PAGE TWO "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1922 The ®ntario Reformer Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, had the opportunity the same night (Established in 1871, a few hours after the event, of wit- An independent newspaper pub-|nessing the progress of the race Mahed every other day (Tuesday, through the medium of the cinema- Thursday and Saturday afternoons) |... at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer, ph, Printing and" Publishing Company Limited, Charles M. Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A, R, Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, \ Gro, The Derby was not run until 3 p.m, Aberdeen is 500 miles away. Yet the films were delivered in Aber- deen at 10.45 the same evening, be- fore the last stragglers left the scene |of the great race at Epsom, To accomplish this feat of showing peifvered by Carrier in Oshawa or|. a by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 Derby films throughout the country a year, United States subscriptions on Derby day, seven airplanes were $1.60 extra to cover postage, Single used, One was stationed at Epsom to copies Ge, | carry the film negatives to the cine- = ma company's works at Barnet; six (OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JULY 4th. |yachines at the DeHaviland Aircraft RESTRI Company's airdrome at REdgeware hd CTIONS AGAINST were standing by and the moment CARNIVALS MUST BE | the finished films were ready these STRENGTHENED [airplanes set out on their long -- ! journeys, Oshdwa is due to have anmother| Aj these machines carried special- round with the road carnival ques-|ly devised parachutes with a novel tion, sort of range-finder,for dropping the The fight to keep this species of [films at intermediate stations, so that questionable and alleged entertain- | there .was no interruption of the ment out of Oshawa will have to he flight until each long journey was fought over again. And this not- completed. Films dropped by para- withstanding the decision of the chutes were conveyed to their desti- Town Council, which has not been re- | nations by special motor cars and pealed, that no more such shows | motorcycles, are to be allowed within Oshawa's| In this way nearly 250,000 people borders. | hundreds of miles away from the A few weeks ago the Town Clerk |cOUrse, were enabled to see more of refused a license to a carnival com- | the race than could be visible i the pany to come to Oshawa, Deter- vast majority of spectators at Epsom, | the m showed the parade, pre- mined, however, to separate Oshawa | for he film d the parade, p people from their earnings, this cap- | liminary canter, the start, and then nival company secured a license from | the Progress of the horses at the the Township Council of East Whit- | Bushes, at Tattenham Corner and at by on payment of the sum of $25, the finish. The license, The Reformer is i A, MARTIN Bditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: in-| formed, was taken out in the name| EDITORIAL COMMENTS I of an Oshawa woman, the object, ap- | parently, being to mislead the town- | | ships officials. Having secured the | ing power, remarks the Safety license the company arranged | l.eague, Think of that as you go to get close to the town, yet | about your work and play. keeping in the township. A site | was rented just off Park Road, South! of Pine Ave, and there this amuse- ment company spent last week. | swim by some manly male would be Apparently business was none too | Well advised not to let the same good. Being on the ground the com- | Eentleman J them an hour Jater pany determined to find some way SSsayiug diving feats that he him- of entering Oshawa, or at any rate] "6}f CAR not master. securing a more advantageous loca- | tion, And the Park Board has pro-! vided the loophole for which the car- A blind man has very little earn- Those girls who ard being taught all over again this summer how to see Renfrew, says the Renfrew Mer- cury, is to fall in line with towns and cities and introduce com- other COUNCIL RECEIVES CEMETERY DEEDS Also $500 Check From Mr. G. W. McLaughlin as ; Promised In strict accordance with his letter he presented to this municipality the Union Cemetery and the Presbyterian Cemetery, Mr. Geo, W, McLaughlin, in a letter to the Oshawa Town Coun- cil last night, turned over to them the deeds for the property and enclosed his personal check for $500, the money to be spent on the cemetery, In his concluding paragraph the donor expresses the hope that the cemetery may become an asset to the town and be administered in a man- ner which will be pleasing to all con- cerned, The letter was referred to the Spe- cial Committee which is dealing with the matter, ; Mr, McLaughlin's letter reads as follows: -- "In conformity with my letter to you of June 20th, and your accept- ance thereof, I hand you herewith check for $500 and the following documents: -- 1, Deed to town covering entire cemetery including the Presbyterian section. 