J A EA Shi usta _ T. ©. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, "Ofce over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West. Phone 231. DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- | 'fice, over Hogg and Lytle's store. | Thone 948. 1-yr. . 8. J. P PS -- s ofce over Kyle's Grocery Etore. Phone 969. 4-1 yr. DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97. gr DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- &N- trance to office ome door east of Detenbeck's Store. an DR, W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1243, 5 DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal his residence, 201 Simcoe Daal. io uh 26-1mos. RA ---------- A -------------------- . OSHAWA, "ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- ONE SMALL WASH- ing machine and wringer. Nearly new, 173 Church Church St, 51-¢ a A Real Estate For Sale GOOD LOT FOR SALE--EXCEL- lent situation for store. Apply eve- mings 6 to 8, 44 Charles St, bl-c DAVENPORT (BED COUCH) FOR sale, In excellent condition, Phone 895. 51-c FOR SALE--FINE WICKER WHITE blooch baby buggy. Reversible gear. LOTS FOR BALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer and sidewalk, Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50' King St. East, Office phone 1232. by BERTRAND As good as new, Would like to sell at Once. Apply Mrs. B, Read, 30 Richmond St, 5l-c HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good used furniture in large or small lots, Furniture also for sale or ex- change. Delivery free, B. Warner, 329 Court St. Oshawa. Phone 1005- Ww, 42-1mo FOR in first class condition, water front, Apply 50 Charles St, 62-¢ FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain at $250, Stalter's Music Store, '23 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, 45-tf Medical R. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN on Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. . L. J. SEBERT, 7 8T., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Baturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D, B, NBBELY, BEAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank. Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 7--0; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. FOR SALE---TWO TOP BUGGIES IN good condition, also open buggle. G. Sugden, carriage repaiy shop, King St. E. Corporation Limit. h2-b FOR SALE--FOUR SKCOND HAND sewing machines from #10 to $25. Singer Sewing Machine Co, 15 Prince St. Phone 696, 53-b FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, cream' wicker, round reed, reversible gear, also Singer sewing machine, 7 drawers, never been used. Apply 376 Short Celina St, 53-¢ Help Wanted--Male MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $16 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showeards for* us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Showecard SALE---CHAMPION RANGE | Residence, 403, 46-tf | LOTS CAN BE HAD ON HILCREST: | Lauer pulled up before his own Sub-Division, delightfully situated lo-| cabin at mid-afternoon of the fourth | cation for $26 to $50 per lot. This|day, unloaded his own stuff, and ) Property iy Within the oy Tiiills, x drove to his neighbor's with the rest. gistered plan. Indisputable e. For| 2 " a particulars apply to Russell Perkins,| I'll walk ii 8iter a litle, Hiss) Regent Building, 50 King Street Hast, told him, when he had piled her Oshawa, Residence Phone 403; Office, | 800d In one corner of the kitchen. '| The rattle of the wagon died away. 1232, te ST TRDBN She wag alone--at home, Her eyes MAGNIFICENT BUY IN GARDEN filled as she roved restlessly from land. Seventeen acres of the finest kitchen to living room and on into garden land, two givethe, three| io hedroom at the end. Bill had wells, six roomed house in the best unpacked. The rugs were down, the of condition, Good barn, entire crop, books stowed in familiar disarray stock and implements. One mile upon their shelves, the bedding from Oshawa. Must be sold immedi- spread in semi-disorder where he had ately. Price right, reasonable cash 1 : » ast slept and gone away without payments, mortgage 6%. South Osh- troubling to smooth it out to house- awa Insurance & Real Estate Co. witely fashion, Br 1. Botley, 3. A. Bickel. ng Bhe came bakk to ibe living. room L. , J. A, Bickell. big | ick iv} | GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 31d geaied Rossel au * Mie shaix, lon Alico Bt., between Mary and Divi- lonely. But she was not. Perhaps sion St, will sell Shea) lof yuick that would come later. For the pre- sale. Terms to suit. Apply 214 Diy. sent it seemed as if she had reached is on St, io WC the end of something, as If she were G EE d Wants very tired, and had gratefully come to a welcome