Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 8 Jul 1922, p. 7

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"™ OSHAWA, 1 . ny : | ARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 8 1922 ~ PAGE SEVEN Dental ~ Avtices For Sal ] General Wants | ftore, v i] | seu . ver Kyle's Grocery «Office 0 Pid Phone 960. ry Aud Lovell's Drug Store r vell's Drug h opera No. 91. Phone .: wa " , DENTIST -- HN: trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, - Office over Engel"s Store, 16 Simcow Bt. N. Phone 12438, a. TN DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe 8 N, 26-1mos, : Medical . CB A d Surgeon, Union Bank Building, meoe ry North, Phone B7, 110-1yr , Mc -- y 'goon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone #4. , Ln J, y hy Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta. ion In disease of the eye. 13-1 yr » " » » TA 'Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat, 'Ofice ever Dominion Bank, Tele . phone Houss 8 to 4 p.m, OF f = ap) ment. 96-tt BR. A," A. HALLIDAY, 148 COL lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Btorg first and third #Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear, 134-tf 'DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at bis 'office over Miller's Arcade eacll' Sat- srday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul. ation and treatment of diseases of gar, nose and throat only, JOSEPH F. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- wister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer. Money to loan. Office 4 King St, East, Oshawa, Phone D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- ger, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Ofice, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) | St. West, Osh- awa. Phones, 940; Residence $19). R & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13, J. ¥. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, B.A. TD. CONANT, B.A, LL.B.--BAR- sister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 73 Simcoe Bt, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen. oral practice. Phone 63. #. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simeoe Bt. South, Oshawa. FOR SALE--WARE, § YEARS OLD, Il after . | Nursery firm is MER, You can colt, 5 weeks old, 1] o'clock, 134 Base Line East, , 89-¢ FOR BALE--BABY CARRIAGE IN good condition and new tires, Apply 184 Barrie Bt, 40-0 FOR SBALE--PLAYER PIANO AND rolls, Bargain for quick sale, Also household furniture, rugs, beds, dresser, linoleums, ete, Apply 67 Kenneth Ave, 30-¢ FOR BALE -- 16 PURE BRED White Leghorn hens, laying strain, Apply P.O, Box 495, Oshawa, 30-0 FOR BALE -- KITCHEN RANGE with all water connections, good as new, Apply Box "K'", Retormer -0 FOR BALE--OFFICE DESK, ROLL top, large size, very complete with drawers and various compartments, Apply C, M, Mundy, Reformer Offee, NEW LUMBER FOR SALE--WE have all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Ask for quotations, Whithy Lumber and Woodyard, Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont, Jul, 87 BERRY BOXES AND BASKETS | get our prices on herry boxes and eleven quart and six quart baskets in thousand lots, Whitby Lumber & Wood Yard, Telephone 12 Whit. ¥. 36-1mos, GUITAR FOR JALE--SPANISH guitar can easily be changed into a steel, large size, good tone, Phone 462), 37-t1, HAY FOR SALE--STANDING CROP of mixed hay; about five loads, Ap- ply to G. D, Conant, Oshawa, 40-b FOR SALE--POULTRY HOUSE, 6 x 10, one of the best in town, and will be wold at a bargain, 201 Ritson Rd, 8, 41-a BARGAINS IN FURNITURE-50 iron beds, all sizes; iron and wood frame springs, 50 new felt mattress- es, camp cot, sliding couches, chil- dren's cribs, complete; sideboards, dressers, extension tables, ward- robes, hall racks, dining chairs, rock- ers, Parlor suites, stoves and ranges, carpets, pillows, 1,000 pieces of new tin ware, milk pails, pans and eream- cry cans. Deal 'here and save money. 19 Prince St, 4l-¢ FOR SALE -- SHETLAND PONY outfit, E. W. Gray, College Hill, Oshawa. 