OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 PAGE FIVE cp ft porting World News Oshawa Eleven Easily Dispose of Shamrocks Losers Were Outclassed At All Stages--Locals Made Best Showing of Season--Score 6-1--Another Large Crowd in Attendance That soccer is coming into its own in Oshawa has been shown by the fine attendances at T. and D. games recently, The Ontario Cup fixture with Hamilton 'drew the largest crowd of this or any other season here and on Saturday when Oshawa met and defeated Sham- rocks, of Toronto, at Alexander Park, they were greeted by several hundred fans. Shamrocks, 'who won the third division last season, nosing Oshawa out of the champion- ship by one point, were unable to do anything with the Red Shirts, and succumbed by the score of 6 to : Showing their best form of the season Oshawa had their opponents smothered throughout the game and had they forced the play continually, a much larger score would have re- sulted, Two goals were registered in the first three minutes, Frankie Sturch securing both counters and during the first half the locals brought their total up to four. Shamrocks' only goal was tallied a- bout ten minutes after play com- menced, the visiting centre man getting past the Oshawa backs, who were playing away down the field and netting the ball from a few feet out from the goal, Oshawa Much Better, Shamrocks served up a different style of soccer than has heen seen in previous T. and D. games here this year. They adopt the follow- up system instead of advancing hy short sharp combination. That was how they scored their only goal and they narrowly missed a couple more by rushing in fast. However, with the score 2 to 1, the Red Shirts were all over the Irish until the end of the game. The visitors were kicking against a strong wind dur- ing the first half but in the second with the odds in their favor, it was seldom they visited Oshawa terri- tory, which brought out the decided superiority of the winners. Sturch Scores Two, Sturch landed the first goal in one minute after taking a pass and working around the Shamrock backs. The second goal came two minutes later when E. Brown pass- ed to Hayball and the latter centred to Sturch who again scored. It looked like a walk over for the lo- cals but the visitors came back with a rush and caught the Oshawa backs away from their ~ positions. The centre man of the Irish got through and beat King, making the count 2 to 1, Sturch had a chance to make the score 3 but kicked over the goal, Hayball secured the ball and on a well placed shot almost heat the visiting goalie, Sturch blocked the ball when the goalie threw it out and shot but again failed. A minute later he got right in front of the goal and might have scored easily had he shot ac- curately, Instead he kicked the ball straight up in the air, Osha- wa's third counter was scored after a mix-up in front of the Shamrock goal, while the fourth went to Hay- hall who scored after Finlay had saved a shot following a corner kick. Two In Second Half Just after play commenced in the second half Sturch secured the fifth goal. Nichols displayed some good judgment in passing, placing the ball directly in front of the goal on several occasions, Sturch gave a pretty exhibition when he tried to go through to the goal alone and almost succeeded. Hayball se- cured the last tally on a lone at- tempt but he had to work hard to get it. He forced his way around two or three of the visitors and then rushed in and scored. During the last few minutes the Shamrock goal was besieged and Finlay was given an exceedingly busy time, Next Saturday Oshawa are sched- uled to play North Toronto in Tor- onto but the latter want to stage the fixture in Oshawa. Providing there are no attractions here on that date, the game may be transferred to Oshawa. The teams were: Shamrocks Finlay Murray Brown Duncan Wilson Glanville Ham Oshawa King Payne L.B. Robertson R.H. E. Brown C.H. D. Brown L.H. Bell O.R. Hayball Culbeft LR. Sturch King C.F, Rorason McKee I.L. Gow Orr 0.L. Nichols Referee--J. Richardson. t Goal R.B. Just a little like this: Autolitis By BASIL ALGAR Joe Brimp, he had a dandy car That suffered from Autolitis; Its symptoms were and perhaps you are STEERING GEAR it had the wobbles, Needed bushings, pins and toggles; CHANGING GEARS made a terrible racket Like a bowling alley in the attic. MUDGUARDS they did shake and rattle Much like guns in final battle; BODY was so full of squeak, T. AND D.F.A, STANDING, oC -- PW. DL: PF, AP. G. A. UiV..v 17 13 3 22 27 Cowans .... 17 11 24 23 Oshawa .. 16 11 9 24 2: Telfers 16 10 16 22 Sons of Eng. 16 9 25 20 Shamrocks . 16 6 34 16 Earlscourt V. 17 5 1 34 12 Kew Beach U.14 § § 23 10 Viet. 1. +... 17. 8 12 22.33 10 N. Toronto. 