Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 20 Jun 1922, p. 7

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---------- i -- ------------------------E-------------------- EEE Las I OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1922 PAGE SEVEN ee ------ Wr ------ Dental DR. T, 0. CLEMENCE, DENTIST,] Ofce over Andison's Tallor Shop, 19 King St. West, "Phone 231. R. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- ley Block, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 504. 3 89-tt pr, T. 8, TUOKER--DENTIST, OF- flce over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1.yr, Articles For Sale A"COOD"REED BABY CARRIAGE for sale, cheap, at 71 Colborne St. KE, Oshawa: ' a oe 34-¢ BREM : cultivator attachment for sale, in good running order. Suitable for market gardener or to operate large lawn mower, Price ee, Write, for de monstration to H, C. Nasmith, 'Por Perry. 33h DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Mice over Kyle's Grocery Etore. hone P69. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No. 87. DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- #N- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. au DR. W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe "X8t. N. Phone 1243, "DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe St. N 26-1mos. - Medical DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, MoKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Ofice and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR, L, J. SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST, East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr FOR BALE RWEL GAS STOVE. FOR SALE ~~ GENTLEMEN'S COON coat, In first class condition, A real bargain, Apply 160 Willlam St, 33-¢ A ----------------------. FOR SALE -- ONE MAHOGANY oabinet phonograph. ' Apply 129 Alice St, \ ! . 38-¢ -- 0 IR- niture, best quality, alt price, Phone 1088, 26¢f Cheap, Apply 80 William St, W, 34-2 FOR SALE--ONE NORDHEIMER plano, fumed oak case, very fine touch and excellent tone, Regular $600, clears for $400. Stalter's Mu- tie Store, Oshawa, 17-tf STRAWBERRIES -- WRITE A card or call at R, F, Clemence's, Brock St. South, Whitby, and leave your order for strawberries, Fresh daily. Pickers wanted, 30-1 FOR SALE--WICKER BABY CAR- riage, reversible gear. Will sell cheap, Apply 18 1-2 Simcoe i FOR SALE -- ONE NICE DRIVING mare, gentle, broken to saddle, will work in anything. A bargain. Phone 1233-w, 33-tt FOR SALE--SIDEBOARD, HALF DR. D, B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. . Ear, Nose and Throat. Ofice over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 11565. Houss 2 to 4 p.m, or by appointment. 96-tt DR. A. A. HALLIDAY. 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-11 DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Streot West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH PF. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-| rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | veyancer. Money to loan. Office 4% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER. | Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and | Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly | Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh-| hey Phoues, Office 940; Residence GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- | i risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-'~ lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. | entrance Simcoe St.; Phome 13. J. B iarioram, B.A, T. K. Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B.A, LL.B.--BAR-' rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. | Office (entrance) 73% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged oa mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, |be seen at Harper & Clemens', 54 | 38 Simcoe N. Phones 464-3--4164-W | kitehen or dining room chairs, vacuum carpet sweeper, all in good condition, 30 Gladstone Ave, 34-a FOR SALE--OFFICE DESK, TWO chairs, wire paper tray and waste basket, ete, Apply Felt Bros, Jew- elers, 12 Simcoe St. South, 33-b FOR SALE --- FLORENCE AUTO: matie two burner coal oll stove, used only one summer. Apply 311 Mary St, 33h Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--FORD CAR, LATH model. 