41-e CHERRIES "FOR SALE, HUBER, Thornton's Corners. 41-¢ FOR SALE -- A NEW AUTO RNIT- ter, $40 if quick sale. Apply 328 Sim- coe St. South. 41-b FOR SALE--THRESHING OUTFIT, comprising Clover-huller, Grain Sep- erator, Blizzard ensilage cutter, Mas- sey Harris Engine ete. All in good repair, May be seen at Fletcher Werry's North of Kedron Church, Written tenders to be sent before July 17th to Alex Davidson, Oshawa. 41-c FOR SALE--GENT'S LIGHT GREY Summer suit, tailor made, size 38, price $2100 Apply Parkers' Dye Works, 41-a FOR SALE--STANDING HAY, AP- ply J. B. Wilson, 42 King St. E. 41a Help Wanted--Male MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showecards for us. No can vassing. - We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Torpile, n 4.5. sell in country, towm or city. We grow and sell the best only and want reliable, agents for unrep- resented territories. Write now. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y WANTED BY LARGE CORPORA- tion local for Oshawa and surrounding territory. Sales are FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Ageat, Tel. 31 large; prod patented and univers- ally approved; small capital required carry local stock. Only men of ab- ility who mean business need apply. Presid of C ay will arrive in your city within a week. Give refer- ences and telephone number if pos- sible. Box "H" Reformer. 41-b Help Wanted--Female COOK GENERAL--NO UPSTAIRS work, willing to leave town for Aug- -t. Apply 224 King St. West. Phone WANTED --A GIRL TO CLERK IN n (and Mrs. J. J. Lord, Mr. and Mra. .| Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stainton d {the effects of playing an overstren- . {nous game of foothall on July 1st. { Toronto, at Mr. H. Stevens': Mr. and +1 Mrs Wallace Stainton at Mr. James WANTED ~ $260 ON ' OHATIBL mortgage for one year to increase business; good security, Apply lox "8", Reformer, 41+ 1 WILL BUY OR RENT A TENT -- What have you got and how much do you want, Box "'Q" Réformer, 40- SHCOND HAND FURNITURE WA ed, We are paying highest prices fo good furniture, We are also sellin a good line of furniture, stoves, al floor coverings, Apply D, Dime, King 8t, W, Phone 871, 36-mo| [ALL SAFH, BTA particulars to Box ""M" Reformer, , SECOND HAND BOOKS (9 quantities, Address Box "U", former, 4 Real Estate For Sale FOUR LOTS, PARK ROAD NORT just north school, 83 x 150, or wi subdivide tq suit purchaser, ve easy terms, See sign, 42 FOR SALE--LOT 38 x 114, SPLEN. did situation, on Golt St, Apply 3 Golt Bt, 39 i ARM FON BALE -- CONTAIN! fifty acres all arable, well cultl- vated, good buildings and fences, Price $4,300, Terms easy, William C, Paollord Barrister at-law Ux- bridge Ont, 38-1 JOT CAN BE HAD ON HILCREST; Sub-Division, delightfully situated lo- cation for $25 to $60 per lot, This property is within the City limits, Re. gistered plan, Indisputable title, For particulars apply to Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 60 King Street East, Oshawa, Phone 408, | tr, LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT, BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard, Cheap, with reasonable restrictions, Water, sewer, and sidewalk, Apply | Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 60 | King St, Kast, OfMce phone 1232, tf, COTE FOR SALE -- GREAT, BIG; deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard,| Cheap, with reasonable restrictions, Water, sewer, and sidewalk, Apply | Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St, Bast, Office phone 1232, tI. Automobiles For Sale FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY | R. C. Henry & Co, 16-1 FOR BALE--A GRAY-DORT MOTOR | car in first class condition, will sell | cheap if sold at once. Apply 386! King Street Kast, phone 594). | 39-¢ | FOR BALE -- ONE TON FORD | truck. Apply 199 Simeoe St. 8. Phone 47. _ 40-t} FOR BALE -- McLAUGHLIN 22-45, | only run 1300 miles, owner getting closed car. Sell for $1,850 cash. Ap- | ply Box "X", Reformer Office. 41-a Houses Wanted WANTED TO BUY -- 6 OR 2 ROOM- ed house, all conveniences," centrally located, reasonably priced. Apply Box "R" Reformer. 