HA ATE A AEA J ae daa DE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 nC mr mr | Oshawa and District Real Estate Moving | that an X-ray examination was ne- That real estate is moving locally | cossary., A speedy recovery is hoped this summer is the statement of for. Messrs Bickel and Petley, They re- port the transfer of three properties this weék, two for $6,500 each and one for $7,200. Actual Demonstration BY BLIND WOMEN OF THE Canadian National Claremonites Picnicked Claremont Sunday Schools held a union picnic at Lakeview park yes- terday afternoon, motor trucks and vars being used to convey the merry makers to the lake. A program of races followed by a sumptuous sup- per was much enjoyed, Suffering from Blood Poisoning Frank Petrie, Huron Street, is confined to his home on account of blood poisoning' having developed from a scratch received on the arm while at work last Monday. Frank is | employed by Harper North, Stalter Y Met The Stalter Y met at the home of Mrs. Henry King, King Street East, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the meeting taking the form of a lawn social. About fifteen members and visitors were present. Tea was served, after which an enjoyable evening was spent by all. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 5th, . Car Came to Grief A Chevrolet Baby Grand car 'came to grief at Alice and Mary Streets yesterday afternoon, when the driv- er lost control and the wheels ran into a ditch, causing the car to strike | a telephone pole. Considerable dame age resulted, the body being affected most. The car was taken to a local garage for repairs. More Street Cars Probable Due to the heavy traffic over the lines of the Oshawa Railway Com- pany this summer, to and from Lakeview Park, the board of directors to mer's service. This was an import- ant announcement made by Chair-! man Dr. F. L. Henry of the Parks Commission at the meeting of the Board held on Thursday night.. Boy Fractures Am George Fraser, the six year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Fraser, 268| Jarvis Street, sustained a severe fracture of the left arm last Monday | while playing with his companions near his home. It .is believed that | the injury was caused when jumping from a high fence. Doctors Donévan | and Cameron were summoned to! dress the wound and it was found SIX TIMES-- & Clemens, grocers and butchers, Simcoe Street | the local manage-| ment of this company has requested | provide | four more extra' cars for next sum- | A Fine Boat from Capt. Bowerman, and is having a six cylinder Buick engine installed, says the Port Perry Star. The boat will remain on these waters and no doubt will be a very speedy one. We have in the neighborhood of a | dozen pleasure launches now in town, (designed and built by Capt. Bower- {man, With all these fine launches and so many lots being sold by Mr. | Collins opposite our town should make Port Perry a very desirable place for summer campers, Rest Home to be Opened. This afternoon at 4 o'clock, will be held the official opening of the Rest Home at Corbett's Point which is being conducted this summer by St. Johi's Garrison Church (Angli- can), of Portland Street, Toronto, for the benefit of the people of the downtown section of the city. The opening will be under the auspices of the Garrison District Business | Men's Association, of Toronto, who are supporting the camp, It is expected that His Lordship the Bishop of Toronto will be pesent, accompanied by Rev. J. Russell Me- Lean, rector of St. John's Garrison Chureh, -- | {To Meet on Thursday |* Mayor John Stacey announced yes- | terday that the meeting of the Osh- awa Town Council for next week will probably be held on Thursday night. Due to the Firemen's convention the | meeting will not be held before Thursday and there is a possibility that it may be held on Friday eve- ning. The Water Commission ex- | pects to meet on Friday afternoon. | No Mail Delivery Next Monday being Civie Holiday, there will be no local distribution of mail by letter carriers. The street letter boxes will be cleared but once during the day and that will take place in the evening. The Post Of- | fice will be open for general busi- {ness from 9.20 to 11 am, | pension For One Man The Board of Pension Commis- | sioners at Ottawa has granted a pen- | sion to one of the two Oshawa war veterans for whom aid was rezently | requested, as they are suffering from tuberculosis. In the other case, however, they hold that the contraction of the disease was no! {due to war service. Oshawa Firemen's Demonstration August 7-8-9 Special Prizes for Doecoraiions For Best Decorated Store Window and Building $50.00 cash For Best Decorated Residence: First Price, $30.00 Second Prize, $20.00 Judges to be appointed by convention in Session onte el BEAUTY | 5 stiny 1a 'sa tor 52 JURY & LOVELL LTD, Semis. COMPACTS Mr, John Stacey, Mayor of Oshawa, has purchased a fine 28 foot launch At the New Martin Theatre next HARRY CAREY ir "7h FOX" AUNWERSAL JEWEL Thursday, Friday and Saturday Level Box Lost Town Engineer W. CC. Smith re- ports the loss of