Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 9 Sep 1922, p. 6

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 ~--Miss Bain Everson. 143 King Street, East, has returned from Columbia University, New York, and is spending a few days in town pre- vious to re-joining the staff of the Stratford Normal School, ---Mr. W, H. Kirby, Park Road, returned homg yesterday from a week's visit with his son Luther at North Toronto, --Mrs. R, A, Wright, Division Street, is visiting in St. Catharines, at the home of her brother-in-law B. C,, formerly of Oshawa, is visit- ing Mrs, McAdie and Miss Hislop. ~-Miss Edna Knox, 190 Centre Steet, is spending her holidays with friends in Guelph, --Mrs, Robert Knox, 190 Centre Street, is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, C "i, Eadie and son, Elmer, have returned home after an enjoyable motor trip to London, Ont where they spent the holiday with the former's brother, Mr, J. Allan Eadie, ~Mr, and Mrs, Ww. Harmer and Mr, H. G. Harmer, 118 Alma 8t,, motored to Brantford over the week- end, At the morning service in the Riverdale Baptist Church, Brant- ford, Mr. W. Harmer rendered a very acceptable solo, --Last evening Mrs, E. M, Corn- wall and Mrs. E, C. Myers enter tained the teaching staffs of Osh- awa Public and High Schools and also of Cedar Dale, to a corn roast at Mrs. Myers' camp at Bonniebrae Pointed. A delightful time was en- joyed by every one present. About seventy-five teacherg were included in the gathering. Beautifully decorated with masses of ferns and autumn flowers, St. a SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~0-opera- tion of its readers In contribhting items to this column, Send us 8 postcard or 'phone 85. --Mrs, H., Simmons, Masson St., is visiting relatives in Toronto, --Miss F. Luke spent a few days recently with Miss Pearn, Fenelon Falls. --Mr. Russell Davidson is spend- ing two weeks with his parents at Cherrywood, --Miss Jean Keddie is spending her vacation with her brother, Mr Arthur Keddie, at Bear Lake, Mich --Miss Grace Ahrens, who has been visiting her grandmother in Kitchener, has returned home, -~Mr, E. Pratt, Hillcroft Street, visited friends in Toronto over the week-end, ---Miss M. Robinson, King Street, East, visited relations in Toronto over the week-end, --Mrs, E. J. Bale will resume her classes in singing and plano Mon- day Sept. 11, --Misses Amber and Flossie Sonley are spending a few days in Toronto, visiting their brother and attending the exhibition, --Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Davis, of Elm Brook, motored to Oshawa last week . to visit friends, and then went on to Toronto. Totiiong n previous years nave been among the finest to be seen anywhere and that they are expected to eclipse past records will be of interest to everyone, The new attractions are so numerous that it is impossible to mention them all, but it is enough to say the most successful year in the history of South .Ontario's annual Fair is assured, Secretary Davis has been busy re- Street West, but commencing today no entries will be accepted except in the harness horse classes and all en- tries must be received Tg him not later than tonight, Health Dept. (Continued from page 1) commodation will also be available in the tents for children whom their mothers may leave for a sleep. These tents will he in charge of Miss B. BE. Harris, R. N,, and Miss D. Cross, R. N,, hoth of the Depart- ment of Public Health, Mrs. F, W, Cowan, president of the local Red Cross Soclety, and the executive of that organization are manifesting the greatest interest in making this a success and will visit the exhibits at various times during the fair, Visitors expected includg Miss Laura Holland and Dr, Routley, of the Red Cross Headquarters, Toronto, and Miss Foy, one of the Chief Super- visors of the Provincial Department of Health with headquarters in Tor- onto. A first aid will be rendered at these tents as required by any who may meet with mishaps at the fair. --Mrs. H. G. Harmer, Alma St, is home after spending two weeks' vacation with friends in Brantford, Ontario, --While en route from Winnipeg to their homes in England, Miss Sherett, and Miss Bureh spent las week with Mr, and Mrs, R. Brayford, Jarvis Street, --Mr. and Mrs. Ruvina and little daughter Margaret, alsp Mr. anil Mrs, Armor, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hicks, Mil- ford. --Miss Clara Ford, who has been spending her vacation with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. A, B. Ford, Sim- coe Street. South, has returned to Columbia Hospital, Washington. -- Mrs. James McNally, of Kitchen- er, Mrs. Fred Howell and daughter, Allie, of Guelph, spent a few days with Mrs. J. Comrie, 60 Alma Street, this week. --Mr. and Mrs. G. Bagnal, Mr.