Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 17 Oct 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIQ, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1922 PAGE SEVEN N---- NA Sogn -- a @ pe a ------ m---------- i ---- TEE a] rr---- - mr -- re -- - ----- . -. 3 Co rE = a _- - . . Bai! | Intangible . y Dental ( uses For Sale To Articles For Sale { Lost and Found RADIO LAUGHS Clever Lawyer---Now if you will |} DR. T. O. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, FOR SALE--A ¢ ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE--SWEET CIDER PARK | ,0ST--A FOUNTAIN PEN, NEAR let me have some of his love let- An 8 per cent Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, | With back kitchen. Call at 44% Sim-[Rd. S. or phone 955w. 80-f | fire station, Reward on its return. --% |ters-- . 19 King St. West. Phone 231, coe St. N. ' 81-¢ XOR SALE POET - TWENTY Please' return to 42 Simcoe St, N "Have you a little Radio in your J ehgl-piomuse Gertie have. Cumulative FOR SALE--FINE BRICK VENEER homers. Lot. or parate, pply 81-¢|home?" Our question may be an- [n't any. We both had Radio sets, DR. T, § TUCKER DENTIST, OF-| oven roomed residence, with finish-| Secretary' Hamilton Homing Club. | fGUND--A SMALL ~TBUNGH OF |swered affirmatively by a goodly --"Topics of the Day" Films Participating fice aver Hogg and Lytle's sore. ed attic, modern conveniences. Ap- King West, Hamilton, 78-f| keys. Ownor may have same by|bPercentage of our citizens. This er 1 i Preferred Phone 98. ||. | YT: | ply on premises, 117 Colborne St. E., proving property and paying for ad.|modern invention is furnishing en- v7 oNG Fyee Lonel S DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. |or phone 1145-J, 81-¢ Yahy warrlage in Sod condition. |at 42 Bond St. W. 82-tf jotaivman: pore, there, and every- "The Radjophane has wonderful tock Office over Royal Bank. Phone 059. YR SALE----NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE pply olborne St. KE. (81-c) TLOST--BAR PIN WITH THREE where. provi 08 an easy way of possib ities, : Can > Residence 306. (4-1yr.) Ron all conveniences, Hardwood |FOR SALE---USED SANADA PIANO, | stars (W.C.T.U.). Finder return to being amused just tune in angle tetas 2X bel they fet lt por (Preferred hth ax to Assets and 2 : oak case, good condition, a bargain | Reformer. Reward. 82-¢} 0 Ola Mn J Bote Bhi : dL Te 4 vidends) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE Hoare andre place. Large Jot at $195. Stalter's Music Store, 22 |108T-- A DELEGATE LOST X PAT with his wife, All he has to do is to |without having to feed 'em. OTIRNY Ver 43 sears ri Shisitoss over Jury 'and Lovell's Drug Store, | APPYY . oe Simcoe St. N., Oshawa BH oid rnc ke 08 PALL listen while his wife broadcasts. | --Judge TRONS) anv to youre i) sivas Phone No. 97. FOR SALE--$700 DOWN, BALANCE SWEET CIDER -- MADE FROM of ® 'd spectacles, Finder (Only, poor hubby can not turn off a igh-class fou omed house, 'all' eon: FROM | kindly leave with Mrs. A. J, Stalter, {he entertainment (?) as the Radio Perfect DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- 3g Jent. 3 Te ti Celina St, Good sound apples. Any quantity.|162 King St. E. 83-a renee te, office one door east of This is a snap. (81-¢) hore 0 . Bu BANING igeL) LOST--ON SATURDAY, A PURSH. |Happyweds have a Radio, hubby can |proceiver 1 just finished makin', and --1021 earnings over i times Pre Detenbeck's Store. = -| WHEN HOUSE CLE G, CHEER | Finder please return to 19 Lloyd St.|turn on the machine when wifie be- [go down stairs in the cellar; hold it ferred Stock Dividend requirements TOR SALE--6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE up the home with a change in fur-|and receive reward, §i-a [comes temperamental, and let her |close to your ear and listen, --Profit and Loss Account balance to DR, W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, |, 117 Stace and tecelve : if CONN ; Joi' hoy ! a a Jccount balance u a y : y Ave., aléo building lot initure. We buy, sell and exchange| === 2 --~-----== hear a temperamental opera star Freddy (after waiting i EDOREC 1021 equal to over 609, capital 1ssue, Qifice Pao Engels Store, 10 8Imco¢ |, qisining, Will sell on easy terms. used furniture. Highest cash price For Sale By Auction vocalize. This should prove a dis- [gor i Mannie Bay PL Hse --P'roferted Shareholders share equal bt N, ona 1243. Apply to Russel Perkins, Regent paid for good second hand furni- -|traction which will erase all [Aw--it's a fake; I didn't hear RR Ln Bg i = 01 QA TTY ei a any ' Mi ) oe DR. ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF-|Blds. 50 King St. E. 82-e (ture. 1, Dime, 56 King Street West, | ON OCT. 218T. AT 10 ELGIN ST. W.|thoughts of argument from the |{phing. NS Liven jin oh Oe fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St.|HOUSE FOR BALE -- COBENTRAL Phone 271. ~~ ° 75-2mos 4 Bouseholy suiniture, a) of which |wedded pair and the evening should | Jimmy--Good! That shows it's 15%. N. 83-tf|110 Church Street, (83-c) |M, HENNICK, SECOND HAND, 442|, "°° oY, ta dining fo sald daniinue hanylly ever after ay long working right, I didn't say anything Send. for Full Particulars pola 8 i re é 3, Ylas the 0 is in tune, 1 "BC (ye HOUSE , FOR SALK --- $300 DOWN, | Simcoe Street South, buys second Gold Seal Congoleum rug, kitchen Ne uaar i jokes centering 28 re yet iw ] John Stark & Co. Medical All conveniences, 'centrally located. hand furniture and clothes, Pays | 11 1 chal a ' n Joke ntering aroun ---New York Mail Radio Review This i8 a bargain for quick sale, [the highest prices. For sale reason- a i gilli Toe kitchen range, | Radio that are appearing in the ERE 3 Members Toronto Stock DR. C, BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN |Apn1y' 178 Celina Street, (83-c) |able, four dining room s2is, bedroem idly urns pois © Jove and oven, |press, attests to the popularity of Sufficiency Exchange and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, , springs a mattress, cooking/the new invenfon, Here follows "If 1 buy a Radio apparatus, Is Established 1870 - RR RT RAR | 8 M 1 women's. HOUSE FOR SALE_-FIVE ROOMS ets, clothes, men's and ne utensils, ete., ete, Sale sat oie ; a Tong SE Simcoe St, North, Phone 57. 110-1yr| = min, "ia Yorticniars THIS 276 | Phone 1177, a0 oD tle starts atjour'program of Radio fun. Tune in lier any danger of getting a Investment Securities DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR-|Jarvis St. 'gv | FOR SALA AUDION RADIO SET J. BISHOP and be jolly: shock Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto ) : . --=Sales increase 1916 10 1921 averaged fan can. Of course, if the Nearly Jimmy--You take this . wireless 2% each year over previous year, - geon, 'Accoucher. Office and resi- [FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX ROOM- Loose coupler. Complete, less phones |g, p, Auctioneer, Lullaby For Si, "Only when the dealer tells you dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria [ed house, 167 Pearl St. Apply R. and aerial. $14, 218 Verdun Read. the price, IS Um Tas GE AL Eis = o = Mrs. Dick --How does Si like the |__Jame adison's C 3 Service St., Oshawa. Phone 04. Wiggans, 185 College Ave, S| AT CRIA TORTS 82-0 Automobiles For Sale sew Radio? 08 © the | James Madison's Comedy Serviec ALE ONE OF THE BEST FOR SALE ---- OBDAR POSTS, i ) HE od a Great Wa ate CE DR. L, J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST.,|FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST | a4 30 cents Tiny pa Contre St: FoR sale 4 CHEYhoLEY 490, urs. Hien heat. We turn her | pe French seem to be adopting FIRE ALARM BOXES East, Toronto, will be at Jury &|built bungalows in Oshawa. This {8 0 "5 000 + 8.0 Newly py n ee ' Se ' Jie Ss, will selljon a Ri ao o'elock and taint ten |{he old Bismarck policy, going after Four Corners, Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday (a guaranteed place and the price and | 2; re cheap. Apply phone 410-W, ~~ 81-h minutes after the lecture starts be- |what they want by dividing the McLaughlin's, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta-|terms are right. Situated on Brock BLACK BABY CARRI iB FOR = R al Estate F Sal = |fore he's sleeping like a baby. others.-- St, Catherines Standard. Pedlar's, tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr il Vw a weady for occupancy, fuale; cheer, AL 3H Dount Steet ot en! lis'ate For e --Radio News | gurely there will be no need of an- ~Canning Factory. - - obt, . Preston, King St. Cham-| P!