PAGE TEN & The Black Menace BY ARTHUR B, REEVE & the ruins, Everything had heen destroyed. We made inquiries of those who were still about, Very little seemed to be known about the place. - In a community where estates were measured by acreage and social sets determined who should know whom, it waf not remarkable that this heuse should have been able to exist_without at- tracting any undue att®itions.. The boy handled his boat splendid- ly. We overhauled the gray cruiser gradually, and as we drew closer, we could see that it was a low, slim craft, not of the, high-decked type, but with a small hunting cabin in which evidently one of the party had taken refuge. The Black Menace veered off, but it was of no use. We were plainly overtaking him now. I saw one figure duck down un- der the stern. We covered ourselves as best we could, expecting him to fire, Kennedy did not wait, His gun cracked and we could see that the bullet had made a hit on the coaming of the boat, The Black Menace, or at least the lone figure visible redoubled his ef- forts. Was it another Coston signal gun and flare he was preparing to CHAPTER XVIII The Smoke Screen As our boat forged ahead, we waited, expecting some devilish at- tack, either shooting or perhaps a bomb. Instead, the Black Menace rose for an instant over the side of his boat and threw overboard what looked like a small square box. Instantly I thought that, perhaps, he was trying to lighten the draught of his cruiser, especially so when, a few yards ahead, he rose again and threw over another box. "Look!" exclaimed Clare quickly. The water about the spot where [aedy directed the boat hither and thither, But the haze clung to the water, Even where it lifted, it did us no good, The fresh wind car- ried it in a long stream, far denser and wider spreading than the smelio of soft coal that one often sees wisp- ing out over the water from a pas- sing tug. There was now no trace of the gray cruiser, The wind had even obliterated the direction in which it had gone. We were literally blind- ed, This was true low visibility. Finally Kennedy headed our mot- orboat over in the direction of the spot where the haze had first heen observed, At first I could see no purpose in it. But at least here the cloud was beginning to dissipate. Along in the water I noticed now that there were two or thre ob- jects bobbing. It was toward one of these that Kennedy was aiming. As we came near the thing, he slowed down the engine and leaned far over the side of the boat, Pas- sing slowly, he reached over and pulled something up out of the wat- er. I saw that it was a peculiar square box, and we all crowded about hiri to examine it, In the side there was a slit which bad evidently once heen covered by a piece of adhesive tape, This Lo! been pulled oft, The contents ol ih boxy however, seemed to have vanished. Kennedy turned the box over, On | , "I've been circulating about, a- mong the people here, finally ves ported one of the operatives fram the city who seemed to he more in- telligent than the rest, "What kind of a place was this?" he asked Ken- nedy, "A joint?" "Why?" returned Kennedy, "What did you hear?" Nothing very much; but I heard some of the firemen say that there had been some wild parties at the place, They spoke of someape whom they called 'the Frepchman,' He seems "to be sort of ain under cover guy. They didn'teknow his name," "Monsieur Jacques?" I inter- rupted, The operative shook his head. "They didn't. give him: a name just called him the Frenchmin. And every time I questioned anyone I could find @ut really nothing. It (wasn't because they didn't want to [talk. They didn't know. That was | ithe mystery to them. It's why | lasked you what sort of joint it was." Kennedy listened attentively [growing more and more restive | he realized that this fragmentary in- formation was really not leading anywhere, Suddenly he seemed to make wp his mind to Something. Instead of {waiting about any longer, he left {the operatives to return in the two , lother cars, while we in ours headed for the village. Nor did Kennedy stop until he found a telephone | {booth, AAC FRYS) FRYS OCA [¢ EE ---------------- He was closeted in it some time he had thrown over the first box [the top was the stencil of one of the had begun actually smoking, throw- |zreat powder manufacturers ing up a thick white impenetrable "An explosive?" asked Clare, re-|""' he seemed rather pleased and haze, and, as we looked, from the |cognizing the name. |excited, second box another cloud of haze Kennedy shook his head, "If it] "1 want you and Clare to hold arose. had been," he answered quickly, | Yourselves mn re adiness for me: to- The wind