Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 19 Sep 1922, p. 3

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ieee tC OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1922 a Cl AS i i. tt Wise - Oshawa and District Js 7 | * Spoke at Brooklin, [to it: Baptist Male Quartet, selec- | : Rev. Manson Doyle, of Toronto, tions; Messrs, Howard and Waren, SR who spoke at the morning and after- instrumental duet; Mrs. J, G. Given Warning by Court | = noon services in Simcoe. Street Me- | derson, reading; Miss Mabe] fe hn. ! Report to Chief Oncea | thodist Church on Sunday, occupied | solo; Mrs, Hogarth, reading; De a | 4 i the pulpit in the Brooklin Methodist |con J. G. Anderson, address; and | Month | Church in the evening, {Master Bernard Howard, instrumen- | ---- | tal solo; Anthem, O' Canada, | ve i | Be O F Il St le. ng bor iu [Business Mew, 2y, Wig nda ulin e oure an ee ur ra Y T sgiving Day this year wi i . wo youths from kas vithy, plead- ee Shy Te was | yi he ag Slag bi the Business |cd guilty in Police Court yesterday fixed by Parliament at the 1921} vy 4 Te oD, with Lhe) morning to the theft of a number of Sh t Re ent heatre x sessign, being designed to fall on | goo tects Wot, BOC iis evening [pigeons from the homes etaoiniw. il ow, a g the Monday of the week contain-| OTH o'clock. Quite a [pigeons from two Oshawa citizens, , number of members have planned [William Walker and I. Fraser Me ing Armistice Day, which is Novem-| = 0 00 Catia thie ve a fam | E.. Me- ber 11th, an 'interesting tie 3 in Waris and a Bp raone by Cova Aone) " " - 3 Honored Mrs. Alloway those who do. The class will meet [for leniency by their lawyer, W. I. | : MAE MURRAY 1 hursday and Friday Evening % y regularly each Tuesday and Friday [N. Sinclair, K.C., and a severe lecture | in "FASCINATION" WOMEN'S. FALL * J Mrs. A, R. Alloway was honored evening at the smme hour while a |by Magistrate Hind, the lads were al- |, huni. Tes : September 21-22 MEN'S PALL last weak by phe Nebery of he morning class will be arranged lat- [lowed to go on suspended sentence Coming ~ Thurs le ang Sat, At] UNDERWEAR Women's ssion Circle of the er. Kach Friday eveni iy ring | Costs his $1 rere. paidad . went, : ; : a i yon a tist church of which she has been | tho gym ar iduy ox plug. Slowing by HE nouns di wer paid f. re our] If you are interested in the New Fall Fashions The tine for heavier an active member, At the regular | wij follow the custom of last year ; . i row | desire oo oF -- to Sail i Gy ' . vol . » underwear, has arriv- meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. [in having supper together and - ar- |e appealing for leniency W, 1. ~ end You te Jil, Lam don't miss then, visit jour store any time and cil. This tine is. the L. Harton, Mrs. Alloway was pre-|pange for a special speaker, Owing Sines, Ho. ho aipeara Bondy ra Reo uo nike . pi . weight required for sented with a missionary book. The [to hanquet being held in the gym | C08 ~ Miles was unrepresented by |i Ea WP try on and inspect any garment that may in- ltr fi presentation was made by Mrs. Har- | pext Friday evening by the Church pause] Cig the consite Retin of Boil yo Sicnen: x { : a : Vests. a Lh shoit alt ton. Baseball: League, the Bisiis oa Das court jo the Fac t 1h Sov; came wi h bowed heads the lads feel- terest you, We are always at your service. : 4 s. are wilh shoi - : Will HOE ROId thle ciate I fom 2 hb Sly Foshecied ans welling the ir position keenly olemnly | sleeves, sleeveless, wa : Stolen Tools Found, ly planned, \ ny iii ia art i nL ote] ror ht I, ; ae Madi dit he ' 'ESAX La 'NELETTE Hrap shouider, amd Fie Chief Friend announced to-day | : chi rotor and also his youth were will re port ones a a ath hoy WHITE STONY SIAN ITE full dress, round "or Ard d that his department had discovered | Stern Rebuke For points that the lawyer called atten- awa chief of police. : A pure finish and free from all dressing. An ex V