PAGE FOUR L OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, -- 1922 eA News of Nearby Places BROOKLIN Mrs, H, H, Spencer has gone to stay with her daughter, Mrs, Lock- wood, of Newcastle, who is very ill, Mr, Tom White, of Toronto, visit- ed his brothers a few days last week "on his way home from a fishing trip to Kinmount, Mrs. E. B, Patterson and children have returned from spending a holi- day at their summer cottage, Lake Simcoe. Miss Dryden, of foronto, is visit- ing at Maple Shade, Lockwood Cuttle, of Toronto, and his sister, Mrs. Johnston, called on friends last week, . 'There will be no service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next, August 6th, . Mr. Joseph Boyer, of Detroit, for- merly of the 7th concession, Picker- ing, called on old friends in Brook- lin last week. Mr, Blair Kitchen and wife called on his parents last week, Several from here attended the opening of the new hospital build- ings at Whitby on Tuesday last, Mr, F. G, Sandy, M.P.P,, and Mrs, Sandy, visited his cousin, Rev. Mr, Rowland, at the parsonage last week, The Trustee Board of the Metho- dist Church have decided to build a new verandah on the parsonage. The quarterly Official Board of the Methodist Church will meet on Mon- day evening next, August 7th, in the church at 8 o'clock. Miss Henderson, of Nappnee, visiting at the parsonage. The new cement walk on Ralflroad Street, which has recently been com- pited, is a great improvement to the village. White Bros, have commenced work on the new Council Chamber ad- joining the Town Hall. Miss Laura Francis is spending her holidays at her home here. The football team met Ashburn in a return game at Ashburn on Sat- urday evening ,with a gain for Brook- lin, the score being 2-1 in favor of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White, of Marsh Hill, visited his brother, Mr. J. White, over the week-end. Miss Marjorie Allems and Miss Gladys Hortop visited at the lat- ter"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Al- Gladys Hortop visited at the for- mer"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Al- lems', over the week-end, Mr. Milton White, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Job White. Miss Beattie and girl friend, Cree- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott and more, have been visiting her sister, daughter, Evelyn, have gone to their Mrs. H. Cowling. cottage at Pine Point for a time. | Mrs. Frank Grigg and son, Oshawa, The officers installed at the Pecont| are visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Hast- meeting of Beethoven Lodge, | ings. 165, 1.0.0.F., Brooklin, are as tor. Misses Carrie and Lillie Smale, of lows: | Dargis (Oshawa, visited at home. Bd 4d 4 { A merry crowd of young people pic- N. GF. A. Tarvis, | nicked at Lake Scugog on Saturday. RS Ta a Sisto, | Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. gid Mad y. | Arthur Wakeley on the arrival of a their teacher, Mrs, James Knox, to organize their class, They named their class the Willing Workers and the following officers were elected: President--Miss Esther Dennis, Vice Pres.--Miss Eileen Scott, Secy,--Miss Hazel Vallant, Treas,--Miss Katie Lindsay, Organist--Miss Katie Lindsay, Asst, Org.--Miss Hazel Vallant, Miss Eileen Scott, Miss Knox and Miss Hazel Vallant are on the sick committee, The meeting was ad- journed until August 26, when they will met at the homé of Mrs. Knox. The Large Girls' class and the Big Boys' Bible class will hold their an- nual picnic at Lakeview Park next Saturday afternoon, August 5, The teachers of the Sunday School are cordially invited. Mr. Handcock, of Albert, Mr, W, Wood and Mr. Tom Cory visited at Mrs. D, Christie's on Sunday, The Sunday evening service was conducted by Mr, Crawford, assisted by Mrs. Walker. They both gave excellent addresses, Mrs, John Alex- ander, choir leader, delighted her hearers with a solo which was much enjoyed, ---- 'oe Mr. and Mrs ,Tom Bcott and Billy, also Mr. and Mrs. George Séott and Florence, spent Sunday at Eldad, Miss Carry Heal, of Toronto, Mrs, James Fallice, of Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Tom Scott's, Miss Katie Lindsay visited at Miss Gerta Solomon's on Sunday. Mrs, Charles Bates, Miss T. Bates and Miss Ethel Hinton, of Port Hope, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Barrett's, Master Addison Scott visited at Courtice and Zion on Sunday. Mrs. Tom Solomon visited Taunton on Tuesday. Miss Lily Phillips, of Toronto, is spendipg a month's vacation at her | home here, is Mrs. Arthur Phillips. We are sorry to lose the Davies family from here. Mrs. Davies will be much missed from the Sunday | School. We are health of Mr. Daniel Jacks. HAMPTON |ing her sons in Philadelphia and Friendship, N.Y. returned home accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Frances Mason. Miss Evelyn Willis, Toronto, is holi- daying at Jno. Colwill's, sr. er ---- Ww. J | at! Mr. and Mrs. { spent Miss Mills, of England, is visiting | fred and Bertha Cole, | sorry to report the ill man Woodley. | in Orono on Sunday. | led from a pleasant visit Mrs. E. Hastings who has been visit- | Arthur Jennings of Oshawa. Treas.