Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 31 Aug 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; AUGUST 31, 1922... - Oshawa and District 'Car Company for the past six years. While Mr. Hamilton has assumed con- trol of the lunch counters portion of the business, the Messrs W. and C. i Lett will continue to operate the pool [room and tobacco shop. There has been no change in the ownership of Mayor Again Has Office Now that the auditors have finished their audit of the towns' books, Room No. 7 in the Town Hall is vacant again and has been fitted up as an office for Mayor John Stacey, to which use it was previously put, Relaying Avenue Street Tracks As the town will soon commence paving Avenue Btreet, the Oshawa 'Nway Company, which has a siding running from Simcoe Street to the Schofield Woollen Mills along Avenue EE SWEET CIDER Made from good sound apples. Any quantity Phone 908.r-24 (64 tb) f-- TT Radiators Repaired AT THE '*» Vv} RADIATOR SERVICE . STATION 650 Simcoe St. 8. will give Sat- isfaction, All work Guaran- teed, Phone 356w, 61-1m PUMPS If your pump is not feeling well send for the Pump Doc- tor. All kinds of repairing done on short notice, New stock of pumps on hand. Agent for gasoline engines, windmills and stable supplies, Ross E. Piper Phone 827W, Street, is at present engaged in relay- ing the tracks, In the car barns at the corner of Athol and Simcoe Strefts work is being carried on in the eleva- tion of the tracks, which are a little low at present, Opening To-Day, The official opening of the Provin- cial Highway from Port Hope to Pet- erboro takes place today, at Spring- ville. Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister of Public Highways, is expected to lead in the ceremony and there will be other officials of the department and members of the Ontario Legislature and Dominion Parliament present. Lunch Business Sold The business conducted hy Lett Brothrs, who manage a lunch counter and bar on Simcoe Street, South, has been purehased by Mr. W. J. Hamil- ton, 99 Duke Street, who has already taken possession, Mr, Hamilton is well known to the men of Oshawa having been connected with the chas- sls assembly 'of the Chevrolet Motor Canton Crepe Dresses A large stock of up-to- date Dresses, all colors, all styles, worth up to $45. Prices range from $19 up to $32.00 Also Skirts and Blouses to be sold very cheap. The first shipment of Coats has arrived. More will follow. Come and see us if you want to save money. Schwartz Bargain Store 136-138 Simcoe St. S. the building, which is still in the pos- session of Dr. Belt. Roller Rink Roller Rink re-opens for the season on Saturday, September 2, afternoon and evening. Good music, 64-a Health Board to meet The regular monthly meeting of the Oshawa Board of Health will be held in the rooms of the Department at the {Town Hall this evening at eight o'- clock. Enjoyable Comm Roast-- Mr. Jack Parliament gave a de- lightful corn roast on the beach at Oshawa-onsthe-lqake Tuesday night to about forty of his friends. An abundance of dorn, cakes and pies made the occasion a most enjoyable one, ------ Tories To Meet North Ontario Conservatives will meet in convention at Cannington on September 15 to select a candidate to {contest the riding for the Ontario | Legislature, W. F. Nickle, K, C,, M.P.P. for Kingston, will deliver an address at the convention, J. W, Widdifield, Progressive is the sit- (tng member. The Lberals last week {named a committee to bring names lof suitable men before a convention jo be held later. | Cleared $143 About $143 was cleared by the La- dies' Aid of the Simcoe Street Metho- {dist Church yesterday when they serv- ed supper at the lake to the Danforth | Business Men's Association of Toron- {to, who were picnicking at Lakeview | Park. The total receipts and the expenses amounted to about $14. Most of the food consumed was freely donated by members of the Sim- [coe Street Church. Attending Grand Lodge Mrs. C. Follest, 31 John Street, and Mrs. Walker, are in Windsor at- tending the anual convention of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal True Blue Association, These two: ladies are {representing -the Oshawa Lodge of this organization . The gathering at Windsor represents lodges in five An Unusual Operation Local friends of Dr, W. G. Hawkey, lof Belvidere, Ill., a cousin of Mr. W. L.. Law, who has visited in Oshawa on different occasions, will be inter- ested In learning of an unusuzl op- eration which he recently performed. | Helen Hoage, a Belvidere, Ii., young woman, was severely hvrned by a ( were $157 | provinces of the Dominion of Canada. | Pedlar's (Continued from page 1) by Mesers F. L. Mason and J. Stan- ton. The prizes for the children were donated by the Executive of the Pi- lar plant while many prizes were sent by out-of-town firms as follow.:- A C. Leslie and Company, Montreal, A. T. Enlow, Hamilton; W. E. Ram- say, Montreal; Mr, Northwood, Tor- onto. The business men of Oshawa also contributed prizes, helping to as- sure the success of the picnic. The prizes for the sporting events were of a higher order, consisting of cut glass, cigars, jewelry, household ar- ticles, fountain pens, eversharp pen- cils, gents furnishings, etc, Benedicts Win Then the great event, the haseball match took place, between the mar- ried and single men, W, O'Brien captained the Benedicts while C. Nel- son led the Batchelors, Although the married men won out 2 to 0, it re- quired an extra innings to come to a deecigion. For five innings the teams battled without a score. However, in the sixth a home run, with a man on base, scored the two runs, much to the delight of the official scorer, G. Twenwith. One single man was heard to remark: "What could you expect with three married umpires and a married scorer?" The children were then called to supper and it must be said they did full justice to the good things. This was due to the thoughtfulness of the committee in closing the ice eream gtall an hour before. The adults fol- lowgd the children and it was a merry |gatMering which sat around in circles, | thinking not of *"Pedlar"s Perfect Products" but of "Pedlar's Perfect | Pienie." Shortly after the merry | makers began to leave and everyone |agreed that it was the end of a per- | feet day. The committees In charge were ! grateful to the ladles for preparing | such a splendid supper, to the em- | ployers who furnished the transporta- {tion and to all those who donated prizes, The committees are also highly elated over the fact that the picnic was a financial success. The various committees were: refresh- ment committee--W. A. Allin, Floyd Reesor, R. J. Brown, Charles Pearce and Bert Jones; Sports committee { --J. Long, W. O'Brien; M. Hodgson, Art Pym, "Dick" Smith; Transpor | tation committee--J. Stanton, J. No- lan, A. Twilly, O. Melnally, W. Lynde and -J, A. Morphy. General committee --Charles Nelson, chair- man; 8. C. Rice, secretary. o-morrow 1st of September yd Begins a Month of Rare Many special features take place this month. Get- ting the children ready for school, choosing one's Fall frocks, suits or ly begins now, and for the many events that are coming, also some preparation is necessary to be made this month, for the colder weather. Now is the time, the goods are here and the prices are right. Two Popular Lines Corsets at One Special Price and E.T, together, long hips, D & A, grouped high bust, fally adapted for stout ures, Sizes 21-30, $2.50. Saturday Pullovers for Fall these arrival are with their daintly of A new pullovers sleeves and med with threads trasting color. white, black, orchid, flame and Chis- wick blue, Special Corsets,. medium good strong English coutil, spec- Regular trim- Come pink, $2. Activity coats. In fact the season real- you will have to be prepared Do it now. of New Fall Silks Come Rustling In And they're fabrics to be reckoned with for the wo- man preparing her Fall cos- tume, Of special mention are the New Pailette Silks which are always very pop- ular, 36" wide and in a variety of shades of pink, white, Heliotrope, Chiswick blue, sand, navy and black, Friday & Saturday $1 89 LJ per yd, Duchess Satin fig- Is another line that is in big demand, as its wearing qual- ities have proven its value in the past. Duchess satins always lead in style. One vard wide in black and Nig- ger brown, specially priced for Friday & Sat- $2.59 urday, per yd. long con- in 25 