neck, ankle leagth eon the tools, the property of CFPBRLArS C H tion to. 4 cellent quality for fall sewing 17 vi. drawers and bloom ig Wolking at the hosnita ; Py diving ourt Hanger On There Tago Joab ha fhe fads BOYS MAKE GOOD SHOW ING | Wednesday Morning only c Crs. fy re 3 a e to fix res- " ANF aE tet, i wero gu y ie lawyer stated but a - ---- - - : : : I De el Mais "rhe Yount Lay 2 Runy 3 Dolies count 5 a dis it Swas their first offence and which The thres Oshawa hoys, who took si, BLEACHED COTTON SHEETING specially priced for wh pons y ; D mal and ve inspiring place. Nev- [ho considered was not 4 very seriou part in the Ontario Championship | 05 Garment i were valued at approximately $50 A I the 2mosbhere attendant to tone he felt that they should he allow-| Athletic meet which was held i) Two yards wide, an excellent quality that will ; C af 8. 8. Teachers' Banquet, rs 10 goign i gee i - Bo : Toronto, Saturday atternoon, under | give compte sali fiction ; ; 49¢ yo | J PRA to} e ' Crown Attorney Farewell was not! the auspicds of the Broadview Boys Wednesday Morning - - | . This evening officers and teachers | bear a very submissive and apologe- in accord with the lawyer's view, ail Fair, made a fing 51 ing oN of Simcoe Street Methodist Sunday |tic air. There are others, however, |), ver, and he said 0 in i un- Alex ( rani W fourth 5 Whigs n s | n School will hold a banquet and Bo- | who are just the opposite for them {cortain terms... 149° vard ave at whils Co ' oo 49 s : . cial evening in the Sunddy School [the court has no thrills to offer. | : if jason was thivd $n the ru Ores I am rooms. This, it is hoped, will bring | They are the hardened backbenchers | 'These boys," hie declared heatedly, | jump olny H wa hh hoard pny the leaders of the School together | who out of curiosity never fail to! re not driven to steal by necessi | Fivine 2 th er bi ie a je mn ars ir epee F---- ses ------ Sm and act as an incentive to them. to |be on Jun when some case of a par- | Particularly flagrant ave the| C0" "0 Eo in 4 "pl a did p-- ; put forth greater efforts this coming | ticular sordid nature is to be heard. s of Downs, who is the elder, petod Collier t, i fom 5 year. The Sunday School is enter- lc nit knowing glances at police ould have known better, h Work Director of the v M. A > - -- Ve ing upon its winter's program and |oflicers, lawyers and other court at is I B Biv badition of a fihe SOHAL By ro « M. C, A ac. | A some discussion ~ will be. held re-|taches, they scem to convey by their [[@mHY behind ham. Fhe crime which | 50 mdiinde H H R M M lL d L& garding the work to be done. actions that they are part and pareel | 1D0Y are Hilly of is a very serious! --- ---- arvest ome | ev. r. acCil.€o . of the slow-grinding wheels of jus-|,, %, you know your worship ita Hal, owned by H. Elmhurst, » : ~ + Assaulted Countryman, | tice, pal many oa ns have ; be oh y oy ; f Houne, aid a '} V Todd, own 1 (Continued from page 1) | (Continued from page 1) i Local police are still searching | (Ong jocal citizen who can be plac- ot boys going on midnight maraudin Not wig hdik rt Jip -- we ) : er... | Bearty "welcome he | 1 y for Felix Markoe, of Cedardale, Who |eq in the later category received a Xp dition armed with matches?" { 2 8 r 2 thi o ong a course, ke tes 12:13, 14: Pe ar | every where the keen, int : it is alleged last Sunday-evening stern rebuke yesterday * morning [in emphasizing the seriousness of event af Si al fing p His commandment focal : had. i tin ---- struck Steve Osachuk, on the head | Magistrate Hind. Continual- the offense istrate Hind said: | sitions at the Peterboro oxhih YU" for this is the whole duty of man. | = "*F i a Sh . Wars : Fowl with a shovel, at Osachuk's home in | ng during the hearing of an |"Despite what your lawyer and the! Thin day Durkev : Todd For God shall bring every work into |" il ang Lae ir evinenl desire | y So 200 Ducks 'anc Strong _ owl | Cedardale. Suffering