40-¢ WANTED TO RENT--A HOUSE IN! good locality by August 1. Apply Ross Douglas, Bell Telephone Co. 40-¢! WANTED -- TO RENT A HOUSE. Would want 1 year or longer of lease. Apply to Post Office Box 132. 40-1 WANTED TO RENT -- 7 OR 8 roomed house, unfurnished. Phone | 178-W. 3%¢| IMPORTANT | WILL THE PARTIES WHO HAD! their premises searched on June 20th, | by Ontario Temperance Act Enforce- ment Officers, kindly leave their names and address at Box "X" Re-! former Office. They may learn some- thing to their advantage. | One who suffered the indignity. | 41a | 1 { News (Continued from page 4) Ed. Ward, Oscar and Lloyd, Mr. Howard Price, Toronto; Mr. Lewis Burnett, Markham; Mr. E. G. Kers-| lake, Pickering: Mr. and Mrs. C. Fry. | Mary and Fred Norwich, Mrs. (Rev.) | W. H. Barraclough, Lindsay, called | on friends here Monday. { Mrs. Geo. Carr is recuperating with friends near Toronto. Hope she returns much improved in health. King Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, enjoyed a picnic in our Park on Wednesday. Mr. E. Horn is nursing a lame knee when they held the Ebenezer team down to a tie. While on the other knee he is nursing a fine baby girl. Mrs. Thos. Creeper, Toronto, Mr. 4. T. Rundle, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robbins, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones, Whithy, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cuntis. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. and son Clifford at Mrs. John Pye's: Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins, Bow- manville, at his her's, Mr. Frank Robbins: Mr. Mrs. Levi Annis, Stainton's and Mr. W. Meore's; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ferguson, Uxbridge. at Dr. Ferguson's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker, and Miss Leola McMann, Bow- manville, at Mr. D. Brant's; Miss v od in Guelph recently. Family, Toronto . | Wright, Peterboro. Misses Joyee Bd- Stainton - T argaret Stewart, Oshawa, at Mr, & tewart's; Mr, O, Byers, Toronto, at ia father's, Mr, N, Byers; Mra, Thed legion jJand Mater John, at her father's, Mr, John Saunders, Bow- manville, Mr, Russel Gilbert is wearing smiling face these days--its a gir), A very interesting meeting of the 'W.M,8, was held at the home of Mrs, W, Sanderson on Tuesday, Mrs, J. BE, Cole, Bowmanville, gave a fine re port of the branch meeting, Miss Laverne Grifin and Master Ellis Griffin had their tonsils re- moved by Drs, 8lemon and Ferguson on Tuesday, TAUNTON Mr, and Mrs, James Stainton spent Sunday in Oshawa, A large number from this vicinity attended the anniversary services at Hampton and Haydon, Mra, William Pierce has just res turned from a visit with her hrother in Toronto, , J , Mrs, Willlams Lavis, Whitby, and Mr, Roy Lavis, of Toronto, have heen visiting with Mr, Alan Lavis, Mrs, A, Gifford, Miss Gladys San- derson and Mr, Sanderson were re- eent visitors at Mr, B, A, Gifford's, Mrs, Jack Allen and family, Ritson Road, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Ashton, Courtice, were Bunday guests of Mr, William Plerce, Miss Ruby Gifford, Toronto, is vis- iting her brother, E, A, Gifford, A pienie party, including Mr, and Mrs. Luther Cornish, Mr, and Mrs, Alan Lavis, Mr, Henry Beott, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Moore, EnniskiHen, Mr, and Mrs, Newton Edgar, ahd Mr, and Mrs, Hanson Richards, Oshawa, went to Caesarea recently, and had a splendid time, The fruit season is en, and the robing are having the time of their lives harvesting the cherries, My. and Mrs, Luther Cornish vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniskillen on Sunday. 1» Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lavis and Don- ald spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. John H. Trull, manville, Mr. and Mrs. Bent Northeott visit- BROOKLIN Mrs. James Cheyne, of Toronto, has been visiting Mrs. Walker, Miss Alice Moore, of McDonald School, Guelph, is at home, Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Jones, with their children, have gone on a motor trip to Athens, in Leeds County. Miss Freure and Miss Wood left last week for their respective homes. The work on the highway through the village is progressing. This road, when completed, will make one of the finest in the country. . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robson spent | the holiday in Hamilton. Mrs. Coolidge is spending a few days in the city. It would add very much to the ap- pearance of the village if the street! commissioner would weeds and grass on the roadside were cut. This is a place much ad- mired by the travelling public and should be made as attractive as pos- sible. Mrs. John Colwill spent a few days in the city where she met her cous- in, Mrs. Wilson, from British Col- ubia, whom she had not seen for over 30 years, Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd, Messrs. George, Charlie, Frank and Miss Dora Colwill, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Col- will, Mr. J. A. Peer and family have ar- rived at Sunnynook, their summer home. A large crowd attended the movie on Saturday evening sut om by Mr. Lorne Arnold, of Toronto. "The Lit- tle Shepherd of Kingdom Come" is a wholesome play and tells the story of Chad, a mountain lad, who had been left an orphan at an early age. A neighbor, a hard, eruel man whose duplicity had deprived the lad of his birthright, was to be his master. Rather tham become a slave, Chad ran away. His dog was his only com- pany. For several days they wam- dered and at last fell into the hands of kind people. Time passed when the boy learmed he was the son of a wealthy man of noble and proud position. The civil war was just starting and Chad joins the union army and eventually comes to his in- heritance. Mr. Arnold has arranged to give a play every Saturday night. We are glad to report that Mr. Arthur Boyce, who was severely im- jured by a fall recently, is much im- proved. He is still in the hospital. The Ladies' Aid and the W. M. 8. of the Methodist Church, met at the home of Mr. James Routley on Weél- nesday. The Board of the Methodist church invited Rev. Mr. Rowland to remain another year. Comference consent- od and the people at large are de- lighted to learn that Mr. Rowland ill spend his Afth vem in this place The following weve successful in the recent examinations in Brooklin Public School, in passing the pre scribed examination: From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -- Wm. Campbell, Herman Harris, Ralph Reeson, Clarence Reeson, Thomas Spencer, Hazel Nesbitt, Doris Moore, Alma Cairns, Bernice Cainns. From Si. Ul. te Jr. IV.--Fanni- move Cooper, Roy Delong. Albert Harris, Willie "Maynard, Fred Spen- cer, Bernice Eddy. Mary Hunter. Nora Reper, Grace . From Jr. IIL. to Sr. see that the Sunday visitors at A. T. Stainton's were Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and Joyce, Mr. and Mes. Hanson Richards, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stainton and . gar and Margaret for a week's holidays. Miss M. Snudden, Columbus, stayed wisiting her friend. Mrs. Arthur . Mrs. Langmaid. Langmaid visited her pavents at Columbus on Wed- nesday. society on Thursday p.m. and gave excellent program. which wa« enjoyed. Rev. and Mrs. B. W. and sons, Boooklin, ac- Bow- | | St. Ladies' Aid of Kedron. visited ow! | ttl | companied the ladies, and Mr, Row- i sang a 'solo, Rev, and Mrs, ones came up for the afternoon from Hampton, Mp, and Mra, Brown, Toronto, are visiting at J, G. Langmaid's, The play-off game of football for the shie®W will be played between | Zion and Ebenezer at Hampton on the 14th at 6,30, Maple Grove hays | came up here on Tuesday night and were defeated by 1-0, It was a good | clean game all through, Miss Annie Ford, Toronto, visited with her sister, Mrs, T, Martin, over the holiday, Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Balson and| Effa, Mr, and Mrs, A, D, Langmald | took in Columbus anniversary last Sunday night, WHITEVALE The Whitevale Mission Circle had | a profitable meeting and an enjoy-| able outing at the home of Mrs, | Laughlin, Cherrywood, Tuesday | afternoon, Bhe