took the two rapidly |"the box would have been destroyed, |"sht-"" He said to Speed, as he di- spreading clouds and wafted them [But it hasn't even been opened. [|Feeted the driver to take us back to together while the heavy haze mpsh-| think I'll take it 'along and study |'Be city as fast as possible. "I roomed out over the water. it. It may give us a clue. | think I shall have something im Other boxes must have been The Black Menace, almost corner- {portant to tell you. . thrown overboard, for the smoke be- | ed, had made good again his escape. |. We made the return (rip without came thicker, spreading in all direc- | There was nothing to do but put | incident, dropping Clare and Speed tions, but hanging low. We ran in- [back from the Sound' into the haps (2! Ber new home, . to it almost before we knew it and |bor and thence to the town, where | i've an appointment at § found that now we were going blind- | we landed. clock, announced Craig when, we] ly ahead as if in a maze, our only Kennedy placed the box in the car, had left them. "Meanwhile, bthink | sense of direction being the com- land, far more slowly than we had Fil return. with you Walter, 10 the pass. made the trip out, we returned to j laboratory and wait. Quickly Kennedy séized the wheel | Heaton Hills. | Waiting in the laboratory, Ken- and swung the helm about. We By this time it was dark, but we nedy impatiently bezan an examina- emerged from the haze a few mo- | were naturally eager to learn what ton of the box. First of all he} ments later. But it was of no use. |had happened to the Mysiery Man- toe' Off the cover and began -scrap-| The fellow, visible for a mome sion, As we approached we could ng around. the interior 10. recover himself, dodged back of the haze |see that it had been reduced to Niele [024 Je could of the content ic again. Circle about as we did, we |more than a glowing, smoking pile |. Ww hat is the. thing?'"5} asked were unable to locate him again. of embers. finally. "Do you kno Pursuit was hopeless now. Ken- There. was 10 .Us6. How to Search Yes. There are traces of a com {positions of phosphorous and tar or| w some other free carbon." | = 4 Si : "But what was it for*®" [and the escape of the Black Menace. | dered Kennedy. "I shall 1} y 1 lying in her boudoir, weak from the "It's a siioke hos used. to Joaye fi2€ shook his head doubtfully. {soon and then we'll go over to Bresh- sn t 4 arent ie - | efiect of the poisonous drugs, and a smoke screen behind when a ship} I Wonder where the gray cruiser [Raya 5 apartment : in a highly nervous state, but other- lis trying to escape a pursuing sub- | ent? he mused 1 Suppose So!" exclaimed Ravenal, as he|all fort as thoug migh » | wise apparently mentally clear. marine or torpedo hoat. The 'smokes' | headed up the sound--there's {eyes Lhe two prisoner: "Caught « i 4 {is a creamy white haze that effec- telling Where, a had jake and he lost no time in es- tually cuts off sight--exactly what | Although I had been there, I had | 0 repi om eilther-- | oy snd ju tablishing himself. I saw that he we observed when the Black Menace | 10 confess that I knew no more [merely a sullen silenc: ; P ACTORS TOWD 10. Bre 's jn | relied greatly on the authority of lescaped under its protection. The about it than he did and we sat for | Quickly Renney seized the tele- ) th slice. del 1S the two officers who had brought boxes cost about each and ikese 12°00 time discussing the marvellous | P Jone, as the police still stood in . lator Gs am cques and Rene. In the rooms manufacturers make them. They appearances and disappearances of readiness at the doorway, to go when : bY hs = 21 allowed them a little more free- * lour criminal he ordered. He found that Speed t : It was not an hour after he lef: | Was still'at Clare's and they | that Craig returned in great excite- [10 meet us immed ment and I could tell by his man- | Kava's. . ner that he had something ., Somehow." remarked Kennedy to smoke boxes from the company, it "Well, Ravenal on the home Rateua), > ws Hi Bea fom be tle he apartment. There we found | hr : ? 