Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Oct 1922, p. 10

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" OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 ReSJoRtafifeBioic V.=--Curious Bibles In due time the Bible came to be translated into our own language. Before recounting the story of this it is interesting to notice that on the way towards our present standard versions, errors in translation and transcriptions have produced some curious results which have stamped their names upon certain versions. Miles Coverdale's Bible, issued in 1586, is sometimes called the Tre- acle Bible from its translation of Jer, 8:22, "Is there no treacle in Gilead?" It also receives the name of the Bug Bible from its curious rendering of Psalm 91 :5,--'"afrald of bugs by night" instead of "terror." Among other quaint readings it con. tains are:--Josh, 2:11, "our heart had fayled us, neither is there good stomacke in any manne" and Judg. 9:53, "Cast a pece of mylestone upon Abimelech's head and break his brainpanne."" The Geneva version has been cal- led the Breeches Bible because it has 'breeches' for 'aprons' in Gen, 3:7; or the Whig Bible, because one edi: tion has in Matt, 5:9 'Blessed are the place makers" for "peacemak- ers,' Among others that may be men- tioned are the Printers' Bible which has in Psalm 119:161 "Printers have persecuted me without a cause" in- stead of "princes;' the Vinegar Bible which has "the parable of the vine- gar" instead of "the parable of the vineyard;" the Murderers' Bible which has "murderers" for "murmur- ers" in Jude; the Discharge Bible, in which 1 Tim. 5:21 reads *'I discharge thee before God," and the Wicked Bible, in which "not" is omitted from the seventh commandment, For this last mistake the printer was fined £300, The edition was speedily call- ed in, and but one copy is now known to exist. The same error is said to have occured in a German Bible pub. lished in 1731, In view of the multitude of copy- ists, printers, etc, who have been transmitting the Scriptures over such a lengthy period, the wonder is that there have been so few changes rather than so many, as anyone can convince himself by making a simple test of copying, Two "chain" post cards were recently received by the writer about three months apart; but they had been so transformed by frequent copying that the same ori: ginal parentage could scarcely be recognized, One read:--"A Nationdl League is being formed against the cigarette habit, The League will cover the entire country, Every woman is asked to sign a name with petitions prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors, Write four (4) cards like this to your women friends, Do SHOULD GET FULL DATA RE SYSTEM R. R. Hall, K.C., Discusses Proposal to Purchase Cen- tral Ontario System Editor, The Reformer: -- Upon the suggestion of Sir Adam Beck, sixty-four municipalities in Cen- tral Ontario are being asked to form a partnership to take over the assets and assume the liabilities of the On- tario Government in connection with the Central Ontario Power System. Re- presentatives of some of these muni: cipalities recently met at Port Hope, and it appears that several of them were ready to adopt the policy of "shut your eyes, open your mouth and swal- low 8ir Adam's Hydro and you will all enjoy the electric charge the same as Western Ontario." It becomes import: not fail or the chain will be brok and the object defeated. Please be prompt." The reading of the other was:-- 'A National League is being formed against the cigarette habit, Every woman is being asked to send her name to be used in a mammoth peti- tion to Congress asking for a nation- al Law to prohibit the sale of cigar- ettes to minors. Write four cards like this to as many friends so that this chain may not be broken. No money is requested, Please be prompt." The differences between the two copies are at once manifest, Prob- ably both differ materially from the original. The present writer thought he was copying both cards carefully, but found that on his first transerip- tion he had written in the former, "Every woman is being asked," cor- responding to the phraseology of the second, Though we have no such wide variety in the work of the Biblical scribes, yet the above in- stance may serve to give an exagger- ated idea of the situation affecting the various readings in our Bibles. (Copyrighted by British and Col- onial Press Limited.) Next article; Before the Invention of Printing. |AMONG THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN 8¢, George's--Oor, John and Centre, Rev, O, R, dePencier, M.A,, 80 Athol Bt. West SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday 'School. 4 p.m.--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.30 p.m. -- Teachers' meeting. CHINTZ Big shipment of new Chintz and Cretonnes direct from the makers. This means you save the whole- salers' profits-- We have put 15 pieces in our south window at a special price of 4 (s00- C Wednesday, 7.30 p.m, -- Boys' Club, 4 ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, on, 3 p.m. -- Mothers' Un- and Thurs, 7.30 pm, -- Club, CHRISTIAN WORKERS CHURCH Athol Bt, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15. 