549 Albert St, 32-¢ FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY R..C. Henry & Co. 16-t.1 F _ A 3 good condition, Real bargain if sold this week. Apply 539 King St. E. 34-¢ FOR SALE--ONE 1921 MODEL 4%0 Chevrolet, nearly new; two 1920 model 490 Chevrolets, overhauled and repainted; ong 1921 Model F.B. Chevrolet, new t and in first class running order. These cars can Simcoe St. N,, or phone 66 for a dem- onstration, 26-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE---LOT NO. 8 MILL ST. $10 foot, easy terms. Apply Ballen- tyne, 135 Perth Ave. Toronto. 32-¢ "OSHAWA PARK LOTS SELLING FAST Houses building, cheap lots, country taxes, improvements, splendid paved road to property, high and healthy, 8 minutes' Four Cormers. Use the long evenings to build that home. OSHAWA HOUSE & LAXD 00. H. A. Batt, President 33-1 H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Pubiic, ete. Office General Wants Help Wanted--Male {POLLRGHEMEN AND WOMEN Are you home from college for the summeor, and wondering what to do? Come and:let me show you how to make your vacation the most profit- able, B§ Simcoe St, North, Ask for Mr, 88-¢ $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us, No can: vassing, We instruct and supply you with work, West:Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg, Toronto. 33-t.1, BUTCHER WANTED MUST HAVE experience and be good meat cutter, Apply Box "J Reformer. 32-¢ Help Wanted--Female WELL EDUCATED WOMAN WANT. ed for position as proofreader, Might arrange part time, Apply to Mr, Alloway, Reformer Office, 27u WANTED--YOUNG LADY FOR OF- fice work, one experienced in time keeping preferred. Apply, giving ex- perience and where obtained, Box "Z", Reformer, 34-0 Work Wanted FREDERICK H, SIMISTER, PIANO tuning, Action regulating a special- ty, Formerly with Heintzman Co, 109 Albert St, 32-¢ BUSTER BROWNS EXPRESS WAG- gon repaired and spare parts kept in stock, bring your old waggon and exchange for a better one saws filed. J. O'Regan, 58 Prince St. 34-0 Houses For Sale FOR BALE -- 6 ROOMED house, with hardwood floors. All con: veniences, Possession in 30 days. Reasonable terms. 444% Simcoe St, South, A FOR SALE SEVEN brick house with all . conveniences. Garage. Terms reasonable. Immed- late possession. Apply 444% Simcoe St. South, th FOR™ SALE-- MOST DESIRABLE central location eight roomed brick house, good condition. Phone 118. S4-u FOR SALE---SIX ROOMED HOUSE, good location, near General Motors. Large lot and orchard, garage. This property can be had for $3,400 cash. | Apply after six o'clock to 156 Col borne St. E. 34-¢ Lost and Found LOST -- AN ENVELOPE CONTAIN- ing $15, addressed Ada Phillips, June 1922. Will finder kindly return same to 185 Burk St. or Phone 1072W, 33c LOST AT UNION CEMETERY, Sunday, June 18, lady's gold wrist watch, Reward for return to Jas. | Luke, earetaker Union Cemetery, Oshawa. 34-b! LOST---A BROWN BAY HORSE, Wednesday night, 3 white feet and BRICK ROGMED { ler, 1 black. Reward. North Oshawa, Lot 10, Con. 3. 34-b | WORRY CALL Maid (answering bell) --The doc-! tor is out. Is it an urgent case? | Patient--Very! sgription renewed. News. 1 want my pre-| Vaudewille | 11% Simeoe St. Soath, Oshawa.!AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. | Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in ry, ftowm or city. We grow and sell the best only and want anne a reliable, energetic agents for umrep- IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- | resented territories. Write now. practic Spinal Adjustments and get| Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-¥ well. Examinations free at office. | TYPEWRITER WANTED -- LUSED Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. machine, must be in good condition, RR wide carriage Surveyors | cash price | Chronicle, 625 Danforth, Phone Ger- MM. aS08 ON TARIY AX ie | rand 5982. 