Theatrical News ARARARARARARARARARARARARARARAR, ENTIRE CITY BUILT FOR BIG PHOTOPLAY "The Loves of Pharaoh" Massive and Beautiful Picture Three men can stand on top of each other in the ear of the massive sphinx built under the direction of drnest Lubitsch for his most preten- tious production, "The Loves of Pha- raoh," a-big Paramount picture which will be on view at the Regent The- atre next Monday for three days, The man who created a sensation with his masterful direction of such spectacular pictures as 'Passion' and "Deception" has chosen Egypt for his background in this fascinating romance of a king who married the serving maid of the princess he was supposed to marry, An entire Egyptian city was con- structed, with about fifty buildings, for the filming of the picture, Built with historical accuracy and archi- tecturally correct, it was not expect- ed that these motion picture settings would be so enthusiastically endors- ed by scholars and school teachers, or that classes in ancient history would study them for their Egyptian architecture, Yet this actually hap- pened at the film city which Lubitsch built, More than one hundred thousand persons are seen in the spectacular battle scenes between the Egyptians and the invading Ethiopians. Paul Wegener, who enacted "The Golem" creates a colorful role as King of Ethiopia, Emil Jannings, seen as an English king in "Deception," appears as Pharaoh, Harry Liedtke, seen with Pola Negri in "The Last Pay- ment," and Dagny Servaes, leading woman, have great parts in this Egyptian romance. And all these men centre their attentions upon a new blonde beauty, Dagny Servaes, said to be the most attractive of the sereen actresses Ernest Lu- bitsch has introduced to America. The Loves of Phargoh has just com- pleted a big three weeks' run at the Strand Theatre, Toronto, where it was criticized as being. the best at- traction of the year. This attraction will be presented at usual prices. "EVERYGIRL" HEADED STRAIGHT FOR SUCCESS ON THE STAGE Stage director McKnight declares she is destined to he a great actress for she has everything, face, figure, temperament and courage. Mary Ince said with exercising eyes that are very brown and laden with the light of wisdom, "I have ambitions that are going to keep me in the theatre for a good many years to come, and dreams that lead right to the stellar rung of the old ladder they call success." Mary is one of those dainty dancing givls in "Everygirl" Com- pany, a big musical comedy hit, Miss Ince is one of a score of beautiful girls who dazzle the eye in owns that are georgeous, and some gowns that are more scant than gorgeous, In either garb, she is described in the vernacular as be- ing a surefire knockout, Tom McKnight, stage director of the '"Hverygirl" Company has been studying the characteristics of show girls for a good many years, and one of his favorite indoor sports is to'pro- vide the destiny 'dope' for those under his immediate command, "Kverygirl'"' comes to the New Martin Theatre Saturday Sept, 23rd. "THE UNLOVED WIFE A woman wants her man to he just a big boy who confides in her, and, if she is inclined to worry, will make light of her fears, for, in spite of suffrage and all recently acquir- ed feminine independence, a woman OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 pa | does want a man she can lean upon. Florence Edna May, the authoress of the "Unloved Wife" a new play in three acts, which comes to the New Martin theatre, for matinee and ev- éning next Friday, September 22nd, with matinee reserved for ladies only, has written a play that will live for years, It's so real, so human, and so mueh like everyday life, that | one can't help forgetting that it's only a play. Every mother should | gee "The Unloved Wife, Every mother should make doubly sure | of the fact that all her grown daugh- | ters see it, The play comes here with a re-| markable