} Mirandie, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Mil- ler, all of the Canadian Pacific Tele- graph staff, motored to Toronto on Saturday and spent an enjoyable day in the city. --The Misses Margaret and Isobel Luke, of Columbia Hospital, Wash- ington, who have been spending their | vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Luke, Kendal Avenue, have returned to Washington. --Mr. Percy Hopkins was called to his home in Cobourg on Thursday, owing to the death of his father. | --Miss E. E. Small, of Victoria | deners in Clair Methodist Church, Toronto, was the scene of the wedding of Maude Miriam, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H, Morley Carscallen, Os- gington Avenue, Toronto, to Mr. James Goulding Crang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Crang, Oakwood Avenue, Toronto, Rev. J. A. Ayearst, assisted by Rev. W. H. Graham, D.D., officiated. Master Harold Kerby, of Oshawa, was ring-hearer. BLOOMER - SMITH On Saturday night last the wed- ding was quietly solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse, Simcoe Street, South, the Rev. George Yule offici- ating, of Mildred Leona Smith, Oshawa-on-the-lake, to Geo. er, of Rochester. (Continued from page 1) The Star Radio car has been prom- ised for both show days. This has proved to be one of the biggest at- tractions at the Canadian National Exhibition. It is new features like this that will make the Fair more popular than ever. The program whieh will be given will include the latest news and The Star Radio con- cert. The fruit and vegetable section of the main building will attract more than usual attention, owing to much larger exhibits by the various gar- this vicinity. Bloom- | Bigger and Better Their col- | Orville Grills | (Continued from page 1) George Willett, who recently had | | nis right hand caught in a Gordon job press ait The Reformer office, is able to be out and around again. He |had to submit to the amputation of his right thumb at the time of the accident but strong hopes are now | held out that he will retain the other {members of that hand, although a: | first it appeared doubtful if such [would be the case. Dr. F. J. Rundle | has charge of the case. | Vernetta Irish (Continued from page 1) | car remarking that it was a rather | extensive "jaunt." Once in Toronto Vernetta walked | hours and while looking in a shop | window she was noticed by William | Murphy, who works at the Carls Rite Hotel on Front Street, but who during the past summer spent sev- eral months in the construction of the new basement for the new St. George's Anglican Church, Centre | Street, Oshawa. He took the girl to the hotel and informed the manage- ment there that he would not be working that (Wednesday) night. They then proceeded to the home of | Mrs. Morton, a friend of Mr. Mur-| around the streets for about three] phy's who lives at 3 Sumach Street. | Here Vernetta spent Wednesday ceiving entries at his office, 19 King|- | had |.would have returned home | fore night, all day Thursday and that part of Friday up to the time she was called for by Oshawa friends. Received a Telegram On Friday morning a telegram was received at the Irish home on Athol Street from a mam who signed himself "Willlam Brown," This stated that Vernetta was safe with friends and that Mr. Brown would send further particulars when he received a reply. An answer was immediately idespatched instructing Mr. Brown to hold the girl, Mrs. G, Clarke, 6 Athol Btreet, West, then motored to Toronto with Mr. James Ingles, of Whithy, who is connected with the Singer Sewing Machine Company, Prince Street, Oshawa, The telegram that had been recelved from Toronto inform- ed the Oshawa people that Mr. Brown was connected with the Carls- Rite Hotel, But a search on the part of the Oshawa people and Tor- onto detectives showed that no Mr. Brown is or was connected with that hotel.' About half past five o'clock Friday evening Mrs. Burnett, 4 Athol Street, West, received a phone call from Mrs, Morton, Toronto, giv- ing particulars as to where Vernet- ta was, Mrs, Clarke and Mr. Ingles, who were Lhen in Toronto, then got in touch with the girl and brought her back to Oshawa last night. As for the telegram it appears hat the operator made a mistake in the transmission of the name as the Irish family take it for granted that it was sent 'hy "William Murphy," and not "William Brown." The wire was sent from a telegraph station at the corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto sometime on Thursday but was not delivered in Oshawa till Friday. Go To Business College When The Reformer asked morning if Vernetta would be going back to school on Monday it was stated that it 1s hardiy likely as the family is considering sending her to