} ol. ' be 23¢ 1 FOR SALE---- RESIDENTIAL PRO- GE i aii other war to end war.--Toronto Schofield Woollen Company. DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND |hers. 'Phone 223-J, bie any time. Mr. and Mrs. John Con-| py 00 park Road North, five acres Competition Globe. Fittings, Ltd. Turoat, Diskazes of Ehiidser, OQitice FOR SALE--THREE BRICK VEN: (leV. rE aE (85-0) of land and orchard. House has| Jay--How is your new Radio set? | There are two classes of people --Division and King Streets. over Sen pn ] an 5 ep 0 ® eered houses, on very easy terme [FOR SALE--ALL THE BUILDINGS, | recently heen refinished throughout. Ray----Great but my wife is kind [good people and bad people, And --Albert Street School. 3155, p ore =5 S 7. A iy t Aut Apply J. V. Hill, 83-¢ | incubators and all utensils on my| Apply to Box "Q" Reformer. 82-d lof jealous of it! the classifying is done by the good Convent, Brock and Simcoe Sis. ays 2--5; 7--9; or by appo 15.6mos FOR SALE OR TO LRT A LARGE Poultry place at Harmony. A. A.|e--- F Pat --=| Jay--Howzzat? people,--St. Joseph News-Press Ontario Malleable Iron Co, Go a. or store on Simcoe $t, Very central. Foren f HET me WILEOR ams For 3a) is Ray baw a oud aor. High Schoo). DR. A. A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL-|Possession November 1st. Apply |F SALE SATING STOVE, SON CROSIE FARM, 10) Opies of the Day: THmy ey? ig " lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury |Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone Fire Fly hot blast heater for hardjacres, nice frame house, good out-| rm-- JOIN THE Y 18--Bishop Bethune College, & Lovell's Drug Store first and third | 55, 83-c [coal or wood. Nearly new. Price [buildings, and cighty acres cultivat Jolly Jesters . Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 | --m------------r=----r 20. Phone 462-W. L. N. Holm, Osh-|ed. Price $4,000. Terms easy. W. C. | May---What did ~ Nosh do for = sid for consultation in diseases of the $1,500 Down buys a new 7 RooW [awa Missionary College, Oshawa. Pollard, Notary Public, Uxbridge, laughs on his voyage in the ark wit Y f P 1 aoe, throat and car. 134-11 | Pressed Brick Bungalow; Wired | ach Ont, tee, taughs on nis voyase in the ari vinn|- 2() 'Years of Protection For $45.55 DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR| Lor Range; all conveniences; |poR SALE--ONE HEATER, ALSO | Ray--You recall that he took two | Policy No. 9184, Issued 1902 : Amount $1,000 Street West, Toronto, will be at his]: oP eted by Oct. 30th; Balance ap organ, both in good condition. Ap-| o . 2 lot every animal known? Ase at issue: 30 Prom $24.25 ' i Rs h Sat. la 25 Rent. [ply 85 Brock St. BE. . 83-a | NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF! May Yes 8 » ums, 224 office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- $1,800--$800 down buys a Well- . BY-LAW. Sv. Xe WV BhE ro . Original Profits Premiums less profits Cash day, f 1 tin 4 for consul- [FOR SALE AT ONCE BED Ray--Well the hyenas were the ; : P urday, 'irom p.m. Built Frame House; well Decor-|® VT PALE te ris pris i laughing stock of the ark Year Estimate Paid -for 5 year period Value talion and treatment of diseases of| .i.q. Electric. Water 'and Gas in. SPrings and mattress, % size, perfect | NOTICE is hereby given that a by- gh'ng sloed Of the ark. 902.06 ear, nose and throat only, $4,600--$1,000 sown buys 26 Room | condition; 1 new 20th Century law was passed by the Council of --'Topdcs of the Day" Films | Ls PE aT 7% $121 .25 Brick; All Conveniences: in the Washing machine, also ball bearing] the Town of Oshawa on the 18th, day Ein 1907-11...... $16.7 : 105.71 Legal North End; completed ' by Oct. | wringer, 9 x 12 rug in first class con-| of August 1922, providing for the Safety First 1912-16...... 3.15 ) 95.15 dition; fall table and stove, quantity | issue of denbentures to the amount | Spinkus Old Henpeck doesn't 1917-21 : 31.75 30th, | 4 " A noun I se sre JOSEPH P MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-| wo ave one of the best Stores to [of dishes. Phone 730-W. afof $8,000.00 for High School pur look as down-hearted as he used to. | 1922 ,,,,.... 