3 fight. PAGE SIX Alma St. Boulevard Used As Garden Exponents of the great idea. of planting apple trees as shade trees along Ontario's provincial highways, do not, it would seem *go far enough. Right here in Oshawa, at the corner of Alma and Simcoe B8treets, this town can show them a still finer ex- ample of making a patch of ground grow two blades of grass where hut one grew before--and that, in this present day business world, spells success, After planting the apple trees the conservation plan backers would still have quite a bit of ground left around the trunks of the trees which would be producing nothing but grass. But to get back to Oshawa's celebrated example, Some person has been at work and made a fairly satisfactory ditch along the north side of Alma Street, As a result there is quite a patch of freshly piled up earth and some Osh- awa people have taken advantage of this and now have a productive gar- den between the sidewalk and the ditch, When viewed by the Refor- mer last night, the vegetable mar- row and the cucumber plants showed great promise, but the tomato plants were rather weakly looking. Per- .haps they were not properly puddled when first planted, or maybe the ditch was not dug in the tomato- planting season and hence a late set- ting out resulted. Anyway the gar- den is a pleasant surprise for stroll- ers, and raises the question in one's mind as to who will have to protect the fruit from the ubiquitous small boy. CRISP COMMENT Germany seems to think that the victor nations dun her wrong.--Vir- ginian-Pilot, A wireless control for automobiles is being exhibited. It ean be no worse than the brainless variety.---- Seattle Times. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1922, | AMONG THE CHURCHES | ANGLICAN 8t, George's--~Cor, John and Centre, Rev, O, R, dePencier, M.A,, 80 Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th, 8 a.m,--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 4 p.m,--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m,--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.30 p.m. -- Teachers' meeting, Wednesday, Club, (sec- 7.30 p.m, -- Boys' ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.80 p.m. --Sunday School, Tuesday, 3 p.m, -- Mothers' Un- fon, wed. and Thurs, 7.30 p.m, -- Girls' Club. CHRISTIAN WORKERS CHURCH SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. 11 am, --Public Worship. 2.30 p.m, -- Sunday School and Bible class. 7 p.m.--Gospel Service Tuesday 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Praise. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Bible study. Saturday, 8 p.m. Open air King St, You are cordially invited. BAPTIST Emmannel Baptist Church--King E, Rev, J. L, Harton, B'th, Pastor, Residence. 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m, --Public Worship. | All are cordially invited to these! services. +: THE :: '" ARCADE" WANTS SIX SALES- WOMEN :: APPLY :: MONDAY {To these services a cordial igvita- | SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. CHRISTIAN Centre Street, near King Rev, E, T. Cotten, Ph, B., Pastor Parsonage 169 Athol St. E., Phone 847). SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meet- ing. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simcoe St. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. 11 a.m. -- Subject "Life". Wed. 8 p.m. -- Testimony meeting. tion is extended to all. | |Wroxter friends last week. KING ST. METHODIST Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 Rev. E. W. Tink, B.A., B.D., will 'preach at both services. k 11 a.m. -- Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Public Worship. A cordial welcome to all. | PRESBYTERIAN Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. | with Oshawa relatives. SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~o0-opera- tion of Its readers in contributing ftems to this column, Send us 8 postcard or 'phone 85, --Mr. A, Knapp, 13 Elena street, is In Grand Rapids, Mich, --Mr, C. Wigg is spending a short time in Muskoka. --Migs Queenie Pearson is spend- ing her vacation in New York City. --Mr. H. King, Westmount, is visiting his sons in Boston. --Miss Grace Russell is holidaying in Orillia, --Mr. and