11 a,m:--Publiz Worship. 2.30 p.m.~~Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Pudlic W,rship. oars SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15, 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m,~--Public Worship. mencing a series of sermoms. Sub- ject, From Joseph to Jesus .(The news is in the Old contained. The Old is in the New explained. All sre cordially invited to these services, Com- Centre Street, near King Rev. B. T. Cotten, Ph, B., Pastor Parsonsge 169 Athol St. E 847). SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Monday 8 p.m.--Christian Bndeav- or. Miss Freda Kuntz, of Hamil- ton, Ohio, will speak. Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Fri. 8 p.m. Choir practice. 18 Simcoe St. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15. 11 a.m.--Subject: "Doctrine of "Atonement." Wed. 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial imvita- tion is extended to all. Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15. 11 a.m.--Public worship. 2.30 , p.m. y 7 p.m.--Public Worship, ant to ider this proposed partner- ship, In 1916 the Omtario Government bought out the assets of the electric power company which operated this system for $8,360,000, and later ap- pointed the Hydro Electric Power Commission its manager. Since then the liabilities of the company have in- creased to $11,273,712.78 and its assets principally consist of power develop- ments, hydraulic rights, transformer stations, transmission lines, local utilities, such as street railways, gas plants, water works, etc,, pulp mill and pulp wood areas, etc, and the enter- prise shows a loss of $168,930.15, THE BALVATION ARMY SPECIAL Brigadier (Miss) L. Prescott and Capt, (Miss) I, Froud, Com- manding Officers, SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 15. 10 a.m. -- Children's Directory Classes, 11 a.m.--Speclal Holiness Meeting. 8 p.m.--Rev. Dr. Pochester, gen- eral secretary of the Lord's Day Al. lance, will give a special talk on the work of the Alliance. 7 p.m.--S8pecial welcome home of the officers and delegates from the Annual Conference in Toronto. Spec- ial speakers. Selections from the band and the songster brigade, Al] are welcome. Sanday School and Bible at 2 p Monday night Salvation meeting st 8 p.m, Tuesdsy--Life Saving Bcouts snd Lite Baving Guards. 7.80 p.m. -- Also cottage prayer meeting at 8 p.m, Saturday--Praise meeting ot § p.m, Class -- an 8 per cent. umulative Participating Preferred Stock (Preferred both as to Assels and Dividends) --Company over 45 years in business, --Nanufecturing a high-class food product, --Sales increase 1014 10 1921 averaged 25% each year over previous year, --1021 earnings over 53 times Pre- ferred Stock Dividend requirements --Profit and Loss Account balance to 1021 equal 10 over 60% capital issue, --Preferred Shareholders share equal- ly with the Common Shareholders in any Dividend paid on the Com mon over 8%, up to and ng 1%. Send for Full Particulars John Stark & Co. Members Toronto Btock Exchange Established 1870 Investment Securities Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto These Central Ontario manicipalt. ties have no information as to how these liabilities are to be shared by each, nor what real interest each will have in the assets of the system. The 14th annual report of the Hydro Com- mission at page 172 gives a slight hint of how the scheme will start but not how it will finish. Peterborough is to assume $924, 856.02. of the liabilities making her present share of the capital cost per horse power $204,10, and the following | others will enjoy still worse advan- tages, viz.:-- Liability Capital to cost be assumed. per h.p. $94,713.00 $238.21 148,242.18 549.89 | 46,144.58 416.46 34,810,562 Municipality, WHItDY ++ vv ++ +» Pleton: .. cv v1 ve Lakefield ,, ., .. Wellington... .. .« ASHBY the Tailor The man that suits you in cus- tom made clothes. Is now es- tablished at 8,040.00 6,687.94 731.99 Marmora 705.26 Norwood "ove Bloomfield .. .. .. 2487995 744.91 Havelock .. .. .. 26,088.68 1529.77 The average capital cost per horse power on the balance of the system can not be less than $439.19, In fact it will be more unless the Ontario Government makes an immense loss, To the cities and towns on the Lake front, it may be less," but to the vil- lages and hamlets it certainly will be more. What share of this $10,000,000 lia- bility is going to be assumed by Osh- awa Bowmanville, Port Hope, Lind- say, Cobourg, Belleville, Napanee and by Kingston? What benefit will each receive for the risk she takes?. What partners will stand the loss of the capital invested in transmission lines to villages that can develop all the electric power they want by a gasoline engine at one third of the cost and a small fraction of the investment and withdraw from the partnership? Sir Adam Beck can truly say "look what I have done for Western Om- tario," The capital cost per horse power to the following cities and towns on the 81st of October, 1921, stood as follows:--Niagara Falls, $9.64; Welland, $44.89; Hamilton, $37, 16; Toronto, 53.89; Brantford, $61.51; Kitchener, , $67. 