40.35 To re, fea | lease in Oshawa; there are 5 GRAMOPHONE, LARGE FUM poses, und that such by-law was re-1 Spunkus--No. he doesn't have to rr ri an . Living Rooms and 3-Piece Bath, |oak floor cabinet with records. $55 | istered in the registry office of the listen to his wife talk any more. He | 57g King St. East, Oshawa, Phone| por the Rent the owner is asking [if sold at once. 18 Brock St. wr County of Ontario on the 29th, hii has a Radio set and wears receivers | Total.........8112.60 $153.45 2. this is a snap. i 83-1 | of September 1922. Any motion to round the house all the time. : Cash Surrender Value, 1922. , D. A. J, SWANSON_BARRISTER, |To settle an Estate we have 3 lots | FOR SALE THREE PIECE PAR. | 4Uash or set aside same or any pat | --New York Radio Glove | 1922 Profit. ....ir0vs» Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan. 2 oS Satmounl} these Joie St lor suite and cabinet. Apply 23 there! mist be made within thre. cer, ete. All branches of Civil an . ; Will sacrifice for | Royal St, s after the first publication 3 z Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Of-| each or make offer. jays mre ppp -- | of this notice, and cannot be made Total Surrender Value $351.98 fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Mr. Owner, if you have any Property Board and thereafter, REGENT Oct. 25 and 26. Total Payments, 397.53 Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- for Sale and want quick action, | RTI TET Dated the 9th. day of October 192 . awa, Phones, Office 940; Residence| ist your Property with us, | WANTED -- 3 MEN TO TAKE A F. E. HARE, Clerk The Girl from Vaga- 6195. THE GENERAL REAL ESTATE | large room together, also 4 men to . iiss Mal . AND INSURANCE SERVICE | board and room out about ten 80-83-36 bondia Net average annuel cost of Insurance for 20 years, $2,28. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-| 213% SIMCOE STREET NORTH | minutes walk from General Motors. | _ d A Bigh cigs ical CoB risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-| Phone 1207 on 651 | Apply 102 Alice St. Oshawa. 80-c | NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF he ae Lusk 8 Coles The lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Office open Evenings {ROOM AND BOARD AT 109 SIM BY-LAW ly, auspices Osha So 82-a entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. a EL | 5 Sia Hospital Singing, danc- ® ¥, Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, HARRY SALTER'S LIST © | 0¢ Street north, (83-c) | NOTICE is hereby ziven that a By | ing, choruses in a revel B. A. $240 WILL BUY LOTS ON JARVIS WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOM-|!aW was passed by the Council of of fun and frolic. O 8) St., 40 x 110, sewer and water, jere. Apply 276 Jarvis St. 83.5] the Town of Oshawa on the 18th G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- A z ; Aug ust 1922, providing ior | - M NARD AND N10 TG, zy of 00 will buy a 1 Golf St., 39 BOARD AND ROOM --10 MINUTES | ¢*' rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. BU 110. uy 2 lo on Gott St. 30 walk from Fittings, I.td, / , oor] the issue . of debentures to the | { ' Hig {ebizance) 735 Silnspe Si. $550 will buy a'lot on Athol St 40 or 201 or Road hag. Appi» ud amount of $102,000.00 for Plblie Insurance Compan South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on 06 i Vintner PR _ | Sel "POSES, that § v- i mortgages, conveyancing and. gon.|y | BOARD AND ROOM SUITABLE Broo) Yuronses. 38, a ATTENTION Policies "Good as Gold" eral practice, Phone 63, 5,500 will buy a 7-roomed house on|for young married couple or two 2 y Athol St., hot wiley bearing, kit. gentlemen. Apply 195 Ritson Rd. S. ollice oF the County ~ Onatie. ou Our gents, sre dolig Soubie { HEAD OFFICES - - - LONDON, CANADA H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, | chen range and gas plate included, BIR op cael, cite seplember 1922.1 gle : WEE 0 an : ry Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office |$5,000 will buy a 12-roomeu solid | -------------- . Amy motion to quash or set aside | other agent horus OLY. prices Agencies in All Principal Cities 11% Simeon Bt. 