334 minion Land Surveyor PANTS SMALL SAFE STAIR ineer, Whithy, Phone 231. Suc-| WANTED -- SMALL SATE "AX ceshor to late W. BE. Yaraold, of Port LUKE BURIAL ©0. -- FUNERAL {awa and the Lake. About \ directors, embalmers, private am-/in excellent state of cultivation. | bilance; morgue and chapel in con- Ample buildings. Ploughing after | nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe present crop. Full possession Octo- St. South. Phene 210. Residence | ber 1st or Apel 1st. Apply to G. D. 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Conta, owner. 19-42 {FARN TO RENT--SOUTH HALF Insurance Agents ilots Thirty-one and Thirty-two, Darlington, FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN | oh Wellington Mutual and Union Fire). inter presen Tas Society, Lond Bagland. on October 1st, 1922. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 1G D. Comamt, Barrist . ---- { awa, Selictor for the owners. Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT ! Businesses For Sale 1deal Tire Repaar Shop, Jackson Gar-| FOR SALE -- GROCERY STORE, age, Simcoe St. South. Tires Jor! Base Line, cormer Mill St. Apply on sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. promises in the evening. 33d 142 -- oo | Edgar G. | Pre, | lor, Sid Northeoat, © Oddfellows (Continued from page 1) B. Luke, and Mrs, Farrow and Mrs. Foster, rendered a selection, Rev. Mr, McBain then gave the address, Recalled Hervole Dead "Wa stand today on sacred ground made 80 by being set apart as the last vesting place of our loyed ones, One by one they have heen luid away in the silent grave and we are met here today that we may pay tribute and show our loving respect by dec- orating their graves with beautiful flowers, We recall with love those who have gone before and as we do we think of those who died for their country. Our thoughts also recall those who lie in other places. We think of those who fell at Queenston Heights and we think of the 656,000 graves of the noble men in Flanders who went forth to defend civilization against the cruel invader, God for- bid that we should forget their sac- rifice, They suffered and died for you and we should hold sacred their memory, It becomes a challenge to us," Mr, McBain said. "Among others who come to our mind are the sturdy pioneers of Canada who faced the dangers of the wilderness and we owe much to their industry and sacrifice," he con- tinned. "We have here sacred dust of those noble men and also of the 'nited Empire Loyalists who always endeavored to show their loyalty to | the British Crown. Each of us,will| recall those of our own home circle, | We think of them with love and re-| spect as having entered into their] coward, We are here to honor their | memories and we do so by emulating their example in remembering those who are alive forevermore." Following the address, a solo was rendered by Bandsman Sargent, of] the Salvation Army and after an-| other selection by the band, the serv-| fee was closed by singing "God Be! With You Till We Meet Again." Graves Decorated The following graves floral decorations: received | Members of Corinthian Lodge: C, 8S. Male, Francis Rae, Jas. R. Brown, Andrew Edmund, O. T. P. Manual, | Jas. Pellow, Thos. Kirby, Dan Drew, Wm. Allen, Jas. E. Hawkins, John E. Kirby, Geo. Stephenson, Thos. Hall, E. C. Field, R. V, Chubb, W. C.! Dixon, James Allin, John Bailes, H. Hunter, Wm. Dinner, W. H. Maaill, R. B. Dickie, James Mackie, James Herring, Andrew Hall, Andrew Me- Lean, S. Brown, Wm. Dickie, John Rundle, Geo. Fursden, Ed. Goddard, John James, C. D. Haight, George Langdon, W. Gummow, Charles Lawrence, L.. M. Brooks, Wm. Hol- land, Wm. H. Ford, Sam B. Hillman, J. D. Brooks, E. O. Felt, Sgt. W. But- Pte, G. Cooper, James Grose, Wm. James, J, L. Hall, H. H. Spence- ly, Wm. Lane, Sam. Arnold, Geo. H. Dormer, Thos. J. Parker, Thos. H. Dormer, James H. Ashley, John H, Blaney, Albert Hastings, Sim. Leem- ing, W. H. Mark, Robt. W. Sugden, Luke, John Lenton, War- ren Smith, George Lawrence, Joseph Walter Foster, W. A. Morris, James Ferris, A. C. Smith, R. J Cook, Don. Wilcox, E. H. Lick, Thos S. Humphries, Johm Stacey, George Wickett, I. J. Rogers, Lonnie Tay- Everett Wilson, Arthur Bale, Fred Tanton, Ed. J. Stephenson, George