21; Galt, $77.08; Chat.' ham, $111.81; and Windsor, $151. 73. But what effect will the costly de- velopment at Chippawa have on future power rates in Western Ontario? Everything is not plain sailing in Western Ontario, Witness the Eug- enia system, Lucknow has a capital cost. per horse power of $1142.19 and Kincardine has a capital cost per horse power of $1461.91, Other sources of power are available and much cheaper for the ordinary village, ham- let or farming community. What will happen when they learn this by costly experience? The proposed partners in Central Ontario should insist upon receiving full detailed information. Who is to operate the pulp mill which lost last te nw ew should be made and all the facts sub- mitted to each municipality in Central Ontario before this immense lability is assumed by them, and a partnership is formed that will end in a costly and unseemly scramble. R. R. Hall, Peterborough, Oct. 11th, 1922, year $17,093.84? A full Investigation | o ---- BOYS» GIRLS Make big money in spare time intro- ducing our dandy novelties. Write for free particulars to Dept. No.l APEX NOVELTY HOUSE AMILTON, ONTARIO RE ead er id roll a 1 FR ORIN oco re dbeter es for your ney 000000 0 BEA3 Cigaretfes the price.when yourown ia-- Queen's Hotel Block 46 King St. E. Regent Theatre Building ti Is. i i 3p Bo Lp ity of the soil, and si i DUNDAS Changes Losses Into Profits --by soumterteting a of sour semi- s and its use is recomme tural colleges, e: armers everywhere throughout Canada. Before you buy limestone or: fertilizer write Jor slispelpie prices and Dolla CANADA CRUSHED STONE CORPORATION, Limited eis sory applied, Jas t ve roves the productive imental stations Strate Ww 3 Soho use of Agstone. possible without systematic MR. LEON FRASER, Secretary Peterboro' District Branch: Wed, 8 p.m.--Prayer Moeting. "We have no hesitation in recommending the use of Mr. H. K. Middleton's Retailer's Accountant to any merchant who is desirous of securing a tisfactory results to the user, both in its economy of time and labor, and simplicity in opera- tion." offered; a smaller "My Business isT oo Small To Bother With Books" PERHAPS that is why it is too small Proper financing of any business, great or small, is not proper financing no business is likely to grow. HE RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT is an accounting stem designed especially for the smaller Retailer who ir find a full set of books burdensome, What the Retail Merchants' Association Says: system, which, in use, will give ' systems way ta bigger business and success. The Retailer's Accountant Bound in heavy black leather, lettered fn gold, sufficient pages for about two years, bookkeeping. And without MR. JAS. KELLAS, Secretary Alberta Provimcial Branch: "We believe that your system will be most welcome to the smaller merchants who do mot wish to keep too elaborate records." MR. J. C. DOYLE, Secretary Nova Sootis Provincial Branch: "We will do all we can to interest the merchants who come into our office from time to time." In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with the guarantee of the services of an expert accountant at a very low rate, the Retailer's Accountant will be found superior to other merchant installing it is on his $10.00 RETAIL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 521/, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Our Assortment of Records is Complete Come in and hear the latest in popular Dance and Song Records A COMPLETE LINE OF RED SEAL RECORDS STOCKED D. A. Tait's Music Store Phone 1138] Simcoe St. North Chi 18946 farts "His Master's Voice" Victor Records Now on Sale Fox Trot Mother--Fox Suez--Fox Trot 18947 All on 10-inch Double - Sided records, sold for 85¢c. now to His Master's Voice Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra the Morning (Bluse)--Fos Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise--Fox Trot (F eatured by Pa Whiteman and His Orchestra in Geor Remind Me of My Comedy "Little Nellic Kelly") ¥ White's Scandals') Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Trot (From the Musical Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra I Wish I Kniew-Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra All Over Nothing at All (From "Spice of 1922") (Duet with Orchestra) Aileen Stanley-Billy Murrav I'll Stand Beneath Your Window To- Night and Whistle Aileen Stanley-Billy Murra; Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., formerly at any dealers Manufactured by Limited, Moutreal AFULL LINE OF RECORDS NOW IN STOCK Also we carry a choice selection of Classical Records and a complete line of up-to-the-minute Popular Selections. D. J. BROWN Jewller & Optometrist Phone 189 hk A

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