OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922 a -- no | or -- © Ap -- + EE ---------- EE EEE ------ i.- ofl da t it was restored to \ d Phone Go Romo In 1815. It was carefully Manuscripts. gu arded, Several scholars, received |i ine it bu y Some of .the 'most valuable Bib. |ReTMission to exam | lea) manuscripts have only been ain. | ot allowed to 00D Aig Ry io : covered or become available within | oliy,q" oo Cionety, the voiume was | ee es, One of the great- hastily spatched away. only ADOT Hx(y ven . ho J wo it third of these great manu- ; oh - RL Mii gughin has ascribed It to Thecla the | Farorrud The story of its discov (poten ssion of the British Museum, a8 844 on & tour of the Orient in carried it from Alexandria to Cons Kid dunt 8 ount reason for assigning it to the ifth iid leaves Loatiing Greek in ap century, This manuscript contains 8 waste-paper basket. He noon per- most of the Bible except certain parts| hal with him, There were previously named, having been avail- Tischendorf made two more trips pos who took him to his room and| to have a curious result® The mother aw is, tull of romance, Tischendorf, formally presented to Charles p Wn 84 taptinople about. 1098, A tradition celved that they were parts 'of the|Of the New Testament. It has heen [esse SSeS Dir ec] I Yom ; he I ac- : torty-t ee leaves in his - precious able earlier, to the monastery. On the fret of| Next article:--'The oldest Trans- ® these, in 1853, he made no further lation.' adway. On his second trip, in sr cnr 1869, he seemed doomed to disap- WHY CHINESE NOSES ARE FLAT iptment again. However, a few -- i Says before léaving he mansged to Among the many millions of Chi- owed him . bundle of loose Janves er carries her infant in a kind of bag 1 Ou St C; A Qf parchment Wwrapp n a cloth,|or pannier on her back, and not, as annot . Wilh | Saved to be the treasure he|in other countries where the dorsal ; | Money TALKS TODA PD AY ' g ore ccom- P ractically no overhead ex- 0 ear) § / earl og a0 eari age and sow at scripts, the Alexandrian) is the proud minent German scholar, set out |! in 1627, Patriarch Cyril Lucar ; La ge ; Ce t | i, his pli fell on about 326, but there seems good ay 0 C 0 0 a all Ile and obtained permission to take used more extensively than the two treasure and he was told that two There are many other manuscripts, hasketfuls of these leaves had al-|but-these three are the most valuable ready been used to light the fires, |in enabling us to determine the orig- but he was not ajlowed to see the|inal form of the Biblical books. k trom which they had been| copyrighted by the British Colonial \ken, Press Limited.) got on familiar terms with tie stew-|na there is a practice gvhich seems He was allowed to take (carriage is affected, with the face these to his room and naturally he|turned outwards, but, as probably , : d a sleepless night. He dis-|we ought to expect in China, where Ww . t penses, no expensive help to éivaten that be baa peiore hil he everything seems to go and come by Ve went on the market with 3 A ticall Adverts n rule of contraries, with the face turn- acti no advertis- considerable parts of the old Testa-|ed inwards. The result of that is Ready Cash and purchased pay, practically ment, as well as a couple of Apoery-| that the baby's nose is of necessity : wl : t f bles to phal books. pressed against its mother's/ back, this ' 1 i P 0- a e 0a S n e ing to pay for, ena us Though it was difficult to get this| whence, no doubt has been volved : year s newly e gar- to that an n quo prices wii tartle precious document away from the|in the course of ages the pgeuliarly ° PY monastery, Tischendorf managed to|flattened or blunted nose character- ments at a very great reduc- persuade the monks that it would |istic of the Chinaman. . re ing 18 eans the countr be a most gracious act for them to tion, Come Share in our y. present it to the Czar as the head . oF. the Greek Church ® In November | 20S are unwisely Wberal, and Come Share in our Bargains. more delight to give presents than A of the same year this presentation Lh Bargain. $ Di was made. With the excepiion of the to pay debts.--Sir P. Sidney, ! 0 ISposing 0 ame Vatican manuseript, the Sinaitic is|== . ---- J oldest of all the New Testament reek manuseripts, being believed to have Had its origin in the middle |] WATCH FOR OUR AD! of the, tourth century. SEVEN--DAY--SEVEN th wo he Vatican manuscript belongs (| SEWING MACHINE SALE i v1 y. It was brought to Rome in A New, Safe Way to Buy Ope. 48 and was entered on the first Start With 25¢ 9 COATS $9.95 MANNISH COATS VELOUR COATS PARISIAN MODEL 36 ue of the Vatican Library in Stalter' Music Store 5. ' Napoleon carried it off to od A beautiful assortment of "mannish 5 N tailored" Coats that sell as high as Fawn, Brown, Blue or Taupe with COATS differept designs. No i : . Specially priced to Clear siiiitont TT Fur Collars or Plain. Full Kimona § These Coats of Velour and Broad - Sleeves or Plain Tailored Sleeve-- | Cloth. Fur Collar or Plain, are of $9.95 SATIN DRESSES Embroidered backs or plain. Brown, Black or Copen. Satin On Sale Dresses to go at 13.95 $16.95 NEW YORK DESIGNED COATS EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! "chic" thst So pen re 10 Doz. High Grade House Dresses, Assorted Styles and the prices ave way below anything | Colors. Regular price up to $2.00 On Sale Friday you've seep. Morning at 8.30 re For 79c. CA rE NO PHONE OR C. O. D. ORDERS PLEASE ee e------------------------------ ------------ EE ---- nn SKIRTS Beautif : Dresses 75 Si H H . Pri EE SERGE DRESSES 73 Sit Poin Simm. Rex wise wp in appearance will be priced at Pure Wool Coatary Serge Dresses. hes : On Sale to Clear ' others with Fringe. The price is very reasonable. - 15 only Puce Wool Homespun Special Reduction on Children's 5 4. ernie Ai a | Sew lzye Sep eth Re $900 On Sale -: $475 2. i RE, CLOTH FUR COATS . i Moke. sie 7 | COATS AND WATCH THE WINDOW SEE THEM M/ X SWARTZ OSHAWA