Mrs. Glen Piper have returned home from Syracuse, --Miss Ida Coliton, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, E. J, O'Reil- ley, Oshawa-on-the-lake, --Mr. and Mrs. J. Lane have re- turned home after visiting their son, Mr, Leo, Lane, in St, Thomas, --Mrs, Dagion, of Niagara, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Clifford Hen- ry, Centre street, --Miss Bella M. Rankin, of Toron- to, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. G, A. Martin, The Boulevard. --Mr. Wm. Manuel, of Point Anne, Ont., is visiting friends in town, ---Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lane, and son Walter, of Utica, spent last week- end with Oshawa friends. --Miss Delha Curl has heen visit- ing Miss Norine Hortop, at Utica. --Mrs. C. Lang, of Sheffield, Eng- land, and Miss Lang, of Minneapolis, Minn., are the guests of Mrs. A. Thickett, 123 Brock Street East. --Mr. and Mrs. John Millman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman and family also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice and children of Epsom spent Sunday --Mrs. Goldsmith and son Archie have returned home from Trenton where they were on a few days' visit. --Misses Alice and Peggy Hens- tridge, of Montreal, have been visit- ing their cousin, Mrs. W. J. A, John- ston, Athol St. --Mr. and Mrs. George Terry and family are enjoying a two weeks' vacation with relatives in Trenton and Picton, --Mr. and Mrs. Walter Minaker and daughters, with Mrs. Gurney Stephens motored to Picton and vicinity to visit relatives. --Mrs. James Richardson and children have been with Mrs. Annie Haliron, at K'msale, for a few days Miss Lowles, of Rochester, is isiting Mrs. L. Coulin, Colborne St. --Mrs. Walter Fulwon, of Toronto, his returned home after visiting at the home of Mr. George BEryant Agnes St, --Mrs. Magnus Morgan and son, of Claremont, visited Oshawa friend last week. --Mr. v Leslie McLauglin visited Mark- spend- sister, --Miss Deane Whitson, of ham, bas returned home after ing the past week with her Mrs. Allan Pipher. Master Cliffore Baker is spend- ing his holidays with relatives in Trenton. Mrs. H. Smells has returned to Oshawa after visiting her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) Felton, Toronto. | --Mrs. W. H. Spencer, of Roches- { ter, N.Y., is spending a few days with her son, F. E. Spencer, 213 Bruce Street. | Rev. G. Yule, Minister. Resid the : Manse, 65 Simcoe 8., Phone 493. | SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. 11 am. --Subject "Things which make for peace." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 pom..--"An epistie of Christ." A cordial invitation is extended to (all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. 1 | | | SIMOOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rey. J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. | 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. Public Worship. 7 p.m. Public Worship. Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Seats free--Welcome. | REGENT Last Showing To-Night v my. Boy' USUAL PRICES --Mrs. Craig, of Winnipeg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Morphy, Westmount. --Mr, and Mrs. G. Allison, Elgin street, spent the week-end in Bloom- field. --The Misses Marion and Joan Clarke of Newmarket are spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs, 8. A, Smith, Centre street, --Miss Nora Hunt, of Gravenhurst, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ro: bert McCullouch, King street, east, --Mr. 8. A. Eagleson has returned home after visiting his brother, Mr. Arthur Eagleson, Wesleyville, Penn. who has just recently recovered from a serious illness, --Mrs. Langmaid ana Miss Vida Langmaid have left to visit the for- mer's brothers, Mr. Thomas Awde, Heward, Bask, and Mr. Jonathan Awde, North Dakota, --Mrs., F. W, Cowan returned home to Oshawa on Sunday after a pleasant five months spent in Hono- lulu in the Hawaiian Islands. ---Miss Grace Irons of Peterhoro, is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Pugh. --Mr. James Allin, of Taronto, spent Monday in town. ~--Miss Hester Vokes who is at- tending summer school in Toronto, is spending the week-end at her home, 