PAGE TEN » OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922 ------ -- AMONG THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN 's--Oor, John and Oentre, Rev. O. R, dePencier, M.A,, 89 Athol 8t, West HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT, 8. Rev. W. B, Kidd, M.A, Kingston, gpecial preacher, 8 a.m,--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m. --Sunday School, 4 p.m,--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m,--Choral Evensong. : Monday, 7.30 p.m, -- Teachers' meeting. Wednesday, Club. St. (sec 7.30 p.m, -- Boys' ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, : Tuesday, 3 p.m. -- Mothers Un- fon. Wed, and Thurs, 7.830 pm, -- Girls' Club, OHRISTIAN WORKERS OHURCH Athol St. West SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT, 8. 11 a,m,--Publiz Worship. 2.30 p.m,~--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Puhlic Worship. BAPTIST Emmannel Baptist Church--King E. Rev. J. L, Harton, B'th, Pastor, Residence. 18 Aberdeen Street. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT, 8. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 8.00 p.m.~--Sunday School. 7. p.m.---Public Worsltip. Subject: "From Prison to Primacy." All are cordially invited to these services, CHRISTIAN Centre Street, near King Rev. E. T. Cotten, Ph, B., Pastor Parsonage 169 Athol St. E., Phone 8474. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT, 8. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Fri. 8 p.m. Choir practice, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simeoe 8t. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 8. 11 a.m.--Subject: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Wed. 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial invita- tion is extended to all. KING ST. METHODIST Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 8. 11 a.m.--Public worship. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Wm. Limbert, of Toronto, will preach at both services. PRESBYTERIAN Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. Rev. G. Yule, Minister. Residence the Manse, 65 Simcoe 8., Phone 493. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 8. 11 a.m.--Public worship. 3 b.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Rev. D. 8. Smith, of India, will preach. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. . Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister Phone 148. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 8. 10 a.m.-- Fellowship Meeting. 11 a.m.--Subfpct, "Business and Religion." 32 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Subject, "Church Union." Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. THE SALVATION ARMY Brigadier (Miss) L. Prescott and Capt. (Miss) IL Froud, Com- manding Officers. SERVICES, SUNDAY, OCT. 8. 10 am -- Children's Directory Classes. 11 am.--Special Holiness Meeting. 3 pa.--Veterans' Meeting 7 pa.--Farewell to Candidate and Mrs. Bailey. Sunday School at 2 pm. Monday night Salvation meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Lite Saving Guards. 7.30 pm. -- Also cottage prayer Mneeting at 8 p.m. Saturday--Praise meeting 'at 8 and Bible Class LANDSAY PLOWING MATCH A number of very valuable prizes have been donated for the winners the various events at the Pro Plowing match to be held in Lindsay on Oct. 11, 12, and 13. They are worthy of competing for. In fact, it is expected that there will be many entries from the Townships of Ops, Mariposa, Verulam, Eildon, etc, as well as from farmers and plowmen from distant parts. Tractors and all kinds of farm machinery will be in operation. In- teresting demonstrations will be made with the mewest types of implements used by the farmers of Canada and with latest appliances msed in farm homes, i News of Nearby Places SOLINA . Recent visitors: Miss Lena Tay- lor, Toronto, at her father's Mr, W, T. Taylor; Miss E Thompson, Tor- onto at Mr, 8, B, Werry's; Mr, Nor- man VanNest, Oshawa, at home; Mr. and Mrs, W. C, Werry and Audrey and Mr, T, Penfound, Oshawa, at A, L. Pascoe's; Mrs, Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, at T. Baker's; Mrs, J. A. Phillips and son John Hickman, New York, Mrs, M, A. James, Mrs, Geo, W, James and son, William, Bowmanville at Mr, A, L., Pascoe's, Mr. and Mrs, 8. II, Werry enter- tained a number of relatives on Tuesday evening in honor of her uncle, Mr, 'Fred Brooks, Wellington, England, who sails next week for home. Mrs. Donald Yellowlees is visiting at her son Donald's, We congratulate Mr, R. J, Mo- Kessock on receiving 1st and 2nd class honors on the subjects he wrote cn for higher certificate, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Blanchard mo- tored to Lindsay and attended the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Wm, Bur- den, HAMPTON Our League Rally service was well attended Friday evening. The re- sponsive reading from the printed program was led by the President, Mr. Hilton Peters. 