Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Oct 1922, p. 4

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DR. T. C. CLBMBNCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19. King St. West, Phone 231, DR. T, 8. TUCKER ST, OF- fice over Hogg Sry Phane 948, °° DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Office over Royal Bank, Phone 859. Residence 806. ' (4-1gr.) DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- QFFICE DB Jury and Lovell's Poll Phone No. 97, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST '-- EN- trance to office one door east of Retenbeck's Store, \ DENTIST, DR. W. J. LANGMAID, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simeoe St, N. Phone 1243, 1 DR. ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his residence, 201 'Simcoe St. N. 88-tf ytle's store. |? yr. Simgeoe A WANTED -- GOOD about dixteen' years bf age; to learn men's clothing and-furnishigg Qusi- ness. Apply Johnston's othing Store. ! (89¢c) Gy n TA VV auted Ten to do' housework)' Apply B 'Reformer. ve \ (893) WANTED ~~ A YOUNG GIRL FOR housework. Apply 1566 Centre: St. on (89¢) WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED saleslady for dry goods store. Ap- ply Box "A™ Reformer. (89a) GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANT- ed. - Apply Mrs. F. J, Bailes, 209 Phone 250, 86-t! ITED YOUNG GIRL TO AS- sist with house' work, 'Good home, 'Phone 425W, L (84-1.1.) WANTED--WOMAN TO HANDLE sale of Christmas cards on cammis- slaw, Apply at once, Reformer ' 84-t DR. C. B. , PHYSICIAN and CRA Be Building. Simcoe St, Nouth. Phone: 57, 110-1yr DR. MGKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and vesi- dence, King St, East, corncp Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94, { DR, kd. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, , Teronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug: Store eash Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, + 12-1yr i i) = = WORK- ing, desires room 'ane board in pri- vate family, nq other boarders, vege- vign, Apply Raymon bhy, Box 408, Oshawa, Phope 4G3-W. 88-d ROGM AND BOARD FOR TWO nien. - Warm, cemfortable place, 'convenient . to G,M.C. Rea%onahle rates, Apply 271, Jaryis St. 88-¢ BOARD "AND ROOM, VERY CEN- tral. "Apply 97 Bond 8t.; E, (80a) DR, P. B. NEBLY, FAR, NOSE AND Throat. D. Gh of iden. thice over Dominion Bank. .Telephqpe 1155, Hours 11--1; b--6: 5-0; Sgtur- days 8-8; 7--0; or by appointment. 45-6mos DR. A. A, HALLIDAY, 143" COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 'to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. A HB 4 DR. F,.7, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street. West, Toronto, will he at his office aver; Millar's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 pm, for eonsul- Situations Wanted YOUNG LA Y DESIRES POSITION as stenographer. 3 years experience. Apply Box "P", Reformer, 84.f +. Work Wanted WHAT ABOUT. THAT "LEAKY Roof, we de al} kinds of roof work. Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or 8hing- les; Chimneys repaired. 8, Gascoigne, 60 King St. E. Oshawa. Rhone 1232. 89-tf. DRESSMAKING -- FANCY OR plain, nlso embroidering, All work done. reasonahle. 357 Centre St, 88-1 talion and treatment of di of ear, nose and: throat only. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Piiblie, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office ui King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. i $id D. A. J, SWANSON--BARRISTER, po Notary Public, Conveyan- r ri p, etc. All branches of Civil and minal Law, Loans arranged, Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Osbawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa, Phones, Office. 040; Resid da Labi oie ; To Rent ay GARAGE FOR RENT, APPLY 210 Prince St. (89c) FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED or unfurnished or partly furnished rooms to suit the party, Apply 61 Base 'line East, South Oshawa. Will rent cheap. (89c) tloor--heat light. Size 27x78. terations to suit tenant. H. Engel. : TO RENT -- #4 NICE, BRIGHT rooms, freshly decorated. Suit mar- 6194. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ed ple, no children, 167 Park Road North, 4 : 88-c FOR RENT -- 6-ROOMED BRICK house, bathroom, tWo large halls, TET BOY (39 HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD Al- Apply to AT7-t1. bh i 4 % i] 4 L RO 00d pi apples.' Any quantity. Phone 908 r 24. > { ( [hs \) WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER ¥p the home with a change in fur. niture., We buy, sell and exchange sed furniture. Highest cash price pla for. g secand. hand, furni- uge. 1. Dime, 56 King Street Wast. ne 271., ' 75-2mos BIG SALE OF FURNITURE THE People's furniture store 17 Prince St. is stoves, ranges and heaters, side beards, dining tables chairg rockers, parpets, rugs. Bed springs, mattresses ouches, cots--oribs camp beds, hall pcks, piles of tin ware at cost. Furni- ure bought and sold. 84-1mo. b No. 9, in'good condition. Apply 223 Dearborn Ave. (89a) FOR SALE -- SET OF FURS IN good condition. Apply 69 Hogarth 8, _ (89a) FOR SALE -- STOVE WITH OVEN, 563 Albert St, (89h) FOR SALE -- SINGER SEWING machine, pragtically new. New pro- cess oil stovey sacrifice for cash. AL ply 70 Celina St. (89h) FOR SALE -- BED, DRESSER & four kitchen. chairs. Apply Mrs. | Hodge, 356 Lloyd St. (89a) | (FOR SALE. -- FINE REED .GO- (capt, in firgt class condition, | sell cheap far quick sale. Apply 116 Prince St. (89h) $15 FOR QUICK SALE, THRER- quarter iron bed with springs and mattress. Owner leaving town, Ap- will OR SALE -- PANDORA RANGE | PAGE FIVE rug ca + ia ¥ Local Rugbyists '+ Southern Section of Group| Capture to Hold Oshawp--Score 2 Bellovilie Showed Nuppovememty But Were Not Good Enough | + Sghool to Play Exhi 3--North Toronto High ition Game Here Defeating Belleville 26 to@ in the' Quinte ' City Saturday afternoon, Oshawa High School rughyists cap tured the southern section of the local group in the interscholastic O. R. F. U. series. They will play off with Peterboro for the group title, the first game to be staged a week from next Saturday. The local stu- dents are continuing to show im- provement in all departments and when Coach Fred Carswell puts them through a few stiff workouts, this week and next, they will he in exe cellent condition. to take on P.C.IL With a view to getting them in per: fect shape, arrangements have heen made to have North Toronto (ol- legiate visit Oshawa next Saturday for an exhibition game. This'should give the lads some experience which ply 84 Oshawa Bouleyard. (89a) Houses Far Sale frame Hoarling house or can he epsily turned into two stores, also five roomed house all in good condi- tion. Water, lights, cellar. Apply 70 Celina 8t, Terms to suit pur- chaser, (89¢c) Situations Vacant MAKE MONEY. AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing: shawchrds for us. No can vassing. e Instruct and. supply you with work, est-Angus Showcard Service, 28 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. ' 33 Automobiles For Sale FOR BALE -- MOTORCYCLE, EX- celsior Twin, guaranteed good run- ning order. #85. Apply R. Morris, 86 Ontario St., Bowmanville, 87¢ By General Real Estate, 411% Simcoe Street N, $4,700 -- $1,000 DOWN BUYS A new 7-room Brick Bungalow, com- plete by Nov, 16th. Wired for range, lamps and carpet sweepers. This is a good buy at this price. $4,600--%800 DOWN BUYS A NEW FOR SALE -- ELEVEN-ROOMED ed improvement in Saturday's game will he valuable to them against the Petes. A Spectacular Play Although Belleville showed mark- over their previous exhibition, the Oshawans were much too good as the score indicates, The visitors did not get working satisfactory until the third period. While they had a little advantage in the opening quarter, the second was evenly matched. The third, however, brought out the visitors' superiority. Every member of the team played well, but degerving of special men- tion was the work of Williams and Clarke, who caught the ball and ran back in good style, while Grant show- 8. ed a world of speed and tackled splendidly. The most spectacular "play of the day was executed hy Tom Bouckley, quarter and captain of the Oshawa squad, when he pulled down a hard driven ball with one hand, kicked by one of the Belle- ville halves. He returned the ball in capable style, taking the Belle- ville halves completely by surprise They were unable to handle it and Mitchell went across for a touch- down. Belleville Lands A Touch Oshawa scored a touch during the first minute of play on a kick by Clarke which the Belleville half muf- fed. Mitchell fell on the ball, giv- 'point. 