-- PAGE SIX OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922 An A Message from the Fire Chief Fire destroys nearly $250,000,000 worth property in Canada and the United States every year. Nearly all fires can be prevented. See that your furnace and chimneys are carefully inspected before building winter fires, Be sure your electric wiring is danger proof, Do not leave boxes of matches where children may reach them, or mice get them. Use a little care and you can help a lot to reduce the number of preventable fires. Carry sufficient insurance to cover your loss in case you should have a fire. | A. C. CAMERON, Fire Chief Fire Prevention Week Is Oct. 2 to 9 FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE FREE PROGRAMME In The Armouries FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1922 Members of General Motors, Pedlars and the Williams Piano Company Fire Department will be in line with the City Department. 7.18 P.M.--General alarm, 7.30 P.M.--Demonstration to be given by Foamite Company, of Hamilton, showing the real value of the New Fire Master. The different manufacturers of the town are requested to be present to witness this demonstration. 7.45 P.M.--Grand Parade will form up at the fire station, being marshalled by the Ontario County Regimental Band and proceed by way of Simcoe Street to Athol Celina and west on King to Centre thence to Athol and Simcoe Street and then to the Armories where addresses will be delivered by the wundermentioned town officials and citizens on the advantages of a Fire Prevention Campaign:- John Stacey, Mayor; Geo. Morris, Reeve; J. M. Hill, 1st Dep. Reeve; F. L. Mason, 2nd Dep. Reeve; W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P.; E. L. Vickery, Esq.; and Dr. Kaiser. Solos by Robt. Henderson, Esq., and W. Armour, Esq. Medals and Prizes on essays will be presented to the winners by His Wor- ship Mayor Stacey. 9.15 P.M.--Community Dance will be opened by Hickling's Orchestra. You are cordially invited to come. Fire Prevention Week starts October 2 to 9, 1922, and everyone is expected to do something to prevent fire. Oshawa has made a good showing up to date. By referring to this week's local papers you may see the record which will en- able you to realize the value of a Fire Prevention Campaign. THE FIREMEN Prompt to obey where Duty Calls OFFICE PHONE 92 DAVIS & SON 19 King Street West OSHAWA INSURANCE Protection from every form of loss from a strayed parcel to a burned block CANADA HAS UNENVIABLE RECORD WORLD'S HIGHEST PER CAPITA FIRE LOSS In the matter of per capita fire loss Canada leads the world. It is not an enviable reputation to possess, nor is it one for boasting or self-satisfaction. Old world countries such ag Switzerland, France, England and Germany have per capita fire losses of only a few cents per annum. Some are as low as 18 cents. Canada like the prodigal waster she is has a per capita fire loss of over $4.00 per annum. We are a young country in the constructive or formative stage and can ill afford to burn and destroy created property to the value of thirty or more millions per annum. Further we are burdened with a huge war debt which in itself should call for rigid economy and for a policy of conservation. It is estimated that from 75 to 85 per cent of all fires are preventable. In other words our carelessness causes us a loss of many millions each year. During the past ten years, 1911-1920, Canada's fire waste, from des- truction of property alone, has been almost $230,000,000, as follows: -- $21,459,575 21,083,819 23,305,408 21,583,118 19,022,332 20,487,509 20,086,085 31,815,844 23,207.647 27,800,000 The above value has been entirely dectroyed: there is nothing to show for it. To guard against fire loss, in one form only, that of insurance, the insur- ance companies collected in premiums approximately $311,506,000, out of which they returned in payment to policy holders for losses approximately $161,100,000. Various domestic electrical devices are being multiplied, the ingenuity of the inventor being backed up by the advertising activities of local electrical companies, which seek to increase the use of their current. The papers and magazines are full of advertisements of electric toasters, plate warmers, hair curlers, electric irons and sewing and washing machines. The interest of the makers is chiefly in disposing of the device and they are not specially inter- ested in seeing that proper installation is secured. Often the connections are made by the purchaser without any knowledge of electrical conditions, and they result in serious hazards. Heaters are often installed on electric circuits the wires of which are already so fully loaded that any considerable increase of the current is likely to set fire to the property. A great many fires have resulted from leaving electric irons on the ironing board without turning off the current. The number of such losses has been so large and the amount involved is so great that the insurance companies are considering the necessity of some form of protection against this increased hazard. Householders should re- member that great care should be exercised in the use of electric curgent for domestic purposes. : Pedlar's "Perfect" Metal Lath and other sheet metal products Oshawa produces a very large proportion of all the materials used in Canada for Fire Prevention THROUGH Fireproof Building Construction Help reduce fire-waste and at the same time boost- ing Oshawa by recommending Pedlar's "Perfect" Sheet Metal products whenever you can. The Pedlar People Limited Executive Offices and Factories--OSHAWA ---- Insurance We write all kinds of Insurance ~--Life, Fire, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Plate Glass and Auto- mobile. Phone us or call at our office for particulars. OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SALES COMPANY A. C. Lycett, Phone 625 J. C. Young, Phone 909; 61 King St. East Phone 793 'Oshawa PREVENT, FIRES BY Having Your House Wired by People Who thoroughly understand the wiring business. We specialize on house wiring and guarantee first-class workmanship. Our terms are reasonable. Ack for estimates. A W. BRADLEY 39%, Simcoe St. North Phone 1083 Attaches to any Moffat Gas or Electric Range. Just the thing for Fall Heating. See it in our showroom. Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario : Phone 233 15 King St. E. HAIR. Sasi Lessen the Danger of Fire by Installing A First Class Heating System or Have Your Present System Put in First-class Condition AGENTS FOR McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE WE SPECIALIZE IN PLUMBING - AND HEATING MILLER & LIBBY Tomorrow May Be Too Late If your house needs wiring DO IT NOW and avoid all fire risk from candles and oil lamps. Electricity is the safest and best medium for illu- mination and power. Our work GET OUR PRICES TO-DAX--NOW See our wonderful display of 'Ligh - Fixt SERVICE THAT SATISFIES THE ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 1075 52 Simcoe MN.