'The Dramatiza- tion of the Childhood of Moses" was presented by the "Busy Bees' Sun- day School Class and was greatly enjoyed by all, Rev. W. W. Jones, Secretary of Religious Education for Bowman- ville District, officiated in the presen- tation of "The James District Effi- ciency Banner," in the absence of Mr. M. A. James, who is attending General Conference, Toronto, In presenting the Banner Mr. Jones briefly reviewed the steps leading to the maturing of the idea of an Efficiency Banner, which he said he believed was philosophic, sound and ethically right. He said that the Epworth League had passed through some of the phases of a sentence in grammar in its progres- sive development, simple, compound and eomplex. The Epworth League is now in the compound complex period, and it requires a great deal more on the part of the officers and members to make it a success than formerly. The speaker also said that the Epworth League resembled another type of sentences, in the grammar -- the interrogation, the assertive and the imperative--and that thg League had reached such a point in its unfolding life that it would be criminal to cease its oper- ating; that the conviction of St. Paul is deepening in the heart of every true Leaguer, "Woe to me if I do not the work of the League." The Local President, Mr. Hilton Peters, on behalf of ner and expressed hearty thanks to Mr. James and the speaker for originating and presenting the ban- ner, and stated that he on behalf of the young people would pledge their loyalty to the work and sincerely hoped that they together would strive to be more worthy of the.ban- ner and to live more nearly up to the motto in the centre of the ban- ner, "Look up and lift up for God and the Church." A very successful radio demon- stration was staged here at the home of Mr. F. J. Groat Saturday and Sunday eveninigs by Mr. J. A. Cole. Saturday evening concerts were re- ceived fro Louisviile, Pittsburg, St. Louis Post-Despatch, New York and the Palmer School of Chiroprac- tic, Davenport. Suuday evening all were very much cathused in th: - jody ill take cal al that up in @ twink- ling!" Keeping Tidy Tor to machine with its cleans £{ap H tele if ! jr els i ; : i H | i g R 8 i I <§ 4 t church services that were broadcast- ed from several of the above men- tioned stations, BROOKLIN Mr, and Mrs, Bround and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Routley, of Peterboro, were guests at Mr, Thos, Rout- ley's over the week-end, Mrs, Edward Tink and children left last week for Chicago, to join her husband, who has accepted a position there, where they will make their home in the future. Mr. H, McBrien, the Township Clerk has rented Mr, Peer's house for the winter and will move in shortly, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Spencer and son Murray motored to Ursa and spent Sunday with relatives there, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sterling and daughter, of Agincourt, called on friends in Brooklin on Saturday. Misses Mariam and Eva Routley and Mr. Jas Routley accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Penny, of agin- court, visited their sister in Colborne over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Elliott and daughter Evelyn and Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Elliott visited in Clarem)t over Sunday. seen Miss Alice Oliver visited in Osha- wa for a few days this week. Mr. Stillman, of Greenbank, visit- ed his sister on Saturday. The men commenced work agdin on Monday on the bridge at the north end of the village erecting the steel, When completed it will be a great improvement to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross spent Sunday' with his brother in Colum- bus. A large number attended the pic- ture show on Saturday evening. Mrs. Wm. Reeson has returned from a visit with relatives in Osha- wa. Mr. Sam Bond spent a few days with his son, Mr. Syd. Bond, near Oshawa last week. Mrs. Gibson and daughter Helen, of Newcastle, visited at Mrs. Wm. Dunn's this week. Rev, J. 8. Williamson, D.D., and wife, Miss Williamson, Dr. Gibson and Mrs. Gibson called on Mrs. J. Ormiston on their way to visit Dr. Williamson's birthplace in Darling- ton. Miss E. Jackson and Mr. T. Jack- son accompanied Mrs, Jas. Moore home from Harriston. The Methodist church anniversary services will be held on Sunday and Monday, October 8th, and 9th. On Sunday special services will be held with Rev. Mr. Lattimore, of Myrtle, in charge. On Monday a big fowl supper will be served in the base- ment of the church, followed by a splendid program given by the Ar cadian Concert Co., of Whitby, in- cluding the following artists: Hildred McColl, soprano; Jack Parker, hum- orist; Helen Stapleford, violinist; Wm. Dykes, tenor; Hazel Kenny, pi- ano. See bills for fuller particu- lars, The Brooklin School Fair held on Wednesday was favored with splen- did weather, A meeting will be held in Council room here on Monday, Qc- tober 16, at 8 p.m, for the pur- pose of discussing fire protection tor the village of Brooklin, Mr. Alex, Ketchen, chairman of the old brig- ade, will preside, A large atten- Janice of those interested is looked or, ; The Brooklin Branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their September meeting last Wednesday at Walnut Lodge, the home of the President, Mrs, Chas. Mackey, The ladies of the Whitby branch were their guests and gave the programme for the af- ternoon, Mrs, Hunter, Vice-Presi- dent of Brooklin branch, presided and opened the programme With well chosen words of welcome and then called upon all to join in sing- ing "The Maple Leat,"" Solos were rendered by Miss Ross and Mrg Er- skine, in a most pleasing manner, and each received hearty encores, Miss Fletcher gave a reading in her usual bright and entertaining man- ner, which everyone thoroughly cn- joyed. A recipe was then read to give the meeting the .housewifely touch but the recipe did not dea! with pastry or pickles, but every-day morals and was quite to the point. Regret was expressed at the absence of the late President, Mrs. F. Holl day, who is ill at the present time, and the District Secretary was ask ed to extend to Mrs. Holliday tae sympathy and hope for a speedy re- the of the National Board of Fire Un- derwriters, at the fifty-sixth annual meeting of the organization, held at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Statistics showed that the fire losses last year amounted to $4.47 per capita, or $1, 