resting place. She turn- WANTEXD--INVESTORS TO JOIN [ed her gaze out the open door where syndicate now forming. to acquire|the forest fell away In vast undula- half interest in copyrights covarng tions to a range of snow-capped articles of proven merit and in wide Mountains purple in the autumn haze, demand. As committee of investors and a verse that Bill had once guot- will control finances good faith is ed came hack to her: guaranteed and strictest investiga-| Oh, to feel the wind grow strong tion is Invited as this is a good pro- Where the trail leaps down, "North of Fifty-three " - W. SINCLAIR would cluster about the open hearth, popping corn for the children, talk- ing, always with cheerful optimism, Behind Lauer's mild blue oyes lurked a mind that burrowed inces- santly to the roots of things, He had lived and worked and read, and, pon- dering it all, he had summed up a few of the verities, "Life, it iss giffen us, und ve must off it make der best ve can," he said once to Hazel, fondling a few hooks he had horrowed to read at home. "Life iss goot, yust der liffing of life, if only ve go not astray not af- der der voolish dings-----und {if der self-breservation struggle vears us not out so dot ve gannot enjoy being alife. Bo many iss struggle und slave under terrible conditions, Und it iss largely because off ignorance. Ve know not vot ve can do--und ve shrink vrom der unknown. Here iss acres by der dousand vree to der man vot off it can make use--und dousands vot 1iffs und dies und never hass a home, Here iss goot, glean air--und in her shmoke und shmells und dirty strets iss a ravage of fu- berculosis. Der balance iss not true. cared two pins; ber of pins, Oh, to see if you still thought your game was better than mine, "Well, you don't have to take any eastbound train to find that out," she cried gaily, "I'm here to tell you I care a lot more than any num- 've learned a lot in the last six months, Bill, I had to hurt myself and you, too, I had to get a jolt to jar me out of my self- centered little orbit, I got it, and it did me good. And it's funny. 1 came back here hecause I thought I ought to, because it was our home, but rather dreading it, And. I've been quite contented and happy only hungry, oh, so dreadfully hun- gry, for you," Bill kissed her, "I didn't make any mistake in you, after all," he said, "You're a real artner, You're the right stuff, I love you more than cver, If you made « mistake you paid for it, like a dead-game sport, What's a few months? We've all our life before us, and it's plain sailing now we've got our bearings again." "Amen!" she whispered. *"I---but, say, man of mine, you've been on the trail, and I know what the trail is, You must be hungry. I've got all kinds of goodies cookea in the kit- chen, Take off your clothes, and I'l] get you something to eat." "I'll go you," he said. *I am hun- gry. Made a long mush to get here for the night. I got six huskies run- ning loose outside, so if you hear 'em scuffling around you'fl know it's not the wolves, Say, it was some wel- Und in der own vay der rich iss full off drouble--drunk mit eggcitement, veary mit bleagsures, Ach, der voods und mountains und streams, blenty | off food, und a kindly neighbor--iss not dot enough? Only der abnormal | vants more as dot. Und I dink der come surprise to find a fire when I 'came in. Thought first somebody travelling through had put up. Then I saw those slippers lying there. That was sure making me take not- ice when you stepped out," Hhe chuckled at the recolleetion. PACE SEVEN I ------------------------------------ Close up beside her bed stood a small, square crib, Hazel set the lamp on a table and, turning to the bundle of blankets which filled this new piece of furniture, drew back one corner, revealing a round, puck- ered-up infant face, "For the love of Mike!" Bill mut- tered, "1s it--ig it--"" "It's our son," she whispered proudly, "Born the tenth of Janu- ary--three weeks ago today. Don't, don't--you great bhear--you'll wake him." For Bill was bending down to peer at the tiny morsel of humanity, with a strange, abashed smile on his fuce, his big, clusmy fingers touch- ing the soft, pink cheeks, And when he stood up he drew a long breath, and laid one arm across her shoul- ders, "Us two and the kid," he ssid whimsically. 