Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 5 Oct 1922, p. 2

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922 _---- There has recently come to hand a copy of the 1921 annual report. of the Canadian Red Cross Society, The wide range of fields covered by this organization is little short of marvellous, Oshawa , Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Osh. awa, Oanada, by The Reformer Printing and Publish ladies hold up their end in this worthy work, ing Company Limited, J. ©. Ross President The. déath of Rev, Byron Stauffer, in Toronto, so J. Ewart MacKay Treasurer unexpectedly Monday morning, is more than a loss Geo. A, Martini Editor | ¢, the Queen City. Dr, Stauffer was doing a splendid we 3 SPBSCRIPTION RATES; work' there, but hy his lectures arid his philosophy Peiirprediny Oarrier' fn" Oshiwa or by mail ailywhere of 'life as disclosed in newspaper articles he was ,00 a year, United 'States subscription .. 1 : $1.50 extra te cover postage, Single eoples 5c, exercising a good influence on a much wider cirele, OSHAWA, THURSDAY, -- When You Require a Letter of Credit We shall be pleased to furnish that con. venience, STAN DARD BANK OSHAWA BRANCH Why the Chain Store Principle Appeals to the Hearts and Purses Of a large Section of the Community Some of the Peculiarities of the Purchasing Public--Diffzrent Store Prices for Similar Articles Create Distrust--How Chain Store Standards Will Restore Confidence The ©ntdrio Reformer (BstabMshed in 1871) : ja dnaapendent newspaper published every other. day (Tuesday ET i One of the aggravating ® featura confronting the shopper to-day is the variety of prices charged for the game article in various sections o chants in conforming to the process of deflation increased distrust, The consequence is that the chain 0, OCTOBER 1922 An international conference is to be held at The E. C., HODGINS, A.FINE STROKE, OF BUSINESS No single piece of legislation has been enacted by the Town Council this year which has been nearly as, important as the adopting of the report of the special committee on Monday night providing for the opening of Mechanic Street. Lack of foresight by former councils has resulted in Oshawa having too many "blind" streets. Where such streets are in an out of the way corner it may not make much difference. Real inconvenience is caused, however, when a through thoroughfare is cut off by failfFe on the part of those responsible to have a vision as to the future needs of the town. Hague to discuss poison gas, It would seem. to he necessary in view of Edison's statement that gas has now been made which, sprayed from a fleet of air- planes, could snuff out the whole of London or New York in three hours, 'I can't understand such fine weather for so long a time,' more than one person has heen heard to remark, The fellows with the empty coal bins know that just now the Weather Man is on their side. That he will not blow '"hot and cold" during the winter, but continue their staunch friend is their silent prayer, the same community, may be explainable in part by th difference in the cost of conducting business in different parts of a city or town it has a disposition to rreatc distrust and the part of the purchaser. Although Lhi: lack of confidence or Any method of doing build up a Human Tendencies, business which will do away with the multi plicity of prices for the same line of goods will appeal to the man oi woman who sets out to make pur chases and security and trust husiness and Increase sales. feeling of which will draw Many people intensely dislike pur- chasing an article only to find out | a few days later that they could have store plan of the L, R. Steele pattern will go a long way to restoring con- fidence, It is thus apparent that his comparitively new company hag struck the market at the logical mo- ment to create a great success, Judges Found Fire Prevention The judges, who last night decided the winners for the two essay com- petitions for Public and Separate schools on "Fire Preyention" and "What makes a Fire Department ef- ficient," were loud in their praises of the style of the compositions submit- Essays Excellent Manager. ing to what a great extent Fire Chief Cameron and his staff have distrib- uted propaganda. In judging the es- says, the Cdmmitiee took into con- sideration, the subject matter, the writing and general style and the English and grammatical expressions, The judges were: Miss Mary Me- Brady, Miss Ida Arnott, and Messrs. John Stanton, F. C. Palmer, P. H. Punshon, D, F. Johnston and Major A. F. Hind. The winners will be announced at Friday night's meeting in the armories. CANADIAN PACIFIC CHANGE IN DEPARTURE TIME, "THE CAN. djner and first class coaches. For tic kets and reservations see any Cana dian Pacific Agent, Much of the stop-the-war propaganda ought to have heen sent to the Turks. --Brandon Sun, | bought the same article at a lower ted. The subjects were handled well | price at another store in some other and adhered to. The English was locality, The tendency of this sort | excellent and the hand writing above wl : ; of