Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 11 Jul 1922, p. 3

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Oshawa and District 4 sited Pedlar Members of the Oshawa Rotary Club were taken for a trip through the Pedlar Plant following the week- ly luncheon held yesterday at noon. About twenty five Rotarians went through 'the plant, Fined for Drunk Michael Tilton was found on Front Street early Saturday in an Intoxi- ed condition by G.T.R. detective oster, and his arrest followed. In Police Court Saturday morning ac- cused pleaded guilty and sentence deferred . owing to Tilton's ina- bility to furnish the name of the son from whom he obtained his quer. He wis brought before Mag- trate Hind Jentorisy morning and was fined $10 and costs amounting $21. Acc was still unable to Ahi the required name. Orangemen Thank Minister A resolution of thanks to Rev. BE. T, Cotten, Ph, B., pastor of the Christian Church, was passed hy the Orangemen at the meeting held in their hall immediately following the church parade to the Christian church on Sunday afternoon. A few remarks were addressed to the Or- angemen assembled by Brothers Al- ger, Goheen and Jinks. Spoke at South Oshawa Church The Sunday evening service at the 'South Oshawa Methodist Mission was taken by Mrs. E. Blandy, who is an evangelist of the Old Country and the States. The speaker chose as her text, "Consider the lilies of the field, bow they grow,' ' basing her dis- course on these words as found in the gospel according to St. Matthew rs. Blandy is the widow of Rev. W. . Blandy, author of the well known hymn, "The Way of the Cross." She is at present visiting relatives on Verdun Road. Mr. Hennings render- ed accepfable vocal solos at both services on, Sunday, Attending Scout Council Meeting Scoutmaster Robert McConnell of Troop No. 2, is in Ottawa at the pre- sent time attending a meeting of the Scout Council. He wili be in the Capital about ten days. On Satur- day afternoon another successful scout hike was held into the sur- rounding country. Counldn't Get Appointment. Due to the inability of Premier E. C. Drury to meet a deputation from this district regarding the electrifi- cation of sections of the C. N. R. and the T. and E., the deputation which was to have waited on him this after- noon at two o'clock, standard time, did not leave for Toronto. An ap- pointment is being arranged for a later date. Not IU; , At the inquest some days ago into the death of John Butler, following an inqury sustained while at work, Dr. McKay was misquoted as saying Dr. McKibbon was an undergraduate of Toronto Univesity whereas it was stated he was an honor graduate. Play in Guelph Friday The Ontario County Regiment football team, representatives of the Oshawa and District Football Assoc- jation in the Connaught Cup com- petition will travel to Guelph Friday evening for their semi-final match with the Taylor-Forbes team of that city. The Regiment won their first start against North Bay while Taylor- Forbes defepted Hamilton Thistles for the Western Section. The Sold- iers have been watching the westérn teams for the past few weeks and feel confident of landing another victory, i ---------- Addressed Whitby Orangemen Whitby Orangemen held their an- nual church parade Sunday to the Methodist Tabernacle, A number of visitors from Oshawa and other cen- tres joined in the parade. The ser- mon was preached by Rev, J. 8, Mc-| Mullen of Oshawa, 3 Whitby Veteran Dies John Y, Patterson, aged 74 years, a life long resident of Whithy, died Baturday. He was an active member of the Presbyterian Church and was widely known in this district, He is survived by his wife, The funeral was held Monday afternoon, Committee On Hotel Problems Coming July 25th Mr. J. A, McGibbon, secretary of the Oshawa Board of Trade, yesterday received a letter from W, A. Lane, of the Attorney Gengral's Depart- ment, Toronto stating, that the Com- formed to investigate: Commercial and Tourist traffic, hotels, summer resorts and camp sites throughout the Province of Ontario, would visit Osh- awa on' Tuesday, July 256th, The Committee will arrive in the morning at 10.24 Grand Trunk, where they will be met by members of the local Board of Trade and some of the Councillors. Secetary MecGibhon In the course of another week, will make full arrangements for the visit, It has been suggested that a motor drive be held from 10.30 to 12 by the Ontario Motor League when some sites suitable for a camp, which would improve accommodation in Oshawa for tourist traffic could be in- spected The Committee is 'non-political and its report will be placed before the next session of