Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 15 Jul 1922, p. 2

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teed A Tt fda RL Ei tp a Set ae ad | Ea PAGE TWO ' wv OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1922, Ee A sr HH a LAs hh ee; s ,. es i))jGiJsgcss Loo Ae | . The Outario Reformer No Civic Holiday (Eétablished In 1871) An independent | newspaper pub lished every other day (Tuesday, hursday and Saturday atternoons) | at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer | inting Shae {Fuilisning Pog void mit Aries M, undy, Presi. dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A. R, Alloway, Assistant Man. ager.' GRO. A. MARTIN £ditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Odhawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States subscriptions $1.60 extra to cover postage, Single copies bec. "We have no announcement to | make as yet regarding Civic Holiday | for Oshawa," stated Mayor John] Stacey, last night, "but I believe that | as the holidays in Toronto and other; centres, Monday in August, "Last year, you know," His Wor- | ship continued, "Oshawa changed her regular date and had her holiday on the second Monday in August, there were quite a few complaints ahout it and I think we wil] go hack to the first Monday this year." There, \ i which is the first Monday in Aug-| OSHAWA, SAT, JULY 15, 1922 ust, so the Mayor, after. consulting various committees of the Council, will issue a proclamation in the near WHERE TO GET VITAMINES future. Vitamines play a large part today in food and'health matters although there does not appear to be any gen- eral agreement regarding the nature Corner Stone (Continued from page 1) dispensable elements or agencies. | have had surveillance over other out- | The vitamine's esistence is assumed' gige babies as well. In conclusion to be a nitrogenous substance thal, the doctor stated that he is looking manifests its presence by an increase! to the time when the hospital will in the strength and vigor of the establish a northern clinic. He also individual man or woman who pos- pointed out that after the building sesses it in sufficient or ample sup- is erected that the rooms will have to ply. If the individual is in robust | be furnished and equipped and stated health and strength overflowing with | that several people have already animal spirits and activities, then he | promised to so equip some rooms. { Contents of Jar or she is credited with that desirable Chairman Storie next outlined in conditioh. stance is supposed to he present in'er placed behind the corner stone. certain kinds of food and absent or These included the Canadian silver A 3 «coins now in circulation, 50, 25, 10, deficient in others, so that it beeuime 81. nd G cent Pieces and one or ihe Baw a business of real interest and con- Canadian copper cents; a copy of cern to discover where the vitamine! The Ontario Reformer and a copy found and assimilated. = |of The Oshawa Telegram of last #an best be found | Thursday; a program of the pro- Scientists at John Hopkins, it was! ceedings last night; list of the origi- recently announced, have' found out | nal members of the Ladies: Augil. " iiary of the hospital; list of the ori- that sunlight produces vitamines ni inal mentor: of the Ohavwa Hos. the human system if the individual is} nital Board, List of the present mem- sufficiently exposed to the rays of the bers of the Oshawa Hosiptal great luminary that rules the day, | Board, the Ladies' ' Auxiliary, a» | the present active medical practi- Sunlight, therefore, increases health! s hers connected with the hospital, and strength in a more direct and|jncluding doctors from Whitby, telling way than the popular but | Brooklin and surrounding territory; somewhat vague idea that has hith- | the Town Council, the Water Com- Sit in th li nt | mission, Parks Commission and erto prevailed. t in the sunlight| p,q of Education and the names acquires a new meaning, and the in-| of the contractors and architects of cidental tan and sunburns may be ac-| the Maternity wing. Referring then i >» that |to the new addition the President of cepted as valuable SVillenee 2 | the Board pointed out with especial one's stock of vitamines is being re-| p,q the fine fireproof stairway plenished and kept up to the proper | which is being installed and which quantity. Thus is another good old | will be wide enough to allow a num- | ber of persons to descend carrying axiom of folk lore vindicated, even | patients in