experience is to make mauy re |ihe average, which shows the high| "The Canadian" now leaves Osh- frain from buying as long as they standard attained in Public Schools | awa Depot daily at 4.53 p.m, for To- can instead of readily going out to here. | ronto, London, Detroit, Chicago and buy when they feel that they want The work of the Fire Department | intermediate points, arriving Toron- some class of goods. was also highly commended because | to 6.10 p.m., Chicago %.00 a.m. Some people are so constituted {of the knowledge displayed by the | Carries parlor car to Toronto, ob that they can go into a store and if | children in writing the essays, show-| servation sleeper, standard sleeper, | they believe they can do better else- . where they will not hesitate to say | 80. Others prefer to pay the price] Several months ago it was suggested in these columns. that two regular meetings of Council should he held each month instead of one, late session, Not only will Mechanic Street extended provide the necessary right of way for a sewer to serve the northwestern section of the town, but when it be- | comes a reality, and the road is placed in first-class | when there was an avalanche of com- shape, it wlil make a desirable drive for motorists, | munications, reports, and such like to consider, Mr. R. W. Dixon, for his generous offer to give althongh no one outstanding issue, illustrated the over half of the land necessary for the extension, as | desirability of more than one meeting a month, well as the gravel to make the street, is deserving of thie thanks of all for his generosity. The special com- ADIAN TO CHICAGO Monday night's LDS am BEST REM! RI ADDER BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY mittee which has had the matter in hand, headed by Councillor Moffat, is to be congratulated for its work. All members of Council showed their desire to plan for the future, as well as to work for the present, when they so readily adopted the com- mittee's report. POOL ROOMS It. will be gratifying for residents gemerally to know, oni the authority of Councillor A. W, Brown, that conditions surrounding local pool rooms have greatly improved during the last few months. Coup- cillor Brown, who is chairman of the Sanitary and Relief Committee, believes that he has a responsi- bility to the ratepayers in that position, and to him is due much of the credit for compelling owners of | pool rooms to keep up their standard. In this be TRIED AND PROVED :-- As for God, his way is perfect ; the word of the Lord is tried : he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.--2 Sam. 22: 31, FROM OUR EXCHANGES CO-OPERATIVE PROBLEM (Times of India, Bombay) Owing to the vagaries of the Indian monsoon. which makes the pursuit of agriculture a gamble in rain, it has been found by experience that an advance for the ordinary expenses of agriculture made through a co-operative credit society takes on an average three years to repay itself. THE | Besides, there lands, for the canstruetion of wells, for the erection W of pumping plants and for the redemption of old | debts, repayments on which must be spread over a | has 'had the whole-hearted support of the Board of Health and its officials. The Reformer has opposed all year the issuing of further pool room or pool table licenses, and with | Couneillor Stanton it agrees that the License ('om- mittee of the Couneil is unique, and its uniqueness is mot of the kind that gives it prestige. But while opposing 'the issuing of more licenses, The Reformer does not feel that Couneil would have béen justified in raising the license fee above the existing seale. Particularly so in view of the fees imposed in other towns and cities, as revealed to Couneil by Mr. G. D. Conant, acting for local licensees. If pool rooms are to exist in a town, and they do serve a meed as a gathering place for young men, they ought not to be taxed out of business. If they are to be put out of business they should be told so, and mot squeezed out. ~ my Pool rooms provide amusement for scores of men. They have a place in the community, at any rate until other facilities are provided men for amuse- ment and places to congregate. therefore, is just what Councillor Brown is seeing Oshawa has, good conditions, and sanitary surround- ings; in connection with pool rooms. ON THE READING OF BOOKS The appreciation of good reading is a mark of | refinement, and consequently is something that is well worth cultivating. Too few of us read as much as we should. We ave so. busy with our social ties, our home duties, our business ealls, with sports, the theatre or other fortis of enjoyment, that we have no time for read- ing. Amd yet there is mo surer rest from the | monotony of the daily grind than a book which can | take ms into a change of atmosphere. We would all be the better for taking an occasional excursion inte mew fields. With the fall and winter What is needed, | period of ten years as a rule. How finance on this | basis can best be provided is the most important problem that confronts the State and co-operative | workers in all