Legislature, The Committee will be here for a few hours and after a visit to the sites chosen by the Board of Trade, » luncheon will probably be arranged from 12.30 until 2 o'clock, where a round table conference will be in ses- sion all the time during the luncheon. Hotel men will be specially re- quested to meet from 3.30 to 4.30, to hear the result of the discussion. The Committee is not a fault find- ing one but it aims to do good to every hotel man. The Committee will leave for Bowmanville at 4.40 in the afternoon. Building Fund (Continued from page 1) by" would mean the solution for ad justing human differences. Gold was valuable, so much so that everyone desired it, but if the law of the Golden Rufe could be extended mak ing every one desirous of having it, wonderful results would be attained The Golden Rule, unlike gold, did not depreciate with over-production and they were opposed to each other Mr. Clarke averred. The law of Gold was the human heart untouch- ed by the grace of God, The speaker made reference to iceberg detector: which had been invented for sea- going vessels, stating that they were not necessary in some churches be- cause the chill of some of them could be felt a mile away. What the church needed was a heart, he declared. -- Latest News & Views mittee of the Provincial Legislature) REREE TINE AT CANP Organize Volley Ball League-- Held Field Day Last Week Everything is fn full swing at the Rotary Club Boys' Camp, which is now under canvas at Darlington Beach, and already a fine Feld Day has heen run off with great eclat, Visitors to the camp are numerous and up to the present have included Mr, Crowle, Mr, Althouse, Mr, Goy- ne, Mr, Galley, Mr. Ross Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Beaton, Mr. and Mrs, Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Hezzlewood and Mr, Tod, On Tuesday of last week the tents were put in ship-shape condition and the boys arrived on Wednesday, Shortly after the camp opened Messrs. Goyne and Miller installed a water works system. A volley ball league has been organized and in the first couple of games the "Sleepy the Prunes" defeated the '"Iro- quois," In the final match the "Sleepy Heads" handed a beating to the "Prunes." 'The results of the Field Day sports were as follows: -- Class 1.--75 yards--Authors; 2, Gay; 3, Fitches; 4, Hill, Class 2--75 yakds--First 'heat: 1, Chapman; 2, J. Hare; 3, Fudger; 4, Copeland, Second heat: 1, R, Ayres; 2, 8. Patfleld; 3, A. Hare; 4, C, Temperton. Final: 1, J. Hare and Chapman (equal); 3, Ayres, Class 3--100 yards.--First heat: 1, Kohen; 2, Leyden; 3, Witterick; 4, Livesey. Second heat: 1, Gunn; 2, Elliott; 8, T. Ayres; 4, Stone, Final: 1, Kohen; 2, Elliot; 3, Ley- den, Those coming second in each heal also ran in the finals. Class 1--Three legged race--1, Fitcher and Gay; 2, Hill and Authors. Class 2--Three legged race--1, A. Hare and A. Witterick; 2, J. Hare and Copeland; 3, Tyrel and Tempe- ton. Class 3--Three legged race--1, H. Witterick and Leyden; 2, Elliott and Livesey, The "Skeeters" defeated the "Horseflies" in an exciting relay race, while the "Sleepy Heads" won the relay race for Volley Ball teams. Class 1---Standing Broad Jump-- 1, Authors; 2, Gay; 3, E. Lovelock. Class 2--Standing Broad Jump-- 1, J. Hare; 2, Chapman; 3, Cope- | land. Class 3--Standing Broad Jump-- 1, R. Bell; 2, H. Witterick; 3, M. Kohen. : Toronto Girls' Soft Ball Team Want A Game Locally The Karry Recreation Club girls, of Toronto are, desirous of arranging a game of soft ball with a girls' team in Oshawa for Saturday afternoon, July 29th. In regard to the match, the manager of the Club writes to Mr. Galley, of the Y.M.CA. as follows: , Dear Sir:-- As I know no one in Oshawa, I take the liberty to address you to ask a favor. Would you be kind enough to get in touch with the man- ager or Captain of the best ladies' soft ball team in Oshawa using the 12 inch playground ball, and ask them if they will agree to play a game against the Karry Recreation | Club girls of Toronto on Saturday! afternoon July 29, at about 5 o'clock, | the game to be played in Oshawa and | a collection to be taken up and equal- ly divided between the two teams? Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I am yours sincerely, Arthur Cooper, Manager. 