from a nasty important case this individual would |erown attorney has said 1 could, un [in (he three heats witl judgment, with every secret thing, i ois id oy Fu 5 fis Ou Recently Released & whether it be good, or whether it 'be atute, sentence hoth of von [second At Oshawa Fair scalp wound Osachuk was taken to! walk across (he room to his friends der the | : 1 Te : : overly, awa one that would be 1 crien 1 the hospital where his injuries were [to explain some technical point. |to 14 years in the penitentia: How- | loolded to be in a class . vil', quoting the old proverb ava > ahd ux Ou 4 hii Lake ugog i i r J i i y r a A x 2 ' ' 8 sred san ira = Dad - dressed after which he was able 10 This was unnoticed for a time by the | All's. well eng ell, her 1 sin i : "hi i < re - it x 1 t 1 On res du - proced to his home. Chief Friend | magistrate. Finally, however, when! SE -- _---- == pointed ont th this did I 1st 3 y = = som if pr ast. g . (C] "It is t states that the feud between Osachuk the man arose with his hat on his exactly to a person's | of life we are living now Facing a Crisis wil | ' released aM Markoe is 3 long standing ODe.| head and pipe in mouth, the ire of F Chea > Thi Y Sing 1 oud Ming's at; 5 J : : He tus ' oth men are Russians. ,» cadi was arouse it | counts in the end, and if we live » Mrs. M o nz hen. invited. to [BBO Lal Scugog. - t further | the cadi was aroused. ruil is eap IS ear | way God wants us to live, we will he { he un {orm i G j " tl eff ti Biological Survey Fiver I : Cid a ¢ hoy : I i" per | "Take your hat off," ordered the AT ot Must Leave Town, : a ' dered th able to say a 5 We that. « well,' he declared. : ; | magistrate. | Pleading guilty in police court | Complying, 'the man absentmind- Can Plenty For Next Year words of a person ord o a second offence of] a vin : y yesterday t edly placed his pipe in his mouth. cherish most but th "Leave the court room," the chief {i time between g of police commanded. Hi must be accounted for being drunk Thomas O'Connor, a young Oshawa man, was fined $20 if and costs by Magistrate Hind. The . 3 T OWS. Boerolir i Sis ih ost ' a If i oy a light sentence had a rider attached Shamefacedly and considerably B Grid P. Burrow , Seer i | anadian Horticultural Council, on a pilgrims from s " 7) ad ; : i iN od n a, H H i ITER winter t 3 Lg i 2 ann to the effect that the erring one crest-fallen the one, who had laid Ig SNe an pleaty for a tt winter, I ave no We « in on ie t N y should leave town immediately. ©'-| himself open to a contempt of court RC l oy phil : i of th or of ) we "har ickiv bi i . _--" mem" ---- ES now th reator a ' Connor claimed he had procured the | charge, quickly disappeared from | Pris voir have in the frait d , Lint row the (of thy youth," he admonished My liquor legally, from the government |the chamber. tricts of Canuda a titul Grob Ye 3 Jj A Oy a 9 : to yeopl wa 1 | 14 8 anada a: ful « tops on tightly « val \ ord -i Ore Was prese or the, : dispensary at Toronto. i peach oar Ei i os : : al ep oh I § Mo re was pi nt f he pre need of the ri tl ve | & s bea a1 pha and ) i itly, pe ofl ti 0 de a week-end services and his A 51 SR NOPY FY i Ra ra A : - every rua n vears the next et oaw ereat on thie ol . tho y . Trains Delayed by Wreck. | Sydney Stone i 18 1 ero I'he lic : . h greatly enjoyed Dy the me ) e m po : n erop e leit * thrifty house- | Syrup Vormula the Corps. The Harvest where {t 13 n Friday evenin raffic on the wife should th an this year " ru 1 y sugar, 1 eng ; gh i i ne 3 On Friday g traff th Guilty of Assault; ife should ti rh nl r, ? services were continued Just evorin G.T.R., west of Belleville was held S d S an abundant supply which: will ca Wi le boil. To n farther boil when a m ical program was render pe. up for two hours as the result of a uspen entence i... over for tuo year I any easel? or 5 minut dh the Lode as Uns ore : wreck which occurred at Sydney w---- {the food is