17- 1 016 62 2 Saturday's Games Shamrocks v. Telfers--A. Kerr, G.A.U.V, v. Cowans--S. Kemp. | Earlscourt Vets. v. Toronto United --J. Lamb, North Toronto v. Oshawa--J. Mil- sip. Victoria United v. Sons of England --C, Mason, Sporting Paragraphs Walt Fair was unable to take part in the Oshawa-Cobourg game in Cobourg Saturday afternoon ow- ing to a sprained ankle sustained in the Bowmanville game here last Wednesday, Patton held down the third sack, Ray Belding was on first, Pellow going to right field, Mor- rison was given his initial tryout in Central League company and his hitting was a feature of the game. The Central League season is over as far as Oshawa is concerned but local fans will watch with inter- est the result of the play-off series between Peterboro and Belleville and should the Railroaders he suc- cessful in defeating Leaside in one of the two games yet to play. The C.0.B.1L., season locally has not been the success of former years in regard to the standing of the team, but supporters of the Oshawa Club are discouraged over the showing and are looking forward te putting across a winning team in 1923. Oshawa landed the championship in 1921 and while the fans would have liked to see the Johnson Cup remain in Oshawa, they cannot expect to land it every year. Leaside Win Game By Protest Route | From Port Hope Two protests were heard yester- day in Port Hope before the Cen- | tral League sub-committee, In the | Lieaside-Port Hope | former were awarded the game, Port Hope used a player who did not hold |a certificate against Cobourg and | later against Leaside, although Co- | bourg had protested. | tween Cobourg and Leaside of Aug- ust 23rd, which Cobourg won was ordered replayed providing the re- sult had any bearing on the league | standing. Owing to rain cancelling yester- day's fixture in Belleville between | Leaside and the Trunks, a double- | header has been 'ordered for Wed- |nesday afternoon in Cobourg. It | Belleville captures one game, they {will win the second half and the {right to meet Peterhoro. Kay of Peterboro and Boundy, of Cobourg, { will be the umpires, | President Parsons was unable to attend the meeting in Port Hope and | Vice president M. J. Dedman, of | Lindsay presided. Those present were: M. J. Dedman, Lindsay; Past President Lockington, Port Hope; ¥. D. Craig, Peterboro; Rev. D. C. Ramsay, Belleville; J. C. Nott, Oshawa. George Peacock looked after Leaside's interests, while A. C. Kimmell represented Cobourg. dispute, the The game be-| Locals Lose to Cobourg After Derry Tried Iron Man Stunt But Had to Quit--Evans Makes Circuit Clout Oshawa forced Cobourg to go ten innings in order to win by a score of 9 to 8 in the Lakeshore Town Saturday afternoon. "Punch" Der- ry after pitching a six innings con- test against Lindsay in the first game of a double bill, then went in to twirl his teammates to victory over Oshawa. The Oshawa crew, however, developed a hitting streak. In the fourth Derry was chased to the showers to be relieved by Schaf- | fer, who held the visitors scoreless after the fifth frame, when they | scored one run, Evans Hits Homer For the first five stanzas, hits were numerous, Oshawa collecting no less than ten while Cobourg touched Gallagher for six. In the third Johnny Evans came through with an old time smash, driving the ball out into a corn field for a home run lL with Belding on ahead of him. In| | | runs. Lindsay Win | Twice Saturday Defeat Both Cobourg and Port Hope Saturday--Bowmanville Blanked by Belleville The results of Saturday's Central League fixture were not productive of any surprises except the Peter- * boro-Leaside game in Leaside, Five Extra Inning were staged, a doubleheader veing played in Cobourg, Lindsay opposing the Yanks in the opener and then motoring over to Port Hope for the regular scheduled game, The Lindsay-Cobourg game was arranged for five innings but la sixth was necessary to decide a winner, the Greybirds putting over) the only counter of the game in the extra stanza. Bowmanville Blanked Grand Trunks toyed with Bow- manville in the Quinte City Satur- day afternoon, when they shut them out 10 to 0, pounding Chambers all over the lot. Vern Weir, crack short- stop for the locals, played a star game. He had no errors, made a spectacular catch in the fourth in- ning, made two home runs and one two-bagger, got on base four times out of five times up, and scored four runs himself. hagger into a homer, th, Mallen pitched five innings for the next session four hits netted four | the locals, and Williams four. Both The entire side went to.bat | pitched superior ball, no passes he- | and two men were left on bases. Pat- | ing issued b¥ the three pitchers. Mal- [ton and Pellow were both easy outs |len struck out seven and Williams at first but Legge drew four balls [to be followed with singles by Mor-| ning. | rison and Belding and a two bag-| one Evans walked and | strike-out. | ger by Rowden, | Saunders singted. Gallagher ended | the procession by rolling to Schaf- | fer who had replaced Derry after | Evans had