109 Pauline Ave. Toronto, July 8. Water Rates (Continued from page 1) stated that he thinks the most equit- able solution of the situation is an adjustment of water rates. To in- voke the Act at the present time, he wrote, would result in a deficit. and serious confusion. He favors the es- tablishment of one water rate for water users who are paying a Local | Improvement tax for water mains] also, and then another and highe: tax for water users who are not pay- ing any Local Improvement tax. Mr. Conant's letter then continues: "Under this system it would not be necessary to disturb the present Local Improvement levies, and all water mains in the future would be g Heads won from the "Kybos" while | yy ATHOL ST. MISSION ENJOY AN OUTING Picnic Held at Lakeview Park-- Races Furnish Much Amusement Members of the Sunday School of the Athol Street Mission, numbering more than two hundred, held their annual picnic at Lakview Park Thurs- day afternoon. The event proved {2 be a most enjoyable one for the ¢hild- ren, who, were conveyed to the lalo on a special street car, the Sundny School issuing free tickets. A lari Ist of races was run off, which were followed hy a sumptuous supper, The winners of the various races were as follows: Girls 8 to 10 years,--J, Glide, D. Barnes, I. Campbell, Girls 10 to 12 years,--Margarct Philips, Alice Sugden, Boys 12 to 14 years,--I, Richards A. Jolliffe. Girls 12 to 14 years.--B, Edger, . Sanders. Boys over 14 years.--L. Richard, W. Snudden. Girls over 14 E. Stoven, Married ladies,.--Mrs, Mrs. Richards. Girls under 6 years.--V. Thompson J. Campbell, Boys, 6 to 8 years.--P, Logeman, Boys under 6 years.--S8. Starr, L. Hodgson, Girls' Audley. Girls' Three-legged race--M. San- ders and D. Braind, B, Edgar and A. Sugden. Boys, wheelbarrow race.--Harold and Fred Audley, Lawson and Ivan Richards. Needle race.--Bertha Sills, thy Braund. Leap frog.--G. Hodgson, A. Rich- ards. Walking.--Mary Sanders, A. Sud- gen. Men under 40 years.--Mr. Morri- son, Mr. Grey. Partner race.--L. Richards Mary Sanders, Mr. Morrison Dorothy Braund. Potato race.--W, Snudden, I. Rich- ards. y Biscuit race.--C. Barnes. Men over 40 years.--Mr. Morrison, Mr. Grey. - Boys 6 to 8 years.--F. Audley, A. Richards. years.--M., Moffat, Morrison, egg race--M, BStoven, E. Doro- and and Thompson, N. J. Laverty, M. Phillips. (Continued from page 1) Council will not hear any more peti- tions for street pavement during the | year 1922. Messrs. Trick and Mof- | fatt introduced a motion asking that the money that is realized this year from the sale of waste material be devoted to levelling grounds of the old Pedlar property near Simcoe Street. Councillor Trick stated that he would like to see this levelled be- fore the Firemen's Convention in August, while Councillor Moffatt stated that an Oshawa Rotarian is at present providing a playground for children on a lot back of the Regent theatre. Mr. Moffatt thought that if the Pedlar property were levelled it might be used as a playground. taken in conection with this be fixed up at once. authority to spend money on the old Pedlar plant, as the people had turn- ed down a by-law to the same effect at the polis, but Councillor Trick countered that the people had not said that no money should be spent there, but bad said that $16,000 should not be spent there. Upon the motion being submitted to the coun- cil it was defeated. he License and Printing Commit- tee will deal with the request of H. N. Sheriff for permission to hang a The sign wolud be of light construc- tilon and 29 x 53 inches. Power Rates deal with the matter brought up in a letter from City Clerk S. R. Arm- strong of Peterboro. There has aris- Hydro-Electric Power Commission and the Department of Railways and Canals regarding the rental at Ra- . Wednesday 8,80 am, 12,80 noon Housewife Wednesday, Will Save the Thrifty Many Dollars and Cents Bengal Cotton, 32-in, free from all filling. each customer, 300 yds. Factory Cotton wide, absolutely Only 10 yds, to 10¢ Ladies' Rib Top Lisle Hose ) The finest quality in black, white, navy and brown, The big feature of these hose is the wide elastic rib top, reinforced heel and toe, sizes 8% to 10 inclusive, Reg. 76c pair, Wednesday 63c Pair White Underwear Nain- sook A lovely fine inches wide, filling. Special 19¢ Yd, quality 86 free from all Men's Fine Shirtings Suitable for summer sport shirts or pyjamas. A heau- tiful quality with fancy stripes of contrasting colors, Regular up to $1.00 yd. for 59¢ Yard , Children's Gingham Dresses Gingham Dresses always look so fresh and cool-looking, and they are so nice for children to wear at the many outing excur- sions of the summer season, So easily laundesed, one need not be afraid of their getting crushed. Here is a very special line, regular up to $2.95, sizes 6 to 14 years, Special $1.95 Each Unbleached Sheeting 72" Wide Nice and clean, free from filling and specks, Will out- wear bleached sheet at half as much again, Wednesday 49¢ Yd, each, LINEN GLASS TOWELS All ready made up, with red horder and hemmed ends, big generous size. Wednesday 25¢ Each THREE PIECES AMERICAN RATINE Pink, Butter cup and Resida Green, three of the most popular shades, 36 inches wide. To be cleared up on Wednesday for 79¢ yd. 79¢c Yard Reg. 36¢c Boys 10 to 12 years.