chean and lodinm Thi Sy Same pro o direction of . ader Mi e loosed 1 ) Lake \ rossing, seven miles west o elle- earing in police court yester- now is the time to ge 18¢ of | por bo i 5a ) ary Howing the progran cug C | ve 4 1 t of Bell Appearing in poli t ter t 2 (hol Martin." FoHow the progr: i i ville. The train to meet with 'the {day morning Fred Paifield, an ex- what is available Phere is really "TN run proportions, sale of vegetables was held, the pro | d S50 r reco mishap was the local runni be- | service man, was found guilty on ano excuse for un vasewife who | hoiled frem S to NMAULES ( intl coeds amounting to more than $20 hs tween Toronto and Brockville, which [charge of common assault prefe ad omits the capaing of frait from her soft hall sta : St, pt 1 twp 3 passed through Oshawa at 2.50 o'- by Sydney Stone, 303 Albert Street. fall program Not stir until yom ea ee that » t "mont en i clock in the afternoon. The con-|Taking into consideration the fact| "he following cue : for can-{aN ihe. He a ra D K 1 r I hough ¥isw > TK 8 ) { . . A 3) i owin 1 ( a he gar, is « ved ind no | : : ductor, and the brakeman sustained | that Patfield had fought in the de- nigg, given Nit Muldrew, | longer. { r.iaise ( rinidad. 1 x ih some cuts, an several passengers | fence of his country J strate Hind are the result « Sara" stinz] " w 2 ) i h L , I ng f { hi: M Hind tl na ars' testing Fime Table oe ; «= suffered minor injuries. The ex-|allowed him to go on suspended and are therefor t practical Apples: Blanch 1% 1 tel (Continued from page 1) Ans ¢ bpress car and six coaches jumped | sentence. , Equipinent may be elaborate or |ilize 50 minut x { i " : 0 : | Chris rails 2 3 'no je . . ry s le. tha 3 RE . i : : ah 1., [the police force to eject i Speci k \ 000 i the alls and rolled down a slight It appear according to the evi- ¥ Fy Simpl . hat common in use in| Fruit juice Boil in open kettl Commitiee" from the Park last ve « x . M. embankment. dence, that a foud had been raging "OUs°0 : us 1} he wash boiler with {20 minut h aquired J ersights Were consieued: In never n tr : -- A Pp NTE Nor a 3 ial @ rack to keep the i'r from touch Grap and plun Do not blaneh © OVE ig werd 0 raed by 4 : X H mh between the two ever since Patfield 6 Botio : : J 1 fal' Compiittee Both 1 n and Re My gin Starts Series of Sermons. returned from overseas. A week |'"® i gi oe Of Lhe "boils r. 'A min | rontentol Nic Mi ; bie 1dr sd 10 20 aul tray t colt On Sunday evening Rev. J. L. Har- | ago Sunday evening matters came to os 4 one-period col Bianch : minute; | PX val hi SoH i han 5 a i g B t mrse fro : v : . gd ck m wl is most ' ive 1 " we i asdaaded wtually and in 1 mgh H 3 ie Ww ) ma 1S a n > t i Penton. pastor of the Baptist Church, |a head on King street, near the Me- D005 MEAG 10 mo jective, de- stemlize 16 minut A were doipe something thal. woul . . sola g . =--delivered the first of a series of five | thodist church when Patfield saw |, nay oi did) Is wasily managed, | Df ' hut Ber use: thie Commission. bul apparent Christian Ambassadors = oy ; . ! : ermons on the life of Joseph. The | Stone talking to his (Patfield's) wife |p, 0 0 TotW hy anyone. iil : ' iinet 4 sik ; At the wonclusion of th edi ut go ubject of Sunday evening's dis- | and her mother. He immediately al el Quinces Bianch 2 human Rev. J. H. MeBain, on Lehalf ; ;m u wed I " h 1 , ) x n | a0 oni oO . yhic ' \ t ourse was "Parent to Pit" while | walked up to Stone and proceeded shai y one {sterilize ( te : { (3) We had $1,000 at Ar COM: yarious City « N oi : M 1 LUKhe subject for next Sunday eve ning | to give him a beating. Judging by no Es A ; hy ' neee Jb ffomato Blanch 15 minute mand, of LL h Y 7 We pel Re \ ael his 16 V diratt;)) be "From Pit to Palace." A|Stone's appearance the ex-soldier [oi¥'s DYLOT SUROL all purposes the ster i - : 13: Upon making a fu temen y t of me The o o ¥ in ho 5° congregation was present for |succeeded Church-goers topped Well Mil. danni wh ' 3 equally i Lo ¢ Sterilize 200 min- |, Mr. McLaughlin o enses, like : : : 6 of . or | j g i 48 E oa re ut wo St. e first address of the series which | the fr . Stone said that he had ind cleanline i WE ea 1 gentler Wrote his a . | mii Re n sa ¢ « y i i i i a " 5 nit V ' Wing reaches we \ 1 p 1 ¢ aceomp $s given in connection with the |made no attempt to fight back. tho instruct : ; exch expre wonCer w ny were going on am import int | p aw 19 Diy Pash inrg : © instructic by those who Blanch, cold-dip, remove stones, lished so much for the money. 