The Leading Fabric for Fall Homespuns The demand for Home- cpung, this fail, will be tremendous, early shop- ping is advisable for these goods. At present we have a number of very attractive patterns, that will add style and dignity to any suit, Pure wool from 54 to 58 inches wide and from $1.75 to $3.50 yd. The prize winners were: Girls under . six year--Phyllis Rice, Irene Fair. Girls under eight Cooper, Lorrain Brown. Girls under 10 years--Eva Hayes, Margaret Twilley. years--Nora On Friday night, September the 8th, at Welsh's Parlors, there will assemble the Curling Fraternity of the Town was imposed. Norman Ward was subject to a much heavier penalty exhibitors will have the entire Trans- portation building to themselves. He pleaded guilty to having liquor unlawfully and drew a fine of $200 "aa with a view of formally accepting this proposition and of appointing a con- struction committee and a finance com- Ruby Prescott mittee and with the hope that all Curl- Eo Saar ers will do what Mr. McLaughlin has Boys under 6 years--=Gerrard Fair, suggested, "that they will all pull out Reynolds. their old brooms and all holler "sweep Boys under 8 years--Arthur Giad 'er up." man, Robert Norman. Joys under 10 years--N. | ". Van Driel. Boys under 12 years Roland Brown Boys under 15 years--James Bea- | vis, Ralph Melnally. 100 yards dash, single | Nelson, J. Long, G. Grier. 110 yards dash, married der W. O'Brien, J. Three legged race--1J. Wallace. Obstacle race--J burn and G. Wallace. 100 yards, consolation--J. |son, W. Kilburn, V. Grouse { 50 yards, , over 45 years--J. | Clarke, Chris | 75 yards 'ley, S. Rice. Standing broad jump--T. Creigh- ' iton, G. Wallace. bower 11 Running broad Arbitra- § | tions, Litigation Nelson, J. Long. PROBE: Agel 310i: Cable fo gi Tolono 50 yards, married women--Mrs. G. money we save our elients Bell, Mrs. O. Gibbs. 75 yards. single women--Miss 75 Miss G. Hodgson, Miss gasoline explosion, and 343 inches of skin were transferred from the bodies of volunters to the girl by Dr. Hawkey. The operation was so ex- ceptional that the New York Herald| cabled a long story of it to Paris for! A. its edition there, says the Delvidere Republican. Girls under 12 years--W. Robbins, Edna Short. Girls under 15 years New Lamp Burns 94 Per Cent. Air Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amaz ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U.S. Government and 55 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise-- no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Burns 94 per cent. air and 6 per cent. common kerosene (coal-oil). The inventor, P. N. Johnson, 244 Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even give one FREE to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him to oceupy the lower west wing of the {explain how you can get the agency, new Coliseum at the Canadian Na-'und without experience or money tional Exhibition. Passenger cur make $250 to $500 per month. (64-b) and costs. Ward's statements in Court fled to the arrest of George Lalonde, who pleaded guilty to sell ing liquor. . The penalty was $500 and costs. Violet Yeo, with re- Tom trial heen against Stephen Machuk, charged attemated mrurder, was again manded until September 7th. L.evecque was committed for by the Magistrate having charged with an offence morality. - Brown, nm a Attended Banquet (o Premier Mr. G. D, Conant attended the com- plimentary banquet tendered to Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last even- ing, by the Ontario Liberal and the Ontario Women's Liberal Asso- ciations. Mrs. Charles Farewell, president of the South Ontario G. Wonien's Liberal Association, at- tended the Convention yesterday and also the banquet last evening. Varying Fines Are Imposed on Trio For Breach O. T. A. | Oshawa Police Court reaped a rich 2 or 3 Rooms WANTED by family of four. With or without board. Apply giving terms. BOX E, REFORMER Geol Brown, The erowds who found the accom- modation inadequate at the singing and instrumental competions in the Horticultural building Canadian National Exhibition in former years, will be more comfortable in the former Dairy building this year. Auto trucks and accessories men--oC harvest