O. Taylor, W. S. { Patterson, J. Hill, X, Crossman, Geo. | T. Southwell, I. Alchin, D. Kennedy, E. Skal, J. G. Hawkins, E. Dafoe, W. | Durnant, Wm. Durnant, Albert Mar- | Jom R. | James Jewell, tin, Norman Martin, C. H. Crysdale, Darnant, J. B. Cummings, Wm. Forceyth, Geo. | Armstrong, G. F. Martin, John Ros. kelly, Johm Erridge, Samuel Sleep, M. J. Rowe, J. W. Ellis, Thos. Mann | and John Houlden. ALMOST DOWN ---------------- dL --_-- Members of Rebekah Lodge: Bro. White, A, Adams, H, Park, A. Ham- ley, H. C. Wilson, J, MeTaggart, C. Derry, J. A, Ellis, R. Davidson, R, Dillon, G. Bourne, 8, North, V. Welsh, A, KE, Clarey, J, Gibson, R, H, Geary, K. Grant, C. A, Potter, R. Kirkpatrick, John Manning, G, Ash- ley, H, Hawes, C. Wilson, L, Faber, George Haight, H, Hall, A, King, H, Gibbs, C. Kirby, L, Fall, J, Garrow, H. E. Dafoe, P, Grey, George Walk- er, T. Brimacombe, W, Worner, G. Parfett, F, Armstrong, F. B., Roose, W. Roberts, A. W, Farwell, C, Mc- Intyre, W, G. Scott, Bro. she. | Members of Rebekah Lodge: Dickie, Sis. Dickie, Sis, Grant, Tuttle, Sis. Liddle, Sis. Thomas, Bro, Hall, Bro. Grey, Sis. Smith, Sis. | Stephenson, Sis, McDougal, Bro. Adams, Bro, Bourne, Bro. Gerry, Sis, Sheridan, Bis. Luke, Sis, Make- peace, Sis. Mrs. Stephenson, Sis. Mrs, Wiggins, Mothers Who (Continued from page 1) an outline of his duties, which it was hoped would be greatly enlarg- ed, when it is realized that such an important officer has been placed at the service of Ontario.County, Mrs, Wright Spoke The convention speaker, Mrs. Gor- don Wright, of London, Dominion | W.C.T.U. president, urged the need now as never before for the putting forth of best efforts in carrying on. | She said that if Canada ever hecomes a decadent race, the cigarette smok- | ing mothers would be as much to blame as the men. A very strongly worded resolution | was carrfed, supporting the stand! taken by Premier Drury and Hon. | W. E. Raney, Attorney General for Ontario, in all their efforts when the opposing forces are using every means to menace the new laws for the protection and good of Canada. Solos were contributed by Mrs. Leo Gray and Mrs. Priest; also by Misses Mitchell and Ross, Every Canadian White Ribhoner is pledged to nothing less than bone dry prohibtion for Canada." The W, C. T. U. is a league of women com- posed from sixty-four nations, whose NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the ESTATE of CELESTA HOARE, late of the Town of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to See, 56, Chap. 121, RS.0. 1914, that all perscns having claims or de- mands against the Estate of Celesta Hoare, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-first day of May, A.D. 1922 are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the un- dersigned, Messrs, Grierson & Creighton, Solicitors for the Execu- tor. on or before the Thirteenth day of July, A. D. 1922, their Christian and surnames, and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them, duly ver- ified by statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 13th day of July, 1922, the said Executor will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased among the parties emtitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall them have notice and the said Executor will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to amy persom or persons of whose claim notice shall not have beem re- ceived by him or his said Solicitors at the time of such distribution. Dated June 17th, A. D. 1922. GRIERSON & CREIGHTOX, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 34-a 37-2 40a AND OUT WHEN RELIEF CAME Troinmen Declares He Was So Weak from Stomech Trowble He Was Miserable All the Tiene--Takes Tanlac and Now Feths Fine. "'Taniac kept me om the job to- day for 1 was just about dowm and out whem I begam taking it" said Harold Blanchard, trainman om the Canadian National Railways, i at 230 Donald St, Winnipeg, Man. -n was in such bad condition that what little 1 Aid eat seemed to do me harm instead of good. 1 bloated terribly and my heart beat like a hammer. My kidneys had bothered me several yoars and there Was a SeveDe pain in -- Wanted Truck