3 i, 3 stretch now." he greeted the detec- Phone, "a confession must he ex apar nt. h we found might lead somewhere. Without a ltive keeni il tracted from that woman." | Breshkays till wm : care of | hall. doubt, at a time like this, some kind | "VC ERNE ny He took mo pains as he busied |a doctor and her 1. TO BE CONTINUED of record of sales must be kept. If Messional jealousy forbids me himself in prep ion bou t) J {we could only trace the sale we laboratory, to conceal from either | {might get somewhere." Jacques or Rene what he was d | | Jenne nodded, abstractedly, | And indeed the rest of us inc |2lancing at his waten nd 4 4 myself, were quite as intereste ) | It was half past seven. He put C raig aside. *"'Was there any clue him. J jut RS interested jon his hat and coat and without a trom the powder compax First from a cabinet Kennedy took | word went out. . He shook his head. "Much better |, n | {and when he returned to us in the Mother says, "It must be FRY'S." | =F _ _-- -_ . Kennedy had some preparations jare common enough now and easy to dom, but was careful to place both jobtain." police directly across the little exit | into the hall, which was through a ¥ | door out of the living room into the "Then there might be a elue here?" 1 suggested "If you could find out who had been purchasing | { private hall and thence to the publie to congratulate you," Ravenal smiled. "Where were you?" I whispered at the first opportunity when I had ; [ham that 1. Ty 1 machine which seemed to consist | Kennedy had not been gone five | at," he replied 1€ police lof 4 number of collars and belts minutes when I heard someone out | with their organization have render- | fastened to black cylinders from | lin the hall and, opening the door, ed me a greater service than I could | which ran tubes. An upright roll | [1 saw Ravenal. have done myself. From what I!of ruled paper under a standard | Kennedy here?" he asked. told them over the telephone, they'- hearing a recording pen. As nearly | "1 replied. "Did you want to|. located the gray cruispr-over as I could maxe out that com- | Breakfast, him. Is there anything new | Vcross the Sound from North Har- | pleted the simpie outfit. | #c. to T5¢c. Luncheon, 65c. Dinner, $1.00. "Nothing special," he returned. bor at Southwark. , They ve taken| "Come along," he remarked to | i = y r Wires, fash. atric Zia tcalommul) "Take "I've been working--but haven't got Jacques and Rene in custody and Ravenal, as he finished packing and | 3 . -- Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet much. Has he?" they're bringing them here as soon gave me part of the apparatus to | ul 240 JARVIS STREET ~ - Ravenal's surprise was great as | a8 they arrive in town with them. carry. I recounted breifly what had just The Uikess with The Black Menace taken place z ai chase |--WVere not aboard. | I at the raid, the chase "Then why the joy?" I asked. "I've an answer to a cable I had | the police dispatch to the Prefecture in Paris," he returned under his breath. "I think I'm ready to go ahead now and round this thing out | tonight." { The telephone rang. Craig an- | swered it quickly. i "Well--that changes my plans a | bit," he explained, as he hung up is Real Good Soap. after a few words. Ld » 2 | "What was it?" | Quali nd Quantit Th Ch h Rs ¢ | S "Breshkaya has been discovered | ty a d y. e arm /) f e . ' by her maid--poisoned. A doctor | » ; [=%e DE § was called and they think they've | Ankle Line 4 | ' safed her life--but she is still in a . . . ¥ # 3 J cnigical way, up at her apartment." --should not be spoiled with wrinkles. : "Phe deuce you say,' cut in Rav- Mercury Stockings are rim at ihe ; | enal. "Was it suicide" ankle Ey ol fit rk 54 le 3 i) - Kennedy shook his head nouncom- The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room She till midnight. # Single room, with bath, $2.60; double room, with bath, $4.00. "Do you use it in your house?" ; ; y ital. "They ym | ioned yet made without seams. The ia hey do gat. know | shaping is done in the knitting by patented machines. Mercury feet are seamless too--not a wrinkle to chafe the foot. Many mew shades in Heather and Cashmere for Fall and Winter. Silks in all patterus. ¥ mars fra- | grant, velvety § powder that re moves the shim: so perfectly, and stays on so long-- doesn't easily blowor brush off, vely tints to match every com- plexion 60ca box. ? ) "That woman baffles me." con-| fessod Ravenal, as Kennedy bustled about mow with sudden energy. As for myself, 1 must say that i was amazed, also. 1 could not ex- plain am attempt on the life «of Breshkaya, whom I had believed at least a pant of the hand of the Black Menace, if not the veal head of it. As 1 reflected on it, 1 could not Lelp thinking, that after all, it was suspicious. Could it have been that she had rigged the attack herself not caring whether it succeeded and | cheated the law, or whether her | life was saved and she was enabled to pose as a victim. Was it genuine | or an elaborate piace of camouflage? | | | side, 1 saw several police and with |' {them two prisoners, a man and a woman---Monsienr Jacques and Ma- dame Rene. » "Hold them here a moment," or- . CHAPTER 19 The Nore Botootive There was a noise at the labora- tory door and it was flung open. Out-|