Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 9 Sep 1922, p. 9

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"OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 PAGE NINE ANGLICAN Bt. George's--Cor, John and Centre, Rev. O. R, dePencier, MA., 80 Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT, 10th. 8 a.m.--Holy Copmunion, 11 a.m. ~~Mor#ifig Prayer. 2.30 p.m-~-Sunday School. 4 p.m --~Baptivmal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m. ~Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.80 p.m. -- Teachers' meeting, i "Weélnesday, 7.30 p.m, -- Boys Club, (sec- ST, GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m. --Bunday School. Tuesday, 3 p.m, -- Mothers' Un- 10! ' Girls' Club. OHRISTIAN WORKERS OHURCH Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, BEPT. 11 a,m,--Publiz Worship, 2.30 p.m,~-8Sunday School, 7 p.m, --Puhlic Worship. 10th, BAPTIST Baptist Church--King E, Rev, J. LI, Harton, B'th, Pastor, Residence, 18 Aberdeen Street. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th, 11 a.m,--Public Worship. 8.00 p.m. ~Sunday School, 7. p.m.-- Public Worship. All are eordially invited to these services, CHRISTIAN Centre Street, near King Rev, E, T. Cotten, Ph, B., Pastor Parsonsge 169 Athol St. B., Phone B47). SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT, 10th. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. Subject, **The Compassion of Jesus." 2.80 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship, Subject, "A Youth Running the Gauntlet of His Foees." Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting, Fri. 8 p.m. Choir practice, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simcoe St. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th. 11 a.m,--Subject, "Substance." Wed. 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial invita- tion is extended to all. KING ST, METHODIST Rev, A. M. Irwin, B.A,, B.D,, Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th. 11 a.m.--Public worship. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. The pas- tor will have charge of both services. PRESBYTERIAN Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. Rev, G. Yule, Minister. Residence the Manse, 65 Simcoe S., Phone 493. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th. 11 a.m.--Public worship. 3 p.m.--8Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public worship. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev, J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister Phone 148. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th. n. Wed. and Thurs, 7.830 pm, --| DURING THIS GREAT CLEARANCE SALE WHICH WILL NO DOUBT CREATE A SENSATION WE OFFER DURING OSHAWA FAIR DAYS A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 15% ON ANYTHING IN THE STORE. VISITORS TO QSHAWA FAIR ARE INVITED TO MAKE USE OF OUR STORE IN ANY WAY DESIRED. WE ENSURE YOU TO BE AS COMFORTABLE AS AT HOME. VISIT OUR STORE WHILE IN TOWN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SALE. nc Ec CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE US TO DISCONTINUE SOME OF THE LINES WE NOW CARRY AND AS YOU SEE, THE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MUST SUFFER. WE ARE ENTAILING A SEVERE LOSS ON THESE LINES SO THAT WE WILL BE ENABLED TO DISPOSE OF THIS STOCK IN QUICK TIME. NEVER IN OSHAWA'S MERCHANDISING EX- PERIENCE HAVE SUCH BARGAINS BEEN OFFERED. EVERY PIECE OF DRY GOODS, EVERY PAIR OF BOOTS AND SHOES MUST GO AND GO QUICK. THE STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED AND SIZES ARE COMPLETE IN EVERY INSTANCE. COME AND SEE. Sale Starts Tues Sept 12th THE FOLLOWING LINES OF DRY GOODS ARE DISPL SATEEN 500 yards colored Sateen. Colors are Grey, Red, Brown, Mauve, Blue and Navy. Reg. price 35c. It goes at 23c CR) GALATEAS! 800 yds. of steel clad Gal- ateas in all colors and stripes, very fast colors. Reg. 35¢ yd. On Sale un- til it's gone at 27¢ yd. PRINT! Only 365 yds. Canadian first quality Print will be GINGHAMS! 265 yds. Checked 'and Striped Gingham suitable for children's Rompers, House Dresses or Men's Shirts. Reg. 35¢ yd. to clear at 19¢ yd. APRON GINGHAM 200 yds. checked Blue and Grey Apron Ging- hams, 1} yds. wide. Reg. 30c yd. On Sale 19¢ yd. CRETONNES! 