'It should be the hard- est combination in the world to bust, Are you happy, little person?" She nodded, clinging to him, word- lessly happy. And presently she cov- ered the baby's face, and they went back to sit before the great fireplaec, where the kettle bubbled cheerfully and the crackling blaze sent forth its challenge to the hevy of frost sprites that held high revel outside. And, after a time, the blaze died to a heap of glowing embers, and the forerunning wind of a northeast storm soughed and whistled about a house deep wrapped in contented slumber, a house no longer divided against itself, THE END, Radiators Repaired 45-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY. 143 COL- legé Street, Toronto, wiil be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the AT THE RADIATOR SERVICE STATION drouble iss largely dot der modern, | Hazel lit the lamp, and stirred up high-bressure cifilization makes for|the fire, plying it with wood. ' Then der abnormal, vedder a man iss aishe slipped a heavy bathrobe over millionaire or vorks in der brewery.| her nightgown and went into the contentment iss a state off der mind | chilly kitchen, emerging therefrom --und if der mind vorks mit logic it|presently with a tray of food and a Bervice, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. . 83-t.5, WANTED--MARRIED MAN UNDER | 40 years with experience handling boilers, steam piping and general millwright work. Must have initia- postion with unlimited possibilities | I could never learn the way of profit. Write in first instance to | H. K. Middleton, 524% Simcoe And wisdom of the town, 52 St.| Bhe blinked. The town--it seemed North, Oshawa. 53-c to have grown remote, a fantasy in WANTED ONE OR TWO FU It which she had played a puppet part, nished rooms suitable fob light But she was home again. If only the nose, throat and ear. 134-t1 DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. tive. Apply Box "R"" Reformer. bl-c Help Wanted--F. WANTED -- FIRST CLASS HAND sewer, Apply H. Sheriff, 11% Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1198j. 52-¢ Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Offic? 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 4456. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ote. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osk- swa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 619). GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. ¥. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. a @. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe Bt, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. duos M. Land Surveyor and Civic Ea- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | Perry. 3-41 Undertakers & Embalmers | balance mection; picture framing St. South. Phone 210. 19 Division St. 2 11 Simooe Residence 26-1 yr GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | Suc- | ences. Apply to Superintendent 48-11 FOR SALE -- FRAME HOUSE 5 rooms and bath room, conveniences, immediately possession. Apply 83 Nassau St. 52-c FOR SALE--DESIRABLE 8 ROOM- ed brick residence, corner Mary and Elgin, large basement, modern con- veniences, good repair. Lot 135 x 55. For further particulars Apply Wm. Ratcliffe, 904 Independent, or Mrs. Wm. Adams, Brooklin, 2520 In- dependent Brooklin Central. 51-f FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER house, 5 rooms and bath room, con- veniences, good deep lot. Apply 79 Burk St. 53-c Board and Rooms {TO RENT--A BEAUTIFULLY FUR- | nished front: bedroom, all convenien- ces, central. Apply 78 Bond St. W. (or Phone 804. 53a {TO RENT--FURNISHED DOUBLE {front bedroom. Central. Apply 44 Charles St. 51 | TO RENT -- A FURNISHED ROOM, {all conveniences. Apply Box "I", Re- | former. 5 | ROGONS TO RENT--1 LARGE BED sitting room, 1 single room, 3 minutes' walk from GM.C. Apply Box "Q" Re- former. 52» BOARD FOR TWO GENTLEMEN or married couple in private house, good home for right party, tem min- utes from Four Corners, all conven- liences, Apply Box "B", Reformer. 53-b Hardwood For Sale The undersigned have about 300 cords of dry hardwood, principally maple, for sale at $14 per cond, de- livergd to amy part of the towa jim cord lots. Apply LYMAN GIFFORD, Phone 266, Westmount. JOHN HALL, 294 Barrie St., Town. S11 WANTED--WARD MAID FOR OSH- awa Hospital, must have good refer- | gladness of it endured strong enough housekeeping In house with mhd- |g, carry her through ye black {ern conveniences. Apply, stating!gaye might come to her there alone. | particulars and terms, to H. K. Mid-| She would gladly have cooked her | dleton, 52% Simcoe St. North. 53-C supper in the kitchen fireplace, and (WANTED -- TO RENT SMALL laid down to sleep under her own house, young married couple no child- | roof. It seemed the natural thing to iren. Mr. Nicholls, 12 Richmond St, do. But she had not expected to find { Oshawa. 