their beds. In anticipation though it was not able to make its of the laying of the stone he then truth self-evident. Science now steps| presented Mrs. Robert MeLaughlin along and tries to explain the why | with a suitably engraved silver | trowel. and wherefore in language of porten- - [»| tous sound, whether its significance Stone Placed { Mrs. McLaughlin, assisted by her be understood or not. But in 80% 4wo sons, then arranged the mortar case, we all know where an endless to receive the stone and after adjust- supply of life-giving and saving vita- | ment pronounced the stone truly laid. mines e be obtain without cost | Immediately following this Miss E. or Ms San b ed | MacWilliams, Superintendent of the Hospital, presented Mrs. McLaughlin { with- a magnificent bouquet of roses. { Warden Richardson then spoke again, ' If the Belleville Driving Associa- tion succeeds in establishing a race- track at Port Credit, the first event might fittingly be an obstacle race. The issue of a proclamation fixing Civic Holiday would seem to be due. Many people are planning to ob serve this midsummer holiday, on the first Monday im August, as in the past, (and informed those present that he | would recommend to the County Coun- | cil at its next meeting to be held in { Whitby in August that it should equip | one of the rooms of the new wing, an | announcement which was greeted with plause. | Mr. George McLaughlin during the course of his address stated that it | was not much to give money to a hos- | pital if one had it to give, but em- i phasized the point that the stress comes on the men and who Amoneement vet NEWS of N bodh | kh or earby Places "Siri cur {death came on Sunday tg Mr, 'But |Win Annis, ferer hut bore it very patiently. [has been a familiar figure on the is no Council meeting before August. But besides the babies examined yy wg mpipk's and Mrs. R. J. McKes and character of these supposedly in-| jp these two clinics the two nurses gock's, "Herbert Hancock and Marjory rand This all-important sub-| geraj) the contents of the glass seal-| SOLINA Mr, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. They will reside at Osh- After an illness of some months He has been a great suf- He Seventh Line having heen a resident there all his life, He was a good neighbor and a kind father and much | respected by all, He had reached 70 years, He leaves a widow and three sons and three daughters to mourn his decease, The community extend sincere sympathy in thelr bereavement, Miss Vera Baker is at Peterboro nursing a patient in the hospital, Mrs, Thos. Pascoe and Miss Mar- garet have heen recuperating at Mrs. --_--] Mr, and Mrs. and Dorothy, Oshawa, at Mr. N. BE» Wright's; Mrs. D. Wotten and sons and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Glenny, Tor- outo, Mr. and Mrs. A, Gilders, Bow- manville, at Mr. J. J. Brown's; Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Werry and Miss Audrey and Mrs, Hoag and Miss Ol- ive, Mrs. Henry McLean, Miss Velma Master Mervin and Ross, Osh, awa, and Miss Laura M, Wickett, Tor- onto, at Mr. A. L , Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sully, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hackney, Ste. Marie, Mich., Mrs. N, C. Wilson, monton, Alta., at Mr. John Baker's; Dr. and Mrs. L, B. Williams in cot tage at Ceasarea at Mr. Wm. Van- Nest's; Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Snowden and famjly, Maple Grove, ai Reeve T Baker's; Mrs, Cargline Montgom- ery, Toronto, at Mr, Wm. VanNest's; Mrs, J. Penfoupd, Oshawa, at Mr. W. T. Bak Mr. and Mrs. J. Aff- holder and Miss Bessie Reynolds, Mr. | and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds and son | Howard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sommerv:lle and Joe Reynolds, Cher rywod, at Mr. John Reynold's; Eldad Y.L.B.C., will meet at Mr. A. L. Pas- coe's on Thursday, at 6 o'clock to go to the school grounds for a game of | baseball. BROOKLIN Brooklin stores close every Tues- day evening at 6.30 p.m. and Thurs- day afternoon at 1 p.m. "The Sunday School picnic of the Methodist Church will be held at Heydnshore Park, Whitby, on Thurs- day, July 20th, Recent 'visitors: streets - The general the appearance of |Mr, H, Rutter, Mrs, Osborne, Mr,!Mr, G; L. Galley: and many* others. land Mrs, Dyer, Columbus, Miss Mabel | Those from out of town were: Mr. Mabel Whitney, Mr, and Mrs, W, H,|and Mrs, W, Dyer, Columbus, Migs Crawford and family, Sarnia, Mr, and |W, H. Crawford, Sarnia; Mr/ and 