Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Sep 1922, p. 3

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cn OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 ------------ pa-- rr ------ Local Health Dept. (Continued from page 1) with the Board of Health in a quiet ||{'corner of the Fair Grounds, This '"\'was a great boon to mothers with young babies, The tent was taste- returned | fully decorated with posters illus- 'Oshawa and District Vegetables For C. A, Shelter, Children of Mary 8t. School, who Miss 50 ONLY COLLEEN RRAND EAK- FART CLOTIG © This 18 a wonderful value, as the cloths are excellent quality and the pattern one of the most popular, A NEW SHIPMENT OF FALL SWEATERS The famous Monarch Knit lines which carry a reputation that 1s hard to beat, Both misses' and women's sizes, In comfortable, stylish and PIANO LESSONS Bambridge has received seeds last spring from the Horticultural Society, have donated the vegetables left after the prize winning exhibits were Jselected for the fair, to the children's shelter, I ---- Hospital Board Met The regular monthly meeting of the Board of the Oshawa General Hospital was held in the Nurses' Home, Alex: andra Street, on Tuesday evening. Only routine business was transacted. Finish School Addition Owing to construction work on the new two-room addition to the Cobourg Consolidated Public School, the school did not open until Wednesday. Mr. Chas, Gummer is the new principal, and there are six additional changes in the teaching staff, To Instal Alarms The equipment necessary for the in- stallation of several extensions to the fire alarm, system of the town into the homes of firemen has arrived in town, Fire Chief A, C, Cameron stated yes- terday that these alarms would be in- stalled within a few days, Mr, McLeod To Say Farewell Rev. Duncan McLeod will give a farewell address in the Preshyterian Church on Monday evening next, Sept. 18th, This will be Mr, McLeod's last public appearance in Oshawa, as he will be leaving shortly to take up his work in the Far East. Both Mr, and Mrs. McLeod were more than generous with their services when residing here and it is expected a large num- ber will be present to wish them bon voyage. teaching plano at the home of Mrs, A. F, Hind, 121 8imcoe St. 8.,, on|necessary for from her vacation and will resume] trating different health topics. A dainty layette and the Squibnient ables bathing of Dive pattern cloths are 45 x 45" and only $1.88 each station; outside of one.--Toronto Globe Rebekahs Present the first part of Mrs, Forgey was following address, to come, Monday, Sept. 11th, 69-a|were on Belleville wants a new rallway|young babies, good health rules for How much happier is To-| children and pamphlets telling of ronto, which can gaze freely at the|the varied peace time activities of who visited the tent, Pen to Mrs. Forgey doubtedly act as an inspiration to On Friday evening, September 8,|jes in local about twenty-five of the members of | of this magazine is given free to Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 8, 1.0.0.F, gave a surprise party at the home of | tion may he had by any individual Mrs, B, Forgey, 51 Ritson Rd, N, After | child on payment of fifty cents, the entertainment presented with %, beautiful Emblematic pin by Mrs, W. W. Caverly, on behalf of the Lodge, | the Geheral Hoopital, and wire in and N.G. Mrs, 8. Schwartz read the |#ppreciated by mothers Dear Sister: --It Is with a great deal | ;} poq Cross nurse and her host of pleasure that we gather here to-| 5p Req Cross workers, while she night to share with you an evening of | yo ofr to enjoy the many features pleasure, Since we have had the plea- sure of your companionship we have |, \stered chairs, kindly loaned by learned to esteem you as one of our dearest sisters, Your pleasing person- . greatly added both to the appear ality, and cheerful disposition have ance of the tent and the comfort of won a place in our hearts for all time But just as we have learned your | of the Red Cross and other interest- stirling worth as a companion, and |ed members, was tireless friend we are confronted with the fact | taining all visitors to