a box for a level and asks that anyone who may have the same or anyone who. may know about it, kindly report to the Town | Engineer's department at the Town Hall. The box was left at Fisher and Albert streets while grades were being set for Albert street paving. When the engineer came back how- ever, the box was gone. These boxes for levels are especiaily made and cannot be replaced without a special order on the factory. - Little Son Dies Profound sympathy was expr ssed yesterday in official circles around the Town Hall with Mr. W. G. Wor den, recently Oshawa's Towr Engi neer but now connected with the Dufferin Construction Company o Toronto, who has lost his son, Ned who is about six years of age. Sine: 1918 Mr. Worden has been hereave by the loss of his wife, father, moth er, and son. Hold Joint Meeting . A joint meeting of the Women's Missionary Auxiliary, the Circle and the Mission Band, all of the Simcoe Street Methodist Church, was held on Thursday afternoon. A delightful program was given after which th Cirele held a sale of ice cream. Th program rendered consisted of Piano solos by Miss Agnes Alger and Miss Velma Staples, the latter of Ty rone; a recitation by Miss D Barrow clough; a solo by Miss Mabel Mason and an exercise by four little girls Nora Mundy, Marion MacDonald, Marion Henderson and Helen Land er. This was the first meeting that Mackie has been able to preside ove since her election to the office president. of Eggs Five Cents Lower Eggs showed a drop of five cent a dozen during the past week at the market this morning, when they at 35 cents, Butter was the same as last Saturday, the prevailing quo tations being 40 cents a pound Spring chickens moved at 40 cen a pound and fowl at 35. Onions, let tuce, beets and carrots were 1ae cents a bunch and turnips five tnd ten cents each The market wa somewhat smaller than asua cold Chain Store System Demonstrates That it Was a Public Necessity And is on the High Road to Success [ Motorst And Cyclist Collide lof Rev, and Mrs, A motor truck, driven hy Stewart at King and Victoria Streets last eve- Cawker, collided with a bicycle ning, and Mr. Neill, who was riding he wheel, was thrown off tnd struck the curb on the west corner. The motor truck was said to he travel-| ling at a moderate rate of sped | while the bicyele was also going slowly. The front fender of the truck caught the rear wheel of the bicyele, Mr. Neill was conveyed to a doctor's office for an examination where it was found that only minor bruises had been sustained. Enjoyable Lawn Social A kawn most successful social and enjoyable was held at the home | E. T. Cotten, Thurs- | day evening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Chris- tian Charch. The lawn was pretti- ly decorated with Japanese lanterns and electric lights had been especal ly arranged, A musical programme was apreciated by every one. The numbers were: instrumental duet, Mrs. Cotten and Miss Mildred Ellis; vocal solos, Mrs. W. Fry and Mrs. Mundy; readings, Miss Dorothy Hainer and Mrs. Mundy. Following the programme refreshments were served. About $24 was realized. It is absolutely a aprons and house dre Cut in "Gas" Price Hadn't Reached Oshawa Friday The announcement on Thursday of a reduction in price of gasoline 11% cents gallon throughout the Do- has not taken place in Osh- | yet guarantee their work. our windows. It will a minion, awa as and may not for another is one of the most wonderful places in Canada. been unfortunate, men or women, to lose their eyesight, and early their own living. Institute FOR THE BLIND IN OUR WINDOWS August Sth. & 12t Inclusive Every woman of Oshawa has worn Aprons, Nightgowns, etc., with the "Hope" label, but did you ever see them made? opportunity next week to see this work being actually done, by blind women, in our windows. lhe Canadian National Institute For The Blind It encourages those wh It will ke yor 1 to be indepen free training, kept up by private subscriptions and b; the sale of their work. Do You Know that blind women can operate power sewing machines, that some of the nicest sses are made by them. . The whole dress or apron is made by blind operatives with the exception of the cutting out, button and button-holing and the placing of pockets. Only Good Materials are used, and through their wonderful sys not only are able to meet all competition in their various lines, but they actually Be sure and see these clever women actually using a power machine in be something never to forget. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL HOPE GARMENTS DURING DEMONSTRATION © day, according to information receiy- ed from a local garage last evemng. The prices prevailing ) at the present time are 40 and i5 cents. A redue- tion of 1 cent a gallon for refined oil was also announced The cuts are the natural result of recent decllues in the price of crude atre of that high class musical act, oil A rome Toronto oil man | "The Town Follies and Marie." This said la night that crude oil prices | is a merry entertainment, full of pep had bith because of over-produc-| and fun, and' was composed and pro- tion in the mid-continent field, and{duced by an Oshawa man who has that there was an attempt to dis-| had a very wide and varied exper- courage further production until con- | ience in theatrical work. umption kept pace with output. mfr John Hallowell, 70 Albert Street, sustained a number of bruises and a bad shaking-up Wednesday after noon when he fell a distance of 12 feet from a ladder while painting the front of E. V. Lander's coal wood office, King Street West. ladder upon which he slipped and he fell walk. He was able to eontinue immediately after the accident. The Town Follies and Marie One of the extra attractions for be the presentation at Martin's The- was working work Rapidity of Expansion of L. R. Steel Company's Varied Group of Enterprises Only Possible Because It Fills a Long Felt Want-- Amazing Responses of Purchasing Public News (Continued from page 4) The L. R. Steel Company has {proved beyond question that there lis an exeecllent field in Canada for the chain store system. Even during the period of what might be termed the comstructive stage it has been demonstrated that the people wan' the kind of merchandising which it is planned to provide. The buyng public has patromized the stores to such an extent that the company ha |gone ahead with its plans for expan- |sion without the slightest {the final financial success undertaking. When the additional stores to be opened are completed and operating the system will have been rounded jout to that stage of perfection which will, experience tells, obtain the full benefit of the capital expenditures which have been under way for the past two pears. It will be then pos- Isible to obtain the full financial benefit of the completed system and demonstrate alike to the public and the shareholders that it is a success- ful proposition from the point of view of providing a benefit to the community as well as constituting = steady dividend producer. Careful Planning The period of construction has been occupied with the selection of suitable places of business in the most suitable localities for the class of goods carried, their renovation to of the fears of size Jonteel Beauty 'deessing table, $1.00, F. W. THOMPSON bring them up to the L. R. Steel ideal of what constitutes an up-to-date store and their stocking with the class of goods which experience has proved the residents want and will acquire the habit of seeking in the L. R. Steel chain stores. While in the final result the pur- chasing public is the arbiter of the success or lack of success in sub an outstanding undertaking in the mer- cantile line a great deal which may make for success or turn the tide of public favor in the direction of success lies in the hands of the in- dividuals who direct or carry out the policies of the company as map- ped out by the leading spirits in the |divection of the company's affairs. In this respect the L. R. Steel | store and making it a great financial | Sanderson, Arcola Sask., visited Miss Werry and her father. Mrs. R. 8. Wade and Master Wal- lace of Toronto are holidaying with her sister Mrs. Byron Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Church and Baby Glenna of Woodstock, are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. L.. T. Goodman. King's Guards plenic was held at {Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Tuesday and n |was a gala day for all who attended. The shareholders have every rea-| The business meeting was 'well son to feel confidence in the ability attended by all appointments on of the staff as no one working in close | | Monday evening and Rev. T. W. co-operation with the president caniand Mrs. Wickett were granted holi- fail to feel the forceful and resource- days in August. fal characteristics and business abil-| Don't forget The ity of the man who first planned and |tute Social at Mr. Robert McCul- then built up the remarkable system {loch's on Monday next. The orches- to the stage of near-competition in|tra's sweet strains are already en- which it stands to-day. Only those livening the willage, practicing for who have enjoyed this close connec- | the. Covent. tion with the chief executive can re-| Harvesting is in full swing. Fall alize the great amount of enthusiasm jerops are good in most localities. and powers of initiative which are Farmers seem generally of opinion required to erect such a business that though it's not a bumper crop, structure as the L. R. Steel Company, | it's certainly above average. command the confidence of the in-| - vesting public to provide the capital necessary to supply the organization with additional stores and stocks of! Enniskillen baseball girls went to merchandise, and secure the co- {Courtice Saturday evening and had a operation of the purchasing public. ! ariendiy gate of ball with the Eben- ilar a : | ezer girls. hey report a good game Rapids of Growth and were treated by the Ebenezer One of the outstanding features of | griends. the story of the up-building of this| Miss Alma Werry spent the week- gigantic corporation with its mul- end with Miss Vera