Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Aug 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922 4 THEATRES 'INTERESTING TYPES IN THE SIN OF MARTHA QUEED Read the synopsis on the opposite page! Want to know more about Mar- tha Queed, don't you? Want to know more about her manly sweetheart; about Atlas, into whose twisted body God has put a beautiful soul; about David, as filthy of mind as he was of habits; about Martha's lovely mother and her shattered dreams of romance; and about Martha's father--narrow- minded, domineering, stern, In his efforts to be straight he was crooked; in his thought of good he was rotten! Then visit the Regent this week, You'll find in addition little Georgie Queed, who had such a hard time be- ing honest with his father; and Atlas' dear old granny who, bless her heart, kept home-made cookies in a jar! FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re. move Them With Othine-- Double Strength This preparation for the treat- ment of freckles is usually so suc A prosperous, thriving town in the mountains of California is the locale for "The Sin of Martha Queed.," With a stage set with great natural beauty, Allan Dwan wisely kept the story out- doors as much as possible, Photo- grapher Tony Gaudio, an artist to his finger tips, has placed the camera so that every scene is an art picture; and Allan Dwan dramatizes the scenic pic. ture with his living characters always placed to further the artistic value, Strong Winter's (Continued from page 1) which numbers of nearly every Y, M, C. A, in the land compete, The en- trants compete in their own gymnas- iums and the records are sent to a cen- tral office where the final standing of the associations and the individual members is compiled, The educational program calls for instruction in first aid work, life sav- ing and hobbies and aid in home read- ing. The various groups that will ne formed will also be pitted against each other in debates and thus the boys will iearn how to control themselves when on their feet, Among the items on the religious program {is the "Three C'S Week," when a campaign for "Clean living, Clean thinking and Clean speaking," will be waged, On the whole the pro- gram in boys' work arranged for this coming fall is one of the most com- prehensive yet formed by the Oshawa Y. M. C. A. and one that is worthy system of recommendations, if such a system is invoked. That the school\principals who are given authority to recommend pupils are not abusing the privilege is well shown in the case of Toronto. Last June slightly more than a thousand pupils had to write on the examina. 24 per cent, were successful, This shows in a most conclusive manner that the teachers are able to pick out those who are certain of passing and by doing so it saves the pupil much worry and anxiety, Some educationalists advance the argument that the system of recom- mending pupils makes them less stu- dious towards the end of the term than they should be, if they think they are going to be recommended. But as the teacher still has the power to make any pupils write on the examinations under the recommendation system, he is still able to see that they do not ease off in their work because of any idea that may enter their head in con- nection with the recommendations. If the Entrance Board should decide to introduce the system in Oshawa next year it will be a welcome experi- ment to the Senior Fourth pupils of this term, besides which a consider- able amount of expense would be saved dates next June, as they are the ones who pay the entrance fees, Danforth tions and of this number only about | to the parents of the entrance candi-| Captain McIsaac led the winners and Capt. Chas. Querrie the losers, Five innings were played and the men from the south won by a score of 12-7. Space will not the box score, Served Fine Supper At six o'clock all sat down to a splendid supper served by the Ladies' Aid of Simcoe Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, To the good things provided all did ample justice and all were loud in their praise of the excellence of the 'fare and service, The tables, nicely decorated with flowers, were set under the trees. Corn on the cob, cold meat, salads, pies, cakes, sandwiches, tea and milk made up a fine meal. After 'the sup- per on behalf of the Association Mr. J. J. Bush asked Mrs, 0. M. Alger, president of the Ladies' Aid, to ac- cept a fine box of bon bons, as a mark of appreciation of the good service rendered in the way of providing the substantial meal, Mrs, Alger made a suitable reply, and stated that if they came back again another year the ladies would he able to do better. Following the supper group pho- tographs were taken of the pienic party, after which the balance of the races were run off, A bowling match was played be- tween the Amusement and Real 1s- tate men. It was almost dark when the game finished with a victory for the land sellers, the score being 14- 12, The game was played on some- what uneven ground and was all the more enjoyed for that. permit giving PHONE 233 \ Z| On The Job-=- Home again, dusty with travel, tired, hungry, "Something to eat-- quick" and you turn to the kitchen range, a match, a twist of the wrist, and there it is, the same old, reliable and efficient gas, Yes and it has been there waiting for you all the time, ready to respond instantly to any demand you make upon it, . To-morrow you will call upon us again for service but you will giv us no warning from hour to hour just what your requirements will be. Yet the gas will be there, plenty of it at all times, ready to be used in large or small quantities as you see fit, and to be paid for after you have used it. Again our willingness and constant readiness to serve you. means having gas on tap, 24 hours a day, whether you use it or not. Have you ever thought of it in this way? To us it Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Cleanliness Permanent Gas Service. Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario 15 KING ST. EAST of the support of every parent in Osh- (Continued from page 1) Dancing In the spacious pavilion Other "members of the Association on the shores of the lake px A were introduced in turn. about eight o'clock. Mr. Bob Joffn- The journey to Oshawa was not ston, of the Lonsdale Piano Com- 0 We WEEN. DO O0 Deo TATA) GT J ETE IE) [SE =] © Eo Pr = 1 Toad 5 | " "ui | he had given authority to Fire Chief YRINEY oy Camnot Buy 1A. C. Cameron some time ago to at- {tend the convention and to take a The bowling final for the Farewell | . Bat you can Promoice man along with him. He stated that | Trophy will be decided this week when cessful in removing freckles and giv- | wa, that it is sold under guarantee to P ° 1 member of the committee, the mat refund the money if it fails, artia Ivithout ita amusement. Armed with | pany, presided at the piano, and ter of sending two men had been veil; get an ounce of Othine and re- . song sheets the merrymakers got out fidancing was kept up until ten o'clock |, = on EO Alger, another mem- ve them. Even the first few ap- at Dunbarton, Pickering and Whitby | her of the committee, at that coun- | move ] cipal of the Oshawa High School; Mr. and indulged heartily in a sing-song. ithe winners of the races. er of the co improvement, some of the lighter R. A. Hutchinson, made for ti 1 | i favor of the Oshawa deputation be-| { i 3c selon: . Ein lnpee PE EE + visitors I he bright lights of Dan- | lavor o 1 8 ¥ freckles vanishing entirely. School Inspector; Mr. Stephenson, of [in large numbers to greet the visitors | visitors getting home |ing sent, Coun. T. Hawkes, when | 2 fie 4 i ey about midnight, the double strength Othine; it is this | A. E. Garbutt, Supervising Principal |and somewhat rough detour was en- inne hs was a success from stated that he was agreeable that the that is sold on the money-back guar |of the Oshawa Public Schools. It is (countered but all the cars got| two. firemen he sant. The only other] ONE tid . nla 4 {those who had the arrangements in . [the road is in splendid condition and | jor O. R. Hall. is put of town. for two| NIGHT ONLY | y 4 ars | anti ar venti ths | : 4 ed immensely, The parade was mar- | the enthusiastic and warm reception |onths. F d E S be 3 h they received in Oshawa and they interviewed by The Reformer, said | n ay venng, eptem J I Lakeview Park, Oshawa, was reach-| . + badd % . ate ierviewe J PH , 8d | 1} ¢ | ed at three o'clock standard time and | will gladly visit the motor town an-| 4; he did not care to make a state- | O TO {enjoy themselves, A nice spot was | i -------------- ' the supposition of some rate payers » ¥ | tween the merchants of the north | No Delegates to the Chain of Centrally situated, close toshops and theatres. [and south sides of Danforth Avenue. ! -------- the next meeting for the Fire and Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- Water Committee, and again there | till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2. double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, - Free taxi service from trains and bouts, Toke ¢ GREATEST INDUSTRIAL PICTURE Black and White Taxis only. Write for t Clean, Healthy Conantion he had not called a meeting of the |J. Allman will play the winner of the | EVER SHOWN ing a clear, beautiful * complexion Don't hide your freckles under a referred to the Fire and Water men, (Continued from page 1) Iwhen the prizes were presented to plications should show 4 venders) Whitby, . Public | Residents of these places turned out) After a little sing-song a start was cil meeting also showed himself in Shaws N, . i forth, the Be sure to ask the druggist for [the Oshawa High School staff and Mr, |and to listen to the melodies, One long | called on the phone by the chairman, | : , i 4 ao fe Thea. greats: p every standpoint, and a credit to antes, this body which would bring in the {through safely. The greater part of member of the committee, Council | the fine scenery en route was enjoy- | hand, The visitors were pleased with shalled by Mr, L. W, Trull, { Fire Chief A. C. Cameron, when ther year i he} . . the party set about immediately to °'9€ ar, ) ment regarding his absence from the | convention. All of which leads to enns vania 1 $ The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada chosen for a soft baseball match be- | that there may be some criticism at] fence. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open { (Continued from page one) Water 4 Steel Indust ies hi 1 b0c. to 76e. Luncheon, 66c. Dinner, $1.00. 240 JARVIS STREET . - TORONTO, ONT. Use Murine Eve Remedy | 1vjre and Water Committee to deal |Southwell-Kaiser match. Dr. Kaiser 'Night and Morning." | ¢ : Fan, Th Pp « 1 Keep your Eyes Clear and Healthy, | With the matter but he knew that it jwon from J. L. Whattam by default | ! i | was the wish of the committee mem- (and he will play off with George Saris Clean, Write for Free Eye Care Book. p : Cred Co..OLas Ohio Suet, Chicags | Lcrs that Oshawa should Le repre- {Southwell for the right to meet J. | sented at Chatham. Continuing, Dep. |Allman in the final. The winner will 1 Reeve Hill pointed out how on the [hold the singles championship of the | motion of Reeve Morris, a [Club until next season. -- ON RT Consumptive Condition G RA N D T 4 EAT M E Restored to perfect AUG. 31--Sept. 1 and 2. Health. JOHN GILBERT- "An attack of "flu" in 'the fall of | 1918, left me in such a weakened li ; EGENT Oshawa's Best O' DAWN condition that I could not walk | Sunshine Comedy---*' The Midgets' Fair "' across the kitchen, and for nearly two months I spit blood. My neigh- Watch for the date of the Carpentier-Lewis fight which took place in London, England, Doors Open 7.30 p. m. WALK RIGHT IN YOU'LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE With a TORONTS Silo HANDLE the Toronto Hip Roof Silo became I want to give my customers the biggest value. You can't have good en- silage unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are good silos. Made of wood--the best non-conductor of MEM ED OBES aD Ow George Children Must Be Accompanied By Parents tongued and. grooved staves of selected spruce impreg- nated with creosote, they give adequate protection against air and frost. Their special Hip Roof provides more space for filling. I can show you where a Tor- onto Silo will mean more pro- heat and gold. Star. SUCCES Piker PRL 8 dily built from double your pocket. Let's talk it over. H. J. OGDEN--Oshawa, Ont. I SO TO-NIGHT FRI. & SAT. bours as well a. myself thought I was fin the first stages of eonsump- tion. My weight when I first took sick was 120 lbs,, ané I shrunk from that to 93 lbs. On the recommen- dation of my druggist 1 began to | take Carnol. Before finishing the first bottle I felt a marked improve- ment.I then took four bottles and my jmprovement was so marvel lous that, at the end of six months, 1 gained in weight --the most [ ever weighed in my life. I can safely re- commend Carnol to anyone in a run down condition, as being the best as well as the most palatable tonic on the market today. My little girl of eight years took a cold in the head and chest and was so bad she could scarcely breathe. I gave ker Carnol in hot water and the next morning she was able to get out of bed for the first time in several days, I know Carnol will do for you what it did for me and my fittle girl ~WOr] miracles." The experience of Mrs. F. A New Star MATINEE SAT. e t q vy b ) [] v ° [} ° 8 3 5 & ° 8 v d t L That Tremendous Attraction Direct from the Capitol HERE is a Moffat Electric Range for every home--big or small. And there are Moffat Ranges for clubs, hotels, hospi- tals, cafes. Moffats of all sizes, to suit all purposes and purses. to be shown at the Grand soon. Once installed, a Moffat Electric Range saves the householder money in fuel bills. 28,000 Moffat Electric Ranges are in daily use throughout the world. Write for free booklet to Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario. 2 Shows Nightly, 7.15--9.15 2 Shows Nightly, 7.15--9.15 AAR YR IAN NOEE RETR FY RRA YE RARER TREE te PREERReBRIRINRS BREBOmaBBPEFLD Morrars E. F. CAWKER | Special for Friday and Saturday Picnic Hams Picnic Hams, roll Cottage Rolls Smoked Ham, half or whole Hamburg Steak, Sausage .. 37¢c 2 lbs. for 25¢ Boneless Stew Beef Briskett Point Breast Lamb Closed all day Monday E. F. CAWKER Phone 195 {Sond By Wm. H. Karn, Oshawa, Ont alifax Carnol is composed of that won- derful nerve tonic--glyecrophos- hate salts. This is commonly nown the world over as the "Blood Salts." It is the best blood builder and nerve imvigorator yet discove er Carnol is sold by your druggist and if you can conscientiously say. after you have tried it, that it hasn't done you any good, return the empty bot- tle to him and he will refund your money. 11-122 NEW "5s MARTIN New York's Latest Release WITH ue some of super eases | Tonight and NEW MARTIN Friday ONLY NOW PLAYING IN TORONTO "G nMNCcoIT nner PRICES --10c and 25c "osx The Ernie Marks Stock Co. **057"" ONLY She was forced into marriage. Did she sin? See! SELECTED COMEDY LATEST NEWS SECOND INSTALMENT "THE ADVENTURES OF TARZAN" USUAL PRICES

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