SOCIAL AND PERSONAL --Mr. Lou Clapper spent Sunday at his home in Hastings. .;--MNr, Douglas Erb, spent the holi- day at his home in Elmira, © --Miss Evelyn Found spent the week-end dn Toronto. --Mr. A. J. Martin, of Kitchener, spent the week-end the guest of his 'son, Mr. George A. Martin, 84 Osh- --Misses Marion and Katliteen Clap- per have returned from an enjoyable 'holiday spent in Aurora. --Mr. W, A. Spellman spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Spellman, Hastings. ©» --Mr. Ray Moffatt spent the week-end with his parents in Peter- 'boro. ~--Mrs Male of Toronto is visiting with 'her mother, Mrs. Witterick, Maple St. - -=--Mrs. Kelcher, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs, Wit- terick, Maple St. _ --Mr, and Mrs, Will Cary spent the Holiday with Mrs, E. Burk and other riends, Base Line, Bowmanville, "=--Mr, and Mrs. James Moffatt spent Sunday at the home: of Mr, Charles Wilson, Newcastle, --Miss Gertrude Bowers, Albert St. is spending a two weeks' vacation in Consecon, --Miss Reta Moffatt, of Toronto, is 'visiting her friend, Miss Muriel Mor- 'rls, 269 Mary Street, this week. " --Miss Eva Mitchell, of the Bell Telephone staff, spent the holiday at Ber home in Lindsay. "--Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bickell motor- ed to Prince Albert and spent the holiday with Mr, Ben Bickell. ,. --Mr, George Jarvis, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. Wel- lington Hall, Selina Street, --Miss E. Hippell, of the Robert Simpson Co., spent the week-end in Toronto at her home, "--Mr. Henry Lowe who has been fpending a couple of weeks with his daughter at Big Cedar Point; Lake Simcoe, returned home on Tuesday. --Mr. Morley Mitchell, of Niagara Falls, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, over the . W. Lang and Mrs. Ordway of Buffalo, N. Y., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright, Mary Street. --Mr. Harvey G. Davis, of Win- nipeg, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis, 128 Mill Street, over the week-end. t --Mr. H. Moore, of the local of- fice of the Canadian National Tele- graph Company, spent the week-end at his home in Lindsay. ~--Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wagar and family, Nassau St. have returned from an enjoyable two weeks' vaca- tion at Tweed and vicinity. Miss Hazel McMullen has returned from Epworth Inn, Muskoka, The Sum- mer Chatauqua, where she has spent the last two months. --While in town attending the fu- neral of Mr. Jacobi, Rev. 8. C. Moore, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bickell, Simcoe 'St. 8. ~Miss Helen Batty, of Elgin St. left on Monday for Long Branch where she has accepted a position on the teaching staff of the public school. --Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Petley, spent the holiday week-end in Toronto, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Harles Watt, Greenwood Ave. -- Mr. and Mrs. I Bullivant, ac- companied by Mrs. Bullivant, Sr. of Little Britain, motored to Oshawa on Sunday and were the guests of Mr, ahd Mrs. J. Bullivant. ~--Miss Reta Baker, who has been spending the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bak- er, Campbellford, returned to Osh- awa on Monday. ~Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Clarke and daughters, Daisy and Ada, spent Sun- ddy at Mr. W. Claude Ives', Bowman- ville. --Mr. C. W. Wilson and sister, Freda, and Mr. Roy Cobbledick spent the week-end at Mr. Charles Wilson's, Newcastle. --Mrs. A. J. Miles is visiting her| sister in Oshawa and from here she will join her parents in England. Her journey was postponed. --Mr. and Mrs. John Parliament and daughter Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Reta Halloran and Master Jack and Patrick motored to Toronto "y spent the holiday at the C.N.E. --Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Blow and Mast-| ers Ronald and Cyril Blow, of Cleve- land, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H.