Methods Dr. Kaiser then declared himself in favor of annexation but opposed to the methods that dre being used (to have the matter consummated, He wanted an explanation as to why Mr, Conant, Cedar Dale, East Whit- by or Oshawa was getting away from legal procedure. He thought that Bt was a matter that could be settled Cook... Following the ceremony a|PY the Municipal Board. There was dainty luncheon Be) served at the no good reason, Dr, Kaiser contend- heme. of. the hride's mother after |°d, why the matter had not been re- which the young couple left for a ferred to this Board. brief trip to Toronto. On their re-| Mr. Conant, replying, stated that turn they will reside on Centre gt. [he would be in favor of submitting a {the matter to the Municipal Board CARD OF THANKS {but that the people of Cedar Dale {would not consent to it. The I Mrs. W. Fudge and daughter wish | 3 . e lawyer to express their sincere thanks to |2i80 pointed out that before the the" Ontario Regiment, boys of the Batter could be presented to the 72 {Municipal Board that the town think we should take i his masterpieces. 490 Chev. trimming room, the ladies e shou ake it too seriously. | H Anx,, G.W.V.A., hE Tou and neigh- | Would first have to pass a resolution | It is discreditable that we didn't An Offering To God. | * bours for their kind expressions of to the effect that it was expedient | have proper equipment, We were, The pleture illustrated Mary, the sympathy and floral tributes in their GE _,. | recent sad bereavement. (89a) | np " TIT --m------ = "- EE ---- - his HENDERSON BROS. 3,600.00 6,158.94 8.90 10,761.45 2,586.21 189.25 { Total... ... irmmsnnsiinnn $042,387.81 Preaches Sermon ! (Continued from page 1) | Sunday evening was another one of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family wish to thank all those who were so kind in sending flowers and visiting their mother, Mrs. Keeler, while in the Hospital during her long nese. (89a) Ls TMILLER 6 SONS, "The Big Four Days' Sale | Starts Wednesday Just at the height of the season, just when you will be needing Fall and Winter Goods, we are putting on this exceptional Thanks- giving Sale. Former Brooklin » Man Dies Result » Of An Accident Run down by an automobile at White Plains, N.Y., while crossing the street on Tuesday evening last, Luke Robinson superintendent of the Montreal Park and Island Rail- way from 1895 to 1900, died on Sa- turday in White Plains Hospital. Mr. Robinson was a former resident of Brooklin, Ont. and was well known by many Oshawa people. Several ribs had been broken and there were also internal injuries and injuries to the head. Mr. Robinson rose from a plat- form employee of the Street Rail- way system of London, Ontario, to a large business of his own in New York. He leaves a wife and three 1 oh daughters. His many friends in Th . Oshawa and vicinity will regret to e Values we are ging, the prices we are Jeary of bis death. : quoting, our fourteen big display tables loaded N with Seasonable Goods will make this Thanks- MASS EULALIE BUCHANAN giving Feast of Bargains a notable event-- WEDNESDAY ("| THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Maple Leaf = The sundard of value in watches. Maple Leaf Radiolite - Tou time in the dark. : Eclipse = This model, antigue bow, solid nickel case, Eclipse Radiolite = Eclipse equipped with radium dial. JUNIOE = The semell stylish ice ; solid nickel case. - I PE 'BIGEXTRA SPECIAL | eet Rusts momen PILLS FOR EACH DAY Waterbury Gewslled) - izn. mbes titi. - Waterbury Radiolite - v. - THOS MILLER & SONS USE OUR REST ROOM Children. For fees and further information apply 58 AVENUE RD. TORONTO ~~ 10.00 7.50 Now 12.00