ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE EXHIBIT ATTRACTED ATTENTION AT C.N.E. The Ontario Safety League's ex- hibit at the Canadian National Ex- hibition attracted a great deal of at- tention, 4 The automobile wrecks as horri- ble examples that put the wreck" in wreckless, were surrounded con- stantly by curious erowds and were certainly a wonderful object lesson to motorists, as showing the results of careless driving, Of the three wrecks exhibited, one had heen hit by a suburban elee- trie car, the driver got one leg brok- en, and a severe head cut, It was miraculous that of the four ocen- pants of this car they were all not killed, The second wreck had been hit in an attempt to cross in front of a railroad train, and resulted in the driver and passenger of this car be- ing killed almost immediately, The car itself a total wreck, The third automobile shown, was also a total wreck, This car was driven at such high speed that it turned over and caught fire, The driver was killed and five passengers seriously injured, Guarded punch presses, cutting machines, belt guards, safety cabin- ets and goggles were shown, as ex- amples of industrial safety, A feature unique as a life saver was a safety window, which enables both the upper and lower sash to be cleaned from the inside of the build- ing. A great many fatalities have been recorded from the necessity heretofore of cleaning windows from the outside, The adoption of such a window would do away with this serious hazard, An automobile marker, illuminat- ed at night, was exhibited and which if adopted, would do away with the present difieulty our Trae OM- cer's now have of distinguishing au- tomobile numbers after dark, It is a simple device and the changing of numbers from one year to another is very Inexpensive, An automobile fender or external lite guard, manufactured in Quebec, was exhibited and demonstrated, This was viewed constantly by the spectators with a great deal of in- terest and represents a safety fea. ture of great walue to the motorist and public generally, This fender drops automatically as soon as an obstacle comes in contact with it or when it hits a pedestrian, who Is picked up in a bavket-shape cradle, In addition to its automatic features, it can be operated and reset by the motorist while in his position at the steering wheel, In addition to this, there was an automobile signalling device exhibi- ted, indicating the direction that the car was taking by arrows located at the front of the car, and which are illuminated at night, A safety jacket constructed to give free use of arms and legs to the swimmer, when it was put on as a vest, was shown, the material used in this device was exceedingly light, | small as to bulk, and its buoyancy | was not decreased by vontact with | the water, Through the courtesy of the Boy Scouts, an exhibition of resusciation from drowning and electric shock was given several times each day, and following this, the operation of the Lungmotor was shown, Traffic intersection "Stop and Go" sign was shown in connection with cross walks, and demonstrations given as to how pedestrians should cross with trafic, intead of wander | | an oo I¢s easy with 'ORINOCO A little and Sport in roiling fal own cigarette Happy Thought Pipe Fumaces defy winter in any part of the home. Happy Thought Stoves have stood the test of yearsinCanadian homes. [wafoty OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, Tog almloesly ACross the 4 Wtreets unl intersections, regardless of how ves hicular trae was being directed, A section of a street car was nsed to demonstrate getting on and off same properly, In addition to this, thousands of buttons were distributed, bearing the inscription --- "Be Cdre- ful, Look, Avoid Accidents, Look, Ontario Safety League," These were appreciated especially by the younger people and children visiting the safety exhibit and act constantly as a reminder to he careful, HEAVY SHIPMENTS OF CATTLE, Toronto, Rept, 81,--8ince August first the movement of live stock from Western Canada to the Bast. re Ready Suits full of snap and go for the young men; Suits of quieter style for older men. Cloths and prices to please both, in fact, a complete collection of all that's best for fall. orn markets has heavy, Shipments consist almost entirely of beef cattle, The charac. ter of this business is such that fast service by the railways in an es- sential, and in this respect the Cana- dian National Railways are making records hetween Winnipeg and To- ronto yards, to fifty cars of stock are quite usual, and fast time is made possible by the splendid tangents and the lack | of curves by this route, A train of 73 cars of cattle wan received early this morning at Union Btock Yards, West Toronto, making the trip from Winnipeg in 756 hours, This pro- bably, is the longest train of live wtock ever received at Toronto from the west, been unusually 1922 Trains of from forty | For Young Men We feature just now a collection of Suits from Gardners, in new pen- cil stripes, in Browns and Blues. The cloth is a fine English Worsted and the style is a nifty one-button double model. The price $37.50 is extremely moderate when you consider the high class make and finish of these Suits. FOR MEN WHO PREFER PLAINER STYLES A full range of Greys. Types are man of average plain Blues and for the and short regular for shorter men. All sizes to 44. The cloths are finest Words atcha ry acs: anteed fast. Closely priced at $35.00 LUKE BROS. 63 KING ST. E. OSHAWA Furniture at Right Prices Large Dresser, Vanity Dresser, Bed With straight foot end, Bench and Rocker, exactly as cut shown above, in smooth ature] | Satin finish. Regular value $200.00. Re- duced price this week end $165.00 Bed Room Suite Dresser, Vanity Dressing Table, Chifforette, and Bed, in a very light French Gray and Heliotrope finish. This is particularly well made and finished, and is priced very low for this week. Four pieces American Walnut Dresser, Vanity Dresser, Chifforette, and Bow foot Bed. These pieces are solid Wal- nut, are not very large, but nice size for $1250 | $125% A New Shipment of Lovely Brass Beds The finest of quality, the two large sizes. Prices are very reasonable. Beautifully trimmed. $16.50 $21.50 $25.00 $28.50 $35.00 $40.00 Mattresses Two Special Values This Week An all layer Felt Mattress in a good Axt Ticking, all sizes. We are showing a wonderful range in both Special x goods. Prices as follows: $6.75, $8.75. $10.00, $1200, $1850, $15.00, $20.00 Our Special all White layer Felt Mattress, roll edges, heavy quality English Axt Tick- ing. Regular $22.50 and $25.00. Carpets, Comforters, Chintz and Curtain materials for every, home Oshawa. New goods too, floor coverings of all kinds. LUKE BROS. 63 KING ST. EAST