Rent We require speed-wagom track to make trip to Toronto each Thursday afternoon. Can sap- ply driver if mecessary. Load under one ton. Apply Reformer (331) Demonstration The undersigned will receive applications for onlertainmeont., reiveshmont, booth and game privileges and concessions im connection with the hig Prox- Ra NL i ~-- - 8 AXD MAYBEE KENT » Yonge Street. Toronto, Regie- | Patent Attorners. Semd for booklet. | Street Location Auctioneer | Avenue St. Simcoe St. to Centre St. T. BAKER. HAMPTON ONY. Aberdeen St. Simcoe St. 40 Masson St. Stock 2a specialty. Phene Conpanght St. Simcoe St. 10 Masson St. Bowmanville. mgt St. Adrd St. to Ce Ritson Road King St. to Brace St Bead Bruce St to Olive &ve. assess 2 part of the cost mpom the fand abutting divectly on the work. The Special in twenty (20) annual installments and the annual rate per foot frontage on 22 foot | Assessment As to he paid Adert St. S75 of Bumoe St. to Fisher St. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of Oshawa intends to construct as Local Improvements | 205%" MTR 363" 83" £20. 5850.99 1280.56 A526.96 RETR OR GARR" CO%0.60 LL Rome As 2204879 fgg RN » { ! 4.23590 Share $ 2ne2a R.256.09 2.21.43 2065.11 f080.60 fens 20. 932.39 pavement is approximately 39% cents. A petition against any of the work will not avail to prevent its constrac- F.E HARE, CLERK. motto is: 'For God and home and every land." 2 Officers Elected Offiecers elected here: President, Mrs, A, J, Stalter, Osh- awa, : Vice president, Mrs. T. Gulley, Ux- bridge. Corres, Secy., Oshawa, Ree, Secy., Port Perry, Treas, Mrs, bridge, Auditor, Perry, The delegates to the Dominion Convention were appointed au fol- lows: Mrs, A, J, Stalter, Oshawa; Mrs, 8S. Farmer, Port Perry, and Mrs, T. Gulley, Uxbridge, The next county convention is to he held at Port Perry, Miss : Mary Burns, Mrs, Geo. Jackson, (Dr.) Ganton, Ux- Mrs, D. Archer, Port PRECAUTION "Anything else?" inquired the druggist after filling a prescription. "If this is the real stuff," replied the customer, 'you might as well let me have a package of headache pow- ders.""--Yonkers Statesman, Our Best Tonic PEPTONA Nature's great ally in build ing up the system. A combination of peptonized iron, malt, manganese and cod liver extract. A great tonic for enriching the blood and im- proving the health generally Pleasant to take -$1.25 the bottle. JURY and LOVELL THE REXALL STORE PHONE 28 King E. Simcoe S. AULT LETT LLL TTT TTT TR iT a CRISP COMMENT.. vw "What will become of our young people?' wails a reformer. Oh, they'll grow old and worry about the ypung people.--Bridgeport Star. As for us, however, we shall eon- tinue to believe in evolution; we know too many people we can't ex- plain otherwise.--Columbia, 8.C,, Record, France and Italy will join Eng- land in investigating Turkish atroci- ties. We saw a man smoking one yesterday --Newspaper Enterprise Association. Pullman porters are being taught to sing. 'Travellers will join in on "Where are my wandering shoes to- night?"--Pueblo State-Journal. T is ~our pleasure to call for your clothes that need dry cleaning. The moment that you deliver to our man you will be taking advantage of our strict guarantee to re- turn your spotted or soiled garments in immaculate con- dition. Call us up to-day. "A trial will convince you" PARKER'S REPAIRERS CLEANERS Phone 788 DYERS 38 Simcoe St. N. 4 SAVE THE CHICKS We have several lines made today. We can bulk. early layers. In warm weather it all henhouses and coops frequently. of the very best Chick Feed give you either package or Chicks raised on our feeds grow rapidly into is wery necessary to disinfect We have both liquid and powder disinfectants and insect destroyers. Ve have also a very effective spray for small plants and shrubs plants. and am odorless fertilizer for house Our Poultry Scratch and Poultry Mash are made to suit hot weather conditions. Send us your orders forSagar, Flour, and Cereals We have a very choice stock. COOPER SMITH COMPANY Phone 8 16 Celina St. JUST SOUTH OF POST OFFICE ) SMP 22 WARE "A Face of Poscelein and a Haart of Sted

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