'Mrs, L, Cryderman, Bowmanville, Mrs, L. Cryderman, Bowmanville; |Dr, and Mrs, R, H, Henderson, Tor-|Dr, and Mrs, R. H. Henderson, Tor- On The Limited R. J. McKessock was home gince the weeds have heen cut, it will be on the same date this year from Toronto over the week-end, 'Mr. and Mrs, Knowles, of West Hill That is always the first |Sam. Brooks on their marriage on|yicited Mr, Sam Manning on Sunday |Saturday. awa, ronto, were at the home of the late Bd- Mrs, Tomlinson and got it in readl ness for sale, Miss Elsie West, of Ashburn, have] been engaged for the first and second | | mour and children, of Oshawa, were has been much improved An improved type of observation 'car has just heen added to the '"'In- Mr, and Mrs, John Coakwell and ternational Limited" of the Grand * Trunk Railway system and is now ") through Oshawa daily on Mr, and Mrs, ¥, McDonald, of To. Passing Fresh from the [these crack trains, shops of the Pullman Company, this | in interior decoration, exter- Miss Stillman, of Omemee, and onto, Flesherton, Chicago, Among the prominent Oshawa citi zens present were: Laughlin, Mr, G, W, McLaughlin, Mr, | F, w, type of car represents the last word Mr, C, Serviss, Mr, J, W. Borsberry, |A, Lovell, and Mr, Fred Ayers, Mr, F, Ayers, Chicago; Mr, and M Matthew Holmes, Toronto; Dr. Al F, Dyer, Regina;' and Mr William Mc- | Ayers Whitby, The pall bearers were: Messrs, W. Cowan, Mr, KB, W. Drew, Mr.|W, A, Luke, J. H. R, Luke, George A. Coad, Mr. G. W. Hezzlewood, | Norris, O, M, Alger, W, Clarke and E. Mr, and Mrs, J, Blackburn, onto; Mrs, J, Blackburn, rand ul Mr, R, 8. The for of these coaches, which have several improvements in the brakes and under carriages, is of the new ac- RAZ-MAH means relief to many, mapy sufferers from Hay-Fever and Summer Asthma, You need not dread the coming of warm weather, with its often extreme changes of temperature, Don't walt until those sneezing fits come om, with swollem eyes, difficult breathing and loss of sleep. Get RAZ-MAH, take the little capsules,and Summer-Asthma or Hay-Fever will no longer trouble you, Sold by good Druggists everywhere. Sold by Jury & Lovell, King St. and Simcoe $t. 8, rooms fn the Brooklin school. [battleship type.' Mr, and My. Hodgson, of Raglan | In addition to the large protected have moved in the house recently pear platform there is a spacious ob occupied by Mrs. Gourlay. |servation parlor finished with easy All over the hum of the motor if chairs, writing desks, stationery, : heard, The hay and clover cropilihrary of the latest fiction, illustrat promises to be the heaviest in years. led weeklies and magazines, etc., the A large number of men are engag- whole giving a sense of quiet luxury, ed in building bridges and widening The forward half of the observation the road lately taken over by thelecar contains ten sections, each pro- Government. The iron bridge at the viding two berths and seating north of the village is being replac- commodation by day, ed by a solid cement one, | a --_ DB "raa i ™ Mrs. I. Walker will leave the end) Ww E D of this week for Halifax, where she | . . yer will spend the summer with her r-- brother, | (Continued from page 1) Mr. and Mrs, O. Sehert were inlperry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, Mr. Norwood last week atte nding the Old apd Mrs. Frank Procter, Mr. John Boys' and Girls' Reunion Dyer aud family, Mr. and Mrs. Mat- Mrs. W. H. Stevens and Miss Jean thew Holmes, Toronto, Class Eirra, Nesbitt, of Lindsay, were guests of y M.C.A., 1.O.F., Sons of Temperance, Mr, and Mrs. W, M. Lawrence this King Street Metiodist Church, Mr. week. {and Mrs. F. W, Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Stuart, of Imperial Bank, To-|A, M. Jacobi, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Luke and family, South Oshawa Karl B, Lawrence, at the latter'; | Bageball Club, Mrs. N. Felt, Simcoe home here. Street Methodist Church, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Wildfong, Toronto, Lady KEDRON Ross Chapter of the LO.D.E. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins and children! and Miss Della Glover attended the = Wood family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, Hamp- ton, on Tuesday. | Mrs. L. Buckley, of Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskins. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vinson, Eben- ezer, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ar- guests of Mr. and mour on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskins were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Ar- After. Fifty Years - OUNDED fifty years ago, the Domin- ion Bank to-day a chain of branches throughout the greater part , of Canada, and strong foreign affiliations circling the globe. Our half century of banking experience has developed a com- plete and efficient service and a knowledge of financial affairs, invaluable to our pat- sons, ~ THE DOMINION BANK . OSHAWA BRANCH, . . - C. N. HENRY, Manager. CEDAR DALE BRANCH, . W. H. SHEPPARD, " . E. C. CROSS, BROOKLIN BRANCH, J. Hoskins, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trick, Norine and Ambrose, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Armour, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Spencer, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskins. SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC, July 18---Empress of Britain®*--.... Liverpool July 19 Melita Southampton, | Antwerp. | July 25--Empress of Seotland*-- | Southampton, Hamburg, duly 28- Momteals .......... July 20-Melagama ............ . Aug. 2--Minnedosa Southampton, Antwerp Aug. 3 kmpress of jndia® .... Cherbourg Southampton ' Aug. Empress of France* |. Cherbourg . sassLiverpoog Glasgow Epworth League meeting opened last Friday evening with Miss Norah Horn in the chair. Lesson was read responsively by Miss Ruth Johns. The § Cherbourg urg Aug. 11 Pool Montrose Miss Louise Moore, of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mr. and Mrs Clifford and mother, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J W. Stevenson. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will meet in the library on Wednesday eveni July 19th, at & o'clock. important meeting. Let come. Watch for the garden party, biggest and best of the season, to be held on the beautiful grounds at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown, on August 3rd. A number from hére attended the Chautauqua held in Oshawa recently. The Rev. Mr. Rowland preached to the Orange Order at Victoria Corn- ers on Sunday, The Rev. J. R. Fraser occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. J. D. Howden, of Whitby, is staying for a time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Moore. This is 4n everybody the | Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Aug. 22 Tunisian . ns Empress of Brit a Melita Southampton, Victorian Hiupress of Scotland * A Southampton, Hambury { topic "Friendship" was splendidly given by Rev. W. W. Jones, B.D., tak-| | ing as the basis of his talk the won- | derful characters in the Book of Ruth. | Miss Marion Stevens gave a reading, | the roll was called and the meeting | closed with prayer by the President, ' Hilton Pejers, . League meeting thfs| sq | weed is iB Matie of the Missionary department on Thursday evening. Visitors: Mrs. B. R. Taylor and son | Ralph, London, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Trull; Mr. T. A. lA Brown, Ottawa, with her sister, Mrs.| 1. 12 E. Stevens; Mr. and Mrs. W. Peters, | dcp. 13 Aug. Aug. Aug. 30 Montcalm Metagama . Minnedosa 1y"Emgress of ludia ... wrhourg, Southampton , . ira Liverpool of Francs Cherbourg, southampton, Hamburg . uthampton, Antwerp | errs nnn LAVOPDPOO] Glasgow Liverpool | Melita Antwerp | 1--Montelare *Ewupress Seotd Moat Tuni Fanpre an 0 of Brita, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. Peters'; Mr.| and Mrs. Nelson Baird and children, Oshawa, at T. Salter's; Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Markham, with her sister, Mrs. W. Wilbur; | onto, who has been visiting her| daughter, Mrs. L. Crydermanp the past] week returned home on Suaday: Nir | Mrs. I Clarke, Tor-| H. B. BEAM MONT, Gea. . Southampton . : 15--Victorian ... cssenss Liverpool | *From Quebec Only. | Apply 10 Local Agents, or Agl., Pass, 1 King SL E.,, Toronto Adelaide 2005 at the C.N.E. BAND CONTEST THIS may be your Band! Every band competing in the Canadian National Exhibition Band Contest zt Toronto on Thursday, August 31, has an equal chance of winning this coveted honor. All amateur bands in Canada are eligible and are divided into two classes, governed by size of town and number of players. Cash Prizes Total $2,950. In addition to these, a Special Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the winning band in Class A, in whose cus- tody it remains for the ensuing year. The winner's name will be inscribed thereon. ach member of the first prize band in both classes will also receive 2 handsome individual award. All members of competing bands admitted