been walked. | Tied In Fifth Oshawa tied the count in the fif {th by putting across one counter on | two singles. Schaffer then settled down and during the last | frames, the visitors only gathered | two hits. Cobourg notched a run in the second on Legge's error, a single and a sacrifice. They added four more in the third, on three singles | and two walks, and three in the fourth on two singles, a walk and an error, They failed to score again | until the tenth when Patton fumbled Higginbotham's hit and Thompson and McCaffery singled. There were none out when the winning run was scored. Despite the faet that both teams were out of the running, it had all the earmarks of being a champion- | ship game. The fielding was good | and the batters helped themselves to | a choice collection of safeties. Osh- | awa contributed three errors and Co- bourg two, while the visitors out- hit the Yanks 12 to 10. The way Johnny Evans clouted the hall over the fence reminded the Cobourg fans of the trimming Oshawa hand- ed them at home in the second half when the Booth boys hammered Derry's offerings to all corners of the Park. Port Hope Holds Record The Oshawa ball team have lost | their last five or six games but | should they be called upon to play Leaside, they should make an at- tempt to pull out a victory as it is impossible to establish a league re- cord in the number of games lost. Cobourg had the distinction of not winning a game two years ago while Port Hope have gone one better this year, Port Hope won one game this year from Leaside which was pro- tested by Leaside and the game was | given to the Peacocks. "Teddy" Gallagher twirled well | against Cobourg and received good | support, although two of the errors five | five, each fanning three in one in- Each pitcher was touched for hit only, Chambers had one | Two For Lindsay Mr. W, A. Harrold, Boys Secretary of the Y.M.C.A,, has' planned to take a number of Oshawa boys to Toronto Saturday to take part in the Ontario Boys' championship athletic meet, which is being held under the auspices of the Broadview Boys' Fall Fair. Six lentries have been received by Mr. | Harrold but every boy under 20 years of age Is eligible to compete. Miss Luke Quits (Continued from page 1) tory for three hours a week, as there is no laboratory at Bishop Bethune College, Miss Wilson had communicated with' Mr. Althouse, | and he had mentioned that Saturday | mornings might be _free. Request Refused, In answer to a question from Trustee Brown, during the discus- sion on this request, Prin. Althouse, who was present at the meeting last night, stated that Mr. Stephenson, the science master at the High School, pertainly spent a great deal of time in the laboratory on Satur- days. It would not be possible to rent the room during school days, and the whole question therefore is that it hardly seems fair to Mr. Stephenson to let an outside class and staff use a room for which he is Ross, for the locals | responsible, not only for the room |also pounded out a circuit clout. | itself but for the thousands of dol- Moyse, for the visitors, went out |lars worth of equipment in it. He when he tried to stretch a three-| pointed out that it did not interfere Pitcher Wil- | liams got a three-bagger in the eigh- | when the B.B.C. students took their with the work of the High School | lectures with the regular High | School classes. It was therefore | moved by Messrs. Storie and Saund- | ers that the College be informed that the Board regretted that it is | unable to accede to their request, owing to the use of the laboratory at all times, The report of the Finance Com- mittee was presented by Trustee H. S. Smith in the absence of the chair- man, Trustee J. B. Thompson. Among the accounts passed for pay- ment was one to KE. Mothersill, for $1,700 worth of eoal and to the Fowlds Fuel Company for $712.92 for Public School purposes and $712.05 for High School purposes, These accounts are for soft coal, some of which has already been de- livered.All the schools, with the ex- ception of the Centre Street instita- tion and the portable schools, burn soft coal. The accounts totalled $3,374.12, to which was added the pay for last month which amounted to $632.48, making a total for all accounts of $4,006.60. Those present at the Board meet- ing were:--Chairman C. N. Henry, Trustees E. W. Drew, Mrs. E, C. Myers, H. A. Saunders, W. P, Knight, H. 8, Smith, Alex. Brown, S. J. Storie, Major F. Chappell, Dr. D. S. Hoig, and Mrs. J. L. Cornwall, and Mr. A. E. Garbutt, Secretary and Supervising Principal of the Public Schools, and Mr. J. G. Alt- house, Principal of the High School. Thur., Fri, Sat, Matinee Sat. REGENT Cloria "SWANSON Mer Gilded | After nosing out Cobourg in the] first half of the double bill in Co-| | hourg, the Greybirds clashed with | Port Hope in the Jatter.town where they grabbed their second win of the afternoon by 8 to 3. In