yesterday morning when three young men came before Magis trate A. F. Hind with breaches of the Ontario Temperance Act. Ed Riordon admitted being un- der the influence of liquor early Tuesday evening. It was a second offence and a fine of $20 and costs men up- Thomson. Long, and 35 charged Long, W. Kil- will Thom- -A. Twil-| James, Proctor & edfern Ltd. 86 Toronto St., Toronto Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, Sewer- age Systems, Hydro' Electric Plants, Incinerators, Factories, of meat and you will be satis- fled to remain with us for a long time. We can only please you by giving you the best, not the worst. Whatever cut you select here, you cannot go wrong. We are careful to buy our meats right also. W. ATKINSON 12 Church St. Phone 935 BEATONS PHONES 757 & 758 SUGAR FOR YOUR PEACHES $7.50 $7.50 a bag a bag jump--Charles N. N. Draw for cut glass vase for married women--NMrs. A. Armour. Best comic costume--1J. Clarke and Carl Shoenau tied. Tug-of -war-- Tool room won from {Culvert department. | Tug-of-war--aupstairs auto depart- ment won from press room. Tug-of-war--auto department won | from auto department. | Tug-of-war,final--Tool room won from upstairs auto department. Ball game--married men from single men, 2---9. R. S. McLaughlin (Continued from page 1) are almost 500,000. By years the pro- duction ra 1917 1918 1919 1920 .. 1921 1922 Finest St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar 12% Ibs for $1.00 We also quote a few Specials for the week from Friday, Sept. 1si, to Thursday, Sept. 7th. Asthma Sufferers Hilton W. Parks, Waterdown, ont, writes: "I can safely bless the day you left a boule of Asthma Remedy with me. I had relief from the first dose and have been im- proving ever since; can lie down at night and rest; the cough has en- tirely left me; I have gained three pounds since I started the bottle, which is now nearly finished. The good news has spread around this district, and already several want 0 try it. 1 feel so good over the new life, as it were, 1 like to tell others." £1.50 per bottle. Money back if 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY not satisfied. For sale at Jury and Lovell, and Thompsons Drug Store, Oshawa, or by mail from H. T. Briggs, Whitby, Out, won Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25¢ Seeded Raisins 12 oz. package 2 pkes. 24c Cash Groce 41 N. Simcoe St. Sliced 65¢c Ib. Royal Sockeye Salinon 50c 1 Ib. tin Certo - 93,000 82,000 . 78,000 ... 97,000 io... 65,000 -..190,000 35c¢ bottle 15 oz. package 2 for 41c TEAS Red Rose : 55c¢ Ib. ; Salada Chase and Sunborn 65¢ Ib. Good bulk teas 45¢ to 75¢ 60c Ib. 4lb. Jars Marmalade... 80c CLOVER HONEY 12 oz. Jars Marmalade 24¢ # Ib. Jars Pure Jam $1.15 p.. Jars 16 oz. Jars Pure Jam.... 35¢ Comb... COFFEES Thermokept Lipton Lipton's L 25¢ doz. Grated Pineapple No. 2 Size 25¢ HTN Handy Ammonia 2 pkgs. 24¢ Sugar 10c Jb. : 500,000 making total production of over 500,- presented by Mr. McLaughlin. After expressing their appreciation of this fast evidence of the generosity and {magnificent public spifit of the Mec- Laughlin people, it was decided to call | a general meeting of the Curling Club for the purpose of accepting this gen- erous offer and of organizing a Stock | 'Company to put the Curling enterprise |of the Town upon a sound basis and - 75¢ gallon also to take steps towards erecting --_-- {upon the premises presented by - Mr. | [McLaughlin a Curling rink which | We deliver to all parts of the town and Cedar Dale {would do credit to the towm of Osh- Four deliveries daily at 8.30, 10.30, 2.30 & 4.30 Beaton's Busy Stor {that are found in other towns in the | SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Luxura Heinz E i D - 4 ill - i Pickling Vinegar Sib Pail White Clover Honey ~ 79¢ yh Vermin UNSURPASSED AS A GERMICIDE AND DISINFECTANT Paowigser cin Ontario. It is gratifying | { w General Motors Sold Only At log igfoorg ty Iucomsy Ne vg Pll {of the necessary equipment of a splen- | The Rexall Stores !did Town and it is fully expected that | JURY & LOVELL F. W. THOMPSON |ing Club in erecting an institution that | {will he 2 credit 40 the Town af Osh- awa, =

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