parts of India. THE BONUS ISSUE IS DEAD (Khaki Call ) Our of the G.AUN. in convention | assembled, have once more seen fit to bring forward | the Bonus Question with the idea of resurreeting an old issue for reasons which cannot possibly appeal | with any cogeney at the present time. The Bonus | friends as an ecenomic danger. In ratio it is even more of an economic danger to Canada. Why look for new economic puzzles to solve when we have more than we want already? The Army & Navy Veterans have from the first recognized that adding so enormously to the tax burdens of all would make the load of the Veterans inevitably a heavier one than it is at present. it time that Veterans' Organizations realized that the situation calls for economic adjustment and industrial prosperity rather than periodical hand- outs? . Why the desire to make the returned soldiers a helpless band of mendicants ? Ism't The returned man wants a bread-winning job, and, if employers would simply give him the preference --which is rightfully his--there would be no neees- sity for doles, bonuses or temporary stopgaps for families who need bread, shelter and a few of the comforts of life. First Gentleman --""Did you get home last night | before the storm?' rather than have any bother, bu they will refrain from doing an more business with that particula store. Creation of Confidence This psychological aspect of t at the same time they carry away a grudge and nine cases out of ten > r the shopping experience is one which will tend to make the chain store systen such as operated by the L. R. Steel Company distinctly popular One the public realize that at any of th Steele stores they will be charge a standard price for the same goods 1, e e e d and at a lower range than they can follow their inclination to make practice of doing busineds at those | stores. Thus a feeling of confidence will be invaluable to the Removal of Distrust. A strongly grounded suspicio grew up during the inflation in commodity buyers were | would stand, and it will take to wear down that feeling. the dilatory tactics of many tum | | be duplicated for elsewhere they willl a ve | are advances to be made for the improvement of [and goodwill will be built up which business | m { period of war | prices that | eharged all the traffic ° Moreover mer- 7 A Hot ons You'll have a hot argument if you try and dispute the efficiency and splendid heating qualities of our GAS GRATES. Sit in front of one for just a few minutes and you'll be convinced! Use Gas for Greater Comfort, Convenience and Cleanliness WATCH FOR OUR AD! SEVEN--DA¥Y--SEVEN SEWING MACHINE SALE A New, Safe Way to Buy One. Start With 25¢ Stalter's Music Store Phone Permanent Gas Service Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario 233 GRATE? WE'LL SAY SO 15 King St. E. issue has been decisively killed in the United States | ff Second Gentleman -- That was when it started." months before us, it would be well to plan a course | of reading: By.so doing we would lose nothing | Five prevention week is not only for your neigh- | bor--it is for you, too. ireland was shoved off the front page by the | Turks. Now they in turn give place to the world | series in baseball. Such is fame! October is an ideal month for motoring. The country dooks its best them with its blaze of color, | while the tang in the air gives an added zest to an | outing. a a es im That the sumo She foo Je Som is gin cing emphasized by the arvest of an Italian in Italy for | attempting to sell there gold stolen from a Cobalt | UGH 55 pwime Hime th toe sve if te wonld 's great men. No person has ever carried such 2 heavy load for so-long as the Little Welshman. He no sooner settles one crisis than a new one arises. | Hie is the modern Atlas. | height five years ago?" asked the astonished visitor. -- Western Christian Advocate (Cincinnati). An American visitor complains that Englishmen | do not talk enough. Efforts ave being made to show | him the House of Commons. -- Passing Show. A riverside village boasted a post on which was | marked a line showing the height to which the river | had risen during the time of a serious flood. "Do you mean to say that the river reached this "Not exactly, sir,' replied the villager, "but the children weve so fond of rubbin' out the first mark that the Council had to put it a bit higher so as to {be out of their veach."'-- Epworth Herald. THE SET OF THE SOUL One ship sails east and another sails west. With the very same winds that blow : "Tis the set of the sails, and not the wales That tells them the way to go. Like the winds of the sea ave the ways of fate, As we voyage along through life. "Tis the set of a soul that decides its goal And not the calm or the strife. ES EC BS ougham (NEW) -- 5 Pass. New Prices OCTOBER 5th., 1922 The Twin 4---Model 47 Six Body Types The 4-Cylinder Model 43-A Six Body Types Old Price. $1.475 1.475 1,595 2,145 2.295 1.995 All Prices FOB. EFFECTIVE TO-DAY New Price. $1,895 1,895 2,795 Olds. Motor Works of Canada, Limited of General Motors of Canada, Limited

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