'Souls, Oshawa. | brick house, elcatic' Biuree 'and Cty NL ths, oc, rt wel] =r the wiv, fv pu bers District Representative: ones ce 210, Res. 5 urnace, ma paymen own, iv TR WR y SF TIT i 2 nths after the : ine { balance to suit. | LEMBER WE Jia} Aig ARD first publication of this notice, and perience. Selling is easy. #3 E. HUBBARD 2 2 i o | B , lath, es, sash, | oo. be made ereafter an hour earned "Imperial / . Chiropractic B10 to lvan vn go seEuTiy. A%-| doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- a he Sade thet ber 1922 Art Pole oeting Christ- 22), Simcoe St. South - Oshawa | croft, Whit! umber Tood- A ; nw IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- HARRY SAUTER, (So Say] Jember aud: Wool-| F. E. HARE, Clerk. | ; : practic Spinal Adjustments and get|24¢ Royal St. 83-¢ Phone 185 | ' 3/thy. Ont. 69-tt | 80-83-86 aga. Highest C oy: well. Examination free at office. PREC eB CERN - jest service. sreatest facili- Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. PROPERTIES FOR SALE |5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 ties. Samples free. = $800 DOWN AND BALANCE ON |thousand, delivered, Apply A. © BRITISH CANADIAN, Surveyors monthly payments will secure you Cook, Alice St. E. 83-1 RAILWAY TIME TABLES 122 Richmond West, N a 6-roomed brick with electric | === Es LP 3 iT Toronto, Ont 82-d The Breed ; Ils! M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- lights, furnace and three-piece G.T.R.-C.N.R., Oshawa Woo c * minion Land Surveyors and Civie En- bath, on a paved street and cen- | ant | Going east: 8.23 a.m. daily; 10.24 gineers, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc-| tral, electric stove and electric fix- | | 3.m. daily; 1.09 p.m. daily except . OR AND nowhere does it tell more than cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port| tures go with the house. Excellent opportunity for ener-| Sunday; 2.50 p.m. daily except Sun- E in Live Stock. Perry. 73-411 $1,000 DOWN AND -BALANCE ON| _ .. 1c = . Terr day; 6.54 p.m. daily except Sunday; ; x Bonthly' pavinents wil Zire. youl gpte ile ins. agent. lerntory:ig4o pm, daily; 11.59 pm. daily, LOCAL 2A 2 = LET us know what you would like Undertakers & Embalmers immediate possession of a 6-room- awa and Durham Co. Apply | stops only to take on passengers for ' to do for the improvement f ed brick with theee-piece bath, | P.O. Box 1042, Peterboro. (81c) Montreal and beyond; 1215 a.m. REPRESENTATIVE stock, and hal ny, roid LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL| olectric lights and furnace, eleetri¢| ----------------rr=-- daily. | , we shall be glad to go into directors, embalmers, private am-| fixtures go with house. This house Rooms Wanted Going west: 4.44 am. daily: 558 | N the whole géestion of financing the bulance; morgue and chapel in con-| close to G.M.C. and it could prob- WANTED TWO OR THREE Fur. |30 daily; 6.24 am. daily; 10.26 WA TED plan with you. "© nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe bably be bought with less cash lL} ) OR REE FUR-{, 1. daily except Sunday; 2.22 p.m.| St. South. Phone 210. Residence " 3 . nished rooms, with conveniences, | aily exce Lt Sunday: 4.41 i A salesman who can sell 3 19 Division St. 26-1yr down, Make offer. suitable for light housekeeping, and y excep Ad p.m. daily ave Seve a Pp 7.4 m. daily except S > = whe is accustomed lo earning = Tire Repairing + |and farms with as low as $500 pay- | References. if wanted. Box "1", Re- C.N.R., North Oshawa Station WOM CRUCCHON, Wil) Splctid ; Going west: 8.35 a.m. daily except ment down. former. J Ble future possibilities A man "| Sunday. with an automobile preferred. | bd ns : - | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Look our list over be-{-- . . 30ing ez . 15 po. aily exce Sate experience, ele, Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South. J. C. MONTGOMERY Going east: 7.15 p.m. daily exce "] | mas Cards known all over Can- Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa fore buying. To Rent 5 i > Real Estate a , (FOR RENT FURNISHED OFFICE Sunday. Opportunity, PAID-UP CAPITAL . . $15,000,000 Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Pro- King St. hk okdne an Waites, win Bradley Building, or will sell fur- Canadian Pacific Railway c/o Financial Adilg. Co, RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 prietors. Phone 1162. 