2 : n . 2 ' =--==rvest Festival. The Life of Jo- : x i i i > aries ' t Aad ubassadors of Christ. {None o the ya bir h contains one of the most in- In finding the defendant guilty have given of st and exper-| pack in cover yrup asi {e) Our problem now is how to § Daal J - 3 i i Stale the Magistrate spoke as follows: |imenting there is vy little chance | thie desired ad t 1 covers ihe { pus possible with $666.20 uh iy »sting stories in the Bible and g I . A i: 5 nce Hs } a h the be campus po ¥ giving A a WEA sermons should prove profit "No place in the British empire ¢an for failure, and ize 16 inte a er avs, "fl im the Gepr in : T ¥, py o H rong |] i p 5 > 0 our Mi ALL KI to every 5 4 a man personally seek redress. He! Explanation of Terms i'm Pears ls with loads of ear Stalter Rex M ; deal has recourse only, to the courts of Scaldi Means pouring very hol Remove the skin, cut in halves orlijs absolutely right; he rally i hy la x 3 1s at is : Ware . iwater ev the fruit t ' 1 the aarters AGSIROE hey may be [hut a mifltee could find the % A 1 Sales & 41 at B ist Chunch the land, that is what they a for. | a Ir 1a J lo n the'lin quarters as desir 1 2: they may b but e ile « uld find Ie 1 " rot our } : ond Yio Tires fof most enjoyable harvest home In view of the fact that you served |* id . mimnate objectionable canned the stems on. To leur within miles of the de} jor toads § church Bh : i . 3 ire i » EB ag g ict (ACIS. roid \ . ith a sil-lan to bring it from beyond would : 0 all A aly « rietorsi? was A . i nin the empire in the European conflict | EET : : avoid d ation pare with a and to bring it f{ yor ) Id me that ¥ - = was bola bd Khe Buditorium or I will deal with. you leniently. Sen-| Ilanching. Means steaming or | ver knife d drop into cold watericost $5,000, As soon as Mr. Stalter ' RO of eh-| ence is suspended. You must, | PPiling in water. The fruit is placed uniil all are ready for canning. Pack |ghows us how to do a $5.000 job for a ~ ¢ Rev. J. L. Harton, presided as ew 3 ATE. 5 satay: [in a cheese cloth bag or a wire bas- : 1d th Yrap. and serilize < hod will receive a 4 n. Refreshments were sery- however, immediately procure a po- k ! wire ba nto . add thin syrup and serilize | his meth y : FURNITE | Lo res 5 YC | sition." ot, 20 minutes. [try. Mr. Coad wants the sod r dry build the ladies of the church and " Cold-dip.-- Means to chill quic |, The addition of 1 mor cloves and replaced; Mr. Coad is also r Day pho horoughly enjoyed. A de- D. A. J. Swanson appeared for | by dipping into cold wa: This vv tho Rat ste of tite sweetie Tiscaliv | bit 5 milan situation son Road musical program was Tun Stone and J. A. McGibbon for Pat- sists in removing the skin, and set-| fruit. immediately arises. The cost is found fr i the following coptributing | field. {ting the coloring matter, giving the Grape Jelly to be too great. # r Jovi 2 ister color as well as making! Pick over, wash and remove stems) (ry Paving regard to the question 2 i sas the fruit more casily handled in|from Canadian grapes before placing of the "wrong time" interfering with . B RIDOUT packing ato the jars [in preserving kettle. Heat to boil-| 04s We, the Committee, not be- ¢ i Bldg., Yong ! pe Any Jars with sound [ing point, 12 ash, then boil 30 min- fi) 0 actually baseball players, thought = tered Pater {tops which fit, using new rubbers. utes. Place in