2. All title papers in connection therewith in my possession. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY THE ASSUnkwmn HARVEST: --Be not deceived; God. is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that to the Oshawa, Town Council in which. "3. New plan showing lots and two blue prints ot same. ' '4, One old plan of Union Ceme- tery, '5. Record hook and plans, names ol plot owners of the Presbyterian 8 ction, 6. Old record Union Cemetery, "7. New record Union Cemetery. "In connection with the the property, the delineation of same probably covers the property as it was prior to the widening of the On- tarig highway, "In order to allow the government to carry out their contemplated plan of widening the road, it was agreed to place the new fence in its present position. 1 do not think they have ever asked for a deed to this narrow strip and possibly may never do so, hut I thought 1 should mention the point, "I trust you will find these docu- ments all in order and the property under municipal management will become an asset, and be administer- ed in a manner which will be pleas- ing to all who are interested therein, A letter from E. D., Smith & Son, of Winona, Ontario, in connection with the landscape architecture of the cemetery was read at the Coun- cil meeting last night. munication 'was referred Special Committee, book of Ontario book of Ontario deed to to the WHY UNDERTAKERS ARE BUSY, Cincinnati-Enqutrer: Ir would not insist on eating they have no appetites the taker would not have to use many tires on his hearse, men when under- up so The more you do for a selfish guy, the more you May in June or July. Some folks their duty do with shall he also reap--~Galations 6: 7, LJ hopes of hooty. This com-| Some folks are never satisfied - moralizes "The Cat and The Pig" reel of "esop's Film Fables," EE 23 much kindness to man or is seldom appreciated in the Too beast least. PARTY TORONTO MOTORISTS HURT Managed to Crawl from Under Upturned Car Before Fire Started 4 A Real Roast will be the one you buy at Atkinson's for your dinner. If you want a cut that's extra fine, be sure you come here for it. All your guests: will praise the meat as wel] as the ! cooking. Buy your meats here regularly. W. ATKINSON 12 Church St. Phone 938 Five persons in a big Studebaker had marvellous from death or fatal injury Sunday after- noon near Bowmanville, when their car capsized! in the ditch and caught fire. The car was proceeding west when it encountered a Ford going east According to the driver of the big car, J. A. Sheldon of Toronto, the Ford was being driven in an erratic manner, and in order to escape a collision he was forced into the ditch on the wrong side of the road, thc car skidded and turned completely over, the five occupants being all thrown underneath the heavy ma- chine, It rested, however, with one end on a knoll and none of them sustained serious injuries, They were able to crawl clear of the automobile in time, for, almost | immediately after it overturned, it cauzht fire and became a total | wreck. The accident happened he- tween this town and Newcastle, Mrs. Sheldon, who is in Bowman ville Hospital with a fractured rib heside being badly bruised, and her brother, Lewis J. Squair, Peterboro bruised internally, also in hospital Mr. Sheldon and his two sons were also bruised, but not necessary to |r main in hospital. The Sheldon: | Were returning from spending the | bolid in Peterboro. car a escape Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired ycu will want it done right, You can depend on our workmanship. We guarantee it, and use only first class, standard materials. Let us estimate on your wiring. Qur prices are right, W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. ay nival officials sought. The merry go round is located on Lakeview Park property proper and other conces- I munity singing in conpection with | the band concerts, Fhe Town Coun-| leil decided to purchase 1,000 leaf-| | lets containing the popular songs. | This is the only expense in connec-| tion with this new d&eparture. This] (is a move along lines that might | | well commend themselves to the con-| sideration of members of the Town | Council and the Regimental Band. | Community singing is making rapid | strides on this continent, as witness sions are across the road, although clote enough to it to attract crowds visiting the lake. The Park Board is to get a percentage of the revenue of the carnival. Members of the Park Board re- sponsible for this carnival company getting a foothold in Lakeview Park are evidently utterly out touch with public sentiment, or else they are showing a disregard of the people's wishes that brands them as unfitted to serve the town in the capacity of Park Commissioners. The Reformer understands that the decision to allow the carnival to enter the park, and the contract per- taining thereto, were not passed at any regularly held meeting of the Park Board. At the last meeting of the Board, in fact, when the Town Clerk