KEDRON The past week has been a great one for filling silos and by the time this goes to press the silos will be about filled, Farmers consider the corn crop 8ood around here this year, Mr, and Mrs, B, Mountjoy and chil- dren visited at Norman Allin's, New: castle, on Bunday, Miss Olive Brock spent Sunday at her home at Maple Grove, . Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Batty, and baby Grace, visited at H, F, Werry's Sunday, Miss Flossie Sonley, Zion, visited at A, D, Van Dyke's. Mr. and Mrs, T, Pereman and girls and Mr, and Mrs, Pereman, Columbus, at J, Mountjoy's Sunday. Mrs, W. and Misses Luella and Jean Hepburn, and Mr, James Grey, visited Mr, D, Hepburn's, Uxbridge. Miss Florence Luke, Ashburn, and Olive Luke, Toronto, spent the week: end at their home here, We are sorry to report that Mrs. George Scott is under the doctor's The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Han- cock was well attended. Among those we noticed from a distance were: Mr, and Mrs. Mark Hancock and Miss Etta . Hancock, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Joliffe, Lindsay. Mr. D, Brunt and daughters, Mr, Wm. Brunt and - son, Wellington; Mrs, Levi Brunt and daughter, Myrtle; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Rose, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs, Hor- ace Hancock, Mrs, James Hancock, Mrs. Eli Osborne and Miss Hattie, Mr, Leo and Miss Alma Courtice, of Cour- tice, Miss Btta Hancock will remain for a while with friends, Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs, R. Beath visited at L. Hancock's. Miss Hazel Van Dyke writes that she is well and likes her work at the Grace Hospital, Toronto. Rev. Mr. Lattimore, of Myrtle, will preach here Sunday, Oct 8th, Don't forget the Kedron Kiddies Koncert, to be held at Kedron Church, Friday evening, Oct. 6th. BETHESDA September has indeed been a beautiful month. There has been sufficient rain for plowing and warm balmy days. Mrs. Silas Hoar is spending a few days with her mother and sister at her old home in Plainville. Mrs. T. A. Anderson, of Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Annie Hoar, and other relatives. Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Colville on the birth of a son, at Bowmanville Hospital. Miss Berta and Lawrie Cole, at- tended Orono Fair and visited, Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon at Enniskillen, and attended Harvest Thanksgiving services. Several from here attended Orono Fair and report a good show. Ideal weather, splendid horses and inter- esting though dusty races. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Miss May and Russel visited James H. Werry at Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Annis and Adelaide and Col. Lorne McLaugh- lin visited their aunt, Mrs. Evans at the home of the Misses Colville. The members of the Win Oune Class met at the home of Mrs. M. J. Werry on Wednesday. afternoon and presented their much beloved Sun day school teacher, Miss E. M. Werry with a beautiful silk comforter; the work of their own hands. On Thurs- day the W.M.S. Committee called on Miss Werry and presented her with a hand bag prior to her leaving for Ottawa. Rev. J. E. Beckel, of Bethany, a former pastor, preached very accept- ably on Sabbath evening. Rev. W. T. Wickett, is attending General Conference of Methodist Church which is being held in Tor- onto. Glad to report that Mrs. Albert Hill is home from Bowmanville Hos pital. Mr. Buckley, Sr., visited his son at Newcastle, and attended Orono Fair. Miss Evelyn Brent is wisiting friends in Toronto. Rally Day was observed most fit- tingly on Sunday morning. Rev. T. W. Wickett, our pastor was in at- tendance. Miss Ema Werry, has been wisit- ing Mrs. A. J. Werry, at Enniskillen, and her brother, Mr. M. J. Werry; after a few farewell calls will spend a day with Mrs. Woodger, and Miss Cole; also with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Rundle, at Bowman: ville before her departure for her future home in Ottawa, Miss Werry has been an untiring worker in W, M.8., 8. School, Epworth League and community, and will be greatly missed in this vicinity, Miss Werry was mispionary leader for several years and the whole