| Osborne of Bowmanville, visited | Mrs. C. W. Blow over the week-end. | --Mr. and Mrs. T. Edgar Hous- ton, Cincinnati, sailed Tuesday for England, accompanied by nein) granddaughter Miss June Houston Smith daughter of Major and Mrs. H. E. Smith. --Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warren who have been visiting their sister Mrs. E. C. Holt, Royal St, Oshawa and other relatives in Eastern Ontario for the past two months, left Osh-| awa yesterday afternoon to return to their home in Vancouver, B.C. 1 ~--The numerous friends of Mrs. B. D. Preston will be glad to know | she is progressing favorably after undergoing a serious operation at the Oshawa Hospital. She was taken to the hospital om; Sunday and was operated on by Dr. Marlow of Toronto. --On Labor Day Master Frank Jennings, only son of Mr. and Arthur Jennings, Richmond St., was host to small pari of young friends {who helped him celebrate his fifth birthday. After many merry gages the children enjoyed a hearty sup- --Mr. Victor Hollefreund was a recent visitor in Minden. --Mr. C. N. Naylor was the guest of friends in Toronto over the holi- day. ---Mr. Percy Mercer and Mr. Percy Taylor spent the week-end in Bow- manville. ---Mr, and Mrs. H. Luke, of To- ronto, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Luke, over the week-end. Mr. A. E. Newson, of Belleville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rutherford, Celina St. --Mr, E. Daniel, Warren Ave. has returned from an enjoyable weeks' visit with Toronto friends. --Little Miss Puth Newson, of Cambray, returned home on Monday her aunt, Mrs. Douglas Rutherford, Celina St. ~Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redman and Mr. and Mrs. W. Spry, of Lon- don, motored to Oshawa and spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. George Redman, Gliddon Avenue. --Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Noble and daughter, Maxine, and Mrs William Rider mot- ored to Peterboro and spent the holi- day with friends. --Misses Marion and Ethel Simp- son, Orono, have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Todd, Brock St. E, --Miss Muriel Hancock, Port Hope, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Todd, Brock St. East, --M#, W. F. Daniel, 28 Warren Ave,, has just returned after spend- ing a few days with his brother, Mr. W. Daniels of Kitchener. --Mr. an Mrs. Albert Jobber, Ce- lina Street, are motoring to Ottawa to spend a week with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Burge, formerly of Birmingham Eng. ---Miss Helen Batty, of Elgin St. left on Monday for Long Branch where she has accepted a position on the teaching staff of the public school. ~--Mr. and Mrs. Silcock, of Mont- real, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and John and Dorris Jones, of Flint, Michigan, are spending their holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Winstanley, 77 McGregor Street. , --Mrs. Bonham, of Birmingham England who has been spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. A.! Jobber, Celina Street, has motored | to Ottawa to spend a few weeks with | old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Burge, for- merly of Birmingham England. { | LAMBERT-FORBES The Anglican Chureh was the scene of a pretty wedding Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock, when Miss | Anna Forbes, daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. George Forbes, of Hamilton, was united in marriage to Mr. Rufus | Lambert, son of the late James Lam- bert and Mrs. Hill, of Kingston, Rev. | C. R. dePencier officiating. The bride was attired in a navy suit and black feather hat, and wore a corsage bou- quet of sweetheart roses. She was attended by Miss Estella Molion, wearing a navy suit and carrying a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Mr. Ray Hobbs was best man. The fire- men presented Mr. Lambert with a leather chair. The Hydro, Oshawa, gave him a mantel clock, also a py- rex pie plate. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert left on a trip to Kingston and points east, and on their return they will reside in Oshawa. SWARTZ--HALPERN A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of the bride's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Halpern, 68 Major Street, Toronto, on Sunday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock, when Miss Fay, third daughter of Rev. and Mrs. F. Halpern, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Abe Swartz, son of Mr. J. Swartz and the late Mrs. Swartz, of Toronto. The ceremony took place very quietly, owing to a recent bereavement in the family, Rab- bis Gordon, of Toronto, and A. Hal- pern, uncle of the bride, of Hamilton, caught with bridal OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922 officiating. The matron of honor was Mrs. M. Halpern, cousin of the bride, and the groomsman, Mr. A. Swartz, brother of the groom. The bride was attired in navy blue duvetyn, with hat to match, Following the ceremony a dainty de- jeuner was served to about sixty of the immediate relatives, after which the happy couple left for a motor trip to St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other American points, Mr. Swartz conducts the Dominion Cloth- ing Company on King Street West. The young couple will reside in Osh- awa. : VAUGHAN - HUTCHISON At the Anglican Rectory on Wed- nesday, September 6, Rev. C. R. de- Pencier officiating, the wedding was solemnized of Miss Beulah Eauline Hutchison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutchison, 559 Masson St., to Mr. Andrew Vaughan, of Oshawa. They were assisted by Miss N. Hut- chison, and Mr. Percy Hopkins. ELFORD - WHITE A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. El- ford, 115 Mill St., on Wednesday, Sept., 6 at 3. o'clock when their daughter, Evalena was united in marriage, to Mr. Thomas White, al- so of Oshawa, Rev. A. Mansel Ir- win was the officiating clergyman. * The bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding march, played by Miss Stella Mullen. The bride looked delightfully charm- ing in a dress of white charmeuse satin with pearl bead trimming, and the handsome wedding veil was blossom buds. The brides-maid, Miss Olive Elford; was dressed in mauve Canton-crepe with rose-bud trimmings, and the bridegroom was supported by Mr. George Greer. There were more than 90 guests partook of the dainty wedding sup- per. and after the.supper, amid the wishes of this host of friends and clouds of contetti, the happy couple left by motor for Toronto, Niagara Falls and other Western points. The bride travelled in a dress of blue Canton-crepe with hat to match, and a cape coat of sand trico- tine. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a sunburst, and to the brides- maid a gold wrist watch.The gifts were exceptionally costly and num- erous, a token of the esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. White are held in this community, On their return the happy ceuple will reside in North Oshawa, DAVIES « McMASTER On Saturday afternoon, Septem ber 2, the wedding was solemnized in St. George's Anglican Church of Beatrice Davies, 44 Gladstone Ave- nue, to Mr, John McMaster, also of Oshawa. Rev, C, R, dePencier offi- ciated. Miss N. Richardson acted as bridesmaid while Mr. _€lifford Mills was best man, Miss Goss pre- sided at the organ. The happy couple will reside on Colborne Street OSBORNE - McQUAID On Wednesday morning, Sept.,, 6 at the Simcoe St. Parsonage by the | Rev. McBain, Frances Osborne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oshorne was united in marriage to Mr. Mait- land McQuaid, The bride looked charming in a smart looking suit of navy tricotine, trimmed with grey squirrel and wore a hat to match. After the ceremony: Mr. and Mrs. McQuaid left for a trip up the Kawartha Lakes. Following this the happy couple will extend their trip to Pic- ton and other Eastern points. On their return Mr, and Mrs. McQuaid will reside at their new home, 127 Park Rd. S. 16 Simcoe St. S. A] MARTIN, Phone 90 LIMITED Greatest values of Government-inspected Meats are to be had Store, 16 Simcoe St. Saturday. Best Dairy Butter 38¢ New Cheese 25¢ Best Black Tea Smoked Picnic Ham 45¢ 27¢ Homemade Sausage 2 for 25¢ - at A. Martin's Ltd. S., for Friday and 3-1b. Pails Shortening 45¢ Boneless Stewing Beef 2 Ibs. for 25¢ Rib Roast 16¢ Blade Rib Roast Flank Beef Brisket Beef Thick Beef Hearts and Liver Fresh