52-¢ jhe cabin livably arranged, and she | AN AGENCY VOR a Filia = had promised the Lauers to spend AY GENCY = ii TE Mage lig the night with them. So presently {sell in country, town or city. We she closed the door and walked away grow and sell the best only and want through the woods. reilable, energetic agents for unrep- September and Oectober trooped resented territories. Write now. Past. and as they marched the willow Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y hickets ang poplar Efoves grew el. {kr A AS a eer, ' « rown, and carpeted © ED a LE floor of the woods with fallen leaves. { : ' - Bhrub and tree bared gaunt limbs to Must be 40 or 45 years of age, good | every autumn wind. Only the spruce plain cook, References. Small home | and pine stood forth in their year- | with every convenience. Terms mod- | round garments of green. The days erate, but work is light. Apply Box | shortened steadily. The nights grew 279, Whitby, Ont. 52D | long, colder with frost. Snow fell, "ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM | blanketing softly the dead leaves. {wanted by experienced farmer to, Old Winter cracked his whip master- |work on shares or would take chare, Tully over the North vill content find in der simple dings." | It sounded like a pronouncement | of Bill's. But Lauer did not often grow serious. Mostly he was jovial-| ly cheerful, and his wife likewise. | The North had emancipated them, | and they were loyal to the source of! their deliverance. And Hazel under-| stood, because she herself had found the wild land a benefactor, kindly in| its silence, restful in its forested peace, a cure for sickness of soul. Twice now it had rescued her from herself. November and December went their appointed way--and still no word of Bill. If now and then her pillow was wet she struggled might- ily against depression. She was not lonely in the dire significance of the word---but she longed passionately for him. And she held fast to her faith that he would come. The last of the old year she went little abroad. ventured seldom be- vond the clearing. And on New Year's eve Jake Lauer's wife came of farm. Aply Box "J" Reformer.| Day by day, between tasks. | Sl-¢ ana } m-- -- | elearing. |all the while she worked. Hazel's | lift herself on elbow at some unex- pected sound, her heart leaping wild with expectation, And always she would lie down again, and sometimes press her clenched hands to her lips i : i to keep back the despairing ery. Al- 'HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD | ways she adjured herself to be pat- floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al-|ient, to wait doggedly as Bill would terations to suit temamt. Apply top| have waited, to make due allowance H. Engel. 47-11. | for immensity of distance, for the TO RENT_OFFICE, WELL LIGHT: | tape a dciave which might over- ed and convenient. Apply Union silent ase ger aring RTOS thos dank of Camiade, Dchame 51] Sie: Ss or a man hurrying to his : 8 home. Many things might hold him SMALL ROUGH CAST HOUSE TO back. But he w mild come. - It -- rent,on John Ave, modern comven-! inconceivable that he might not iences. Apply 263 John Ave. 52-¢ | come. (TO RENT -TWO UNFURNISHED Meantime, with only a dim con- irooms. Apply 68 Duke St. 53-a| sciousness of the fact, she munder- TO LET 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, | went a marvelous schooling in adap- suitable for young gentlemen, all {tation self-restraint. She had work of conveniences. Apply 75 Bond St. E.|a sort, tasks such as every house- . 53-a | wife finds self-imposed in her own home. * She was seldom lonely. She marveled at that. It was unique in CEDAR | er experience. All her old dread of STM: Profound silence, the pathless spruce flooring $42M; Mam. siding | reste which infolded. like a Prison spruce $40M. Phone 10273 91 Sie Jig annes which soeised impos- le & sible of span, had vanished. Im fits NEW LUMBER FOR SALE WE |place had fallen over her an abiding have all kinds of rouzh and dressed [sense of peace, of security. The lusty lumber. Ask for quotations. Whit- [storm winds whistling about the (by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone cabin sang a restful lullaby. When {12, Whitby, Ont. 52-1mo. the wolves lifted their weird, melan- = | holy plaint to the cold, star-jewelod Farm Wanted To Rent FOR RENT FURNISHED OrFICE (in, Bradley Building, or will sell fur- niture and on monthly payments to, pArty taking office. Suite 4, Bradley Bldg. 4.-tf Lumber LUMBER FOR SALE - shingles $4M; spruce lath Insurance Agents Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Issurance Society, London, England. N. A. Mclean, Oshawa Ageat, Tel. 31 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repaar Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Rimcoe St. South. Tires sale. Jamieson Bros, Phone 766. Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN (me before deciding, D. Stretton, 54 Phone 602-1. building. Also storage for cans. phone 5527, might S62W. Road North. JE XA ai Patents 3 RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Big. Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attormeys. Semd for free booklet. dry Day oon Automobiles For Sele FOR SALE CADILLAC IN GOOD condition, cheap for cash, or will trade on house with good large lot or small farm in Oshawa, preferably King St. Algar Auto Service, G9 King St. W., Oshawa. 3c FOR SALE CHEVROLET TOURING car 1921 model, run £900 miles, firs class condition, will sell ok | ies, she listened without the old Ep i shudder. The: things whi ene {ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM i ue owe wanted by expenienced | Wont to oppress her, to send her fim- farmer to agimation reeling along morbid ways, { work on shares or would take change | seemed but a natural aspect of life, La farm. Apply Box a. Reform- of which she herself was a part. - | en. ing inctate, Bex glowing . ; | ineplace, watching a flame kindled Shou I hsanith, Carviage Be-| with her own hands with wood she | pairing - img. Also Marse-| harself carried from the pile outside, Suit. A work guaranteed. | she pondered this. It defied her Pow- | » Crages, Dillon Plant, Mill 8¢. ong of self-analysis. She could only | 534d accept it as a fact, and be glad. «yes would linger on the edges of the | Often at night she would | for 11-41] Alse a quantity of furniture. Advess ; Lost and Found -- Box 85, Oshawa. heel a oil -- |LOST---ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Work Wanted {2 mumber plate, betwen Pont Perry | CARPENTER WANTS WORK. Ri (and Oshawa. No. 160-354. Finder [Granville and all that Granville |stood for had withdrawn to a mone or less remote background. She could look over the frost-spangled forests and feel that she lacked mo- thing--mothing save her mate. There { pairs, alterations or additions. See Please motify Warren | Albert St. Phone 1129-5. S0-lmo Ru | LATHING AND SHINGLANG. WORK | BLAC {done by job or piece. Estimates given. Apply 13% King St. W. 23-2mo S------------ sremt-- TENDERS WANTED earhtrm, was no impression of transient abid- hd ing: mo chafing to be elsewhere, to do otherwise. It was home, she pe- flected: perhaps that was why. A simple routine served to fill her days. She kept her house shining, she copked her food, carried in her fuel. Except on days of forthright storm she put on her snowshoes, and with a little rifie in the crook of her WW ENIGMYS TO MEET | The annual celebration of the | Royal Rlack Knights will take place lin Belleville this year for the first { time. It will be held on August 12th, {a week from teday. A year ago Osh- |awa was the mecca for several SEALED TENDERS addressed 10 Mr. William Kaight, Chairman Building Committee, Board of Edu- school buildag. be bulk for all trades except Plumb- ing, Heating and Ventilating. Sep- SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Oshawa and wicinity from mow until the last of D b to take orders for our exclusive Personal Greeting Cards. This! line hy Board until contracts are awand- | of. The lowest or any tender mot Plans and | Tenders 19 her from Oshawa and arate sulk tenders will be received | arm prowled at random through the woods --pantly because it gave her pleasure to range sturdily afield, pantly for the physical brace of ex. ention in the crisp air. Otherwise she curled comfortably before the fireplage and sewed, or vead some- thing out of Bill's catholic assont- ment of books. wm It was given her, also, to learn the {true meaning of meighborliness, that kindliness of spirit which is stifled -- {by stress in the crowded places. I WANT SEVERAL REFINED | SGmmiaton 7 Mire: iT: Ue WOMEYX DESIRING TO MIT |roundings where life is noncomplex. THAMSEINES FOR EXBOU- | [Aire hate sause ané efioot tread TIVE BOSONS AX OUR [lg Tico to dows ao dha, Sat Af RAPIDLY EXPANDING OR- ||| came one of her neighbors to see if CANIZATION: WOU MUST BE || /all were well with her. OVER 25 YEARS AND ABLE De as a matter of course Jake yo a ons ||! opt steadily replenished for her a OF BELIASIAYY AND IN- DUSTRY. -- MR. EAGAR, 5 STANDARD BANE BUMMNG. | | d i when one of the des ever wit d herve {was hell. Ppecoptory No. 853, of Belleville, will be in change of all crowds are expected to visit the Bay of winte City, including quite 2 num- surrounding | districts. | for Plumbing, Heating and Ventilat- ing. Al tenders must he acoompan- | ied by a marked chegme for 5% of a of tender which will be held | . {chance with you? to the cabin to stay. - LJ Hazel sat up, wide awake, on the !instant. There was not the slightest 'sound. She had been deep in sleep. + Nevertheless she felt, rather than 'knew, that someone was in the liv- ing-room. door opening had her slumber. stant, - filtered through She hesitated an not through fear, because in utterly forsaken her; but hope had leaped so often, only to fall sicken- ingly, that she was