is to be commended | on her cheerful disposition and hor | home in perfect order, as ghe 1¥ do- | prived of her eyesight In later | YOars, I | David BE, Pugh and Mrs, Martin] motored to O, H, Pugh's after church | last Sunday morning, when all drove | to. Claremont Memorial seryice, The | cemetery just a little east of the| village presented a pleasing sight, it not heing an old. burial place, It Is well laid out and kept in good con- dition, The program consisted of speeches hy Rev, Myr, McClelland, King and others, interspersed with singing and the home band playing very sweetly, Mrs, (Dr,) Hopkins, of Markham, is visiting her sister, Mrs, John White, for a few days, A number from the Vale went to Plokering on July 1st to the opening of Memorial Park, Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. Goeden in the death of her litth niece, Goldie Chambers, of Wood- stock, under very trying ecireum- stances, At present Mrs, Goeden 1s away to the funeral, Few Names Added To The Voters' List When a number of citizens of Osh- awa go to the polls to vote in the next municipal election, they will find that their names have not heen afded to the lists because of their own neglect, Court of Revision to deal with peals against the voters' lists held in the Town Hall morning, before Judge Ruddy. Out of a large number of appeals which had been filed with Town Clerk F. E. Hare, only one appellant appeared to explain why the name in ques- tio nshould be added to the list Mrs. O'Brien was present to state that A. Rodine, who is at present in Catharines, owned the property at 274 John Avenue, but being an American, his name was not allowed to go on, Other names allowed, of which His Honor was sure of the facts were: Russell Perkins, Geo E. Fisher, Jacob Pike, 1. E. Argue, F. T. Lamble, Edwin Kellow, George Webster, Maggie J. Brown, R. M Millar and M. Libby. Other names which: were already on the lists but were mis-spelled were altered Unless those wishing to vote ap- pear in person to give ewidence the Judge cannot consider the appeals and comsequently the names whieh ap- was = CARADIAK PACIFIC SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. July M--Ewmpress of France*--. Oherbhours, Southampton, Hamburg duly 14 OMrose duly 15-Tunisian .... duly 18-Empress of Britain Jy A9-MOMRA ......000ns Antwerp. July 2--Empress of Seotland* Southampton, Hamburg, duly 28----Montealm |. adn Mly 2-Metagawa .... Arana AnsSAMAREONN Aug. 2-Minnedosa .. Southampion, Antwerp Aug. 3--Ewmpress of India® .... Cherbourg. Southampton Aug. S-Ewmpress of France* .. Oherhonrs., Southampton, Hamburg Anh + Livenpow Glasgow Liverpood Antwenp Liverpool Chenbonrg, Hambare. « Laverpoul caaaanans GIASRONW Suunthamplon, Antwerp Chonboure, Southampton AA ASA ANANA . Lawerpout of France .. Ohoobhoneg, Southampton, Hamburg Lo Sonthampion, Antwer) RARARARAR Liverpuot 2 Adlaseow | Liverpoat Antwerp | Livorponl | Liverpool waa AAlasgOWwW +Aldvenpoal + Southampton + ass Aldvenpoo: Aux Aux, Aug. Allg. Ang. Aug, 1" 1" 15 Ac 18 2 Montrose Tunisian .. " Empress of Roitaip® Melita .... Southampton, Aiotonian ...... Empress of Sootland + Southam on, Montoal® o.oo Metagama .... Minnodosa Ang. Aug. Aug. 2 % 0 Sep. Abaapness of India Sapt. so. Montelave Abang ress Sem, « Sep. R Sem. 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Melia Sop. H-Aiotanian AFrom Quebec Only. Anply Loosl Anonts, wr ] MR BEAUMONT, Gon. Agl, Pass. Bot 1 King SUE, Torente Scotian Montrose Tunisian... N Bevan ... Southampton |ot the Dominion Chautauqua The final sitting of the yterday « NINN. -. Cherbourg | { from such old favorites as "The Mik- ado," "Floradora," "The Geisha Girl," and others, The personnel of this excellent company is Miss Kxie Burgess, sorpapno; Miss Francess Burgess, contralto; Mr, Francis Diers, tenor; Mr, Harry O, Ferguson, bari. tone and manager; Miss Margarot Mullowney, planist and accompanist, The program fdr this evening fen- tures the Hon, Phillp Whitwell Wil- son, & former member of the British Parliament, and for twenty yoars New York cormespondent of the