the tent, and that you are going to leave our midst. | Miss L. Holland was always ready to We sincerely regret this, and would | give any information on any feature not have you depart from among us!of the work. Literature care of exhibition, dealing with the proper the Red Cross were distributed to all visitors to the tent, The "Red Cross Junior," magazine was much in demand by the boys and girls This will un- the foundation of many new auxiliar- schools, A copy , | ach auxiliary, but a yearly subscrip- Cots Welcome The cots were kindly loaned by babies who were glad of the oppor- tunity to leave them in the care of of the grounds, The comfortably Luke Brothers Furniture Company, many tired people. Mrs, F. W, Cow- an, with members of the executive in enter- your reach. in price 45c¢, 65¢, 75¢, $1.00 and $1.25 yd. Cashmere Hose for Children The cool weather is here and heavier Hose for children will be in great demand. The "Little Nell" make i8 one which we have no hesitation in recommending both for its durability and for its good appearance, It is a 1-1 rib pure wool in Black, Brown, Red and White. All 40-in. without trying in some way to show our appreciation for the many kind- nesses you have shown us, and for the faithfulness as a true Sister, Oshawa Fair sizes 4-10. From 35c¢ to 85¢ look to your supply for winter, keeper should always have plenty on hand, in Some beautiful styles are marked as low as $26.50 and from that up. NEW IMPORTED SCOTCH MADRAS Just cleared from the customs direct from the factories in Scotland to you. In the most handsome designs with plain or taped borders, 36-in, 45-in. and 50-in. wide. Ranging Best Quality Canadian Circular Pillow Cotton and 42-in, wide. Now Is the time to Every house- case of unexpected visitors, Specially Priced for 48c yd. warmth-giving sweater coats at mod- erate pwices from $3.50 to $7.50 each + The New Season's Wraps are as Different as Different Can Be This season's Coats are designed on wrappy lines that are every bit as comfortable as they are distinguished which is admitting a good deal. You'll love to slip into one of them, drawing its rich fur collar snugly about your chin. You'll experience a luxurious sensation just from handling the new velvety fabrics, of which they are fashioned. The prices are 50 moderate this season that even the most elaborate wraps are quite within PURE WOOL BLANKETS Whipped separately at both ends, white with blue bord- er 64" x 84" The height of comfort on a cold night, $8.75 pair We ask you to accept this pin as a (Continued from page 1) Only One Boy Lost token of our esteem, and we can as-| captivated with the program. Despite the large number of |sure you that while you wear it you] The outstanding number of the free children who attended the big fair, | will always find those who will be as | vaudeville acts was the work on the there was only one small boy who | pleased to meet you as we have been.!)orizontal and high bars by the Stein reported that he had lost track Of | mpygting that in wearing it you will er Trio. Of these three the two men his parents on the grounds. Hel, vs remember our Sisterhood here, were performing feats that even some was taken in charge at the Red |.;4 Jook back with pleasant memories |of the most experienced gymnasts fal Cross Rest Tent and the family fin-|,¢ vour most sincere Rebekah Sisters. (in. Their whole exhibition, however, ally re-united. While both the Red | Afar the reading of the address, and | was lightened considerably by various Cross and Board of Health officials |iye acknowledgment by Mrs. Forgey, | humorous touches, the case of the were prepared to attend to any ac-lay <4t down to a dainty lunch after | stout man losing his head when struck cidents that might have occurred, | which the party broke up with hand-| by a slap stick drawing many *"Ohs" only one minor mishap was reported | sp king and well wishing. from the fairer sex until it appeared | to the Red Cross and this was| prs Forgey leaves shortly to reside | again, when all relapsed into that | promptly attended to. in Belleville. state clearly showing they had been | "fooled again." Arrange For Years Work * The