--F. Audley, | Girls sack race.--Myrtle Hodgson, Deputy Reeve Hill opposed the mo-| tion, stating that if any action were piece | of ground that the whole area should | Reeve Morris | maintained that the council had no! | put in at once. The Manufacturing Committee will | Mr. J. Cowan addressed the coun-|, Colored 'Turkish Towels Cream and Natural, with striped pattern. Just the thing to take with you when you go bathing. Very absorbent quali- ties. Only Six Towels to one A Clearing of the Better Voiles Including Grafton Fa- mous English Voiles, all 40 inches wide in the newest patterns and colorings, Brick, Copen, Grey, Brown, Navy, Black, Yellow, and Burnt Orange, Reg, $1.00 to $1.50 yd. WEDNESDAY 79c. yd. customer. SPECIAL 3 for $1.00 ney's Falls, the Dgpartment assum- ing charge $21,000 a year. This will affect the cost of power to all the municipalities in the Central On- tario district. Mr. G. N. Gordon, M.P., is arranging for an integview at Ottawa with the Minister of Rail- ways, and Mr. Armstrong is inquir- | ing if Oshawa will have representa- | tion on the deputation. Stagnant Water | The Board of Works will deal with | Mr. D. A. J. Swanson's complaint re- | garding the stagnant water which | lies on the west side of Ritson Road sign at 11 1-2 Simcoe Street South. | north of King Street. Mr. Swanson states that a storm sewer should be ' { Soccerites Ask Aid {cil on behalf of the Oshawa Con- naught Soccer Cup team and asked the Council if it could provide cars en a question between the Ontario | for the transportation of the team to Guelph next Saturday, where they | will meet a team representing the | Royal City. The Oshawa team has | played its first game in this series, having defeated North Bay in North Bay. That trip cost the men over $100 and the trip to Guelph will | amount to about $80. It was stated | that the team would require about four or five cars. Councillor O. M. Alger didn't want to set a precedent by graating town money to a spont- ing organization, and moved that every councillor give #5 from his own pocket to defray the expense of the forthcoming journey. Upon dis- cussion it was finally decided that the councillors would make what cash contributions they would in aid of the soccer team, the same to be handed to Mr. R. Moffatt. At the meeting last night Councillors Mof- fatt and Johnston promised ten dol- dars each while the mayor promised a like amount. Those present at last night's meet- ing were: Mayor J. Stacey, Reeve G. Morris, Deputy Reeve J. V. Hill, Deputy Reeve F. L. Mason, Council- lors W. J. Trick, ©. R. Burns, W. B. Rowe, D. A. Hubbell, R. Moffatt, O. M. Alger, J. A. Stanton, R. D. Pres- ton, A. W. Brown and D. F. John- ston. ¢ Greybirds Win At In a postponed Central League fix- ture played at Bowmanville yesterday afternoon, Lindsay defeated the home team by 10 to 1. The local team was considerably weakened by the absence of F. Piper and Williams who were injured in Saturday's game The team was further crippled to-day when Stark collided with a spectator when attempting to catch a foul fly and was knocked unconscious. So severely was he hurt that he was un- able to continue in the game. The line-up and score-- Bowmanville-- Moise, ss, Stark and McMurtry, 3b; Mingeaud, 2b; | Hicks, If; Blaber, rf; Corden. 1b; Mills, ef; A. Piper, ¢; Somerville, p. Lindsay --Brownscombe, ss; H. Cummings. 3b; B. Cumings, ¢; Allin, p: Coombs, 1b; Oulette, rf; Rich- mond, If; Ashton, 2b; McMahon, of, R.H E. Lindsay -- 310001131--10 1 Bowmanville --000100000-- 1 Dr. R. M. Coulter, Deputy Post- master General, is enquiring into the mail service between Oshawa and Toronto, as complained of in a letter of June 28 by A. R. Alloway, 'of The Reformer Printing & Publish- ing Co. In his reply, Dr. Coulter says: "I duly received your communi- cation of the 28th ultimo regarding Postal Service to Oshawa, and in reply I wish to say that this matter will be enquired into at once, and you will be advised of the resuit." 3 2 8 5 A Kodak adds reall enjoyment to your holiday. Keep a memo of each picture with an Authographic Kodak. Kodaks $6.50 up; Brownies $2.00 up. Return Your Films to Us ; Every film and print receives the same caveful attention. Sey 14 guaranteed. The Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL F. W.

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