a double thickness iyo¢ these games were all over for the free booklet Ihe jar does not matter so long cheesecloth ha ow juice 10 ves but in order that we should : 1 ji ai be Eade airtight, All jars drop through, sure juice and |yake no mistake, T personally inter 8 : Fd {Sesd oh SANE hould be put into [boil 5 minutes. Add : n equal meas- viewed Mr. Joe Welsh, president of Ti 2 . Ey SHARP & lu r i cold water, which should ure of heated sugar, boil 3 minutes, ye Baseball Club; told him we wanted ne Fu rel C ommuitiee has purcha fo w ien be brought to a boil and boile d | then skim aad pour into glass i fix the grounds, and asked if the : est Tore lat least five I i jlo Lx 2 ed tit Re of sial ; Public Bui jt) as i . wiingtes 8. The rubbers ear Chips games were over. Joe emphatically as- a a guaniity o tw cod slabs, EN and tops should stand in scalding ] Ihe. « Ps > 11 done x \ design, effi scalding . ars sured me their games were all done. whi 1 t y ES & \ wate quiz ich , at : ate Se) Youle a. 1% 1b. i is he will not deny. ney offer for sale at : ~ any o "anadi: a y singer | 3 p Fruit eg Couadian he J] BF ginger. 1 (g) It was fixed in the minds of Select firm Can n fruit not ov § ys, SWEpr {the Committee, and agreed upon, that ] ripe, remove any b Sor ere le oy . work should start as soon after the : , y bry s or decayed Select pears which are firm and box: A 2 parts, and grade so that th 1 3 I . Wib fair as possible; last vear we began a d 8, @ ra $ ee x 3 ver-ripe. \ ly y stems ripe. a "oy of 'the jars shall be of unit Sonvents mot ves ig Remove St hit wipe too late and got caught in the frost. I Blanch or scald the roc I = Ze. Iquarier Sod core: then chip 1010 rr Go became a little 100 enterprising @® chill by cold-dipping ay: pa k Sau, a Hout, ji i di this year it was to recover the error g # A ACK Oi skins). Sugar ant 4 ge © 9 the jars to within a half inet § Co. Bid of 1921. £ a 1 of the {let stand over night. In the morning 2 i - i let t. | (h) It may disappoint some strag-, per cord t | PY top. . Fill within one-quarter inch |add lemons cut in small pieces, re- : Church, of 'S {OL We top with boiling sy rup. ject seeds, and cook slowly 3 hours £ling or Jveguiar games the end of i. ! L ace a new rubber on the jar, and |or until thick. Put into marmalade |this season, but we cannot dance on v 1 ar |so adjust the top and the ring that oi Bind] ' _ (the kitchen floor and scrub it at the Cut i in One ft. lengths and deliv er- li hall ti glasses and cover with paraffin wax tig Our aun ic to wa tg 13 O d ) shall not be quite tight. If rings Damson Plum Jam same time. 8 lo pass mn 14 ed In Y y - ACCOUNT . are used screw tightly then loosen 4 1bs. Canadian Damson Plums future generations of Canadian boys, ne cor ots. Any 'one wish | . . . a little, if perfect seal jars are used ¢ Ibs.' sugar an athletic ground not surpassed by ing to purchase one cord of this { i » I-size, full-weight, solid bar do not push 'down the side wire, Wash #he fruit, place in a kettle avy in our fair Dominion. Any little pos tr . " " Place the jars on a rack in the |with a litile water and cook until mistakes which may have been made adjusted; d soap iS SURPRISE Josue with water to come up near |soft enough to remove the pits. If Were merely inc idental: the intention > the top of the jars. Count the time | desired remove the pits. Heat the Was to improve, and not to obstruct, {of sterilization from the time the sugar before adding to the het fruit, inconvenience, or offend any interest investigat r any and all household use. | water begins to bot. Soe that the Sagan or cause." wood may leave an order with the Town Clerk and pay for same. trustee i < k ] or a 1 to a boil and boil dleton, . | boiler lid is tight fitting. When they minute Put into glasses and cover | {\ Yours truly, 82% § are sufficiently sterilized, remove with paraffin wax. I T. E, KAISER.

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