last number on the afternoon The Albert St. Home and School program was the balloon ascension of Club hold their meeting at four o'-| DOUPE-BRADBROOK -- At Grace |Andy Sheddon, who after rising into | clock this afternoon in the Albert| Church parsonage, Trenton, by Rev. | the air a distance of about 2,000 feet | St. School. Plans are to be drawn W. P. Woodger, on Monday, Septem- | on a bag filled with hot air, dropped up for the coming year's work, and ber 11th, George Henry Doupe and | safely to the ground. He landed in a full account of the meeting will Florence Louise Bradbrook, both of the north east section of the town appear in next week's edition of -------------------- without any injury to himself. | this paper. Manager "Ni" Dwan, of Hillcrests, Warwick and Warwick, a vaudeville ------ champions of the T. A. B. A. asked |4u0. put on a double act, their antics | Harvest Home for permission to play against Whit- {in connection with a trick house and | Harvest Home Services are to be | by, which was granted on the first | their attempts to sell a load of "spring | that will mean a saving. Styles and quali- held mt the Baptist Church on Sun-| date available, provided the date [hay keeping the crowds amused . A. ties that will give the wearer both comfort day. Rally Day in the Sunday |does not interfere with the Ontario |Bondo. a clown performing on stilts, | and pleasure. Only makes that have a School is to be observed in connec- | finals. Local fans are at a loss to |had an endless variety of stunts and reputation are represented tion therewith at the 11 a.m. service. | know why Dwan's clan should travel it inieht be Saiss handkerdbicie 2 | There will be 2 80 Semsion of the school o Such 3 secluded spot, Just for al, from various corners of his ou:-| A, fit even more often than a change in | tricks, which occurred every few minutes. | | The dancing of little Annle Logan, who went through the intricacies of the Highland Fling and the Sword Dance with the most apparent ease, | : 4 accompanied in the first number by a | + Cow with calf --R. R. McLaughlin, second clever dancer. was of such an {E. W. Webber, W. F. Batty. Date order that a second dance number also Heifer, 2 years and under 3--W. E. | was received with applause. They [Dyer & Son, W. E Dyer & Son, A ees------, cAnother Great Price Reduction The Standard-Designer Quarterly is now PURE BOTANY WOOL SERGE HOMESPUN SPORT HATS H4-in. wide. This is a big leader for Fall Suits and Dresses. The quality is ex- cellent, so fine and soft looking and Botany Serge adds style and grace to any (ome in all the leading del- costume for which it may 'cate : be used. $ hi ; \ C Special per yd. 2.48 each a Copy --only 15¢ a copy if bought with a Standard - Designer Pattern! This well-known fashion magazine showing the newest styles and materials for dresses, coats and suits--all for 15¢! When you buy a pattern ask for The Fall STANDARD-DESIGNER QUARTERLY On Sale at Our Pattern Department Cheaper than millinery and very stylish. The most pop- ular Hat that has appeared for a number of seasons. ET -- ssf EE ------ a Pa IR Fall and Winter Underwear For Women and Children According to the natural course of events, this will be a fairly cold winter, and the need of heavier underclothing will be in accordance We are now enabled to sup- ply your every want in these lines at prices DATES--ONTARIO COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS Keep For Reference a i A 1 ER A A. MARTIN, Limited 16 Simcoe St.S. - Phone 90 a Name of Fair Where Held Rama Tp. ¥ Rama Tp. Hall Sept. 14th | were accompanied by a piper in true Pergy. Mara Tp. + J Mara Tp. Hall . 15th | Hie land dress. Heifer, 1 year and under 2--R. R Claremont School Grounds 15th Sep McLaughlin, W. F. Batty, A. Pergy. Brougham School Grounds 19¢ E | Heifer, under 1 year--W. E. Dyer Whitby (Town) Whitby (Town Park) 20th xhibitors Who |& Son, W. E. Dyer & Son. itis Plekering School Grounds Sat Heifer calt--W. E. Dyer & Son, E. Thornton's Corners - School Grounds 22nd (Continued from page 1) W. Webber, T. Hall Uxbridge (Town) Fait Grounds 25th SHROPSHIRES : male. Sandford School Grounds 26th Ram, two shears and over--Levi Hera, ove jsle aud. Voree fe Goodwood School Grounds 27th Skinner, Levi Skinner. les. over 1 year, all the property Beaverton y * Fair Grounds 28th Shearling ram Levi Skinner. ov one owner. ist prize donated by Cannington Athletic Grounds 29th Ram lamb Levi Skinner. lw. F. Siva, PP. Quam Scugoz Scugog Tp. Hall . 