The @nutacio Reformer (Established in 1871) An independent newspaper pub- lished every other day (Tupsday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Company Limited, Charles M, Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A. R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, GEO, A, MARTIN Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year. United States subscriptions $1.50 extra to cover postage. Single copies bg, OSHAWA, BAT, AUG, 26, 1022 BURNING UP. WEALTH Comparatively. few of this year's forest fires 'were "acts of Provi- dence," such as lightning, spontan- eous combustion, ete., states the Can- adian Forestry Association, Averag- ing up the whole Dominion, four out of five were preventable fires, had campers, smokers and others who use the woods for recreation dr for making a living exercised a few sim- ple precautions, This summer, so far, more than ten trees have heen burned down hy the "don't care" type of traveler to one that will fall by the axe of the logger during the whole of 1922. "The future development of more than four-fifths of the area of On- tarlo, Quebec and New Brunswick," says the Canadian Forestry Associa- tion, '""depends upon our retaining JETER s-- De SR ~ " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1922 JAMES CURRIE Publisher of the Stirling News-Argus, Mr, Curie was born in the town- ship. of East Whitby in 1842 and learned the printing trade in Osh- a system of moving picture houses {and companies in America thereby News of the Theatres CAPITOL ENTERTAINMENT AT . REGENT Three years ago, a movement was get on foot in Toronto to inaugurate throughout Canada, which would rival if not surpass anything of the kind on the continent, The result was the formation of the Famous Players Canadian Corporation Lim- ited, with head offices in Toronto, and affiliations with all the large en, nn News of Ne arby Places Gein = What? The record of Going Up! ENNISKILLEN Mrs, Preston has returned from a pleasant visit with Lindsay relatives, Mrs, J. Slemon and Miss McKen- zie have been under the doctor's care but are improving. Giad to sce Miss Marion Orchard hack to her position as organist in the church after her vacation, Congratulations to Mrs, Campbell (formerly Miss Margaret Stewart) who was married last Wednesday in producing and distributing agencies providing the public with the best and Jlatest productions in the motion picture world, In order to give Canadians the hest amusement that artistic judg- ment could devise, to bring into this country the latest achievements of the master producers in an industry which ranks fourth. in the list of world enterprises, the men respons- ible for this big Canadian business concern determined to combine the awa. EDITOR EULOGIZED BY TRADE PAPER J. Currie, of Stirling News-Argus, Born in This County--Learned Trade in Oshawa In its last issue The Canadian Printer & Publisher, a trade paper issued from Toronto each month, speaks in most eulogistic terms of individual talent of tneatrical and musical experts with financiers in order to give the desired service. A chain of theatres from coast to {coast, owned and operated by this | eornoration was the means of ob- |taining the best resulfs, Last year, N, L. Nathanson, Man- aging-Director of Famous Players Canadian Corporation Limited, in- |augurated throughout Canada, a | season of Capitol Entertainment, | During the first weak of the season the luxurious Capitol Theatres in | Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina, Cal- ifry, Vancouver, Victoria, Peter- horo, and Kitchener, the Regent Theatre, Toronto, the Algoma in Sault Ste, Marie, the Savoy and (Strand in Hamilton, in Oshawa. The best wishes of her many friends at Enniskillen are ex- tended to her. Mrs. Hall and Miss Phema are vis- iting in Oshawa, Dr. BE, T. Slemon and son Rex, of Ottawa, Dr. C, W, Slemon and fam- ily, Bowmanville, are at Mr, John Slemon's, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stainton, Mr. apd Mrs, Wm, Moore and family and {Dr, and Mrs, Ferguson attended the | funer of their cousin, Mr. Alvin | Brent "at Uxbridge on Sunday. Miss Fva Sanderson, of the Mont- real hranch of the Bank of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Adam {Sharp Mrs, J. Cooke and daughter, Eve- (lyn, Miss Pearl Sharp, Toronto, and (Mr. Harry McComb, are visiting at Mr. Andrew Sharp's. Mrs. Walton Annis, Misses Ileen and Marjorie, Dunbarton. have heen visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Gar- fatt, Mr. Clifford Cowle, of Napance, is spending a couple of weeks at Mr, ! Frank Orchard's. y BROOKLIN Howden and son, of | Mr. Freda | Muskegon, Mich., are