district have heard of her efforts along this line, Her host of friends wish her suc- cess in her new sphere and happiness with her brother, Mr, F. W, O. Werry, B.A, Illegal To Post - Continued from page 1) kinds on trees, telephone or tele- graph poles. Property Committee's Report Councillor Thos. Hawke's report for the Town Property Committee follows: "Regarding the matter of by-law prohibiting the tacking of signs or otherwise defacing telephone or elec- tric light poles that no action be taken, "Regarding the matter of street lighting your committee received s0 many applications for light, and com- plaints of dark areas that we decided to make a survey of the lighting of the town, and recommend that 108 lights be installed, as follows: 1 Brock St. W., 2 Ritson Road, be- tween King and Willigm Streets, 1 Charles St. between Bruce and Athol 8t.; 2 Athol St. between Centre and Simcoe Sts.; 8 on Centre St. between King and Avenue Sts.; 7 Mill 8t.; 1 Cuthbert St.; 6 on Sim- coe St. between King and G.T.R.; 1 on Bimcoe St. between King and Ross' Corners; 2 Alma St. between Simcoe and Golf; 2 Golf St. between Louisa and Alexandra; 8 Church St. Mr. Jerry Haley asked that the engineer investigate the creek north of King street bridge. He stated that the water was washing away the land and damaging his property. Re- ferred to Board of Works, Mr. John Carroll wrote saying. he understood the Council was desirous of . having Housing Commission streets paved this year, He offered to put down the concrete and curbs, Referred to Board of Works. Fire Dep't Sends Oheck The Oshawa Fire Department for- warded a check for $1,600 which was advanced to them in connection with the Firemen's Convention here. Councillor Moffat and Alger present- ed a motion, which was carried, that Council voice its appreciation of the way the department handled the convention. Reeve Morris said he felt some apology should be made to Chief Cameron because he had not heen able to attend the provin- cial convention, because he under- stood arrangements had been made for the Chief to attend. Deputy Reeve Hill said no apology was necessary, There had not been a dissenting voice to'the Chief attend- ing the convention, The Fire Department also asked they be allowed to have the use of the Town Hall to hold dances on Friday nights, The Department al- so asked that they be allowed to use the small room off the Town Hall, now used by them as an office, as a club room and to have some changes made. Both requests were referred to Town Property Commit- tee, The Water Commission recom- mended the laying of mains on Base Line East, Caradoc, Alice and Que- bec Streets. Referred to Board of Works. between Louisa and King; 1 Glad- stone Ave.; 1 Warren Ave.; 1 King St. immediately east of Park Road; 1 King St. east of Canning Factory: 11 Mary St, between Aberdeen and King; 3 King St. between Mary and Ritson Road; 3 Kenneth Ave. be- tween William and Bond; 1 Bond St. east of Kenneth; 1 Bond St. between Division and Kehneth; 2 William St. between Mary and Division; 1 Wil- liam St. between Ontario and Mary; 1 Colborne St. between Mary and Simcoe; 1Colborne St. between Mary and Division St.; 1 Brock St. between Mary and Simcoe St.; 1 Elgin St. between Mary and Simcoe; 1 Elgin St. between Mary and Division St; 2 Alice St. between Mary and Divis- fon St.; 1 Jarvis St.; 8 Masson St. between Hillcrest and Aberdeen; 2 Connaught St. between Simcoe and Masson; 1 Court St. south end; 3 on Brock St., W.; 1 on Rowe; 2 on Yonge; I on Groome; 1 Quebec and Burke. "Your committee found that quite 2 number of street lights are hidden by branches of the shade trees, and would recommend that these trees be trimmed." Salaries Increased The report on the ¥ire and Water presented by Deputy Reeve J. V. Hill Committee. which was adopted is as follows: "That the firemen be given the usual $100 to put on 2 decmons'ra- tion for fire preveatioa. "That Mr. Geo. Saiter's salary be increased to $100 par month from $90. "That Mr. Guy Sayder's salary be increased from $85 to $90 per month." | ~ The W. E. Phillips Co. forwarded an agreement with Mr, R. 8. Me- Laughlin, which will enable the town to collect from the Government the money deposited