Lon don Dally News. Mr, Wilson will lec- ture on "Problems of the Empire," and Mr, Gabriel Hines, the noted composer, planist, and locturer, will give a recital during the afternoon and evening sessions, have not been added to the liats up to the present time will not appear In the next issue of the voters' lists, Audiences (Continued from page 1) personality and w ciear, true, high soprano voice of delicate sweetnoss her dainty numbers were greoted witr re-iterated encores, Prof, Duxburg Pleased, Not the least entertaining feature pro- gram was the elocutionary entertain- ment: provided hy Prof, John Dux- bury, "England's greatest reciter and reader" as he was Introduced to the large Thursday evening audience hy Rev, J, H, McBain, Prof, Duxhury glves a unique program, something out of the ordinary of this class of entertainment, His powers of im- personation were displayed € the od- dity of the offering entitled "The Bhade's Banquet," In this, the de- parted spirits of Christopher Colum» bug, Shakespeare, Longfellow, Car Iyle, Tennyson, Wéaodsworth, Bamuel Johnson, and, of course, James Bos well," Dickens, Popo and Burns, with George Washington and Mozart, are depleted enjoying an ovening Loge: ther on the River Styx, The weight of the preliminary opening lightens later to a vein of delicious comedy, with each of thoes exalted folk giving his version, in! his own way, of the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner," To hear Mr. | Duxbury imitate Longfellow's ren- | dition In the Impressive meter "Hiawatha," Carlyle's surly growl and Burns board Scotch, wit) Dickens' own long-drawn-out, imim- | ftable style, is to listen to something worth while, This piece also intro duces Lord Bacon end Sir Walter | Raleigh in a discussion over the in- | thenticity of Shakespeare's works which ends with a clever inclusion of avery one of the plays in tarn, Opened Thursday, Thuraday the Chantan qua was opened in Gshawa hy a con cert hy the Ferguson Operatic Quin craving for old familiar opera scenes tetie Oshawa people all have and as a result the audience .on Thursday afternoon was agreeabl surprised to find the program pun tuated throughout with selections Frome Sufferers. Floyd MoPnail of London, Ont,, writes, "This 1s without doubt the finest remedy I have ever usod for asthma," Briggs' Asthma Remedy 01.50 per hottle, Money hack if not satisfled, Jury & Lovell, Oshawa, and A, H, Allin, Whithy, Ol » . . Business Training for any boy or gir is of life long value, even if they 'never have to seck a living in business, Our eleven Schools in Toronto offer unexcelled facilities for learning shorthand, typewriting and business methods, Thirty years ex- perience, Students can en- rol at any time, Write Aow for | ndbook ht afternaoi » Mcintosh, Principal ih, 3 A ec ND A, 4 SEN a No RI im \F YOU WANT MEATS BOTH PURE AND A VISIT HERE WILL PROVE A TRE THE PURITY AND SWEETNESS ot our meats make their appeal to the Lappy family eircle where quality foods are appreec- fated. Nothing but the best and lots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- isfactory service. Our tele- phone is your friend. i.A. SUDDARD SIM JOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 517 PROPERLY } JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. Phone 28 Phone 1101 -- ET ---- DON'T LOOK SHABBY Hae , Drapevies, curtains, ete A) Dry Cleaned superior merliod, and they K Jus new and have nee Which you : desire Yuu Will not he arpboiited if you sand them 10 L ol C. E. Aldsworth Quality Gleaner and or « Celina and Athol Sts. ods called Tor and delivered a1 orders vecelhve special and 1 al id like | Wh LTTE LEE LLL ELL LLL ELLE "PHONE ae PILL ELLIE RELL ELL LEER LEER ALLER EL LUE ELE Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired ycu will want it dome night. You can depend on our workmanship. We guarantee it, and use only first class, standard materials. Let us estimate on your wiring. Our prices are right. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. I ROA SS

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