cast, and complete scenic | production, The evening perform- | age of sixteen years, | CONCERNING "THE BIRD : OF PARADISE From Frank J, Lea "The Bird of Paradise," Richard Walton Tully's fascinating drama of Hawaiian life, will return to the New Martin Theatre for its annual engage- ment, Monday Sept. 25th, This attraction, with its native at- mosphere, weird melodies and its striking story of human appeal, still holds sway with the patrons of the theatre, There must be something specially appealing in this mystic play of the South Pacific for its or- iginal lines as written hy Mr, Tully, several years ago, are just as strk- ing and compelling now as they were -R-A-N- Theatre Te SEPTEMBER 25-26-27 "Tue JACK KNIFE MAN" with a great Comedy "The Punch ;! Irish"' featuring Al Ray - F. Coleman = Virginia Rappe -- ances are for everybody over the | -------- - then, which is a great deal to say of any modern drama. "The Bird of Paradise comes here in all its pristine gorgeousness of plumage, accompanied by a cast of capable new players. The part of Luana, the semi-barbaric beauty, will be enacted by Ann Reader, an attractive actress of exceptional emotional ability, The supporting players include Frederick Forrester, Pamela Browning, Frank L. Cooley, Audrey St Clair, James K. Apple- bee, Rose | Watson, Douglas Cos- grove, Grace Lewis, Arthur Fisher, and others, A quintet of native singers and dancers who bring back the weird note of the ukulele and the plaintive singing peculiar to the natives of the Hawaiian Islands are with the Company. The sing- ing of the 'Aloha Oe" in this pro- duction has never been forgotten, REGENT ORCHESTRA AUGMENTS Manager Pomeroy of the Regent Theatre has added to hig much talk- ed of orchestra, Mr. William Me- Lean, who is one of the hest men in his line and whieh will be a hig (Continued on page 6) Regent One of Canada's Best USUAL PRICES NEXT WEEK MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY NEW MARTIN : Direct from the MEER | OLIVER MOROSCO = PRESENTS ONE NIGHT vv -- , MON. + SEPT, Royal Alexandra, Toronto ONLY = EEE TEETER WITH HAWAIIAN 2 SINGERS AND WRLAYERS "AND The THRILLING VOLCANO SCENE |= ME EVER |] BE SURE The. difference hetween the cost of a Fire Insurance | OF YOUR PROPERTY AT ALL TIMES feeling sure---and uncertainty--is ?olicy, which Protects. Peace of mind is worth ten times the premium, See us about your Fire Policy at once. V.A. HENRY Insurance 113% Simcoe St, S, Phones 1108W, 1046W DIRECTION FAM iS PLAYERS CANADIAN (0781008 | \[ A ORPORATION TO-NIGHT Friday and Saturday MATINEE HARRY P. YOUNG OFFIRS TOM McKNIGHT'S ee ------ NEW MARTIN THEATRE ----To-morrow--Saturday Night, September 23rd. "EVERYGIRL" A Fascinating Musical Revue--90" Girls -- A Festival of Fun and Flappers-- --With Dorothy MacKay, Pat Rafferty, Pauline Harvey and many other favorites-- PRICES 1st 4 Rows, $1.50; Bot. Downstairs, $1.00; Balcony, $1.00 & 50¢ HURRY I! HURRY II! HURRY 1! SATURDAY --T hat Tremendous Startling Attraction ~~~, segs) hu) Aufl y CA v Lil TR Viv At ER -- This is a DRAMATIC ATTRACTION Not a Picture!! New Martin Ni sePremeen 22a 50c Special Matinee for Ladies Only 50c Why Ave There So Many Divorces? How Long Does the Honeymoon Last? One Mariage in Ten Fails. Why? Being presented at Shea's Hippo- drome, Tor onto, and at the REGENT OSHAWA For the fast 'sie in Canada Do, lf ---- TO THE HOME, WHILE THE 0: " a CANDO AS HE PLEASES > | IS IT A FACT THAT a. EVERY MARRIED WOMAN AT SOME TIME THINKS SHE 1S UNLOVED? GARLS--Bring your sweethearts so yop both will have a better understand- ing of the marriage problem. % WARD & DEWLAND'S 1922 and 1923 FASHION DISPLAY Coming Monday "The Loves « Pharoah" WIVES---Bring your husbands and let them see conditions as they exist in many homes to-day. MODMERS-- Bring your daughters and save them a lifetime of bitter anguish by enlightening them. A PLAY WITH A TREMENDOUS HUMAN APPEAL