125 yds. Fancy Cretonnes, yard wide. Reg. 39¢c yd. To be sold out at 26¢ yd. YARD GOODS Shepherd Plaid Dress Goods Yard wide, regular price 60c for 49c; reg. 70c for 59c; reg. 85¢c for 63c. Kimona Flannel 150 yds. Flannel, suitable for Child's Rompers, Dresses or Ladies' Ki- monas. Reg, price 45¢ yd. On Sale very special- ly at 29¢ yd. TICKING Feather proof Ticking, very good quality--will be cleared at 43c yd. Another higher grade quality Ticking will be forced out at 52¢ yd. Factory Cotton! Only 500 yds. Factory Cotton, very specially priced to clear at 10c yd. This item on Sale at 9 a. m. only. TOWELLING 150 yds. pure Linen Rol- ler Towelling, Red bor- der. This towelling sells everywhere at 35¢ yd. Our price to clear will be 22¢ yd. CURTAIN SCRIM 150 yds. Curtain Scrim, 27 inches wide, Floral col- ored design. Reg. 25¢ yd. To clear at 14c yd. Embroideries to clear at the following prices: 3 to 5 inches .... 5c yd. 5 to 8 inches .... 7c yd. 8 to 12 inches .. 18¢c yd. 12 to 18 inches. . 25¢ yd. 18 to 24 inches . . 39¢ yd. BATH TOWELS Sizes 18 by 36 on Special Sale to clear at 39c¢ pr. Ribbons very much re- duced in price. DRESS GOODS 16 Skirt lengths of Plaid Flannel. Skirting regular up to $6.00 a length, On Sale to clear at $3.39 COTTON PLAIDS Suitable for girls Dresses. Reg. 75¢, on Sale to clear at 49c yd. Union Serge Plaid Of a very high grade ma- terial will be reduced from $2.00 to $1.29 yd. COATINGS 3 pieces Pure Wool Home- spun with over check of Silver Grey. Colors are Fawn, Blue and Wine. This material will make exceptionally good chil- dren's Coats or ladies' $2.00 yd. On Sale $1.19 yd. Special Value for Boys 15 only Boys high grade Tweed Suits, 2 pr. Bloom- er Pants, Reg. $16.50 $9.95 SERGE Pure Wool, British Cross Bred Serges, fast color Navy Blue. Reg. $1.25 yd. On Sale 89c yd. , Curtains and Curtaining Will be slaughtered un- mercifully. Highest grade Nets and Marquisette will be sold as though they were ordinary curtains, Clearance of Ladies' Vests 15¢ About 5 dozen of excep- tional quality Summer Vests without sleeves will go on Sale at 9 a.m. at 15¢ AYED ON TABLES-ABSOLUTELY NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SHEETING 8-4 Sheeting of very heavy weight Cotton. Regular price 65¢c yd. On Sale to clear at 49cyd. * \ LACES "+ 100 yds. of Valencienne and Torchon Laces to be sold out at , 2cand S5cyd. \ FLANNELETTE In all shades, 1 yd. wide, specially high grade qual- ity, all cut in 5 yd. lengths togoat 5 yds. for $1.19 % Table Damask 65 yds. high grade Cotton Table Damask. Reg. 85¢ yd. On Sale at 49¢ yd. Men's Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes must be disposed of at once 28 pr. White Canvas Oxfords for ladies. Reg. price $4.00. To clear / 98¢ pr. 11 a.m.--Subject, "Proving God." 7 p.m.--Subject, "The Secret of a Great Life." Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. You are cordially welcome. SPECIAL OFFER ON MEN'S WORK BOOTS $3.49 30 pr. high grade English Welt Calf Skin Boots that will give absolutely first class satisfaction are taken from the shelf and reduced from $5.50 for quick clearance to go at $3.49 30 pair girls' Kid Shoes, Mother Hubbard quality. Sizes 11 to 2. Reg. $4.00 for $2.69 18 pairs Misses' Shoes, Black Vici also Mother Hub- bard ity. Sizes 8 to 10}. Reg. $3.50 for 49 Pure Wool Cashmere Hose for 30 pairs Patent Leather one- ladies specially reduced from $1.00 strap Slippers, sizes 8 to 10. 59¢ : Specially priced at $1.69 75 dozen Boys and Girds' Black Ribbed Hose, 1 and 1 sib. Very Sizes 11 03 oF ste iol quality 2% 1c br. THE SALVATION ARMY Brigadier (Miss) IL. Prescott and Capt. (Miss) I. Froud, Com- manding Officers. SERVICES, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10th. 11 a.m --Holiness Meeting for the deepening of spiritual life. Subject, "Living Sacrifices." p.m.--Brigadier will lecture. , "Is It Right for Women to Special Attention We wish to draw your at- tention to the fact that our stock of Fall Coats and Dresses are beyond com- parison. Workmanship and style are not the only out- standing features of ow fy 7 p.m.--A great salvation meeting will be held in which the future life will be foretold. Subject, "In the House of a Spiritualist," or "A Voice from the Spirit World." All three meetings will be conducted by the new commanding officer for Oshawa, Brigadier L. Prescott, as- sisted by the Silver Band and Song- ster Brigade. Everybody welcome. All seats free. The officers wish to make known that they will be glad to be of service, visit the sick, com- fort the dying, help any anxious soul without respect to class or creed. Young People's classes directly in the morning at 10 o'clock. 9 £ 8 H i £ ] ] RLF ih bg garments. 2 : pd § h 4 i Tuesflay--Life Saving Sco Lite Saving Guards. "py 80 | | | l | 1 "Are you too Dig to kiss," timidly I Premier King of the blushing oung miss who presented him with memento on his recent wisit to i uth Essex, thereby betraying. the [Jl] " ignorance. Someone [J | 'have told him that the bigger they get the more they approve of > the geatle art.--Farmers' Sun.

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