'ThHé period ended 6 to 0. In the second quarter, play was even nd strenuous. The Quinte lads isplayed their best form at this stage of the game and succeeded in landing 5 points on an end run by 0 the Belleville halves. Visitors At Their Best It was in the third quarter that the visitors got in their most effec- tive work, A pretty end run took them down the field for a touch which was not converted, A few minutes later Clarke made a good catch of a long punt by one of Belle- ville's halves but failed to get back across the line before heing downed for a rouge. After this the visitors held the game fairly safe, keeping the Helleville players back from their line, It was at this stage that Bouckley pulled down the ball with one hand and fooled the Belleville halves when he returned it quickly allowing Mitchell to go through for 1 touch. The score at the end of the third stood 21 to 6. The fourth period was again even- ly divided, Oshawa®etting five points on a touchdown, when Browne, who was following down fast, caught the ball as it bounded out of the hands of one of the Belleville players. Belleville's greatly improved style of play completely blocked Oshawals ef- fective line plunging, but they were | equal to the occasion by resorting to other methods, The line-ups: Oshawa Jamieson Williams Clarke Hubbell Bouckley Moffatt Farewell Nott N. Irwin Browne Wilson Mitehell Belleville Facer Watts Strahan Righy Deacon | Kerr Hagerman Marsh Tyers Hurley Christie Cook f. wing h. back h. hack h. back quarter snap inside inside middle middle outside outside Substitutes Luke McKay Jackson Butchard Laughlin Barlow Crozer Wallbridge Petes Outclass Scamper Away With 28-2 Victory ed won with ease Saturday afternoon at Riverside Park, Peterboro, the score heing 28 to 2. quarter th and a touch, which Mulholland con- verted. ball across the line in the second pe- ripd after a wonderful combination end run, and Mulholland again con- ve in ro hi riod, but were unable to carry the hall across the line, in fo period and scored will. hl o1 hl verted. ru th er Peterboro hoys played a wonderful game in this period and had Lindsay co. Marsden of Toronto was the referee. | meet to decide the group champion- p sh on sh | home game will probably be played next | Saturday. which | Lornville, Sutton, chmond Hill, Perry are laying plaps for next sea- son. tives held in Sunderland this week pr cussed, | their intedtion of remaining in circuit, Rugby team outclassed and outrlay- | Lindsay H.S. The man with the best "right' us- nally wins the fight. Additional Sport News Found on Page 3 in Peterboro on 'Saturday The Peterboro Collegiate Institute the Lindsay aggregation and The Petes started off in the first when Bookhout broke rough for a great sixty yard run Bookhout again carried the rted, Lindsay broke into the scor- g column iM this quarter with a uge. IF Eh The visitors made their only ex- bition of strength in the third pe- The only score this quarter was another rouge r Lindsay. Peterboro broke away in the last practically at Howard Young was responsi- e for the first touch when he fell 1 the ball after Lindsay had fum- ed a kick. Mulholland again con- Two fast combination end [1] The Says the Wise Old Owl: Rip Ven Winkle and found rn Tred ios ses tears For all those wasted shave years, And hustle to the nearest To make up for the days of ¥ yore. : Eat . Gillette ns that sent Jack Fanning across e line for two more scores, neith- of which were converted. The mpletely at their merey. Bill Peterboro and Oshawa will now King St. E. For Bale in Oshawa by JURY & LOVELL, LIMITED THE REXALL STORE Phone 1101 & 28 ip. Both teams won 'decisively Saturday and a keen struggle ould result when they meet in and home games. The first The Tri-County Baseball League, is composed ~ of Beaverton, Woodyjlle, Cannington, Uxbridge, Stouffyille, Ri- Newmarket and Port | At a meeting of representa- ospects for another year were dis-| The nine clubs signified the Plumbing, Heating Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty Phone 042 and Repairs J. S. DICK At Purdy Co.'s Premises 82 Simcoe St, 8, ESTIMATES GIVEN Res, 360) good celar, electric light, water, hot air furnace, telephone in. Apply W. J. Trick &£ Co, ~~.» 