Lea- | side, the Athletics took kindly to Kirn's offerings and Al Heckman | was called upon to relieve the situa- tion but could not save the game for the Petes, Should Belleville defeat | Leaside in one game this week, the Grand Trunks will be declared win- ners of the second section, CLOSE SEASON WITH DANCE The Regiment bringing their season to a close with Football Club are | a big dance which will be held in the armories to-morrow evening. The hig hall has been gorgeously decor- ated with flags while much time is being spent on the floor. Sgt. Maj. Green has arranged for the Vene- tian Serenaders of Toronto to furn- ish music. | Leaside Surprise ' C.0.B.L. Fans By Beating the Petes Leaside Athletics are the only ag- gregation that can check Belleville's championship march in the second section of the Central League. Belle- ville have only two more games to play and those two are with Leaside. The Peacocks were at the height of their form Saturday afternoon when they took Jake Solomon's crew in- to camp by a score of 7 to 6 and by winning the protest at Port Hope yesterday Leaside jumped from fif- ith place into fourth position. George Peacock's crew must win their three remaining games to even tie with the Grand Trunks and after- wards defeat the Trunks in the play- off. The standing of the teams to date is as follows: ! Won Belleville 10 | Peterboro 9 Leaside 6 .600 | Cobourg 8 667 Lost P.C 833 .643 benefit. Satisfies the sweet tooth,and --aids appetite apd digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and Don't miss the joy of the new NIP$--the candy-coated peppermint tid bit! . Chew it after every meal. | assisted Coburg in the run column. | He fanned two men, while schaffer | struck out two and Derry one. Schaf- | fer hit one batter and walked one. Derry. only walked two batters but was hit hard. Gallagher hit two bat- | ters and walked four. Only a fair was on hand for the Sounded like the wind so bleak. BEARINGS they knocked and pounded Like thunder before it's grounded; | REAR END hummed and growled | | Lindsay 8 Bb 571 | Bowmanville 6 3 .429 Oshawa 4 .308 Port Hope 0 13 L083 Saturday's Results, Oshawa 8 Cobourg 9 Lindsay 8 Port Hope 3 Bowmanville 0 Belleville 10 Leaside 7 Peterboro 6 Lindsay 1 Cobourg 0 WHOLE SYSTEM BENEFITED BY =o: INAC EE The score:-- Till Joe Brimp fairly howled. CARBON was three inches thick; VALVES did ought but stick; STARTER SWITCH was burned so large GENERATOR did not charge. CARBURETOR was choked with dirt And half way full of water; ENGINE spit and squirt -- _-- BO C0 ph aa Oshawa Thousands of frail, nervous people Legge, If. | and convalescents everywhere | Morrison, ef. .2ss1n hb [have . testified to the remarkable' Belding, 1b. | power of Tanlac in bring back their Rowden, ss. | health, strength, and working effi- gyansec. .......... | ciency. It seems to quickly invig- Saunders, 2b. Just like it didn't oughter. {orate the constitution and is a pow-| Gallagher, p. ..... erful foe of weakness. Alexander potion 3b. BATTERY it was all run down, William Collins, 8% John St. N.| pellow. rf. ........ 5 Would not spin the engine round; Hamilton, Ontario, says: : | hdd All such ills upon a CAR "My wife CAN be quickly cured by ALGAR. state of health. She could eat very! Cobourg little of anything, her back hurt pyson, ec. IGNITION SPARK was very weak, y Anybody who drinks to forget his troubles will meet with success if it happens to be wood alcohol.--Wall | Street Journal. | sneuneosP - Soo mS Dre was in a mighty bad | - NAS O Sem CHOOSE eRe | 0 ®------e P| = SOOO OOONOY RN | moO OOOO badly and she had frequent attacks | Turpin, ERY Wouldn't start a FIRE so to speak; "Three bottles of Tanlac have Skitch, 2b. JOE BRIMP laid down and gave it up. made her healthy and strong again." | Higginbotigam, rf. .. Along came ALGAR with tools and brain, the body that is not benefited by the McCaffery, 1b. helpful action of Tanlac. It enables Butler, If. Made that car go like a train, {healthy blood, bone and muscle, Schaffér, p. You bet your Sunday hat. | purifies the system and helps you | today at any good druggist. That suffered from AUTOLITIS; . He took it round to of awful sick headache. | Yaekel, ss. CAR would not climb the mountain top; There is not a single portion of Thompson, ef. .... Adjusted this and that, | the stomach to turn the food into | Derry, p. | back to normal weight. Get a bottle JOE BRIMP he had a dandy car ALGAR And bad it fixed up RIGHTIS. Rose--My face is my fortune. Daisy--Yes dear, and no man can say you're not generous with your money.--N. Y. Univ. Alumnus. a a iid ON THE JOB 20 YEARS--WE KNOW HOW Any kind of repair on any make of car. . FORD MAGNETOS RECHARGED Gives pep and power, more light, saves gasoline. Dump Truck for Hire--Sand, Gravel, Brick and Stone ALGAR AUTO SERVICE 69 KING ST. W., OSHAWA Open Evenings and Sundays Thar. Fri., Sat. Matinee Sat. Phone 1247