visiting with Toronto for a few days. Mrs. W. M. Lawrence is visiting in The London Life Insurance Company "Policies Good as Gold" HEAD OFFICES LONDON, CANADA Agencies in all principal cities Mrs. Cowle, of Napanee, ig visiting at Mr. Thos. Coakwell's. Mr. Lou Allems, of Barrie, spent the week-end with his parents here. Miss Aileen Cooper, Claremont, is the guest of Miss Kathleen White. Mr. and Mrs. Muir, of Niagara Falls, visited at Mr. A. Ketchen's last week. Dr. and Mrs. Jas, Moore, Misses Evelyn and Doris, spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. Miss Tarr and Miss Eleanor Tarr, Toronto, are the guests of Miss Mary Dryden, at Maple Shade, Mrs. John Dryden is visiting at Maple shade, Miss Jessie Smith left on Saturday to accompany the party of teachers who are taking the trip to Sudbury and adjoining towns, Miss Alice Moore spent the week- end in Oshawa, Mr. Ed Scott and Jean, of Arn- prior, Sask., is visiting at Mrs, Jos. Thompson's. Mrs. Gordon Hall and son, Doug- las, are visiting at Mrs, Hall's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas Grass. Mrs, C. J. Spencer has returned home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs, W, G. Doidge, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliffe and son motored to St. Catharines on Satur- day, to spend a few days with his| brother. J. J. Minty and Mrs, Minty, their son, Keith, with his wife and chil- dren, who are on a metor trip from Winnipeg, -are visiting his cousin, Mr. W. M. Lawrence. Mr. Minty is one of the firm of the T. Eaton Co, of Winnipeg, holding the position of E. Hubbard, Dist. Representative, 22!; Simcoe St. Burglaries N these days when house robberies, hold-) ups and petty thefts are so numerous, a Safety Deposit Box is the safest place for Bonds and other valuable Securities, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. Avoid risk of loss by renting one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. Rentals moderate, OSHAWA BRANCH, C. N. HENRY, Manager. CEDAR DALE. BRANCH, W. H. SHEPPARD, Manager. BROOKLIN BRANCH, . E. C. CROSS, Manager, James Currie, at present publisher the Regent their uncle, Mr. Hugh. Howden, | Treasurer. learned the printing game in of The Stirling News-Argus, who was born in the County of Ontario and] this| Oshawa, Temple in Brantford, Reg- ent in Galt, Capitol-Regent in Guelph, the Strand in Kingston and many other associated houses, all provided Mrs. Lockwood, of Newcastle, who| Miss Vera Reason, of Oshawa, is still in a very wedéak condition, is staying for a time at her sister's,| Mrs, Wm, Maynard. is spending her.vacation at her sister's, | 30 | he | owing to such favourable weather. The Misses Annie and Elda Lane, New Liskeard, are spending a week's read the Bible lesson. The topic was nicely presented by Miss Mamie Gil- I Miss Ruby Clatworthy favored the forest growth. Forests with wa- ter powers spell industrial suprem- district, Among the milestones in his career was the founding of The is still Gleaner, which Mrs. Wm. Dunn. | Mr. C. 8. Thompson and family gpecial entertainment, featuring Paramount pictures, | acy. ren wilderness, for this proportion is non-agricultural, Ontario company large years." mills would use in EDITORIAL COMMENTS Horses coerced, should be guided, It is easier to hear of good than to see it. luck Where one wants to borrow trou- ble, a hundred want to get rid of it. Safety First is still in the lead as best and cheapest of all insurance policies. Things go by contrarfes, Just as soon as we discover that ignorance is bliss, it isn't. It doesn't require a spiritism to realize that beat often comes to life. belief in the dead It is curious, but true, that in civic administration the man who converts a wilderness into a garden suffers an increase of taxation for his pains; but when he converts a garden into a wilderness, hfs taxes are lowered. --Windsor Telegram. At last a voice has been raised in the Spanish Parliament against bull- fighting. All honor to Senor Bastos who has called it a mational shame and has denounced the public who patronize it! He says that bull- fights "contribute to vice, to super- stition, to profane lafiguage, and in general to the display of the lowest passions." BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY A Prayer: --Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.