284 Albert St. --Dr, Jennie Gray, of Toronto, is a visitor in town this week. ~--Miss Greta Goneen and Miss Orma Robinson have returned after a pleas ant week spent at the latter's home in Washago. --Mrs. F. Brethour has returned to Toronto after a visit with her broth- er, Mr. G. D. Conant, at Bonnybrae Cottage. --Mrs. M, L. Snider, of Toronto, fs visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. A. Martin, The Boulevard. --Mrs. E. F. B. Henderson, of The Boulevard, with her mother Mrs. Scott and little son Anson, has left for her summer home at Pine Point, Lake Scugog. --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Ontario street, Port Hope, over the week-end, --Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Wigg have returned fsom Parry Sound, Gravenhurst, and other northern points where they have been spending a most enjoyable holiday. : --Miss Beil Allin, of Oshawa, whe is on the Oshawa public school tea- ching staff, accompanied her sister Miss Laura Allin, on her return to will spend a few weeks. --Mrs. W. Michael, Mrs. Dough- erty, Mrs. Howard Michael and Miss Hazel Michael were in Toronto on Tuesday to see Miss Edith Michael, of New York, who left Toronto on Tuesday evening for Alaska, where | she expects to spend several months. COMING To The NEW MARTIN THEATRE Mon., Tues. and Wed. Aug. 7, 8, 9. THE TOWN FOLLIES IN MARIE A High-Class Musical Comedy. The first play ever presented by the Oshawa Dramatic Club. Given under the auspices and in aid of the Veteran's Ladies' Auxiliary. Popular Prices--25¢ & 35¢ Moncton, New Brunswick, where she | SERVICES APPRECIATED BY RATEPAYERS Councillor R, Moffatt: -- On hehalf of the ratepayers of Court Street District, kindly accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your kindly interest taken in our hehalf at Monday night's council meeting re the paving ot Court St. It is very gratifying to know that we have one member of the council who will stand up for our rights when the representatives of our own ward fail to do so. We wish to assure you of our sup- port and assistance in securing for you any office that you may desire to obtain in any future council of the town, (8gd) Ratepayers of Court Street distriet, GALLAGHER--COANS , A quiet wedding took place at St. Michael's church, Cobourg, on Mon- day evening, when Rev, Father Cor- kery united in marriage Miss Vio- let Coans, of Oshawa, and Mr. Wil- liam Gallagher, of Cobourg. Miss Mary Kewin was bridesmaid and Mr. Daniel Welsh best man. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher will reside on Matthew street, Cobourg. BORN FOX--Born at Georgetown, on Sun- day, July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Fox, a son (Kenneth James). 44-a Better musical productions are predicted for next season. If there is to he a change, it could hardly be otherwise than for the better,--Al- bany Journal. THE EX.-KAISER'S HOPES New York Evening Post: The Im- perial refugee in the first formal in- terview since his flight has let it be known that the time for the res- toration of the monarchy is not yet. It is not unlikely that the interview and the warning were dictated by the murder of Rathenau and were intended as a public admonition to the monarchist partisans, Nothing in the long run, could be more fatal to the Hohenzollern hopes than a campaign of murderous violence for the re-conquest of a throne that was lost by the occupants running away. Re SS Recent Deaths | o . MRS, RICHARD TAYLOR The death occurred Thursday eve- ning at her homefi 194 King Street West, of Elizabeth Giles, beloved wife of Mr. Richard Taylor. Born in England 83 years ago, deceased came to Canada and to Oshawa when very young, having been almost a lifelong resident of this town. She was a member of Simcoe Street Meth- odist Church but, owing to ill health had not taken an active part in church work in recent years. Two months prior to her demise she he- came very ill and gradually became worse until life gave out. Besides her husband she leaves two daugh- ters, Mrs. William Paul, Simcoe Street South, and Mrs. Stanley Score, Toronto, and one brother, Mr. John Giles, of Lindsay. The funeral will be held Sunday afternocn, conducted by