with the Govern- ment in connection with the bonus to the Thornton Rubber Co. and which has since ceased operation here, The letter and document was filed with thanks, Traffic Laws Amendment J. F. H, Wise, of the Ontario Safety League, advised that a special meeting of the Legislature was meet- ing to consolidate the traffic by-laws of the province. The Bafety League was going to meet the committee, and it was desirous of having any suggestions for improvements in the law from the town of Oshawa. The request was referred to the Railway Committee, Sheldon Pethick, of Newtonville, asked for $6.50 damages, his car having been damaged, he alleged on Albert Street when it struck a rals- ed manhole. Referred to the Board of Works, The Board of Railway Commis- sioners forwarded a copy pf the order which it had issued sanction- ing the Oshawa Railway Company constructing its passing track on Simcoe St. South, Two offers of Welsh coal were referred to the Fuel Committee. Petitions for water mains, sewers and pavements on several streets were received and referred to the Board of Works, The Bell Telephone Co. asked per- mission to erect poles on several streets. Referred to the Town Pro- perty Committee, Those present were: Messrs. Stacey, Morris, Mason, Trick, Burns, Hubbell, Moffat, Alger, Hawkes, Stanton, Hall, Preston, Brown, Hill, Rowe, Council adjourned at 1.30 o'clock this morning, which Mayor Stacey 0; | 41 N, Simcoe St. Oshawa Cash Grocery Phone 1199 Pure Strawberry Jam | 4 |b. tins 85¢ | Home Brand Apple and Strawberry or Raspberry in 4 Ib. tins Campbell's Soups, tin 15¢ | | Heinz Chutney or Chili Sauce bottle 35¢ Smith's Pure Catsup, bottle 15¢ & 25¢ Castile Brand Red Color Salmon, 1 Ib. tin 24c Luxura Tea, Ib. 65¢ Good Bulk Teas, Ib. | 48¢ to 70c Fancy Imported Sardines, tin il 20c Fancy French Peas, tin 45c Sugar 14 Ibs. $1.00 while present stock lasts OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922 sald was the latest he had ever ex- perienced. To Get Holiday On the motion of . Councillor Brown and seconded by Councillor Preston, Mr, Colvin, town foreman, was granted leave of absence for one week with pay. Councillor Brown stated that on account of overwork Mr. Colvin was sadly in need of a holiday, He also suggested that Mr. Colvin be placed on the annual holiday list. To the police was referred a let- ter from the registrar of the Motor Vehicles Branch of the Provincial HE " | Wo. PRUD "HAS THE STRENGTH TAR LEE I ; ih! " GIBRA 1 She Edward D, Duffield, President p ha Ad & ENTIAL PAGE ELEVEN I -- Government pointing out that all trucks are required to show on either side of 'them the maximum weight they are licensed to carry. Base Line Water Service P. G. Purves, clerk of East Whit- by Township, advised that the town was not facilitating its obligations to residents living along the south side of the Base Line in the township, whose wells had gone dry because of the sewer construction, Residents of uth side of the Base Line wrote" saying they were willing to take town water at regu- lar rates and at 7% cents per foot frontage, to compensate them for the damage to their property through loss of their wells, Appreciate Services Capt. Wm. Culling presented a de- tailed report of his work at the lake this year in life saving. While no lives have been lost during the year there were five out of eight cases which might have ended disastrous- ly. The report was referred to the Finance Committee, Reeve Morris Lsuggesting that. a reasonably sized check be sent Capt. Culling in ap- preciation of his service, He re. celves no regular salary for the work, If every wife ey a fie by - 172} yo 4 : ed OF la Py Se - a koro he knew what every widow knows, every husband would be insured. rudential Insurance Co. of America. Head Office: Newark, N.J. DAVID MORRIS, ASST. SUPT. 8 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA LO.O.F. BLOCK fee NN \ NR \ \ NO) [YY OPENING I will be open on-Saturday with a large stock of Fall Suitings, and will be ready to serve you as in the past with the best of tailored garments. Don't forget the HAVE MOVED MY TAILORING SHOP FROM 35 KING STREET TO 46 KING ST. EAST -- OVER THE REGENT. THEATRE ON SATURDAY change of address.