--Psa. 51-10. A BIT O' VERSE "MY PIPE" Frederick C. s I like to fill my pipe at might Just when the stars begin to glow; When darkness takes the place of Light And gemtle breezes come and go. To watch the smoke curl overhead, That ever forms some picture new, That fill my thoughts with joy, in- stead Of leaving me at night so blue. That pale blue cloud to me will tell - | coal strike has continued long enough | the | ve on | supe | 1 the | old | 1 coal competitions at the Canadian National miners of having could not have had expressly | cruelty exposing aoa to. the heat of the! is eq by the brutality that would leave them defenseless the biting cold of a northern | winter.--Boston Tramscript, Stripped of forests, four-fifths of Eastern Canada becomes a bar- The real mean- ing of B human-set forest fire may be gained from the report of a large that one mnn's earelessness with his camp fire des- troyed more pine timber than their fifty {up the price, we nay expect the par- |bec and the West will have several Cannington published every week in that village. Mr. Currie recently celebrated his 79th birthday and commenting on the fact Printer & Publisher says:- So complete was the success of the venture, that Mr. Nathanson, is pleased to announce the second an- nual season of Capitol Entertain- {ment in theatres owned by Famous THE PUBLISHER OF A "CLEAN Players Canadian Corporation Limit- SHEET" ed--a complete list of whose houses To be in a position to build up a follows--Capitol Theatres in Mont- bank account publishing a weekly|real, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary, newspaper is something devoutly to, Peterboro, Kitchener, Regina, Vie- be wished by every rural editor. But toria, the Regent, Toronto, the Tem- there are other sources of satisfac-|ple, at Brantford, Brock at Brock- tion; such as building a reputation ville, the Empress at Edmonton, Re- for publishing a "clean sheet." {gent at Galt, Capitol-Regent at Whether or not James Currie, pro-| Guelph, the Savoy and Strand at prietor of the Stirling News-Argus,' Hamilton, the Strand at Kingston is building a bank account out of the Dominion at Nanaimo, Regent at revenue of his paper is among the| Oshawa, Royal at Port Hope, Ai- many things we have not been ap-| 80ma at Sault-Ste-Marie, the Dom- prised of, but there is one thing inion at Vancouver. the Broadway which does come within the scope of at Vv ancouver, the Dominion at Vie- our knowledge and that is the fact|!oria, the Princess at Chatham, the that 'James Currie has established a Colonial at Port Arthur, the Orphenm reputation as a publisher of a "clean" | 4 Fort William, the Gen at Nelson, sheet. Mr. Carrie is 10 be commend-| 2nd the [following in Toronto, the ed for his high ideals and if there! jr and. Palace, Oakwood, Alhambra, is one time better than another to Ally, Toek and Garden. extend congratulations, that time is the Re Pomeroy, Manager of the present. On July 21st, Mr. Cur-|, egent, announces for the second rie celebrated his 79 birthday. He Jear of Capitol Entertainment which has been engaged in newspaper work rE bien - 3 ed Ya 7th. two of since he was a lad of 17, with the | po a ramount Siclurhs of exception of two years when he went «qo 'the Doren Baran ahs and back to the land, also when incapaci-| {4 a peca njsical tated for some months hig event which ange oy Me nig lines. Whitby in DTted throughout the entire Dom- oy Was Jorn 3a East hl yw juion. I You are not in Oshawa this to learn the printing business. HIS ck and hapbea to he n 21st birthday saw him in Massachus {theatre presenting ge visit the siz where he spent the summer, and |tainment and you will enjoy one of New York City claimed him for the! the biggest following winter.' Returning to the you ever witnessed. old home he was for two years away | from newspaper work, and then took! it up again in Port Pérry, working with the late KE. Mundy (Oshawa Reformer). From there he went to] Cannington and commenced the pub-| lication of the Cannington Gleaner.| In ig he sold out there and re- moved to Stirling, Hastings Couunty,|:, . * Prank vy pa where he is still engaged in business. | ne Mh Je Ree k Mlley, the Tiffany At 79 years he continues Lo go | Robert 7 Ieonarad 9: Dison ind business every day, and manages the | Rego AY. Tuncdar and Thr business himself, doing a great ds Regent a a nosday aml Wed: of the Sctual be hig Jo Ves, dressing rom, a dressing room done sides editing the News-Argus. of hor Suiored Sik jus. the [ade Mornings and evenings in the {long draped, trailing aig pil epring aud swmmer will find him in{zown. A Russian wolf hound lay ig Burden, With the Drake, SpRVer, on the floor near a chaise lounge. days the year round find him in/his accustomed place in the Methodist church at least once a day. It was a happy coincidence that E. Roy Sayles, Manager of the Can- adian Weekly Newspaper Associa- tion, stepped into the office of the News-Argus during the