half persuaded it must be a dream_ Still the impres- sion strengthened. She slipped out of bed. The door of the bedroom stood slightly ajar. shaggy fur cap pushed far back on' his head, his gauntlets swinging from the cord about his meck. She had left a great bed of coals on the hearth, and the glow shone redly on his frost-scabbed face. But the marks of bitter trail buck¥ng. the marks of frostbite, the stubbly beard, the tiny icicles that still clus- tered on his eyebrows: while these traces of hardship tugged at her heart they were forgottem when she saw the expression that owvershad- owed his face. Wonder and unbe- lief and longing were all mirrored there. She took a shy step forward to see what riveted his gaze. And de- spite the choking sensation in her throat she smiled for she had taken off her little, beaded moccasins and and left them lying on the bearskin | before the fire, and he was staring down at them like a man fresh-wak- ened from a dream, unbelieving and bewildered. With that she opened the door and ram to him. He started, as if she had been a ghost. Then he opened his arms and drew her close to him. i "Bill, Bill, what made you so long?" she whispered. "I guess it] served me night, but it scemed a never-ending time." ; "What ymade mje so pur" che | echoed, bending his rough cheek | down against the warm smoothness of hers. "Lord, 1 didn't known you ! wanted me. I ain't ne telepathist, | hon. You mever peeped one little! word since I left. How long you been here?" | "Since last September." She smil- | od up at him. "Dida't Conrvoiseur's | man deilver a message from me to! the mine? Dida't you come in am-| swer to my note?" "Great Caesar's ghast--sinoe Sep- tember --alone! You poor little gin?" | he murmured. "No, if you sent word | to me through Courveiseur I mever got it. Maybe hi h Perhaps the sound of the § the months of living alone fear had | kettle of water to make coffee. This she set on the fire. Wher- ever she moved Bill's eyes followed her with a gleam of joy, tinctured with smiling ineredulousness. When the kettle was safely bestowed on the coals, he drew her on his knee. There for a minute she perched in rich content. Then she rose. "Come very quietly with me, Bill," she whispered, with a fine air of | mystery. "I want to show you some- | thing." : | "Sure! What is it?" he asked. "Come and see," she smiled, and {took up the lamp. Bill followed i obediently. 7 ~ § When;We § Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY } JURY & LOVELL, Lid Phone 28 Phone 1101 § in- 4 Bill stood before the fireplace, his | X THIS MAY BE THE TURNING POINT IN YOUR LIFE We have a future to offer a man over 25 years of age, of good habits, zoeod appearance and ability to tell the truth. The Service Department of an International Commercial House willing to pay well and train the right man for a biz executive position. is To prove you are the man. call between 1 and 4 pm. at 5 Standard Bank Building. 650 Simcoe St. 8. will give Sat- isfaction. All work Guaran- teed, Phone 355w. 51-1m Wer ' wily EJ ' yy IF YOU WANT MEATS BOTH PURE AND. A VISIT HERE WILL PROVE A TREAT? ' ot our meats make their appeal to the happy family circle where quality foods are apprec- fated. Nothing but the best and lots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- fsfactory service. Our tele- phone is your friend. SIM JOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 517 MOVED! From Our Old Stand 23 Bond St. E. Let ws show you owr work. eb uy © New Method (Cleaners And Dyers DONT LOOK SHABBY Have your Garments, laperies, curtains, etc, Dry Cleaned Ly our superior method, and they will look just like new and have that fresh appearance which you #0 ach desire, You will not be disappointed if yon snd them 10 Quality Cleaner and Byer Car. Oclina and Athol Sts. Goods called for and delivoved Mail orders veoeive special and prompt attention. PHONE his man. 1 left the Klappan with the down. Never heard a word from you. I'd given you up. 1 just blew in this | way by sheer accident. Girl, girl, | you don't know how good it is 20 see you again, to hawe this warm body of yours cuddling wp to me again. And you came right here and | planted yourself to wait till 1 turn-| ed mp ™ "Sure!" She laughed happily. here, and I'm heve, and--Oh, Billy- | boy, 1 was an awful pig-headed idiot. | Do you think you can take another chance with me?" | "Say"--he held her of at arm's dength admiringly--"do you want to know how strong I am for taking a | Well, 1 was on my | way ont to flag the next train Bast, . Just to see--just to see if yom still Have you ordered Brick for that mew house? If not see or phone the Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. Agents for the INTERPROVINCIAL BRICK 00. Brick Always On Hand