2nd Ewe, two shears and over--Levi|w w Bares, W. &. Dyes & Sou, E. Manchester School Grounds 3rd Skinner, Levi Skinner, R. McLaugh-| oo oer Brooklin School Grounds sh lin. yearn d und W.D.D & School Grounds . 5t Shearling ewe--Levi Skinner, R. [YS and under--iv. I). Dyer & Son, Smok: Bacon Fair Grounds 6th McLaughlin, Levi Skinner. EW. Webber. ed Br. by Ewe lamb--Levi Skinner. BEEF CATTLE 3 Pen. one ram and four ewes-- Levi] COW, 3 years and over-- H. F. Wer- AE Skinner, ry & Son, W. H. Balson, H. T. Werry & Son. Heifer, 2 years--Mountjoy Bros. Mountjoy Bros, H. T. Werry & Son. Heifer, 1 year--Mountjoy Bras. | W. H. Balsom, Mountjoy Bros. | Steer or heifger calf, lw: WwW. F. Batty, W. H. Balsom. Steer or heifer calf, 1922 Ww. F. "| Werry & Son, Mountjoy Bros, Mount- | Ewe lamb--H. Fleming, H. Flom. |J07 Bros. ing. Steer, 1 year and under 2--W. H. | Pen. ram lamb and two ewe lambs | Balsom, Mountjoy Bros, W. H. Bal- Emphasizing the Professional |f"i- ai » Pen, one ram and four ewes--H.| Herd, 4 females, over 1 yorr--| ement m x Fleming. 1 Mountjoy Bros, W. F. Werry & Son, ' LIACESTERS | W. H. Balsom. Ram Lamb--H. Fleming. Best calf --W. F. Batty. { -- lamb--H. Fleming, H. Flem- Holsteins (Pare Brod) | g OXFORDS ,» 1 year and under 2-8 A. Northoott. . two shears and over--J. W.| Bull calf -S. A. Northoott. Balson, J. W. Balson. Cow, over 4 years--S. A. Northoott. Shearling ram--J. W. Balson. Heifer or cow 3 years and under Ram lamb--J W. Balson, J. W.[4S. A. Northoott. Balson. Heifer. 2 years and un 3-8. A. Ewe, two shears and over--J. W. Ya a Buy your Meats and Provisions at our store. Every pound has been Government Inspected; only the best and cleanest at Martin's. We deliver to any part of the town. Get of sire3 in class, any sex, 2 Greenbank Sunderland ® R. M.. TIPPER, x Agricultural Representative, SOUTHDOWNS LS xe ; Uxbridge, Out. Ram, two shears and over--Hil- {§|lard Fleming, Hillard Fleming. Shearling ram --H. Fleming. Ram Lamb--H. Fleming. ing. Ewe, two shears and over--H. Fleming, H. Fleming. jencing. ewe--H. Fleming, H No matter how fine the goods or complete the stock-- a drug store will still be inferior if professional service is lacking. modern methods of dispensing and compounding. Balson, J. W. Balson. The personal element counts--in other departments Shearli Ww of a drug store too--for people have learned to asso- We pie see. W. Bala, 3. ciate high quality and superior service with anything Ewe lamb--J. W. Balson. Heifer, 1 year and under 2-8. A. Northoott Heifer calf--S. A. Northoott. Herd, one male and 3 females. sold in a drug store. Jwy & Lovell At our store you are always assured court- 'cous and competent service--{rom men who * are especially fitted for their work "SERVICE IS THE THING" The Rexall Stores F. W. Thompson Pen, one ram and four ewes--J. W. Balson. in harness--G. W. McLaughlin, E. W. McLaughlin, G. A. M. Davison. Lady driver, young lady to he un- der 30 years of age and unmarried-- L. Corden. SHORTHORNS (Pure Bred) Bull, 2 years and over--W. E. Dyer & Son, E W. Webber, W. H. Bal- som. Bull, 1 year and .under 2--W. F. Batty, W. E. Dyer & Son. Bull. under 1 wear--R. R. Mec- Laughlin, E. W. Webber, W. E. Dyer | Jul cat. F. Batty, E. W. Web- Dry cow in call--W. D. Dyer. E. W. Webber, W. F. Batty. over 1 year, all the property of one owner. First prize donated by Mr. D. M. Tod, Oshawa--S. A. Northoott. QOTSWOLDS 3 Ram, two shears and over--¥F. RB. Glaspell, Wm. Brown. Shearling Ram--F. B. Glaspell. Ram lamb--F. B. Glaspell, F. Glagpell. Ewe, two shears and over--¥F. Glaspell, F. B. Glaspell. Shearling ewe--F. B. Glaspell, . Glaspell. Ewe lamb--F. B. Glaspell, F. 'Glaspell. Pen, ram lambs and ewe lambs bred by exhibitor--F. B. Glaspell. Pen, one ram and four ewes--F. RB. Glaspell. {Continued on page 5)

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