to Exhibition free. Think of the fame that winning this competition will bring to your band and your town. All you have to deo is to see that your Band gets to Toronto to compete. All entries must be in by August 19th, so send your band's name in without delay. Drop us a line to-day for particulars as to adjudicators, test pieces, prizes, etc. The Secretary, Exhibition Band Contest Committee 145 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont. and Mrs. Norman Faulkener, Toronto, | have been holidaying at Mere. EL. Nid- | dery's; Mrs. A. E. Billett and danghter | (Continued on page 3) are on the directorate of the institu- | tion. He thinks that the community | should be very proud in having a man! {in the presidency who through sum-| Montenegro has been wiped from |. .. ong shadow, thick and thin, has, Europe's map. So many new states|siood behind the Oshawa Hospital, to | were created as a resuit of the war which he has given much money and | that Montenegro wont be missed by | intellect. He pointed out that Oshawa | : | is mow im a position where it doesn't the student memorizing names °F need to take a second seat tu any European countries. | place of equal size im Ontario in the! -- ! matter of hospital accommodation. Mr. Queensland, Australia, has reduced | R. 8. MdLaughlin, during 2a happy by five per cent the salaries of pub- | Ils SFE, PENNE to he Wonder . i al sts lic servants, including a five per cent | op the Hospital Board, stating that it | reduction in the remuneration of the was always a pleasure to work with | members of parliament. Canadian the members of the Board. Mr. J. D. Parliaments cut the salaries of civil | Storie took advantage of the oppor- servants, but sheathe the kmife be- tunity presented to him to publicly thank the Salvation Army Band for fore it touches their own indemai- ties. | going up to the Hospital time and time again to play for the patients. He stated that the band deserved all the thanks due to them, a statement which drew forth rounds of applause. cumbed this week, The Telegraph| after thanking all those who had in Kitchener, and The Nugget in taken part, Mr. Storie stated that he North Bay The former has been has ho Jost Boar J a could be " y Daily R 2. [brought r, working with him, a bed by y rd, while and referred to the spirit of harmony the latter has made an assignment. |g nq accord existing amongst them. Of High cest of production of news-| all the workers in aid of the Hospital, papers is still forcing papers out of | he believes that the Ladies" Auxiliary business, until mow there ane few | Particularly deserves credit, stating A - | that one would mot think pessible the emall cities in the country with more | york they do in sewing and the rais- than ome daily. | ing of money. Two daily mewspapers have suc- BIBLE THOUGHT FOB TODAY | I canton | A SURE GUIDE:--Commit thy 54 decorated with flags. The mwrses | way unto the Lond; trust also in and staff of the hospital were seated | him; and he shall bring it to pass. ob the first A. EE of benches that N | been provi for the spectators. iB.gst. 40. slie Aoud. 2ap Wat patiently | among those on the platform wene:-- 4 i [Chairman J. D. Storie, Rev. Geo Yule, - | Rev. J. H. McBain, Rev. C. R. dePen- WHY CHICAGO FAVORS IT | oor Dr T. W. G. McKay, Mrs. R. 8. _Bufialo Courjer. -- The © {McLaughlin, Mr. J. P. Owens, Mayor News would like to know whether. j,ny Stacey, Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin, the | MIs. Rebert McLaughlin, Col. Fare- | Ci well, Whitby; Mr. Geo. W. McLaugh- 9 lin, Dr. F. L. Henry, Mr. H. S. Lang ford, Mr. C. Robson, Mr. W. E. NX. | Sinclair, KC, MPP; Major F. Chap- | pell, Mrs. Pedlar, Mrs. J. D. Storie, Boston Post.--"Well, how many orders did you get yesterday? "I got two orders in one place" - "One was to get out and the other was to stay out." i REGEN Through Thrills to Happiness! AT OUR USUAL PRICES IVE cute kiddies orphaned by a handit's bullet-- and when a big, handsome bachelor father the brood, they led to 2 great love and happiness TWO Special Comedy Attractions "FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD" ; AND "WOMEN MUST WEEP" USUAL PRICES MON. TUES. - WED. - ~ ¢ attempted to him a merry chase straight . Leatrice Joy in the cast. BIG no mistake about it! Smell that! See how moist and tough it is! That's what I call real chewing and 25 cts.--the mew low price for TWO plugs! Some buy! The finest in quality and value!

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