11-¢f ¢ % "| niture and on monthly payments to| Going east: 1 ily: 2 oe . a3 : didi sic i Going east: 10.01 daily; 228 p.m. 35 King Street BW, ' " ee __ |party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley | daily except Sunday; 9.49 pm. daily Toronto, OSHAWA BRANCH, H. E. Tylor, Manager. hn e Hey SPECIAL Bldg. 4.-tf | except Sunday; 12.03 a.m. daily. FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN ($3,800 WILL BUY A LOVELY 5 HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD| Going west: 6.95 am. daily: 8.40| == ¢ -_ dry building. Also storage for cars.| room cottage on large lot in North, floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al-|am. daily except Sunday; 4.53 p.m. | ees - - --_------ _-- i" I _------ Day yhoo 5520 night 552w. Rr with 3-piece bath, electric lights|terations to suit tenant. Apply to daily; 804 pm. daily except Sunday. . Cosma oad North. and convenient to car line. H. Engel. 47-11. es it I [S--=S==_C==imm = Patents 2) $500 will buy a lovely 40 foot lot | FURNISHED ROOM 70 RENT | a = AAO SS oy convenient to General Motors or (gentral. One block from Four Corn- ; = il - " Ise RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Fiings, with water, sewer and ers. Apply Geperal Real tare 411; : F | Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- : AR Simcoe Street north. 483) A | Ww d tered Patent Attorneys. Send for| hv OSMAWA REAL MSTATE |GARAGE TO RENT -- CEMENT pp es ante free booklet. 20-tf 61 King St. East 4 Phone 793 floor, heated, opening on cement a 82.1 roads. 236 Athol St. E. Phone 199. : Architects a pe Lai ow 83-41 . SHARP & HORNER, 73 King St. TO LET LIGHT , HOUSEKEEPING Oshawa Canning West Toronto, Schools, Churches, ms, 180 Br "4 St. Apply > Public Buildings, ete. Economy ina fo poll ues ; ali Tes lesign off ici i i . a - =a 1 ea. cficency in admininraton. | $88 mld wl lor, You spate time pr "pi sOTIRULLY Lawes Company oo mgt tatu asi ing. We instruct and supply you furnished front bed sitting-room. | 3 : Musical with work. West-Angus Showcard Suitable for light housekeeping. srd | - HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M., | Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. |floor, 22% Simcoe St, or phone Oshawa Ontario organist and choir master of King 3344. 1286.3. $3-e ' St. Methodist Church, is prepared to |SALESMEN WANTED -- ONE OR (TO LET 2 furnished rooms down- | accept a limited number of pupils in {two salesmen who desire a profitable | Stairs suitable for 2 young men and Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe and permanent connection. we offer |1 upstair double room. 2 minutes Organ. For terms, ete, apply on|an attractive contract, with salary|W2lK from four corners. Phone Saturdays at King St. Methbdist' [and commission. We want men of 12690 (83a) Church or Phope 5647. (65-t.1.) |purpose, of persistent energy and | Help Wanted-- Female ---------------------- =---------------- | roaponsibilty. These men will be | TEDW, 5 | $ mes Accountants given every backing from the home | WANTE --WOMAN TO HANDLE D \ ) od D : ACCOUNTS RENDERED AND GOL- |office, and their earning possibilities | sale of Christmas cards on commis-| ry ey ections made: books of accounts |will be limited only by their own cap- Sion. Apply at once. Reformer. 4 : id | Be posted and financal statements pre- abilities. Apply Box "0", Reformer. ! § 8l-c 7 Janet; mcomeltax repo. wd, prepared 82-b | WOMAN WANTED FOR SEWING sted: gen and co - (making alterations.) Athol Clean- ing systems installed; audits and Work Wanted ing and Dyeing Co., 10 Atlol St. W med | WHAT ABOUT THAT LEAKY | 82-¢ Roof, we do ali kinds of roof work. WANTED -GOOD GENERAL SERY- Slate, Tile, felt and gravel or shing- ant. 299 Simeoe St. 8. ~~ 824f, tins RA les. S. J. Gascoigne, Box 343, WANTED -- A YOUNG GIRL FOR Veterinary Surgeon | Whitby, Ont. Phone 243. Oshawa general housework. Apply 156 Cen- ALEX WANNAN VETERINARY office. phone 1232. oh me Bt. Sti Surgeon. Office /and residence 36 WANTED PQSITION AS JANITOR. |GIRL WANTED AT ONCE--APPLY Division St. Phone 151. Dog hos- | Well experienced. Apply Box "R", [2564 Simcoe St. N., or phone 426-W. pital in connection, (77-3mos.) 'Reformer, 83H 83-¢ ALLL I} HHT | | JUL = =) 3) Ls ot? -- =

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