celebration of Mr. Currie's birthday. Accom- panying Mr. Sayles were Messrs. Calnan and Watson, of the North Hastings Review, and Picton Gazette, respectively. Both Mr. Watson and Mr. Calnan are members of the C. W. N. A. and the proprietor of the News- Argus being a member of the organ- ization the heartiest of congratula- tions were in order. It is said of Mr. Currie that he enjoys reading Printer and Publisher almost equally as well as the Toronto Globe, without which mo day is perfect. ; {programme nine years! yi. HARD TIMES DIDN'T BALK MAE MURRAY Screen Star Staked Her Fortune on "Peacock Alley" and Won Through to Triumph It was between scenes of the film- 1{ she was just a plain, hard-working business woman. She was working on "Peacock Alley," the first pro- duction she has attempted in her new studio. It takes courage to start out for yourself now in the face of the fensors and hard times, "lI am doing it just on that ac- count." said she. ""Things are so difficult at the moment. The censor to artistic production. But doing pictures of my own gives me greater scope. "I feel that no time nor expense is too great if only in the end I turn out a good picture. We do scenes pie il goric? over again until what satisfies us. I use nothin that I feel is not up to the Eh standard. We work on the same principle that one works with a dress until it is just right. One wouldn't be so foolish as to wear it unless it were perfectly suitable, I am glad that you like my gowns," she continued. them all myself. I start on my clothes as soon as I begin work on the scenario. I do a great deal of work on the sets, too. You see I studied interior decorating and in- SETTLEMENT NOW DUE Danyille Gazette:--Now that the to deplete the stocks on hand, and thus furnish an excuse for keeping dispute to get together nd agree on a settlement that they evening's entertainment p A picture of luxury, vet she said bill is a menace in so many ways | we get | "I design, are spending their holidays at Bea verton and other points. Mr. Arnold was in Toronto on Tuesday attending the funeral of his nephew. Mrs. Darlington brother at Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. Curle, of Toronto, and Mrs, Smith and daughter and Mrs. Connor, of Rochester, visited at Mr. J. Allems' last week. The Inspector of the is visiting her Dominion Bank paid a visit to the branch here | this week, Miss Etta White has improved suf- ficiently to be brought to her home here. Mrs. Lillian Lowe is spending her | vacation in New York. ley," is from the story by Ouida Ber- gere. Edmund Golding did the scenario. "But even so," said Miss Murray, "I put about a month's work on it myself before we began filming." "peacock Alley" was directed by | Miss Murray's husband, Robert Z. Leonard. The photography is by| Oliver T. Marsh, the art settings by Charles Cadwallader, and the sub- titles by Frederic and Fanny Hatton. The cast includes Monte Blue, Ed- mund Lowe, W. J. Ferguson, Anders Randolf, William Tooker, Howard Lang, William Frederic, M, Durant and Jeffrys. Lewis. FAMOUS RANCH USED BY CAREY FOR STAMPEDE The famous Agoure ranch at Cal- s, Cal., and five hundred of Agoure family's finest cattle were used by Harry Carey in the [making of his latest Universal-Jewel picture, a super-western photodrama called "Man to Man." the picture was adapted from the popular novel of that name by Jackson Gregory. It will be shown at the Martin The- atre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. The use of the Agoure ranch, one of the finest in the West, was obtain- ed by the star personally from Lester Agoure, its present owner and a warm friends of the Universal cow- boy star. Agoure is the present day representative of a long line of Agoures, a family which obtained its California estates from the King of Spain in the romantic days when California was a Spanish colony. {| The ranch still retains its med- ieval romance and color, and was admirably suited to the atmosphere {needed in Carey's picture. Roaming {the broad Agoure lands were several {thousand steers. many of which were {herded before the camera in one of {the most exciting stampede scenes lever pictured for the screen. | "Man To Man" recounts the strug- {gles of a young man who fights his | way from the degradation of a South | | Sea derelict back to respectability in his home country--the cattle lands of the West. It is a story which might have been written for Carey. It pro- vided with the he-man of a role which he has made famous on the screen. | Unusual for a "Western" picture, |"Man to Man" also includes a se- quence of scemes laid in the South Seas. It was a novelty for Carey