--M. L. Routley. Warden--P. Rogers. Master Boyd Slemon, Bowmanville, Is visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, J, J, Virtue, Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Horn and Wal- lace and Mr, Chas, Horn visited at Peterboro and Chemong Lake, Master Mervin Scott, Port Hope, with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Jno. Clarke, Miss Laura Virtue is visiting friends at Burlington, Mrs, (Rev,) W. 'W, Jones and chil- dren are visiting with friends at Janetville, Miss Muriel Trull, Bowmanville, was home over. Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Chariton McBride, of Peterboro, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, White, May Proceed (Continued from page 1 ) the work as planned may be carried on, Five tenders were received for the work but Mr, H, 8, Smith, the Peo- ple"s Warden, states that the price to he paid for labor made the ten- ders exceedingly high, He also stat- ed that the price for various mater- fals- was higher than had been anti- ciputed but made particular refer- ence to the labor side of the question, Due to the building hoom being ex- perienced = at the present time hy many towns and cities near Oshawa ft is difficult to get men to work at what the committee would call reasonable terms, A definite an- Mr, and Mrs, A. Parker, Toronto, |nouncement regarding the policy of at J. H, Burrows', the Building Committee for this year Mrs. John Willis and sons, Toronto, Will be available early next week, at Mr, Jno, Colwill's, sr. AT THE REGENT A number from here picnicked at Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Saturday, Scenes of "Our Leading Citizen" Ave Photographed in Thriving City BETHESDA The beautiful city of Modesto, Mr. J. H. Werry and Miss Werry|California, of which George J. Ul- visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry rich is mayor, recently underwent a complete transformptiop, emerging as "Wingfleld, Indiana!" The transformation lasted only three days however, and inasmuch as there i8 no real "Wingfield, In- diana." no serious damage was done, It all happened in the filming of "Our Leading Citizen," the George Ade story in which Thomas Meighan will star at the Regent Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day. Mr. Ade's original is told against the background of the myth- fecal small town of "Wingfield," Now, mythical cities do very well on paper, but the camera requires something more substantial, So the city of Modesto was selected and the entire production unit, headed by the star and director Alfred Green, travelled two hundred miles for three days of filming work. Modesto has the unique distinction of nefer having served before as 1 background for motion picture ac- tion. It is one of California's oldest and most pleturesque cities and serv- ver, 8ylvia Ashton, Luclen Little- field, Laurance Wheat, Thomas Ken- nedy and Ethel Wales, A feature of the trip was a mam- month political parade staged in Mo- desto especially for this Paramount picture. GRAND THEATRE MON. TUES. WED. Allan Dwan presents "A PERFECT CRIME" An unusual comedy drama containing the romance of a make-believe bank robber. ed admirably as a substitute for 'Wingfield."" In the party which visited Modesto were several well-known Paramount players, including Lois Wilson, Theo- dore Roberts, Willtam P. Carleton, James Nell, Charles Ogle, Guy Oli- at Tyrone, on Sunday. Miss Olga Tod who is home from Grace Hospital of Toronto, drove out and spent the afternoon with the Misses Cole, Mr. and Mrs, Thos White; Miss Helen, and Russel motored up from Elizabethville and spent Sunday at Mr. W. G. Rundle's, Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Hoar, Masters Tom, Lloyd and Alden motored to Toronto for the week-end and visit- ed his sister Mrs. T. A. Anderson. Mr. E. V7 Hoar has made several business trips to Toronto of late. Rochester friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry spent Sunday at Port Bowmanville on their yacht, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Toronto, Locke and son Earle the week-end at Mr. Will Lock's. Miss Nora Johns of Thornhill is {visiting her cousins Misses Winni- TYRONE Mrs. Fred Moore, of Bowman- ville is visiting her sister Mrs. Nor- | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hills visited Miss Florence Stewart nas return- with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brent and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis and family; Mrs. W. A, Wilson; Miss Eleanor and Master Brent of Hailey- bury attended the Annis picnic at Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Tuesday. Miss Edythe Neff, B.A., and Mr Allan Annis B.A., motored from Lake Simcoe on Monday and are holidaying at his father's, Mr. Arthur Annis. They enjoyed the Annis pic- nic at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper and family visited with friends in Mariposa Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McFeeters Miss | Dorothy and Master Ronald, Miss | M. McFeeters of Toronto, Mrs. Geo. | (Continued on page 3) Conductor--W. J. Cook. R.S.N.G.--Thos, Roper. LS.N.G.--R. Chisholm. S.V.G.--H E. Fenn, .8.V.G.--Chas. Anderson. . G.--M Ross. ). GA, G. Duff. Chaplain--G. P. Kent. . NORTH OSHAWA Miss Esther Dennis spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Kerman. Miss Greta Solomon has returned home after a pleasant vacation at Pine Point. The large girls met at the home of F. 8.--D, W. Macdonald. NOTICE The Oshawa Fire Depart- ment will need cars on Mon- W MARTI THEATRE 3 Days, Mon., Tue., Wed., AUGUST 7-8-9 The Greatest Musical Comedy Ever Produced The Town Follies and Marie HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS Two hours and a half brimful of hearty laughter N THE HOME OF SPECIAL FEATURES NEV MARTIN Theatre AGAIN 2 BIG SUPER 2 FEATURES NEXT Thursday Friday Saturday BIG SUPER 2 FEATURES SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY Two Shows Nightly 7.159.153 Coming Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday No Woman Knows 10c%:::20¢ REGULAR SUMMER PRICES Also a big feature comedy in which Mack Sennett presents Billy Bevan and Mildred June in "GYMNASIUM JIM" He bet his bankroll he could beat the champ. Jim didn't mind the bankroll, but--Bell's Hazes--what a licking he took. His sweetheart looked on and gave advice. ACTS VAUDEVILLE INTHE MOVIES Matinee Monday Afternoon 14th ANNUAL Cobourg Horse Show AUGUST 15-16 -17-18-19 1922 Steeple Chase and Flat Race Daily. Purse Value $200.00 Each Contest Over 100 Classes, $10,000 in Prizes VALUABLE CUPS INCLUDE The Devonshire Cup The Duke of Connaught Cup The Allen Cup The Roderick Pringle Memorial Cup The Evening Concerts will be entirely new and include Community Singing, Highland Dancers, Wells Bros. Moving Pictures, showing films never before shown in Canada. 1 Grand Stand Accommo- dates 300 P | Ae Poti Spun fo Autos The Covlest Park in Canada day morning, August 7th, and Tuesday afternoon, August 8th, to look after delegates. If you can spare yow car for a few hours, telephone the Fire Hall or leave us word. Cars For Sale DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THE HARMONY BOYS QUARTETTE Tickets Now on Sale Popular Prices--Adults 25¢c and 35¢c, Children 15¢ i FIREMEN 8 | {Ree ENT] Monday, Tuesday, On account of severing my connection with the automobile business, I beg to offer the following used cars: : 1--22/45 McLaughlin Touring, in first-class shape. 1--K 44 McLaughlin Roadster, looks and runs like new. 122/35 McLaughlin Touring, used as a demonstrator, run only 1,500 miles, is juit as good as new. For quick sale I will name bargain prices on these cars. MOVE QUICKLY IF YOU WANT ONE F. J. BAILES k - = be NOTICE advance. ONE OF CANADA'S BEST SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY, CIVIC HOLIDAY, AT 2.30 BIG DOUBLE BILL PARAMOUNT PRODUCTIONS PRESENT THOMAS SUPPORTED BY THE GRAND "OurLeading Citizen' Say, Tom, How's the Fishing? See the Secret of How to Make Em Bite SPECIAL CONVENTION ATTRACTION EE A wir RAE THE FIREMEN'S TOUR OF THE GRE AT LAKES FIRST SHOWING IN CANADA Due to the big double bill to be presented during the Firemen's Convention, there will only one performance each evening, starting In case of rain, there will be a matinee daily. Prices as Usual Adults 25¢, Children 11c, Reserve 40¢ All Oshawa = Her Leading Citizens, - - Welcome You Wednesday MEIGHEN OLD MAN, THEODORE ROBERTS, IN i EQN he Ek] -- -- at 8 pm. Reserved seats sold in