a business college, The Oshawa police in circularizing the police de partments of the province stated that Vernetta had an aversion to school, and would probably scek employment. Speaking to this pap er Vernetta stated that after she had the ride to Pickering she on Wed- negsday morning but seeing that she comld not get back to Oshawa be- noon she was afraid to come, as she dreaded a whipping from her mother. She then decided to go on to Toronto The family hardly express sufficient thanks Mr. Murphy in girl. She had and her mother day had no friends | whom she knew. Vernetta stated to-day that if she had known that her mother was going to be so len- ient with her she would have walk- this this morning could what they thought for the action of taking care of the no money with her stated last Wednes- in Toronto of TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED A GENERAL SER- vant. Apply Dr. Hoig's residence 245 Simcoe St. N 67-a ed back from Pickering on Wednes- day. She states that she hardly slept and ate but little all the time she was away from home. Between nine o'clock Wednesday morning and one o'clock this morning the girl lost three pounds in weight, The man .who drove Vernetta from east of Whithy to Pickering was Mr. Samuel Schwartz, 135 Sim- coe Street, South, When interview- ed by The Reformer, Mr. Schwartz stated that he had picked the girl up east of Whithy, She stated that she had friends in Pickering and wanted to go there. He took her as far as that village but would not take her any further. At her re- quest he put her off at a store in Pickering just before it started to rain, Her mother this morning stated the girl has no friends in Pickering. Mr, Schwartz comment- ed on the fact that the girl spoke but little 'while in his car and she and he got into a little argument when she informed him, near Whit- by, that she thought nothing of walking such a distance as to Pick- ering from Oshawa, When he read in Thursday's Reformer about the lost girl, he realized who had heen his unknown passenger and now tells The Reformer that "not for a thousand dollars will I ever give another person a lift, if I don't know him or her," ROTARIANS GUEST OF REGENT Oshawa Rotarians numbering about sixty-five were guests of the Regent Theatre Thursday evening when a special programme was given for the occasion. The Rotarians as- sembled at their Headquarters, Welsh's Parlors, and went in a body to the theatre seats had been re- served for them, Community sing- ing gwas 'indulged in, Mr. George Henley leading and a- musical novel Harry Pomeroy and Fred Balshaw, the former presiding at the plano and the latter playing the violin. The usual photoplays were also shown. WINS BRONZE Miss Winnifred lesley St, won the Exhibition Bronze medal for Sopranos last week, Miss Smith has a most pro mising voice, of exceptional power, timbre and range. She has heen coaching with Mr. Cyril Moss, A.C.- C.0., A.C.C.M, MEDAL Smith, 453 Wel- A well-known osteopath says that {the spine of the modern flapper is 'almost perfeat. So far as we can see (and we can sce pretty far) it is,.--Judge,. GT BHR ST Re TR TH lh Le bi HE LT ty RT gt HT ERT RE 0 ON The Arcade | \ If you only knew the values--the styles--the superior workmanship of our ready to wear garments you would save a whole lot of time and money by purchasing here. Particularly Fur If you are thinking of a Coon-- Muskrat--Hudson Seal or Persian Lamb Coat. Then we can save you $35.00 to $75.00 on your purchase, Fair Days On Wednesday next we close as usual but will open at 5 p.m. and close at 7--thus giving you 2 hours to visit our store--it will well re- pay your trouble. Use Our Rest Room THOS. MILLER & SONS THAR a PI RUN ST CTR, FAT Coats ee ------------ TT EH TRITON ME -- EE -------- 0s South Ontario Agricultural Society Exhibition d > Monday, Tuesday and Wednesaay Sept. 11-12-13 --0 ur $3,500.00 CASH PRIZES Excellent Exhibits in All Departments. ~~ oR =) \ Pa = »- -- Eee Brilliant and Colorful Midway, Fentesing AD BAP - wu ~~) WY SN ce ~~. 4 0 0000000 OA A MIDWAY, SUPREME, EDIFYING, ENTERTAINING AND WHOLESOME Mammoth Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel, Whip, alio an atirastive array of clean, instructive ond asmising Side Shows - 6 DAILY MIDWAY CONCERTS BY GREAT EMPIRE BAND A Three Day Fair with the added attraction Midway in the Dominion which will extend its qf the finest Travelling engagement until Sat. Fun For All! TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 --218 Poke-i¥umse $300.00 2.25 Pace--Purse $300.00 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13--2.14 Pace--Purse $400.00 " -~ % Two Bands - Seven Big Free Acts - Don't Miss Oshawa's Annual Event! RD President.

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