Werry, Ebenezer. titude of details is the rapidity with! Mrs H. J. Werry and Mr. Gordon which it has grown in the comparati- spent Sunday with Ebenezer friends. vely short time since its inauguration | Mr and Mrs. H. J. Slemon and Mr. in 1920. Needless to say this re-'§ Journal, Toronto, spent the week- quired much experience in the chain | ond at Mr. J. Slemon's. Miss Greta store business, great grasp of the or- Siemon returned home with them after ganization of retail business and spending her holidays with her grand- extarordinary executive ability. Added | parents. to this there was need of supreme | Miss Maud Curtis and Mr. Johnson, confidence in the success of an ideal {Toronto, visited at Mr. Thos. McGill's. and ability to impart to others those| Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyers and qualities of enthusiasm of the objec- | Master Harold, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pol- tive which make for success in any lock, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. undertaking. Theo Slemon's. How - well this succeeded Miss Irene Preston is visiting Bow- realized when i: is stated manville friends. assets of the company ha Rev. G. T. McKenzie and Miss Me- to the large sn i Kenzie are home from their holidays. $12, 900,000, a= showy h) [The road commissioner and his men audited financial statement PriRench are busy widening the road which will Mr. L. R. Steel, the president of the company, has surrounded himself with a' carefully selected body of as- sistants who have had special experi- ence and are full of enthusiasm in their complete confidence of the fea- sibility of building up such a chain SUCCeSS, Reasons For Confidence Women's Insti- be | the may that Company has everything in its favor. by Marwick, Mitchell & Company.|/be a great improvement when well | the first three days of next week will | and | The | on to the side-| | eravelied but at present--Oh the dust. Messrs. Wes. Oke, G. Preston, H. Pye, D. Burgmaster, J. Slemon and I{Mrs. Gilders have improved their {homes with a coat of paint. . Mr. J. A. Werry. is putting up a new | cement block house which is going to be very fine when completed. Master Harold Slemon, Bowmanville, is with his cousin, Master John { Slemon, Mrs. Hutchison and Donald are holi- | daying : Mr. John Spry's. Miss Laverne Griffin is vis | Bes in Peterboro. Master Douglas Moury, | with his aunt, Mrs iting rela- Peterboro, is Alymer Herring. ANNOUNCEMENT | Owing to the pressure of other | busines I have decided to retire from | the automobile business, and I am | giving up the agency for Mclaughlin |cars in this district. In dong so I wish to express to my many custom- ers my appreciation of their business during the eight years that I have been the local McLaughlin dealer. I am afforded considerable pride and satisfaction in having haudled a line cars that have given my customers such universal satisfaction, and I can only speak in the highest terms of my connection with the General Motors Corporation of Canada and their products It has always been a pleasure to me te sell high | grade goods, for, "the reecollec- | tion of quality remains long [after | price js forgotten," and I know that "McLaughlin" quality has en- abled me to carry on my business and retain the goodwill of my customers. 1 will complete such service obliga- tions as may reasonably customers, and will fill all orders that I have on hand. I bespeak for my successor a con- tinuance of the generous support that has been afforded me and 1 wish to assure all that the "Mec- Laughlin" 1923 models are in my opinion the master pieces of the modern automobile, and, as always, the best value in Canada. Sincerely yours, TRE of FRED J. BAILES Ere NEW OFFICES FOR THE SALADA TEA CO. IN LONDON, ENG. The Salada Tea Company has just removed its London, England, offic: from 1 Mincing Lane, to the magni- ficent new "Port of London" Build- ing. This was recently erected ause the reviving throb of World Trade made larger and mo modious quartirs. n $ he- p io inp (which port in the lished. For sou ¥ diverted Southampton. hu offered by the por merchant ships such that the mil ¢ warehouses are again activity. As London is ket of the wor 1d T Company mai ins times a stafl of for its large VOT of L of SALADA" Dus ing at all times (le the market. be due my, A New Breakfast Delight! Serve Hot or icy-Cold O make ROMAN MEAL CHOCOL-O, stir 1 rounded tablespoon cocoa or chocolate into 4 cups boiling, salted water. Stir in 1 rounded cup Roman Meal. Cook 10 minutes in single boiler. Stir well and serve hot, or set in a cool place over night and serve cold with milk boo : cream and sugar, honey, sgmved or fresh fn, fruits, as as a ph | Come To UsToSave Your Propertay Walk into our office and learn that it is "penny wise and pound foolish" not te have fire insurance protection or not to have sufficient. We offer liberal policies in 'he lead nz companies, lowest rates and full exemptions and concession where poss ble. Consult u all fire insuranc. matters formation gladly furnished. Vv. AH HENRY 11% Se Aso AABN,