Daily Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders BEATON'S PHONES 757--758 Beaton's Ketchup Recipe V5 bushel Tomatoes sliced in kettle, 3 oz. Whole Allspice, 3 oz. Whole Pepper, | oz. Whole Cloves, 15 1b. Mustard, V5 Ib. Salt, 1 Ib. Onions 'sliced thin, 1/2 oz. Cayenne Pepper, 11/5 Ibs. Brown Sugar, I gt. Vinegar. Put Whole Spices in bag and boil 3 hrs. KETCHUP made by this Recipe will not spoil if you purchase the ingred- ients at Beaton's Busy Store. Maccaroni 16 oz. 15¢ pkg. Sherifl's Jelly Po 3 pkgs. 25¢ wder Olives Banquet Queen Pts 45¢ Qts 70c Sherifl's Marmalade 4-Ib. tin 69¢ Libby's Sticed Pineapple 35¢ tin i McCormicks Sodas 15¢ pkg. Dressing Premier Salad 65¢ bot. Heinz Pork & Beans 15¢, 20c & 30c tin Roman Meal 35¢ pkg. Pastry Flour 95c¢ bag $7.50 bag 124, for $1.00 We deliver to all parts of the town and Cedar Dale. Four deliveries daily, at 8.30, 10.30, 2.30 and 4.30. , BEATON'S BUSY STORE Simcoe St. South Oshawa, Ont. rs _ PURITY "SALADA" Is the Essence of all That is Best in Tea "To Taste is to Believe" um SARGINSON - HUBBS The wedding was recently sol- emnized by the Rev. A. M. Irwin of the King Street Methodist Church of Norma Hubbs, 340 Aylmer St., Peterhoro, to Harry Sarginson, 186 Charlotte St. sPeterboro. "Lefty" MacDonald, one of the um- pires who Is not considered good en- ough for the Central Ontario League, officiated at two professional games in | Toronto on Monday, giving good satis- Ifaction. MacDonald umpired on the {bases in the morning and behind |plate in the afternoon, According to {the Toronto papers he handled the a well, the" Local Police (Continued from page 1) Nuttall is reported to have confess- ed that Ellis took the revolver and pawned it in Montreal. It was a big 44 calibre Colt which was highly prized by Major Bygott because he had used it' in France and also because it had been presented to him by the citi- zens of Lakefield before he went over- seas. Nuttall and Ellis served six months in a New Hampshire jail for grand larceny, it is said, after their sudden departure from Campbellford, and Chief Duncalfe has endeavored to trace both of them during months. recent | STYLE We have our com- plete stock of Coats, Canton Crepe Dres- ses, Iricotine and Homespun Dresses' in the most attrac- tive styles. Quality the best and prices lowest. Come in and let us shew you our goods. SCHWARTZ Bargain Store 136-8 Simcoe S. Phone 725 | Are You Watching Our Advertisements' We are dispensing Grand Values to our patrons weekly; yes, saving many dollars to the thrifty buyer of Home Comforts. Again this week we present to you a list of which we feel proud, at prices that are positively invincible to any store, it matters not where. and talk over your wants with us. Come in eee Tee TEN ONLY WILTON RUGS The quality is the highest grade, the patterns particularly good, the color combinations are perfect, 1904. lowest since day and following week $50.00 EACH Best quality of Inlaid Linoleum, regu- lar price $2.35. Special while present stock lasts Regular values $75.00 to $85.00 each. On sale Satur- the price is New Reed Furniture just in this week, nicely upholstered, well made, spring seats, fumed finish. Chairs and Rock- ers, $16.75, $17.75 and $20.00; settee to match at $35.00. We have an ex- cellent assortment. rees-------------- OUR SPECIAL Chesterfield Suite, spring edges, arms and backs, Marshall spring cushions in a good serviceable tapestry, thoroughly made. but the price is very low. Three pieces. selling price $1.95 sq yard One thousand yards of good quality Print Linoleum. two, three and four yards wide, reduced to $1.00 sq yard Special Dining Suite Beautiful design, excellent finish, buffet, china cabinet, large exten- sion table, and six dining chairs, the most wonderful slip-seated suite we have had in years, the whole nine pieces in pretty walnut shade. Special Value $225.00 SATURDAY NIGHT Not one minute before seven o'clock. See our windows Friday night. Twelve large easy chairs, some reed. some fumed oak, with tapestry seats and backs, worth up to $35.00 each. Seven O'clock Bargain $15.00 each LUKE BROS, One Quality, One Price to All 63 KING ST. EAST