Rev, J, H, McBain and interment will be made in Union Cemetery. JOHN HUNTER Shortly after 4 o'clock last Mon- day afternoon John Hunter, an old and highly esteemed resident of Cranbrook, answered the call to which no one can say Nay, He had been assisting at haying, driving the rake earlier in the day and later was in the loft of the stable mowing the hay away. A weak spell overtook him and he was helped outdoors but the end was near and in a short per- fod the taper of life was extinguished, to the sorrowful surprise of the com- munity, Mr. Hunter had not heen feeling as well -as usual of late and was cautioned to rest off, Deceased was born in Ontario and was a son of the late Francis and Eliza Hunter and was in his 68 year. He was a carpenter and builder by trade and a good one whose handiwork may he seen in many a home, shop and edi- fice. His son, Harvey, was generally associated with him for years, Mr. Hunter is survived by his wife, who was Miss Louise Zimmer, 5 sons Harvey, Cranbrook; Will,, Oshawa; Earnest, Meaford; Fred. Brussells, and Alvin, Owen Sound; and five 5 daughters, Mrs. Beshey, Iowa; Mrs. Omstead,, Cranbrook; Mrs, MecCal- lum, Owen Sound; Mrs. Chester Ba- ker, Grey Township; and Miss Ida, who has been teaching near Mone- ton, who share in the sympathy of many in their sudden bereavement, Deceased attended the Methodist Church and was a conservative in politics. The funeral was held Fri- day afternon.. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery. R---- -------- Queen's Hotel Block Our Assortment of Records is Complete Come in and hear the latest in popular Dance and Song Records A COMPLETE LINE OF RED SEAL RECORDS STOCKED D. A. Tait's Music Store Phone 1138j Simcoe St. North a musical MEN'S OWN SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. Brotherhood Federation of Canada sranch South Oshawa Methodist. 4 Special ise. Be sure and hear Billy Murray Another Scotch and Soda--Fox Trot Valse Inspiration--Waltz Lonesome Mama (Blues)--Fox Trot The Virginians si » "His Master's Voice" Victor Records - Now on Sale ERE is another wonderful mid-month list of new selections. Every one and ** Harry Thomas Triol206367 Harry Thomas Trio J )? The ViEiniane) (Comedian) Billy M Samling, (Con Charles Ho ay 20-inch double-sided records 85c. Le Cog 4'Or--Hymne au Soleil GalliCurci 66069 29-inch Red Seal $1.50 Ask to hear them played on the Victrola at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, Montreal Ld Meeting with Class "EIRRA" 2.30 p.m. Bible Study, also Special and Vital Subjects. up-to-date. Memphis Blues--F ox Trot THE SALVATION ARMY ting ottcees. AY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MONDAY, y, SERVICES, SUNDAY, JULY 16th. MOVIES--Two Shows for One Admission--=STOCK 11 am.--Holiness Meeting. PICTURES 7.15 to 8.15 7 bom --Saivation Meeting The Milton-St. Clair Players Present "Bought and Paid For" Young People's classes directly in A Great Society Comedy-Drama the morning at 19 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible WEDNESDAY NIGHT THE COUNTRY STORE--HOUSEHOLD PRIZES at 2 pm. Thursday --Friday--Saturday Monday might Salvation meeting Pictures 7.15 to 8.15 at 8 pm. The Milton-St. Clair Players Present . » "The Girl He Couldn't Buy" The Most Talked of Play in Existence. Kiddies' Matinee Saturday at 2.30. Don't forget your membership card. 25¢ ims, 35¢ 2--BIG SHOWS--2 Friday Night ~~ Amateur Night Class Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Life Saving Guards. 7390 pm. -- Also cottage prayer meeting at 8 pm. Saturday--Praise meeting at 8 pam. AFULL LINE OF RECORDS NOW IN STOCK Also we carry a choice selection of Classical Records and a complete line of up-to-the-minute Popular Selections. D. J. BROWN Jew:ller & Optometrist world and, we might add, the police still need their chargers and their horsemanship. Even a stern utilltar- ian may be glad that it is so. The world would certainly be a poorer and a duller place without the beauty of form and action in high-bred hor- ses, without the art of horsemanship and all the qualities which it fosters. The display at Olympia and the and- jences are evidence that these things were never more highly prized. FOR ONE ADMISSION