to play the role of a South Sea beach- comber, but his remarkable work in the tramp role in "Overland Red" and "Sundown Slim," two of his former impersonations, helped him wonderfully in portraying a Tahiti derelict. "Man to Man" was directed by Stuart Paton, the man who put the thrills - into "Conflict." Priscilla tended to take it up as a profes- sion." Her present picture, could have made as easily three months ago. tf ---------- Over 3,000 musicians will take part |" n the Music Day programme at the Canadian National Exhibition, includ- ing twenty-five bands, 1,500 choristers, and a large number of troubadors, pia- mists and other artists. There are nearly two hundred en- tries in the vocal and instrumeatal i "Peacock Al- Exhibition this year. Over fifty places in Ontario are represented, while Que- competitors. The Prince of Wales Durbar at) the Canadian National Exhibition is| designed to commemorate the recent world tour by H.R. H. It is said to be the best and most elaborate pag- eant yet attempted bp the C.N.E. Sold by Jury & Lovell, Dean's recent film melodrama. He has done equally as well with the thrill scenes in "Man to Man." those present with a piano solo, and the meeting closed with the League Benediction, About 100 members and visitors of the W. M. S. met in their regular meeting and annual picnic on the church lawn on Tuesday, Aug. 15th. After the business meeting a paper on mite box work was given by Mrs. Sykes. The programme also includ- ed a reading on the Cradle Roll, Mrs. | >. J. Kerslake; recitations, Misses vacation with their Aunt Mrs. K. A. Grills. Miss Hall, of Weston, is the guest of Mrs. Porteous for a few days, Johnston turned home after visiting friends in Chatham. Mrs. W. G. Doidge and children, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Spencer, "Sunny | Lodge." There was married in Neepawa, Manitoba, on Wednesday, August 2nd, Mrs. Gagia Marie Chinn, form-| erly of Brooklin, to Mr. Percy | Hawksley. Mrs. Howard Elliott and son, El-| | mer, of Port Hope, visited at Mr. C.| | Edliott's last week, Mr. Fred Howden, who has been | | visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Jobn| Moore, has left for his home in| British Columbia. | There will be no service on Sun-| day, August 27th, in the Methodist Church. Miss Hilda Dorman, of London, and Miss Frances Simser, of Toronto, are Visine a ren. Diape dl with relatives and friends here. iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. | Rev. W. A. Bunner, Pickering, re- Robson. | cently visited his sister, Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson are| Balson. viciting the latter's grandmother Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Luke Robinson. are the guests of C. Pearce. HAMPTON | Mr. Staples, Toronto, enjoyed < | kc itl . . roll Rev. Thomas McReymolds of New Woche with Mr. C. Penfound re-| Ontario, spent a few days visiting gpd his sister, Mrs. W. H. Gay, in Hamp- Mrs. NX. Osborne, ton. | turned home after spending Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samells and! With Mrs. J. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samells, Blackstock, | Mrs. Edwin Worden accompanied visited at Mr. 8S. T. Mountjoy's on| by Miss Allie Worden, spent a pleas- Sunday. ant holiday at Niagara League meeting was in charge of | Mrs. Willoughby, the third vice president, Miss Mary home for a visit with Souch, last week. Afterthe opening Mr. and Mrs. George exercises Mr. Frank Cryderman| Harvest is nearly | | Miss Eleanor has re- -- RANT COLUMBUS Farmers are busy threshing in this neighborhood and report the yield of barley and spring wheat very 'good, while oats are rather disappointing in some instances, even on the same farm. We trust that prices of farm products will Mary Niddery and Gertrude Smyth; | not suffer any decline as the produc- solo, Mrs. McCarthy; trio, Eleanor |tion is very costly to the farmer at Sykes, Jessie Knox and Helen Knox; | the present cost of labor and other duet, Frances and Beatrice Jones. |general expenses. The- next meeting will be at the! We are sorry to report the illness home of Mrs. Niddery. | of Mrs. Jas. Reeson, but she is some- Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa Normal | (Continued on page '3) School, will preach in Zion, Eldad and Hampton churches next Sunday | at the regular hours. | = -------- Miss Evelyn Gay and brother, Osh- awa, are spending thefr vacation | | MAN MAN WE'VE GOT BIG ONE The New Martin MON. -- TUES. -- WED. England, | Mrs. | | Gibbs, | Mr. | and RR. Toronto, has re- a visi 1 { | | Winnie her parents, | Van Dyke. finished is | | here | NAVY CUT CIGARETTE Druggists, Oshawa