400,000 a day, The loss exceeded that of 1920 by $38,000,000, "American fire waste ts excessive in amount and disastrous in its re- sults," said President Morton in his address, "It costs thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars each year; it drains resources, re- tards Industry and generally impairs prosperity it reduces our supply of homes at a time when the housing shortage is acute; it throws labor out of work at a time when unem- ployment is widespread, and, what is more deplorable, it is known to be largely preventable. "Out of the accumulated careless- ness of the American people has grown a fire waste that is seriously retarding our national economic de- velopment, Now, gentlemen, in a competition for trade with the na- tions of the world, America, suffer- ing, as it does, an unnecessary an- nihilation of nearly a half billion dollars of its capital resources in a single year, may he compared to a runner starting in a race with a heavy handicap. It seems to me, therefore, that one of the lessons for the year 1022 is that of the urg- ent necessity for reducing this bur den. America can never be afficient and prosperous in the highest degree until it learns and applies the les- sons of conservation and economy." ~The New York Commercial and Financial World, ' Progressive Sewing Machine Sale! Opening Soon 25¢ INITIAL PAYMENT MAKE INQUIRY NOW! Stalter's Music Store The Athol Cleaning & Dyeing Co. 10 Athol Street West Phone 658 Across From Public Library. 'Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50c Men's Suits, Cleaned and Pressed Men's Pants, Cleaned and Pressed: ,... .....s: Men's Suits, Pressed ......,. Men's White Pants, Cleaned and Pressed Men's Suits, Sponged and Préassed ...... Men's Suits, Dyed ... Men's Overcoats, Dyed Men's Overcoats, Pressed .... Men's Overcoats, Sponged and Pressed . . $3.00 50 95 Men's Overcoats, Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' Suits, Pressed Ladies' Suits, Sponged and Pressed ae Ladies' Suits, Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' Skirts, Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' Suits, Dyed Ladies' Dresses, and Pressed $3.00 Cleaned $1.00 "WE DO ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS" ; covery, of the ladies assembled. | For a number of years Mrs. Holli- day has becn President of the Brook- lin Women's Institute, and much | credit is due to her for its success | during these years. A social hour | followed when lunch was served. If! numbers alone can count for en-| thusinsm, the number present means | much, since the secretary records | an attendance of seventy-eight. The! next meeting will be held in the Li-| brary and will be a "Thanksgiving" meeting. It is in evidence that the veto of the bonus bill has not evoked pro-| test even from those who declared themselves in favor of it.--Albany Journal. Have France and Greece Turk?--Kigcardine Review, turned U.S. Fire Losses i Last Year Were About $485,000,000 Despite the fact that there was no single conflagration of any magni- tude during 1921, fire losses last year! in the United States were $4585,000,- 000, according to an estimate made public by John B. Morton, Presiden: | | the Young) People's Society, accepted the ban- | possible without systematic MR. LEON FRASER, Secretary Peterboro' District Branch: "We have no hesitation in recommending the use of Mr. H. K. Middleton's Retailer's Accountant to any merchant who is desirous of securing a system, which, in use, will give satisfactory resuits to the user, both in its economy of time and labor, and simplicity in opera- tion." "My Business isT oo Small To Bother With Books" PERHAPS that is why it is too small Proper financing of any business, great or small, is not proper financing no business is likely to grow. THE RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT system designed especially for the smaller Retailer who would find a full set of books burdensome. What the Retail Merchants' Association Says: In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with the guarantee of the services of an expert accountant at a very low rate, the Retailer's Accountant will be found superior to other systems offered; a smaller merchant installing it is on his way to bigger business and success. The Retailer' Bound in heavy black leather, lettered in gold, sufficient pages for about two years, RETAIL BUSINESS SYSTEMS bookkeeping. And without is an accounting MR. JAS. KELLAS, Secretary Alberta Provincial Branch: "We believe that your system will be most welcome to the smaller merchants who do not wish to keep too elaborate records." MR. J. C. Nova Branch: "We will do all we can to nterest the merchants who come into our office from time to time." DOYLE, Secretary Scotia Provincial s Accountant $10.00 52%; Simcoe St. N., Oshawa by mail. Have You Your Supply of Visiting Card If not, why mot give us a trial? you reasonably quick service on your order. We keep a fair supply of Misses', Ladies' and Gents' Cards on hand at all times so you would not have to wait for new supplies to come in. If you can't call or phone then send your copy THE REFORMER PRINTING CO. JOB DEPARTMENT Phone 35 s? We can give AFTER SUPPER SALE SATURDAY NIGHT V neck. Regular $1 5 Doz. Women's White heavy | quality Flannelette Night Gowns ong sleeves, high or 23 O8c. | or White Regular $1 10 Doz. Wrapperette House | Waists--All sizes 36 to 44 | I All Grey grounds with Black | .50 O8c. stripes or figures. Any time after 6 o'clock Saturday night VISIT OUR BARGAIN DEPT. Thos. Miller & Sons ~~ Sa T- no mistake about it! SWAN > is! That's what I call real chewing and 25 cts.--the new low price for TWO plugs! Some buy! The finest in quality and value!