told of having been approach- ed for a in Oshawa, at least one member voiced the view that no license would be granted. Why this-ehange of front? And why is such an important agree- ment entered into, particularly in view of the Council's past attitude on the question, as well as that of the Local Council of Womén, with- out discussing the matter openly at & meeting? Are members of the Board who are responsible mereenary that they are willing to sacrifice the | good of the town for the few paltry dollars they will receive as the Board's percentage? Verily, it is time the Local Cpun-| Jasenct cil of Women, and other interested | And he laughed as he gave his cap bodies marshalled their forces, even a turn-- although they may have adjourned School's out! for the summer, to show members| learn! of the Park Board that they expect The June wind smiled as he softly the decision of the Council to be Dew: = _ _ .. maintained and the morals of Osh- a me 'Why. I cam) awa not lowered by this or any other | show { carnival, or hangers on of such, be- Him a thousand things he ought to! ing allowed in our midst. | know? Then a bogey bee buzzed as he pas-i ENGLISH sed him by, Sc hs 20. And glanced at him with a puzzled - | eye; PRISE | "No more lessons? How can that he, | When I know a great deal more than sid he!" Frequently, because of our geo-! graphical proximity, many Canadians And a robin aloft on a leafy spray, believe that when it comes to enter- | laughed =» the Woy put his books HE | away; © prise and speedy work United States | «poes he think all knowledge is writ moving picture producers are head | in those! and shoulders above producers of Why, he knows not the life of a sin- | ose!" other nationalities. That is because | gle rose! we frequently hear of how quickly | And a -wind-blown daisy, swaying / § pictures of National events in the! low, 3 United States and sometimes in Can- | Winked her golden eye as she saw , d C 2» From Contente ows of the success which greeted its intro- | duction at the Canadian National Ex-| hibition at Toronto two years ago. | Councillor Brown at the Council | meeting last night advocated paying! of by the town employees at the end each week in cash instead of check. He maintained that by pay- ing by check men who got pafd on a Saturday afternoon underwent a hardship as they could not cash their checks. However, the paying by check was an advantage to the men pay day, which fell on Saturday, July 1. The town was able to give the men a check in June but dated July 1, which they cashed at a store, the mefrchant then hold- ing the check. If the men had been | paid as Mr. Brown advocated in cash they would have had to wait till Mon- day for their pay. license for a carnival last The Safe Milk Supply for Summer It will And when opened, it keeps for several days. Carnation Milk is simply rich, * whole" milk--wonderfully fresh--reduced to creamy consistency by removing part of the water by evaporation; it is then sealed in new containers and sterilized. Use it as it comes to you--to add flavor and deliciousness to coffee, tea, cereals and fiuit. ummer heat makes no difference to the sweetness and purity of Carpation Milk. keep indefinitely, even in the summer, in the cans. 50 NEW LESSONS "No more school!" said the boy one day, As he to put his books] Add water for table use, for drinking and for ordinary milk uses. Begin today to end the anxiety about the milk supply that summer weather brings. Order from your grocer several tall (16 oz.) cans or a case of 48 cans of Carnation Milk. The new Carnation Milk Recipe Book is sent free on request, and contains 100 delightful, tested recipes. Beautifully illustrated in colors. Write for a copy. Ne more lessons to NO EGG SALAD DRESSING } teaspoonful salt, > teaspoonfuls Carnation Milk, } cup oil, § teaspoonful paprika, 1 tablespoonful lemon juice or vinegar. Put salt and paprika in a bowl; add Carnation Milk and mix thoroughly; add oil slowly stirring constantly. Then add the lemon juice or vinegar. This recipe makes 3 cup salad dressing. : 748 CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, JOHN STREET NORTH, AYLMER, ONTARIO 3 olf him go-- ada, are projected on the screen in "Qh, the schoo} is small and the the same or mearby city. world is wide! Recently, however, there was given | He'll Ang meg lessons are taught a demonstration of speed in England | . ---- {that will keep American producers | So the boy put his books safe away ' steppi to surpass. T \ - on the shelf, A bping Gira A his Aeon | And into the field he went himseélf-- Stration was in connection with the | Learning new lessons (unguessed) great English Derby. Notwithstand- | from the breeze, Jug the distance from the scege of the And the birds, and the flowers, and . " Derby, near London, the public of | _. the honey bees? Tl he Label is Red and White Made in Canada by CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS QO. isd. AYLMER, ONT. Condenseries at Aylmer and Springfield, Ont. --Selected.