89a TO RENT--THRBE NICE LARGE unfurnished rooms, also nice front balcony, Apply 132 'Barrie St. : B7-c OFFICE TO RENT --- A BRIGHT, clean, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in the Royal Bank Chambers, immed- G6-room Brick House in the north end. Completed by Nov, 10th. $1,800--$800 DOWN BUYS A room house, nearly new. electric, water and gas. snap. We have the best buy in lots in Oshawa, all a good investment for next year. Open evenings from 7 p.m ing the visitors 5 points. The play was not converted. A few minutes later Clarke kicked again for one Grant vesterday that entries were coming D. Irwin Symons | in rapidly and that he expected a Referee---Sweeney Davis, Toronto. large number long before the date | of the bouts arrives. { tain the greatest number of points, | ] : The points shall be: for attack, direct = 2 clean hits with the knuckles of eith-| MADE IN CANADA er hand, or any part of the front or | lic, 'ete, Office over Standard Bank, McFarlane entrance Simgee St.; Phone 13. J. E Sriarson, BA., T. K, Creighton, b- Contains This is a G.; D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete, Oftice (entrance) 7% Simaoe St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and Seven Classes until 9. eral practice. hy H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, 8. Phones--Office 210, Res. 160, jately adjoining R. Moffat's law of- fice, Hardwood floor, figure to suitable tenant. John Bailes & Sons, Ilardware. bot. water heating. Will rent at a reasonable Apply to 651. Ph 1207; resid $6,000. WILL BUY A LOVELY 6 room brick with all modern con- venignces, fire place, cement drive- IP YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments pnd get well. Examination free at office. Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors 86-, Wanted To Buy for cash. -Box *"V" Reformer. (89a) writer, Underwood preferred, must be a recent model and in 1st elass condition. R. A. Hutchison, Col- borne St., Whitby, (89h) M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby, Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKB BURIAL .CO: ==.FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 1 n St. 26-1yr Tire ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT 1deal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, 99 Simeoe St. South. Tires for sale#® famieson Bros., Pro- Phone 1162. 11-tf prietors. FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars Day phone 552j, t A t- pred org Beni meni om. ohat Eg Patents AND M{YBEE, RIDOUT KENT Bldg., Yonge Street ), tered ' Patent IE SHARP & HORNER, 7 King St West Toronto, Schools, Ch keys. Owier'may have same by proving property and paying for ad. at 42 Bond St. W. 82- LOST--KING CHARLES (BROWN) water Spaniel pup. Will answer to the name of Teddy. Reward. H. C. Lander, Royal Bank. LOST--KING CHARLES (BROWN) water spaniel-pup. Will answer to the 'name of Teddy. Reward. H. C. Lander, Royal Bank. (8%a) STRAYED -- BULLDOG. OWNER can have same by paying expenses. Mrs. Bedford, 1 mile east of Whithy. (89a) Houses Wanted' garden plot adjacent td town limits preferred. Mail terms full par- ticulars to P. O. Box 413. (89¢) .| WANTED AT ONCE--LARGE OR small house, to rent or rooms suit- able for housekeeping. Party has 4 grown-up children, references if required. Apply Box "B" Refon a a HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATC.M., organist and oir 'master of King St. Methodist ( + A654.1.) (thousand, delivered. Apply A. Cook, Alice St. E. 0% Sh Yard, Whitby. Ont. » NEW INCH LUMBER, £8; mice frame house, gaol gut-| uildings, and eighty acres cultivat-| Dog hos- premises, PD. 3 (37-3mes.) 13, Oshawa. WANTED -- GOOD USED PIANO WANTED TO PURCHASE TYPE- FOUND--A SMALL ~ BUNCH OF ¢| location. WANTED -- SMALL HOUSE WITH | == way and all mewly decorated, in North. $6,800. WILL BUY A LOVELY .6 room brick, with all modern con- veniences, hardwood floors down- stairs and wired for electric stove, in North. Possession given at once. $5,600. WILL BUY A NEW room brick house, with all modern conveniences, hardwood floors down- stairs and fire place, in North. $3,800. WILL BUY A NICE 6 room brick, bungalow style, with all conveniences except furnace, in good Terms easy. $3,950. WILL BUY A LARGE 6 room house on good lot, in splendid location. Terms easy. House rent- ing for $40.00. WE HAVE MANY MORE HOUSES, also lots and farms. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF IN- surance. THE OSHAWA REAL SALES CO, 61 King Eqst -- Phone 793. , A.C. LYCETT, J. C. YOUNG. Phone 625. Phone 909J. (90h) "or See By Auction _ AUCTION LED N THURSDAY, November 2nd, all the household ef- fects or the late Mr. John Brewer will be sojld by auction at his home, corner Co and Ontario Streets. Sale to begin at 1.30 p.m. sharp. 88-b A ENE W Wanted a liv as Agent for BROWNS' 100% PURE i WHOLEWHEAT COMMUNITY BREAD , elveular) the Medic furnish vertising or ter on the value of this wholesome, natural . BEOWNS' BREAD LIMITED y Toronto, Ont. . | about Wednesday, November 22. The ESTATE | For Boxing Bout Object is to Develop Green Mitt Artists ~-- Many Entries Expected A novice boxing tournament, in which amateur boxers of Central On- | tario who have never won in open | competition, will Be eligible to com- | pete, will be staged in Oshawa on or | card will he run under the rules sanc- tioned by the Ontario Branch of the | AAU. of C. The object promoting the bouts is to develop green material. The officials in charge of the bouts will reserve the right to stop any bout should they 80 desire, with a view to preventing any abuse, should one of the contest- anfs be outclassed. One Night Towna The card will be a one night tour- nament, consisting of possibly 28 bouts. Should there be four entries in one class, the winners of the two bouts will meet each other. The ultimate winners will hold the cham- pionship of Central Ontario. towns which will be represented are: Lindsay, Whitby, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Peterboro, Belleyille and Oshawa. Herb Payne and Sid Cawtle, both of whom are well known in Oshawa, were in town yesterday making some of the preliminary ar- rangements. When seen by The Re- former, they expressed satisfaction with the prospects of having one of the best cards ever presented in this of those The | § | sides of the head or body above the! helt; defence, guarding, slipping, ducking, counter-hitting, or getting | away. Where points are otherwise equal, consideration to be given to | the man whe does the most leading | off, who displays the better style. Boxers or organized clubs wishing | to enter the various classes are re- quested to communicate with Herb Payne, Oshawa. Mr. Payne stated ------ ---- When We Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Led | Phone28 Phone 1101 In your recreation hours visit our Billiard Parlor. New full sized tables, sanitary conditions. We carry a full line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Bar- ber shop in commection. Sachlas & Alex Props. 38 King St. West Oshawa BATTERIES If you don't feel war- ranted in buying a new Exide Battery at this time, ask our nearest Service Sta- tion -- before you consider getting a substitute make of battery --~ whether your present battery cannot be rebuilt with genuine Exide parts. Go to an Official Exide Service Station for Winter Storage-- it will pay you. Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited 153 Dufferin Street Toronto District Distributors: Begin Auto Supply Co. Cormer Bruce amd Celina Sts. Oshawa Phone 649 town. The fact that only amateurs wil] compete and that all boxers will be from this district will be a great drawing point not only from here but from the towns and cities which will be represented. Amateur box- ing has always proved to be a bet- ter drawing card than professional, possibly because of the uncertainty of the results to the latter. When amateurs enter the ring, the specta- are assured of seeing the best boxers have, Seven Classes The classes for this card will be: fly weight. 112 Ibs.; bantam weight, 118 1bs.; featherweight, 126 Ibs.: light weight, 135 lbs.; Welter weight, 147 1bs; mi weight, 1601bs; light heavy -w t, 175 Ibs. In all competitions the decisions shall be given in favor of the competitors whe display the best style and ob- CIDER OSHAWA CANNING CO. UR ---------- ---- i if Phone 93 MILD, SWEET, OLD VARGINIA

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